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Created April 17, 2024 09:26
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A group of 2n people, consisting of n individuals from Team A and n individuals from Team B, are seated in a row of 2n+1 chairs in the following arrangement:
A...A_B...B (where "_" represents an empty seat)
The task is to find a method to rearrange the seating positions of each person to achieve the following order:
- In each step, only one person can be moved to an empty seat.
- A person can be moved only if they meet one of the following conditions:
a. They are seated directly to the left or right of an empty seat.
b. They are separated from an empty seat by exactly one person from the opposite team.
For the case n=1, A_B needs to be rearranged to B_A:
A_B => _AB => B_A
For the case n=2, AA_BB needs to be rearranged to BB_AA:
AA_BB => A_ABB => ABA_B => AB_AB => BAAB => B_AAB => BA_AB => BABA => BAB_A => B_BAA => BB_AA
class State {
constructor(state, prev = null){
this.state = state;
this.prev = prev;
const newStates = [];
for (let i=0; i<this.state.length; i++){
if (this.state[i] == "_"){
if (i == 0) {
const newState = [...this.state];
newState[0] = this.state[1];
newState[1] = "_";
newStates.push(new State(newState, this));
else if (i==this.state.length-1){
const newState = [...this.state];
newState[this.state.length-1] = this.state[this.state.length-2];
newState[this.state.length-2] = "_";
newStates.push(new State(newState, this));
} else {
const newState1 = [...this.state];
newState1[i] = this.state[i+1];
newState1[i+1] = "_";
newStates.push(new State(newState1, this));
const newState2 = [...this.state];
newState2[i] = this.state[i-1];
newState2[i-1] = "_";
newStates.push(new State(newState2, this));
if (i-2 >=0 && this.state[i-2] != this.state[i-1]){
const newState3 = [...this.state];
newState3[i] = this.state[i-2];
newState3[i-2] = "_";
newStates.push(new State(newState3, this));
if (i+2 < this.state.length && this.state[i+2] != this.state[i+1]){
const newState4 = [...this.state];
newState4[i] = this.state[i+2];
newState4[i+2] = "_";
newStates.push(new State(newState4, this));
return newStates;
function solve(initState, targetState){
const queue = [];
const visited = new Set();
while (queue.length > 0){
const state = queue.shift();
if (state.state.join("") == targetState){
return state;
const newStates = state.generateNewStates();
for (let i=0; i<newStates.length; i++){
if (!visited.has(newStates[i].state.join(""))){
const startState = new State(["A","A","A","A","A","A","_","B","B","B","B","B","B"]);
//const newStates = startState.generateNewStates();
//newStates.forEach(s => console.log(s.state));
let s = solve(startState, "BBBBBB_AAAAAA");
const solution = [];
while (s != null){
s = s.prev;
solution.forEach(s => console.log(s.join("")));
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