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Report on Proceedings and Recommendations from the Citizens’ Jury on Transit
Prepared for Hamilton City Council
by Tim L. Dobbie Consulting Ltd. and Associates
Date: February 12, 2016
Tim L. Dobbie Consluting Ltd.
1. Introduction . . .
2. Executive Summary
3. Report from the Citizens’ Iury ..
A. — Guiding Principles ..
B. - Foundation for Success
C. — Signs of Success
1. Preparation Phase 2016-2019
2. Construction Phase 2019-2024
4-. Structure and Implementation of this Proiect..........
a) Terms of Reference
.. 10
3. Future Vision 2024 - 2035 .
b) Oversight of the process ........14
Appendix I: The Citizens’ Iury ........16
Recruitment, Selection. Retention 16
Support and Education ........16
Citizens’ lury Membership List ........17
Appendix II: Summary ofMeetings . ........17
Appendix Ill: Evaluation of process by Citizens’ ]ury....
Appendix IV: Graphic recording of meetings
Appendix V: Media — Social Media
Appendix VI: Consulting Team
Appendix VII: Invitation to participate in Citizens’ lury-31
1. Introduction
By Tony Thoma, Chair of the Steering Committee
The Steering Committee provided oversight in the selection process to ensure
that the selection was inclusive and random but also satisfied that the
demographic targets represented residents of Hamilton as best they could.
Oversight of the work plan for the Hamilton Citizens jury on Transit (the Iury]
was also approved by the Steering Committee.
In addition to the Steering Committee meetings, many of the Steering Committee
members attended the Iury meetings in order to monitor the direction of
discussions, working with staff and consultants to ensure that discussions were
within scope. Where the jury members asked for more clarification, the Steering
Committee worked with City Staff to provide additional information. In some
cases people with experience from other jurisdictions who have or are in the
middle of similar projects or renewal projects temporarily impacting local
neighbourhoods, were invited to speak to the jury and provide their lessons
Membership ofthe Steering Committee
o Tony Thoma (Chair)
o Judy Marsales
o Richard Koroscil
o Denise Christopherson
o Allan Greve
o Chelsea Cox
o jeanne Mayo
o Stephen Ross
o lan Sim
Presentations from City Staff and invited guests from other jurisdictions were
well received and very educational. The dialogue during these sessions was very
open and courteous with a high level of participation by all.
Many of the jury members expressed their interest in continuing to offer their
personal time in subsequent stakeholder activities moving forward. The
investment to educate these individuals cannot be overlooked and we
recommend that the city take advantage of their offer. We feel that continued
involvement from these and other citizens drawing feedback from constituents,
will be a very powerful feedback mechanism.
2. Executive Summary
From October 2015 - Ianuary 2016, a group of dedicated citizens chosen through
a random process from throughout the Greater City of Hamilton, volunteered
their time working and learning together for about 40 hours as the Citizens’ Iury
on Transit (the Iury). With a mandate to develop a set of recommendations to
City Council on rapid transit in Hamilton, they received presentations from city
staff, stakeholders and experts from Hamilton and other municipalities with
experience of Light Rail Transit (LRT). They took a bus tour of the proposed LRT
route, went to Kitchener-Waterloo to see their construction zone and hear from
regional staff, conducted their own research and deliberated on what they had
heard, seen and learned about the City and the challenges and implications of
implementing the LRT system. They had conversations with members of the
public who were invited to attend three of the presentations. They developed a
very good, shared understanding of LRT, and learned a great deal about the City
during the process.
As the Province of Ontario has announced funding through Metrolinx to design,
build, operate and maintain the LRT and the route is set, the Iury accepted these
decisions as givens.
The diverse background of Iury members allowed them to present different
perspectives and experiences during their deliberations. They reflected on and
shared their take on transit and other City service viewed from their respective
neighbourhoods. Their deliberations led to a number of observations and the
recommendations presented in this report. The key recommendations are as
1. Communication is Number 1 both in the lead up to construction of
LRT [what are we doing, why, and what are the benefits?) and during
construction (what is happening, when, why and for how long?).
2. LRT will change public transit in Hamilton and it will change Hamilton.
There is great potential for city-building. It needs to be well planned so
that people and businesses in the City get the maximum benefits. This
includes development, jobs and affordable housing, making the City an
even more attractive place to live, work, raise a family, grow old, visit and
invest in.
3. Adopt a culture of learning; collaborate closely with stakeholders; be
bold, innovative and creative in implementing the improvements.
Apply best practices. There are lots of great ideas out there and
experiences elsewhere we can learn from as we move forward.
3. Report from the Citizens’ Jury
This section of the report presents the conclusions reached by the Citizens’ Jury
on Transit [the jury) after their months of learning and deliberation. lt begins
with Guiding Principles, which we believe should underpin the ways in which
recommendations and actions should be conducted.
Section B, "The Foundations for Success" includes fifteen recommendations that
the Iury believe must be met as the project is designed and contracts signed. lt is
based on what was learned from other municipalities, research and about local
construction projects.
Section C, "Signs of Success" includes three sections: preparing for construction;
construction; and what we hope to see after construction. The first two sections
describe concrete actions that would happen if the project is going well. The
third section is aspirational, what we dream could be the impact of successful
rapid transit in Hamilton.
A. Guiding Principles
These principles came from a discussion amongst the Citizens’ Iury members on
how decision-makers (Le. City, Metrolinx, Project Consortium] should behave in
their relationship with stakeholders.
