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Last active December 13, 2023 09:17
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Why can't I start a service?

Why can't I start a service?

  • I can start a thread, if I want shared memory parallelism
  • I can start a process, if I want shared storage parallelism
  • I cannot start a service, if I want shared network parallelism

What would it take to add a start API?

Overly literal examples

Threads: shared memory parallelism

from threading import Thread

def task(d, k, v):
  d[k] = v

values = {}

threads = [
  Thread(target=task, args=(values, 1, 'hello')),
  Thread(target=task, args=(values, 2, 'world')),

for t in threads:

for t in threads:

assert values == {1: 'hello', 2: 'world'}

Processes: shared storage parallelism

from multiprocessing import Process
from pathlib import Path

def task(k, v):
  open(k, 'w+').write(v)

processes = [
  Process(target=task, args=('1.txt', 'hello')),
  Process(target=task, args=('2.txt', 'world')),

if __name__ == '__main__':
  assert Path('1.txt').exists() == False
  assert Path('2.txt').exists() == False

  for p in processes:

  for p in processes:

  assert open('1.txt', 'r').read() == 'hello'
  assert open('2.txt', 'r').read() == 'world'

Services: shared network parallelism

# Why can't I do this? 🤷🏾‍♂️

with Redis() as redis_service:
  services = [
      command="redis-cli", args=('-h', 'redis.local', 'SET', '1', 'hello'),
      links={'redis': redis_service}
      command="redis-cli", args=('-h', 'redis.local', 'SET', '2', 'world'),
      links={'redis': redis_service}
  redis_client = redis.Redis(host=redis_service.address)

  assert redis_client.get('1') == None
  assert redis_client.get('2') == None

  for s in services:

  for s in services:

  assert redis_client.get('1') == 'hello'
  assert redis_client.get('2') == 'world'

Map of the Land

The caternetes paper got me thinking, and so the question I'm asking at least recapitulates:

  1. Spencer Baugh (catern)'s rsyscall
  2. Plan9's cpu server
  3. Erlang's OTP

In terms of ecosystems, there's really just containers and virtual machines; sorry jails and chroot/pledge/unveil.

Virtual Machines

Too high level. Or low-level, depending on your point-of-view. AFAICT no standard way to inherit (or pass)...

  • Networking fabric
  • Inputs / output / error streams
  • Service links
  • Resource contraints
  • ... ?

Perhaps this is too quick of a dismissal; Firecracker works for Lambda/Fargate, Kata, and


Define away big problems

Complexity is conserved; is cannot be removed or hidden, only rearranged. — Law of conservation of complexity

Internal Networking

This is a hard enough problem that there's a Container Networking Interface (CNI) standard!

IM-extrememly-HO, connections in and out of a service are fundamentally "links" between services.

Basically, services should only be able to talk with:

  1. Their parent service and services it linked
  2. Their child services

Idea: services connected and isolated via a mesh network ala tailscale

External networking

Flippantly: Tailscale Funnel.

Seriously: 🤷🏾‍♂️

Public egress/ingress is as hard as we let it be. CNI is all about interfaces, IPs, routes, and DNS.

Defer it. Interfaces are first-class capabilities exposed by a service host node ala Plan 9's ip device.


A capability that's divisable (range of total capacity for blocks, sub-directory for filesystems). Exposed by service host nodes or dedicated (network accessible) nodes.

Yes, of course Kubernetes has a Container Storage Interface (CSI).

Would it be the worst to put (non-ephemeral) storage under the network-accessible capability bucket? Yes, that's fine.


The currently running service inherits a larger available pool than it has reserved. That available portion is a divisible capability. Available >= Reserved >= In-Use.

Is there a way to simplify this model to Available >= In-Use? No— that would play hell with garbage collection. It also would require coordination across service host boundaries.


  • Every service has an address (IPv6 ULA)
  • A parent can access a child's address
  • A parent can give a child access to any addresses the parent can access (inc. itself)

Further Research

package cmd
import (
func run(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
ctx := cmd.Context()
redis_ctx, redis_cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer redis_cancel()
redis_srv := service.Redis()
go redis_srv.Serve(redis_ctx)
services := []suture.Service{
Image: "redis",
Command: "redis-cli",
Arguments: []string{"-h", redis_srv.Address(), "SET", "1", "hello"},
Image: "redis",
Command: "redis-cli",
Arguments: []string{"-h", redis_srv.Address(), "SET", "2", "world"},
eg, eg_ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for _, srv := range services {
srv := srv // 🙄
eg.Go(func() error {
timeout_ctx, timeout_cancel := context.WithTimeout(eg_ctx, 10*time.Second)
defer timeout_cancel()
return srv.Serve(timeout_ctx)
if err := eg.Wait(); err != nil {
redis_client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: redis_srv.Address(),
Password: "",
DB: 0,
assertGet(redis_client, ctx, "1", "hello")
assertGet(redis_client, ctx, "2", "world")
return nil
func assertGet(c *redis.Client, ctx context.Context, key string, expected string) {
if actual, err := c.Get(ctx, key).Result(); err != nil {
} else if actual != expected {
panic(fmt.Errorf("[%v] %v != %v", key, actual, expected))
var initCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "init",
Short: "Top-level supervisor process",
RunE: run,
func init() {
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