javascript: Promise.all([import('https://unpkg.com/turndown@6.0.0?module'), import('https://unpkg.com/@tehshrike/readability@0.2.0'), ]).then(async ([{ |
default: Turndown |
}, { |
default: Readability |
}]) => { |
/* Optional vault name */ |
const vault = ""; |
/* Optional folder name such as "Clippings/" -- NOTE: MUST END WITH SLASH */ |
const folder = "03-Resources/"; |
/* Optional tags */ |
const tags = "#webcapture"; |
function getSelectionHtml() { |
var html = ""; |
if (typeof window.getSelection != "undefined") { |
var sel = window.getSelection(); |
if (sel.rangeCount) { |
var container = document.createElement("div"); |
for (var i = 0, len = sel.rangeCount; i < len; ++i) { |
container.appendChild(sel.getRangeAt(i).cloneContents()); |
} |
html = container.innerHTML; |
} |
} else if (typeof document.selection != "undefined") { |
if (document.selection.type == "Text") { |
html = document.selection.createRange().htmlText; |
} |
} |
return html; |
} |
const selection = getSelectionHtml(); |
const { |
title, |
byline, |
content |
} = new Readability(document.cloneNode(true)).parse(); |
function getFileName(fileName) { |
var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent, |
platform = window.navigator.platform, |
windowsPlatforms = ['Win32', 'Win64', 'Windows', 'WinCE']; |
if (windowsPlatforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1) { |
fileName = fileName.replace(':', '').replace(/[/\\?%*|"<>]/g, '-'); |
} else { |
fileName = fileName.replace(':', '').replace(/\//g, '-').replace(/\\/g, '-'); |
} |
return fileName; |
} |
const fileName = getFileName(title); |
if (selection) { |
var markdownify = selection; |
} else { |
var markdownify = content; |
} |
if (vault) { |
var vaultName = '&vault=' + encodeURIComponent(`${vault}`); |
} else { |
var vaultName = ''; |
} |
const markdownBody = new Turndown({ |
headingStyle: 'atx', |
hr: '---', |
bulletListMarker: '-', |
codeBlockStyle: 'fenced', |
emDelimiter: '*', |
}).turndown(markdownify); |
var date = new Date(); |
function convertDate(date) { |
var yyyy = date.getFullYear().toString(); |
var mm = (date.getMonth()+1).toString(); |
var dd = date.getDate().toString(); |
var mmChars = mm.split(''); |
var ddChars = dd.split(''); |
return yyyy + '-' + (mmChars[1]?mm:"0"+mmChars[0]) + '-' + (ddChars[1]?dd:"0"+ddChars[0]); |
} |
const today = convertDate(date); |
const fileContent = |
"*Primary Categories:* \n" |
+ "*Secondary Categories:* \n" |
+ "*Links:* \n" |
+ "*Search Tags:* " + tags + " \n" |
+ "*Source URL:* " + document.URL + "\n" |
+ "*Author:* " + byline + "\n" |
+ "%% { Add link(s) [[]] above to related PRIMARY categories, SECONDARY categories, LINKED terms, and search TAGS } %%\n\n" |
+ "# [[" + fileName + "]]\n\n" |
+ markdownBody |
+ "\n\n---\n***##### END OF WEBCAPTURE #####***\n\n*Clipped: "+ today + "*\n*Last Modified Date: <%+tp.file.last_modified_date(\"MMMM Do, YYYY (hh:ss a)\")%>*" ; |
document.location.href = "obsidian://new?" |
+ "file=" + encodeURIComponent(folder + fileName) |
+ "&content=" + encodeURIComponent(fileContent) |
+ vaultName ; |
}) |