1. Good communication is necessary to the success of this project.
Communicate in an open, honest and transparent way. Communication is
a two-way street - share and listen.
2. Great ideas will come from people in the community ifyou ask them.
Work collaboratively with community and other stakeholders to develop
the plans for implementing the rapid transit plan and for redevelopment;
treat them as partners and be open to their ideas. Use engagement
methods that foster dialogue and shared understanding. Anticipate what
might happen, be proactive, work together to take initiative and be
problem solvers.
3. Put people first, especially those directly affected by change.
4. Act for the benefit ofthe whole city.
5. Be creative and innovate; develop a learning culture around
implementation of rapid transit and urban redevelopment exploring what
other communities do, both in Canada and around the world, reimagined
to suit our city.
6. Be fiscally responsible with this money; leverage the opportunities it
brings and ensure that Hamilton is kept whole when negotiating a
revenue sharing agreement with Metrolinx.
7. Build the trust of Hamilton residents on this and other projects by saying
what you will do and doing what you said, doing it well, being open and
consistent and telling the story.
B. The Foundations for Success
This section covers the current period as agreements are negotiated and
decisions are reached on the project details including an on-going effort to
inform the citizens and consider all factors that need to be addressed in future
phases of the project.
1. Articulate a vision that fully expresses the city-building effects of the
implementation of our rapid transit network, describing how it will
benefit the whole city. City Council and staff are encouraged to embrace
this vision and develop a communications plan to generate awareness
among residents. Use visuals to communicate signs at future stops and
start now.
2. Begin now to prepare people for changes to future road use, particularly
King St through the core. Design incentives and disincentives that will
help to change people's driving patterns and implement these before
construction begins. This might include, for example, creating a
pedestrian mall (with transit only] on King between Wellington and
Walnut before 2018.
3. Ensure the HSR is kept "whole" in the revenue sharing agreement that the
City signs with Metrolinx. By this we mean the HSR cannot lose the
revenue from its most profitable route (the B line), as it currently
subsidizes the rest ofthe transit system.
4-. Although Metrolinx will own and operate the LRT, we expect the
customer experience of moving from bus to LRT to regional transit (GO)
to be integrated, seamless, convenient and affordable.
5. Metrolinx and the City of Hamilton should collaborate in a highly
coordinated and cooperative way. Speak with one voice on project
implementation and feel accountable to the people of Hamilton for what
they do.
6. Learn from the experience of other cities in project design to mitigate the
impact of disruption due to construction and leverage the opportunities
this investment brings. The contract with the building consortium should
include provisions such as staging construction, fees for lane and
sidewalk use, penalties for unreasonable delays, commitments to robust
community consultation and timely communications, cooperation and
coordination with local residents and businesses, a Community Benefits
Agreementl, and a preference for local sourcing by contractors, where
7. Create and support a culture of learning and innovation to inform this
project so that solutions are innovative. This means ensuring there is
time and space dedicated to learning and imagining what is possible or
what is done elsewhere. Engage stakeholders in such discussions.
Develop a community engagement strategy and ensure there is sufficient
staff to implement it during construction of LRT.
8. Neighbourhoods along the LRT route have the potential to transform
with the implementation of rapid transit. This presents both
opportunities and challenges. Ensure that land use planning addresses
both. It is anticipated that gentrification along the LRT route will result in
densification with multi-story dwellings, and it will likely drive up the
value of housing. Planning should include provisions to ensure housing is
available for people with a range of incomes. Develop design guidelines to
keep the local look and feel ofHamilton's heritage and neighbourhoods;
require that more green space be installed along the route in the course
of redevelopment, this could include, for example, rooftop gardens on
multi-story buildings. Engage developers in finding innovative solutions
and doing their fair share of creating the supply of affordable housing.
9. The City should create a strategy to leverage its authority in shaping
development on City-owned land, to ensure that some development is
earmarked for affordable housingz. Investigate ways of leveraging some
of the value of this land to improve current public housing, and/or build
1 This concept was initiated during the design of the Metrolinx Eglinton-Crosstown Project by
United Way and the Atkinson Foundation and is being implemented for that project. In essence
it means creating a program that helps the un- and under-employed get on a pathway to
employment as jobs related to the infrastructure spending open up. The province adopted this
idea ofleveraging community benefits in legislation in lune 2015. See
'nve§tment§-5'9 ette-mjrphyg-mg-ideal
2 The reference to "affordable" is as defined in Hamilton's Housing and Homelessness Action Plan
new social housing. Learn from other communities and trends in urban
10. Make each LRT station unique. Collaborate with local communities and
artists when designing LRT stations ensuring they meet local needs and
reflect the neighbourhood’s character and heritage. Plan for multi-modal
transit options at stations so people can complete their journeys with
ease. This could include buses, SoBi bike depots, taxi or riding sharing
options, DARTS.
11. It is important to people that it become easier to move up and down the
Mountain in a direct route along the proposed A line. Investigate the
feasibility of connecting the upper and lower city with gondolas or an
incline railway [funicular].
12. There is a whole city perspective to city building by improving transit
across Greater Hamilton that warrants consideration of a change to the
area rating of transit. We recommend that an urban-rural area rating
model be an objective as transit in the former suburbs is improved and
the whole public transit system becomes coordinated and efficient. New
development that comes with building rapid transit will provide new tax
assessment, which will benefit the whole city.
