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Created March 7, 2019 10:59
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weight estimation of MakeHuman
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
MakeHuman plugin for estimating the weight of the model using BSA (body surface
are) based metrics.
**Project Name:** MakeHuman
**Product Home Page:**
**Code Home Page:**
**Authors:** Jonas Hauquier, Marco Piccirilli
**Copyright(c):** MakeHuman Team 2001-2014
**Licensing:** AGPL3 (
This file is part of MakeHuman (
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
**Coding Standards:** See
Experimental plugin for doing weight estimation on the human using different
BSA-based formulas described in scientific literature.
import gui3d
import mh
import gui
import log
import numpy as np
import math
def calculateSurface(mesh, vertGroups=None, faceMask=None):
Calculate surface area of a mesh. Specify vertGroups or faceMask to
calculate area of a subset of the mesh and filter out other faces.
if vertGroups is not None:
fvert = mesh.getFacesForGroups(vertGroups)
elif faceMask is not None:
f_idx = np.argwhere(faceMask)[...,0]
fvert = mesh.fvert[f_idx]
fvert = mesh.fvert
if mesh.vertsPerPrimitive == 4:
# Split quads in triangles (assumes clockwise ordering of verts)
t1 = fvert[:,[0,1,2]]
t2 = fvert[:,[2,3,0]]
v1 = mesh.coord[t1]
v2 = mesh.coord[t2]
l1 = _sideLengthsFromTris(v1)
l2 = _sideLengthsFromTris(v2)
l = np.vstack([l1,l2])
return _surfaceOfTris(l)
elif mesh.vertsPerPrimitive == 3:
v = mesh.coord[fvert]
l = _sideLengthsFromTris(v)
return _surfaceOfTris(l)
raise RuntimeError("Only supports meshes with triangle or quad primitives.")
def calculateVolume(mesh, vertGroups=None, faceMask=None):
Calculate the volume of a mesh.
Mesh is expected to be closed.
if vertGroups is not None:
fvert = mesh.getFacesForGroups(vertGroups)
elif faceMask is not None:
f_idx = np.argwhere(faceMask)[...,0]
fvert = mesh.fvert[f_idx]
fvert = mesh.fvert
if mesh.vertsPerPrimitive == 4:
# Split quads in triangles (assumes clockwise ordering of verts)
t1 = fvert[:,[0,1,2]]
t2 = fvert[:,[2,3,0]]
v1 = mesh.coord[t1]
v2 = mesh.coord[t2]
v = np.vstack([v1,v2])
return _signedVolumeFromTris(v)
elif mesh.vertsPerPrimitive == 3:
v = mesh.coord[fvert]
return _signedVolumeFromTris(v)
raise RuntimeError("Only supports meshes with triangle or quad primitives.")
def _sideLengthsFromTris(triVects):
Calculate lengths of the sides of triangles specified by their vectors
in clockwise fashion.
triVects = [ [T1V1, T1V2, T1V3], [T2V1, T2V2, T2V3], ... ]
with Ti a triangle, Vi a triange vector, defined in clockwise fashion
and each vector (TiVi) an array [x, y, z] with vector coordinates
Returns a list [ [T1L1, T1L2, T1L3], [T2L1, T2L2, T2L3], ...]
with Ti a triangle (in the same order as in the input), and Li the length of
side i (a float)
v = triVects
s = np.zeros(v.shape, dtype=np.float32)
# Get side vectors
s[:,0] = v[:,1] - v[:,0]
s[:,1] = v[:,2] - v[:,1]
s[:,2] = v[:,0] - v[:,2]
# Calculate lengths of sides
l = s[:,:,0]*s[:,:,0] + s[:,:,1]*s[:,:,1] + s[:,:,2]*s[:,:,2]
l = np.sqrt(l)
return l
def _surfaceOfTris(triSideLengths):
Calculate total surface area of triangles with sides of specified lengths
triSideLengths should be an array of layout
[ [T1L1, T1L2, T1L3], [T2L1, T2L2, T2L3], ... ]
with Ti a triangle, and Li the length of the ith side of the triangle
TiLi should be a float.
