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Last active May 24, 2023 03:30
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Check ECR Cost and Usage
export AWS_REGION=ap-northeast-1
process_profile() {
local profile=$1
echo -e "\n\n========== Processing profile: $profile =========="
export AWS_PROFILE=$profile
# Get the ECR cost and usage for the current month
local start_date=$(date -v1d +%Y-%m-%d)
local end_date=$(date -v1d -v+1m -v-1d +%Y-%m-%d)
local cost_usage=$(aws ce get-cost-and-usage --time-period Start=$start_date,End=$end_date --granularity MONTHLY --metrics "BlendedCost" "UsageQuantity" --filter "Dimensions={Key=SERVICE,Values='Amazon EC2 Container Registry (ECR)'}" --output text --query 'ResultsByTime[0].Total.[BlendedCost.Amount, UsageQuantity.Amount]' 2>/dev/null)
if [[ -z "$cost_usage" ]]; then
echo "Failed to get ECR cost and usage"
local cost=$(echo "$cost_usage" | awk '{print $1}')
local usage=$(echo "$cost_usage" | awk '{print $2}')
echo "ECR Cost for this month: $cost"
echo "ECR Usage Quantity (GB/month): $usage"
# Get a list of all ECR repositories
local repositories=$(aws ecr describe-repositories --query 'repositories[*].repositoryName' --output text 2>/dev/null)
# Iterate over each repository and get the image count
for repo in $repositories; do
local image_count=$(aws ecr describe-images --repository-name "$repo" --query 'length(imageDetails)' 2>/dev/null)
echo "Repository: $repo | Image Count: $image_count"
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
if [[ $line =~ ^\[(.*)\]$ ]]; then
process_profile "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
done < "$1"
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