13. Make a commitment to the residents of Hamilton to live by the Guiding
Principles and operationalize the Foundation for Success that the
Citizens’ jury has developed through this process of education, discussion
and deliberation.
14. The LRT Office should develop a report card and report annually to the
community on the effectiveness of its communications and engagement
activities as they build the LRT line.
The jury met for about 40 hours to develop these recommendations. It is
important to the jury to know what happens with them so they can feel that
their time and effort was worthwhile and future juries will know this too. The
Iury would like the LRT Office to report back to the community in eighteen
months on what they have done with the recommendations in this report.
C. Signs of Success
1. QQ
This section covers the period from now through 2019 as preparation proceeds
and more details become available. Communication and engagement with all
stakeholders are critical. Excitement for the project should be encouraged in the
A vision is developed and communicated of end-user focused
multi-modal transit system that includes HSR, walking, bikes, car
share, GO, LRT, shared rides, DARTS. The City and Metrolinx are
focused on creating an integrated transit experience that is
convenient, affordable, and reliable.
A Communication Plan is being implemented. This could include
developing models or mock-ups of LRT at City Hall and through a
road show (e.g. malls, municipal service centers, presence at
Festivals) Most residents are getting behind the project. An app
could be developed and ready for the construction phase.
Community engagement will be underway with a wide range of
stakeholders and different methods of engaging. Conversations
are being held, information and ideas gathered and solutions
formed. The Project develops a Community Engagement Plan for
the construction phase.
A Community Benefits Network is in place to coordinate
implementation ofthe agreement on how to move people who are
unemployed or under-employed to good jobs. Providing people
easy access to educational and skill development facilities is a key
role of transit.
Station enhancements and land use around stations are
envisioned and planned that will:
0 generate more revenue to support transit such as discretionary
purchase concessions on site and
0 include retail and services in proximity to the stations that
support the needs of transit users and become multi-service
hubs. Community engagement will be underway with respect
to the design and uses ofthe stations and adjacent land use.
There is a conscious effort to be creative, research new
ideas and examine how they might work in Hamilton.
Drivers are prepared for the construction that will
happen and will become less reliant on King St. as a main
thoroughfare. Traffic diversion plans are communicated
broadly and effectively
Q gstrgctign Ehgse 2919 - Z024
This section focuses on items that must be addressed and considered during
construction phase of the project. Outstanding communications should keep
everyone informed and affected businesses should be actively involved and
supported by the City, Metrolinx and the contractors.
People will know where to find information on road closures,
detours, and bus detours information that is timely, easy to
access and current in real time. There will be both digital
information and on-site access to information such as staffed
storefronts that relocate as the construction moves across the
One-on-one meetings will happen regularly and as needed.
The relationship between contractors, City and Metrolinx staff
and residents is open and positive. Residents feel they are a
pleasure to deal with and are proactive problem-solvers.
Milestones will be celebrated when they are met so people feel
there is progress.
Businesses along the construction route will have supports in
place that help them weather the period of disruption to their
businesses. BIAs will be effective advocates for their members
and have established close working connections with the
Project Leads (both City/Metrolinx office and Construction
Contractors). Examples of support might include:
- support for establishing on-line presence
- incentives to bring customers to the construction zone such as
Kitchener's "tweet your receipt" promotion
- alleyways could be used to provide access for people and goods
to stores whose road is under construction
f] There will be regular announcements of new businesses
coming to Hamilton and new development along the LRT
g] New affordable housing is becoming available.
3. [he Eutyre Visigg Z024 - 2Q35
This section of the report identifies some of the benefits that are expected to be
realized as the LRT and enhanced transit systems are implemented and improve
the links and access to GO Transit. While it is difficult to project with accuracy
how quickly changes will come, the Iury is confident that significant changes will
occur which will make Hamilton an even better City in which to live and work.
a) We will experience a new Hamilton, particularly the lower city.
There will be more density, more small, medium and large
businesses locating here because of the ease of moving to and from
and within Hamilton. More people will be walking, biking and
using transit and there will be fewer cars on the road. There will
be retail and services in proximity to stations.
b) The LRT line will be completed to Eastgate Square, the extension
to University Plaza in Dundas will be completed in 2025 as federal
funding will have been secured to complete the route, as well as
the A line along James St. S.
c) Installation of gondolas (or funiculars) will be underway to
connect the A line between the upper and lower City at James St.
d] Construction will begin in 2025 to complete the A line to the
Airport Employment Growth District followed by construction in
Z033 on the T line.
e) Large employers will promote transit passes to staff.
f) More people will use public transit. Public transit will be the first
choice for many more residents and for families going to events.
g] The implementation of fare zones (time or distance) and free
transit for trips less than 1.5 km is proving to be a boon to
The City is flush with new tax revenue from densification and new
commercial investment.
With the growth of small and medium size businesses in Hamilton
that came with the commitment to improved rapid transit, the
commercial tax base is expected to have doubled the 2016 ratio of
commercial/residential by 2040.
Poverty levels are down as the award winning Community
Benefits Program helped lift many families out of poverty by
helping people become qualified for and find good jobs.
The new stock of public housing has reduced the wait list to a
reasonable number.
Hamilton residents will conclude that the benefits outweighed the
pain of construction and look forward to completion of the BLAST
4-. Structure and Implementation of this Project
The direction to establish a Citizens’ Iury on Transit was passed by Council in
March 2015 and the contract awarded to Tim L. Dobbie Consulting Ltd. and
Associates in Iuly 2015. The balance of the report outlines process, structure and
implementation followed by further details in the attached Appendices.
a) Terms of Reference
To provide advice to Council on moving towards our 25 year transit plan as the
City embarks on the first leg of this plan by building LRT along the B line, the A
line spur and implementation ofa Ten Year Transit plan.
