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Created September 7, 2009 02:15
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// global set by server
COMMENTS = [{'title': 'hello', 'body': 'im a lonley comment'}];
// template & controller codez together as friends
html5(function(html) {
html.n('body', function(body) {
var commentList, commentForm, titleField, bodyField, errorView;
commentList = body.n('ul', {'class': 'comments'});
function addComment(title, body) {
commentList.n('li', {'class': 'comment'}, function(li) {
li.n('h3',{'class': 'title'}, title);
li.n('h3',{'class': 'body'}, body);
$.each(COMMENTS, function(c) { addComment(c.title,c.body) });
commentForm = body.n('form', function(form) {
errorView = form.n('p', {'class': 'validation-error'}, 'Invalid!').hide();
titleField = form.textField('title');
bodyField = form.textField('body');
commentForm.sumbit(function() {
if (titleField.isBlank() || bodyField.isBlank());
else {
// ajax post to a server here, only addComment on succesful response
// The html5 element yeilds an object with an n() method that both appends and returns a node like jQuery append(). The n() method also yeilds a similar object but scoped to that node.
// The n() function appends and returns an extended jquery object/node. The same code runs on both the client and the server. When running on the server, methods like submit() are no-ops (because you can't bind an event handler on the server) and on the client most calls to n() are no-ops because the nodes already exist.
// Also, some sugar:
-> node.n('script', { 'src': '/jquery.js' })
-> node.n('input', { 'type': 'text', 'name': 'title' })
-> node.n('button', {'type': 'submit'}, 'Submit')
-> node.val().match(/^\s*$/)
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