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Created July 11, 2018 06:34
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module Plecto
let PHI = 1.6180339887498948482045868343656381177203091798057628621354486227052604628189024497072072041893911374847 //
let PI = System.Math.PI
let TAU = 2.*PI
let E = System.Math.E
let inline fma m a x = x*m + a
let inline mix x0 x1 x = fma (x1-x0) x0 x
let inline map x0 x1 y0 y1 =
let m = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0)
let a = y0 - x0*m
fma m a
let inline norm x0 x1 =
let m = 1./(x1-x0)
let a = -x0*m
fma m a
type V1 = float
type V2 = float * float
type F11 = V1 -> V1
type F22 = V2 -> V2
type CountingGrid(width:int, height:int) =
let widthf = float width
let heightf = float height
let size = width*height
let data = Array.create size 0u
member this.Inc ((x, y):V2) : unit =
let yi = y*heightf |> int
let xi = x*widthf |> int
if xi >= 0 && yi >= 0 && xi < width && yi < width then
let i = yi*width + xi
data.[i] <- data.[i] + 1u
member this.SaveJpg (path:string, gamma:float) : unit =
let ceiling = this.Ceiling() |> float
use img = System.Drawing.Bitmap(width, height)
let mutable i = 0
for y = 0 to (height-1) do
for x = 0 to (width-1) do
let v = (((float data.[i])/ceiling)**gamma)*255. |> int
let c = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255-v, 255-v, 255-v)
img.SetPixel(x, y, c)
i <- i + 1
img.Save(path, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)
member this.Ceiling () : uint32 = Array.max data
member this.Sample (n:int) (f:F22) (rand:System.Random) =
for i = 1 to n do
(rand.NextDouble(), rand.NextDouble()) |> f |> this.Inc
member this.ParallelSample (threads:int) (samples:int) (f:F22) =
let rand = System.Random(0)
[| for i in 1 .. threads -> this |]
|> (fun x -> async { x.Sample (samples/threads) f (System.Random(rand.Next())) })
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> ignore
member this.MergeOnto (dest:uint32[]) : unit =
Array.iteri2 (fun i a b -> dest.[i] <- a + b) data dest
let bzq (a:float, b:float) (x:float) : float =
let a = if a = 0.5 then a + 1e-6 else a
let om2a = 1. - 2.*a
let t = ((sqrt (a*a + om2a*x)) - a)/om2a
let y = (1.-2.*b)*(t*t) + (2.*b)*t
let bzq' (a:float, b:float) : F11 =
let a = if a = 0.5 then a + 1e-6 else a
let m = fma -2. 1. a
let mi = 1./m
let linear1 = fma m (a*a)
let linear2 = fma mi (-a*mi)
let c1 = 2.*b
let c2 = fma -2. 1. b
let inline polynomial x = x*x*c2 + x*c1
linear1 >> sqrt >> linear2 >> polynomial
let generate (width:int) (height:int) (samplesPerPixel:int) (fn:F22) =
let samples = samplesPerPixel * width * height
let grid = CountingGrid(width, height)
let sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
grid.ParallelSample System.Environment.ProcessorCount samples fn
printfn "%Ams" (int sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)
let sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
grid.SaveJpg("out.jpg", 1./E)
printfn "%Ams" (int sw.ElapsedMilliseconds)
let main argv =
let bz = bzq' (0.2, 0.9)
let fn(x, y) =
let x = bz x
let ax = 0.0
let ay = (x*x) + mix 0. 1. x
let bx = 1.0
let by = (sqrt y) + 0.02*(sin (y*PHI*4.*TAU)) + 0.05*(sin (x*PHI*8.*TAU)) + mix 0. 1. x
let x', y' = fma (ax-bx) bx y, fma (ay-by) by y
(x'+1.)%1., (y'+1.)%1.
let width = 0x200
let height = width
let samplesPerPixel = 0x80
generate width height samplesPerPixel fn
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