To identify the issues that people think are important: uncover what they are
thinking; identify misconceptions and areas of confusion and their expectations
ofwhat's coming; the role citizens will play; and communicate those to Council.
Consulting Team Deliverables
0 A better-informed public. More education and knowledge of transit, its
benefits and how it is delivered across the City of Hamilton
I An informed discussion on higher order transit, preferences, benefits of
various modal options and recommendations to Council for consideration
0 A transparent and inclusive process will help build consensus across the
community and with opinion leaders; they will better understand the
final decision, even if it is not their preference.
Focused Questions
These questions and the givens were developed in consultation with city staff by
the consulting team to guide the work and frame it for the Citizens’ Iury.
1. LRT along the B line is one piece ofthe ten year transit plan for all modes
of transit, a regional transit plan (i.e. G0] and a rapid transit plan for the
whole city (BLAST) which has a 25 year implementation horizon. What
roles would you like to see citizens play in providing input into decision-
making as higher order transit is implemented in Hamilton?
2. Metrolinx will build, own, operate and maintain the LRT. Currently, the
"B" line is an important revenue generator for the HSR. What principles
should guide City Council as they develop a revenue sharing agreement
with Metrolinx?
3. During the construction period, building the LRT will cause major
disruption to local communities and traffic in general. What advice would
you like to provide the City on minimizing the negative impacts?
4. How can the City ensure the community stays informed as the transit
plan is implemented? What role can citizens play in ensuring the benefits
of LRT are realized?
5. Fifteen years post amalgamation, how should transit be funded in
a) Continue area rating whereby households in each former
municipality pays a different tax rate for transit
b) All urban neighbourhoods would fund transit at the same tax rate.
c] The whole city [urban/ rural) funds transit at the same tax rate?
The following were not up for discussion or review:
0 The lury will not advise on technical considerations such as the route;
I The province of Ontario, through Metrolinx, will fund construction of the
LRT along the B line with a spur to the lames St. N. GO station and
possibly the West Harbour at $1.2 billion. Metrolinx will build, own,
operate and maintain the LRT;
1 City Council is not bound by the recommendations the Citizens Iury
0 This process will not duplicate consultation on-going with the review of
the Transportation Master Plan, HSR branding, City Visioning.
b) Oversight of the Process
As directed in the Terms of Reference, a Steering Committee was struck to
provide arm's length oversight of the jury selection, process design and
implementation, including the identification and selection of "experts" who
will present to the Citizens’ ]ury. The Steering Committee, met five times
between August and Ianuary and:
0 Advised on stakeholders to be consulted by the Project Management
I Confirmed to their satisfaction the random nature of the Jury selection
Approved the work plan for the Citizens’ Jury
Monitored progress
Approved the Strategic Communications Plan
Members of the Steering Committee were welcome to observe any of the
Citizens’ Jury sessions
0 Serve as ambassadors for this project to the community
0 Advised on the format ofthe Report
The Steering Committee was composed of:
Denise Christopherson
Chelsea Cox (SoBi Bikes)
Allan Greve
Richard Koroscil,
Judy Marsales
Jeanne Mayo (SAC)
Margaret Robertson [resigned for personal reasons]
Stephen Ross
Ian Sim
Tony Thoma (Chair)
0 Bob Carrington, Tim Dobbie, Denise O'Connor (consultants)
0 Kwab Ako-Adjei, Mike Kirkopoulos (City Manager's Office]
Members of the group offered valuable advice on process and content of the
Citizens’ Jury activities. Most of the Committee members monitored some of the
Citizens’ Jury meetings with Chair Tony Thoma and Richard Koroscil attending
most of them and others having attended some.
Appendix I: The Citizens’ Jury
Recruitment, Selection, Retention
A total of 2,4-00 names were randomly generated by the City's computers from
the tax roll and renters’ list. The selected individuals received an invitation by
letter from the City of Hamilton inviting them to participate. The criteria for
selecting from those who indicated their interest was that the group reflected
the diversity of our population in terms of gender, age, education, income, and
whether they are born in Canada or elsewhere. The consulting team held a short
telephone interview with those shortlisted to ensure they understood what was
being asked and seemed able and prepared to fulfill the duties. A final list oflury
members included one resident from each of the 15 wards across greater
Hamilton plus one each from the upper city, lower city, former suburb and rural
community for a total of 19 Iury members. This list was approved by City Council
in September, 2015.
We lost some members and replacements were made from those who were
randomly selected and had responded to the invitation. Five of the new recruits
worked diligently to catch up and were excellent contributors. One experienced
scheduling conflicts and did not attend any meetings. The sixteen who
participated fully were a diverse group that came from all parts of the Greater
Hamilton Area.
Support and Education
The meetings were designed to educate the Iury members on public transit in
general in Hamilton, the rationale behind implementation of a rapid transit
system, and learn from other cities’ experience in implementing and running
rapid transit. Three meetings were open to the public who were invited to hear
presentations and engage in conversation with the Iury members and each other
to process and discuss what they heard.
Jury members also joined a private Facebook page where materials were posted.
They were invited to post articles they found as well that they thought would be
of value to their colleagues.
