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Last active November 24, 2015 16:21
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Atom Regexes for File Conversions
omit page numbers - regex that captures any number preceded and followed by a new line
Set up
  1. Download Atom
  2. Find in buffer (aka CMD+F or similar)
  3. toggle use regex option - should look like .*
  4. enter commands below, and leave the replace box blank

options: (\n\d+\n) # any amount of numbers wrapped in new lines, should remove page numbers

(\d+(?!\.)) # match any number NOT followed by a punctuation mark - should be useful for not eliminating footnotes from source

#####Inline footnotes converted and requiring removal (\n\d+\s.*) # presumes that the footnotes will be separated by newlines AND that they begin with a numeral (rather than roman numerals)

#####lots of new line space

  • this will be the last one to execute because Converted Journal Headers, page numbers, etc must be removed first, the latter with expressions above and the former with a manual find and replace

(\n\W\n) # any non word wrapped in newlines

(\n.\n) # any character wrapped in newlines

find and replace new lines with a space - useful for when calibre doesn't omit newlines as you'd like

.\n+. # in find box, find any char followed by one of more newlines and followed by another char

$1 $2 # in the replace box, takes first matched char appends whitespace and next found char

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