Returns a float representing the total surface area.
l = triSideLengths
# Heron's formula
o = ( l[:,0] +l[:,1] +l[:,2]) * \
( l[:,0] +l[:,1] -l[:,2]) * \
(-l[:,0] +l[:,1] +l[:,2]) * \
( l[:,0] -l[:,1] +l[:,2])
o = np.sqrt(o)/4
return np.sum(o)
def _signedVolumeFromTris(triVects):
Calculate volume of a set of triangles by summing signed volumes of
tetrahedrons between those triangles and the origin.
v = triVects
v321 = v[:,2,0] * v[:,1,1] * v[:,0,2]
v231 = v[:,1,0] * v[:,2,1] * v[:,0,2]
v312 = v[:,2,0] * v[:,0,1] * v[:,1,2]
v132 = v[:,0,0] * v[:,2,1] * v[:,1,2]
v213 = v[:,1,0] * v[:,0,1] * v[:,2,2]
v123 = v[:,0,0] * v[:,1,1] * v[:,2,2]
signedVolume = -v321 + v231 + v312 - v132 - v213 + v123
signedVolume /= 6.0
vol = np.sum(signedVolume)
return math.fabs(vol)
def findVertIndex(mesh, vert):
Find the index of specified vertex (as an [x, y, z] array) within mesh.
matches = list(np.where(mesh.coord == vert)[0])
return [idx for idx in set(matches) if matches.count(idx) > 2]
class WeightTaskView(gui3d.TaskView):
def __init__(self, category):
super(WeightTaskView, self).__init__(category, 'Weight Estimation')
self.human =
box = self.addLeftWidget(gui.GroupBox('Body Metrics'))
self.statureLabel = box.addWidget(gui.TextView(''))
self.bsaLabel = box.addWidget(gui.TextView(''))
self.volumeLabel = box.addWidget(gui.TextView(''))
box = self.addLeftWidget(gui.GroupBox('Estimated Weight'))
self.aslaniLabel = box.addWidget(gui.TextView(''))
self.DuBoisLabel = box.addWidget(gui.TextView(''))
self.ReadingLabel = box.addWidget(gui.TextView(''))
self.WangLabel = box.addWidget(gui.TextView(''))
self.LivingstonLabel = box.addWidget(gui.TextView(''))
self.MostellerLabel = box.addWidget(gui.TextView(''))
self.AndersonLabel = box.addWidget(gui.TextView(''))
self.HaycockLabel = box.addWidget(gui.TextView(''))
self.bmiLabel = box.addWidget(gui.TextView(''))
def onHumanChanged(self, event):
def calculateWeight(self):
humanMesh = self.human.meshData
height = self.human.getHeightCm()
bsa = calculateSurface(humanMesh, faceMask=humanMesh.getFaceMask())/100
#Shuter and Aslani, 2000
weight_aslani = np.power(bsa /(np.power(height, 0.655) * 0.00949), 1/0.441)
#DuBois and DuBois, 1916
weight_DuBois_1916=np.power(bsa /(np.power(height, 0.725) * 0.007184), 1/0.425)
#Reading and Freeman, 2005
weight_Reading=np.power(bsa /(np.power(height, 0.5) /60), 1/0.5)
#Wang and Hihara, 2004
weight_Wang=np.power(bsa /(np.power(height, 0.5) * 0.0168), 1/0.5)
#Livingston and Lee 2001
weight_Livingston=np.power(bsa / 0.1173, 1/0.6466)
#Mosteller, 1987
weight_Mosteller=np.power(bsa /(np.power(height, 0.5) * 0.0167), 1/0.5)
#Anderson et al., 1985
weight_Anderson=np.power(bsa /(np.power(height, 0.417) * 0.0239), 1/0.517)
#Haycock et al., 1978
weight_Haycock=np.power(bsa /(np.power(height, 0.3964) * 0.024265), 1/0.5378)
estimated_BMI = weight_aslani / (np.power(height/100,2))
volume = calculateVolume(humanMesh, faceMask=humanMesh.getFaceMask())/100
self.statureLabel.setText('Stature %.2f cm' % height)
self.bsaLabel.setText('BSA %.2f m^2' % bsa)
self.volumeLabel.setText('Volume %.2f m^3' % volume)
self.aslaniLabel.setText('Shuter & Aslani: %.2f kg' % weight_aslani)
self.DuBoisLabel.setText('DuBois: %.2f kg' % weight_DuBois_1916)
self.ReadingLabel.setText('Reading and Freeman: %.2f kg' % weight_Reading)
self.WangLabel.setText('Wang and Hihara: %.2f kg' % weight_Wang)
self.LivingstonLabel.setText('Livingston and Lee: %.2f kg' % weight_Livingston)
self.MostellerLabel.setText('Mosteller: %.2f kg' % weight_Mosteller)
self.AndersonLabel.setText('Anderson et al: %.2f kg' % weight_Anderson)
self.HaycockLabel.setText('Haycock et al.: %.2f kg' % weight_Haycock)
self.bmiLabel.setText('BMI from Aslani BSA: %.2f' % estimated_BMI)
def onShow(self, event):
super(WeightTaskView, self).onShow(event)
def load(app):
category = app.getCategory('Utilities')
taskview = category.addTask(WeightTaskView(category))
def unload(app):
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