Citizens’ lury membership list — with replacements as required (*)
Ward 1*
Ward 2
Ward 3*
Ward 4-
Ward 5
Ward 6
Ward 7
Ward 8
Ward 9
Ward 10
Ward 1 1*
Ward 12*
Ward 13
Ward 14*
Ward 15
Iodi Miller
Margaret Berlowska
Dayna Samuels
Bob Rogers
Suzette Richards
Rick Allan
Shannon Van Dooren
Everjoy Ganda
Maurice Kabisoco
Tim Cookney
Anna Carte
Shelley Eves
Patrick Speissegger
Trevor Curry
Claudette Oleskiw
Upper City Parvez Vora
Lower City Andy Caiter
Rural Ruth Cameron
Suburban* Liz Barrett
Stoney Creek
Stoney Creek
Mount Hope
Appendix ll: Summary of Meeting;
The meetings were designed to build the Jury members’ knowledge of transit
and LRT implementation challenges and opportunities, the broader context of
city-building and at the same time building mutual understanding amongst them
and with community stakeholders. The program included a combination of
meetings only with ]ury members as well as three meetings that were open to
the public. The public meetings were designed so that both Iury and community
members could learn together from presenters, engage in dialogue to process
what they heard and develop ideas of how what they learned would apply to the
Hamilton situation. Ten meetings were held in total. There were about 40 hours
of meetings as part of this education program and Citizens’ Iury members also
participated in the private Facebook where articles and other links were posted
both by the consultants and members.
The public was invited to learn alongside the Citizen's jury by attending
meetings or joining the on-line discussion at where
presentations and videos were posted.
1 lgtroductorjLMeeting. October 17.2015
This was a "get to know each other" meeting where they expressed their
purpose, hopes and fears pertaining to this project. Fifteen jurors
attended the meeting at City Hall.
Orientation to Transit. November 7.2015
The jury heard presentations from Dave Dixon, HSR, Steve Molloy, Transit
and Andrew Hope of Metrolinx. They went through a process of
identifying what else they wanted to learn and who they wanted to hear
from, which helped identify and refine the topics of subsequent meetings.
Fourteen jurors attended the meeting at City Hall.
Bus Trip along LRT Route and to Kitchen-Waterloo to view their
construction November 21 2015
jury members along with the Executive-Director of the Downtown BIA
and several members of the Steering Committee were taken along the
LRT route. The currently identified stops as well as the pinch points were
pointed out.
In Kitchener-Waterloo two staff members from Waterloo Region led a
very informative tour of their LRT route, which is currently under
construction. Fourteen jurors attended.
Public Meeting 1: How LRT_Transforms Cities. November 21. 2015
Doug Morgan, Director of Transit for the City of Calgary addressed a
crowd of about 80 people for a 90-minute talk and Q & A on LRT in
Calgary. The meeting was also live streamed and was covered by the
Hamilton Spectator. lt was also live tweeted. After the public
presentation, the speaker and the jury debriefed for about 30 minutes.
This meeting took place at Mohawk College. Fourteen jurors attended.
Public Meeting 2: Challenges and_Qpportunities of the Construction
Ebase December 2, 2015
Kimberly Moser, Manager of Community Relations, Region of Waterloo,
Doug Sutherland, Executive Director, Stoney Creek BIA and Marty
Schreiter, Concession St. BIA, spoke to a group of about 60 about how
construction can impact local businesses and communities and the roles
that both local government and BlAs can play in helping mitigate the
negative impacts. After the presentations, the audience worked in small
groups to discuss "how what they heard applies to Hamilton" and
“recommendations they would make to City Council" based on what they
heard. The presentations and “report backs" from small groups were
videotaped and posted on PlaceSpeak for public access. The meeting was
2.5 hours and was held at Pat Quinn Arena in the Community Room.
Sixteen jurors attended.
Revenue Streams. Funding Transit: A discussion on
Guiding_Principles. Revenue Sharing agreements and Integrated Fares.
Saturday Deggmber 5 2015
Bob Carrington gave a presentation on area rating, and transit tax
financing developed by city staff. It addressed the potential challenges
associated with Metrolinx owning/operating the LRT along what is
currently the bus route that generates surplus revenues and subsidizes
less subscribed bus routes. There was a discussion on the implications of
continuing with the current model of area rating, governance
arrangements for HSR/Metrolinx and fare structures. Fifteen jurors
attended. This meeting took place at the Harry Howell Arena in
Public Meeting 3: Doing LRT together: redevelgrmient and community
benefits. Saturday. December 12. 2015
Pedro Barata, VP Communications and Public Affairs, United Way
Toronto and York Region, Colette Murphy, Executive, Atkinson
Foundation and Paul Iohnson, the newly named Director of LRT Project
Coordination spoke about the benefits of the LRT investment in terms of
redevelopment opportunities, including increasing the stock of affordable
housing, and leveraging the investment to improve access to jobs for
people experiencing barriers to employment. About 50 people, including
fifteen Citizens’ jurors, attended. Cable 14 recorded the presentations and
their coverage will be broadcast on a future episode of “Hamilton Life"
with Linda Rourke. The meeting took place at the Spectator Auditorium.
Final stage: Pulling_it Together Meeting 1. Wednesday,_]anuary 6. 2016
Heather Donison from the City Manager's Office presented preliminary
recommendations from the City's Vision work to help the Citizens’ jury
align their thinking with the City's future direction. Afterwards, Citizens’
Iury members began to organize and analyze what they have learned
developing a set of principles and a vision of Hamilton in 2025-2040
experiencing rapid transit. Eleven of the Citizens’ jury attended. This
meeting took place at Sackville Hill Seniors Centre.
9. Guiding Principles. Recommended Actions. Meeting 2.Satul;day lanuaggg
Members of the Citizens’ Iury spent four hours reviewing their work from
the previous meeting, what they have learned through the process,
capturing the big ideas and working out their recommendations. The
consultants were to take their material to wordsmith, format, and send
out a draft prior to the last meeting. Fourteen of the Citizens’ Iury
attended. This meeting took place at Sackville Hill Seniors Centre.
10. Refining and Approvmg Recommendations. Wednesday._lanua_ry 13.
Members of the Citizens’ ]ury spent three hours reviewing and revising
the draft recommendations. Most of those who were not able to attend,
sent comments prior to the meeting. All present agreed that the
consultants would flesh out the recommendations on the basis of the
discussion held and send it back to them for final approval. This meeting
took place at Sackville Hill Seniors Centre.
N.B. Some of the meeting dates were changed from what was stated in the
invitation to participate. However, when potential members were interviewed
during the selection process, the consultants did caution participants that this
was likely to happen. None of those invited to form the Citizens’ ]ury identified
that as a problem.
Agpendix Ill: Evaluation of Process by Citizens’ Jury
This survey was given to Citizens’ ]ury members by email just prior to the final
meeting. Nine were completed. Average scores are bolded, comments are in
1. Using a scale from 1 to 5 where 1 is “not satisfied at all", 2 is “somewhat
dissatisfied", 3 is "neutral", 4 is "quite satisfied" and 5 is "very satisfied", how
satisfied were you with these aspects of the experience? Please circle the
High -) Low
. The education you received on rapid transit.
The way the meetings were conducted.
The ability of the facilitators
The openness of the discussion
. The access to information you needed. 4-.5
Convenience and comfort of meeting locations. 4.5
What could we improve if we were to do this again?
Size of meeting rooms - 2 comments
Preference that meetings held at one place most of the time and if possible — 4
— 1
Other "with regards to content, not much needs to be changed... very informative,
information sharing was well executed and the illustrations done by Pam at each
meeting gave me a better sense of understanding of what it was we were there
"Advertise public meetings and offer incentives to motivate the public to attend”.
”Add some percentage of young people from the colIege/ university. It is their city
and their future".
Any other comments?
"Very good experience and very educational as well”; "Great job, Pam and Denise";
"Very well done, an experience that I will remember for a long time. Count me in
for further involvemen t”; "I have learned to work with random people in a very
professional manner" "It would have been nice to maybe include some young
participants. They may possibly see different aspects in the process. The facilitators
kept the meetings focused and moving forward. The jury was treated very nicely
and with respect. All in all a good experience"
2. The idea behind a process like this Citizens‘ Iury is to invite randomly
selected city residents who represent the diversity of the population to work
through a complicated issue and provide advice to city council. As a way of
doing public consultation with citizens, how would you rate this
method? Please circle your response.
Excellent 7 Good 2 Adequate Poor
3. Please describe your impressions and experience of being a part of this
Citizens’ Jury. What would you like City Councillors to know about your
"I like giving my input and hearing others on such an importantproject. I think it
would be good to have citizen juries in the fixture for other projects or issues in the
city. It would be difficult for Council to have the knowledge and information on this
project that we were provided as they have many other issues to deal with"
"I was very happy to represent Ward 10 and am thankful that I had the
opportunity to meet with others in this large and very diverse city to discuss such
an important project that we will all experience. I only hope that the
recommendations that we present to City Council will help shape the decisions that
will be made before, during and after the planning, construction and completion
phases or the LRT‘;
"I would like the City Counselors to put real weight on the recommendations. I
want them to realize that our opinions were well informed. l enjoyed being part of
the Citizens ]ury. I liked being informed about the city I live in and about having
my opinions heard. "
"A highly enjoyable experience. I thought the use of difierent speakers, different
locations and difierent tasks for each meeting was very efiective. Denise and Pam
were extremely encouraging and promoted conversation by asking relevant
questions and providing topics of discussion to the jury. ”
"The]ury worked hard to come up with these recommendations, please implement
them. Address issues that are brought to your attention by the public not to focus
only on issues you are comfortable dealing with. Have the difficult conversations.
Advocate for vulnerable populations who have no voice re gentrification”.
"That a great cross section of Hamilton citizens can meet together and work
together quite well to achieve the goals we set out to complete".
Any other comments?
"Thanks for g1'ving me the opportunity to represent my ward on this project." "1
hope that there will be continued involvement from the community members such
as the Citizens’ jury throughout the entire project. Something along the lines of
"Ambassadors for the Hamilton LRT”
"After being part of the Citizens’ ]ury, I look forward to the day thatl can hop on
the LRT and attend a TiCat Game at Tim Horton's Field, where Hamilton will
defeat Toronto for the Eastern Final in 2024. Thank you".
"The jury was well run, Good job! "
”I can't stress enough the importance of communication. One issue is that the
communicator often thinks they have got the message out, but they never actually
confirm that it was received (granted those that receive don't respond!). l’m not
sure of the solution to this, but even just this morning CBC was reporting how a
community was upset with Metrolinx about how the community was not
approached about a pedestrian overpass. ”
"Denise and Pam, well done. You demonstrated passion and enthusiasm. I liked
your facilitation style. I highly respect and regard your professionalism. You
treated us with respect and acknowledge and valued the strengths of all jury
members. You sought our input, advice and you considered views that were
different from your own. It was a pleasure being part of the Citizens’ jury. "
"Many thanks Denise and Pam for all your efiort to organize these meetings and
make them as effective and efilcient as possible. "
"Great work by Pam and Denise."
A£pEf'|dIX IV Graphlc Recordmg of Meetmgg
page 25
page 26
page 27
page 28
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Appendix V: Media
Traditional Media Uptake
There was very little conventional media coverage of the public meetings of the
Citizens’ Iury. Media releases were sent out prior to each public meeting. The
Spectator alerted the public to the meetings in its page 3 Signpost column.
Other media activity included:
0 Mike Kirkopoulos discussed the initiative on the Bill Kelly Show;
I Spectator coverage of November 21$‘ meeting at Mohawk College with
Calgary's Director of Transportation;
0 Cable 14- taped the presentations from the December 13 meeting. The
segment was broadcast originally on January 7, 2016 and subsequently
Social Media
The Twitter account @l-lamCitz]ury had garnered 281 followers by January 11.
The interaction was very positive with city activists re-tweeting numerous
tweets from this account out to their networks. From mid-November to mid-
Ianuary there were 4,000 profile visits, 150 mentions, and about 200 tweets sent
PlaceSpeak is an online location-based consultation utility that was used instead
of a website to host a virtual engagement process from November through
January. User locations are verified and mapped and results can be aggregated
both by neighbourhood and in total. There were 730 views of this site, 34
comments and 49 connects and 66 people in Greater Hamilton connected to this
website. There was some participation from across the city except Wards 14 and
15 with most of the activity coming from Wards 1 and 2. If Hamilton were to use
PlaceSpeak again, those 66 registered on PlaceSpeak would be notified that
there is a new topic active.
Promotion of this opportunity for an on-line discussion was mostly limited to
Twitter. There was no update of this opportunity by conventional media, which
was described in the media releases that announced each public meeting.
Appendix VI: Consulting Team
This project was awarded to Tim L. Dobbie Consulting Ltd. The learning program
for the jury was designed by the consulting team and city staff with advice from
the Steering Committee. Sessions were co-facilitated by Denise O'Connor and
Pamela Hubbard. Pam graphically recorded many of the meetings. Tim Dobbie
and Bob Carrington provided municipal knowledge and background to the jury
at the meetings. The consultants worked very closely with Kwab Ako-Adjei and,
initially Mike Kirkopoulos, to develop and implement the project.
Acuity Options lnc. developed a Communications Plan for the project that was
carried out by the consulting team. The social media activities were done by
Ryan Trepanier, supplemented and supervised by Denise O'Connor. Denise
O'Connor crafted all media releases with input and approval from the City. The
City issued media releases and was responsible for advertising public meetings.
The City Manager's Office provided a great deal of assistance to this project and,
towards the end, the LRT Office provided communications support.
This report has been produced by many people and we would like to thank the
_I‘_Q1_¢_tP ‘e Easmtamrs /Jzctas ‘UL/ie_iad'
Qiliuziflamilton g '
Chris Murray Tim Dobbie Denise O Connor Ginny jones
Kwab Ako-Adjei Bob Carrington Pam Hubbard Ryan Trepanier
Andrea Chambers Tracey McQueen
Darlene Barber
Roland Salmon
Mike Kirkopoulos
Appendix VII: Invitation to participate in Citizens’ Jury
Invitation to Participate in Hamilton's Citizens’ Jury on Transit
You may have heard that Hamilton City Council has directed that a Citizens’ Jury
be created to provide independent recommendations to Council on a variety of
issues relating to transit in Hamilton such as how it's funded, how we build the
LRT to take advantage of the opportunities and how we keep citizens informed.
We are inviting you to be a part of it.
The questions you will be asked to consider are found on the next page. The Jury
will meet about 12 times and will learn about the implementation of LRT and
other rapid transit, to engage with the public in and to arrive at a
recommendation that fairly meets the needs and interests of the whole city on
these important matters.
Those recommendations will be presented to City Council later this winter.
While City Councillors reserve their right as elected representatives to make all
decisions, they are interested in knowing what a representative group of
residents will recommend as a way to move forward on a variety oftransit
related issues.
On the following pages, you will find more information about the Citizens’ Iury
and what we are asking of you, as well a short questionnaire. The questions
being asked are designed to ensure that the people chosen accurately mirror the
population of the city so that a variety ofpoints of view will be present among
the citizen representatives. You can complete the survey on line as a way of
applying to he a part of the process by going to .
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for giving serious
consideration to this request and we encourage you to participate.
lfyou submit your name and are short-listed. you will receive a_call from the
office of Tim Dobbie. the consulting firm managing this project. and you can have
a brief conversation about the project and expectations.
Yours truly,
Mayor Fred Eisenberger Tony Thoma
Chair, Steering Committee
What is a Citizens’ lury?
A Citizens’ Iury is a way of holding a community consultation that gives people
an opportunity to exchange their points ofview and their ideas on an issue in a
way that's respectful and has the goal of coming to a common understanding.
Citizens’ Iuries vary in size and have considered a variety of topics. For example,
in Edmonton six years ago 50 citizens considered the municipal budget priorities
and made a recommendation to Edmonton City Council. Closer to home, five
years ago a Citizens Forum in Hamilton made a recommendation to City Council
on the future of area rating of property taxes.
ln this case, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about transit,
including the plans for implementation of LRT and other rapid transit in the
future, hear from both ordinary people and experts on the various options they
might consider and the implications of these so they arrive at the best
recommendation they can. All the information available to participants will also
be made available to the public so that all residents of Hamilton have an
opportunity to learn along with you.
Citizen assemblies are being done more and more in Canada and around the
world as a way of moving away from divisive politics. People like the fact that it's
people like them participating and influencing decisions that spend their tax
dollars and affect their lives. While citizens’ forums will never replace elected
officials, it is a way of expanding the political conversation to include a wide
range of people and points of view and engage them in a thoughtful, productive
way. People are asked to consider others’ points of views and explore where
there might be common ground.
This Iury will be overseen by a Steering Committee composed of leaders from
across this community who will ensure the process is transparent, inclusive,
accountable and conducted with integrity. The recommendations will be
presented to City Council in February or March of2016.
What questions will the Citizens’ jury be considering?
These questions will be the focus of the work:
LRT along the B line is just one piece ofa 25 year transit plan (BLAST).
What roles would you like to see citizens play in shaping decision-making
as higher order transit is implemented in Hamilton?
Metrolinx will design, build, own, operate and maintain the LRT.
Currently, the "B" line is an important revenue generator for the HSR.
What principles should guide City Council as they develop a revenue
sharing agreement with Metrolinx?
During the construction period, building the LRT will cause major
disruption to local communities and traffic in general, what advice
would you like to provide the City on minimizing the negative impacts?
How can the City ensure the community stays informed as the transit
plan is implemented? What role can citizens play in ensuring the
benefits of LRT are realized?
Fifteen years post amalgamation, how should transit be funded in
a. Continue area rating whereby households in each former
municipality pays a different tax rate for transit
b. All urban neighbourhoods would fund transit at the same tax
c. The whole city [urban/rural) funds transit at the same tax
The following are not up for discussion or review: .
The Jury will not advise on technical considerations such as the route
The province of Ontario, through Metrolinx, will fund construction of the
LRT along the B line with a spur to the James St. N GO station and possibly
the West Harbour at $1.2 billion. Metrolinx will design, build, own,
operate and maintain the LRT
City Council is not bound by the recommendations the Citizens ]ury
This process will not duplicate consultation on-going with the review of
the Transportation Master Plan, HSR branding, City Visioning
What time commitment are we asking of you?
We ask that you only indicate your interest in being a part of this if you
know you are available for most of the dates.
Saturday, October 17, 9:30 — 2:30
Wednesday, October 21, 6:00 — 8:30 pm
Saturday, October 24 - Proposed Optional Bus trip to Pittsburgh to see LRT,
expenses paid, overnight trip. Make sure you have a passport
Wednesday, October 28 6:00 — 8:30 pm
Saturday November 7 9:30 - 12:30
Saturday, November 14 9:00 — 4:00 Proposed Public Meeting
Wednesday, November 18 6:00 - 8:30 pm
Saturday, November 21 9:00 — 4:00 Proposed trip along LRT route and to see
Kitchener LRT installation
Wednesday, November 25 6:00 — 8:30 pm
Wednesday, December 2, 6:00 — 8:30 pm
Tuesday, January 5,2016 6:00 — 8:30 pm
Late February, early March - Present to City Council
_ Yes, I am currently available most of the scheduled dates.
lfyou know that you are n_ot available, there is no need to complete and return
the survey that follows, but we encourage you to follow the progress of this
consultation and participate in the public opportunities.
We are asking you to volunteer this time on behalf of your fellow citizens.
However, we do recognize that you will likely have out of pocket expenses by
participating in this process. As a participant, you will receive an honorarium to
offset your out-of-pocket expenses.
What happens next?
We will follow up with many ofyou with a phone to chat about the project and
answer your questions. The call will come from Tim L. Dobbie Consultant in
Burlington. If you do not hear from us, please understand that we are trying to
find a balance that reflects the diversity of Hamilton's population along the lines
of the questions asked in the next section. Unfortunately, not everyone who is
interested will be chosen. However, you are welcome to contribute to the
discussion through the public meeting and on-line activities that you will hear
lf you are selected to be a part of the lury, please be aware that your name
will be made public, but rest assured that all other information about you
will be held in confidence. The surveys will be shredded once the
selections are finalized.
lfyou have any questions, please email tirg@tdgbbie.cQ[n
This information is only being asked to make sure that people selected for the
Citizens’ Jury represent the diversity of our city. It will @ be made public. You
may be considered for the forum whether you answer these questions or not.
Please mark the appropriate answer with an X.
Please return this page in the prepaid envelope that came with the letter
by -
1. What is your gender? _ Male _ Female
2. What is your age?
_ 18-34 _ 35-54
_ 55 + _ won't say
3. What was your family income before taxes in 2014?
4. _ less than $60,000 _ $60,000 +
5. What is the highest level of education you have attained?
_ N0 certificate, diploma or degree,
_ High school certificate or equivalent
_ Post—secondary
5. Do you _ own or rent your home?
6. Where were you born?
_ Canada _ Other (please specify]
__ won't say
7. Do you consider yourselfa visible minority? _ Yes No
Please gin]; your contact information clearly so that we can contact you
Phone - Work: Home:
When is a good time or day to contact you?
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