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Created February 11, 2017 12:43
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# Defines environment variables.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Ensure that a non-login, non-interactive shell has a defined environment.
if [[ "$SHLVL" -eq 1 && ! -o LOGIN && -s "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprofile" ]]; then
source "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprofile"
+/Users/quanta/.zshenv:9> [[ 2 -eq 1 ]]
# Correctly display UTF-8 with combining characters.
if [ "$TERM_PROGRAM" = "Apple_Terminal" ]; then
setopt combiningchars
+/etc/zshrc:2> [ '=' Apple_Terminal ']'
disable log
+/etc/zshrc:6> disable log
# Executes commands at the start of an interactive session.
# Load all files from .zshrc.d directory
if [ -d $HOME/.zshrc.d ]; then
for file in $HOME/.zshrc.d/*.zsh; do
source $file
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:6> [ -d /Users/quanta/.zshrc.d ']'
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:7> file=/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/direnv.zsh
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:8> source /Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/direnv.zsh
eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/direnv.zsh:1> direnv hook zsh
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/direnv.zsh:1> eval '
_direnv_hook() {
eval "$(direnv export zsh)";
typeset -ag precmd_functions
if [[ -z $precmd_functions[(r)_direnv_hook] ]]; then
+(eval):5> typeset -ag precmd_functions
+(eval):6> [[ -z '' ]]
+(eval):7> precmd_functions+=_direnv_hook
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:7> file=/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:8> source /Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh
#compdef go
# install in /etc/zsh/zshrc or your personal .zshrc
# gc
prefixes=(5 6 8)
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh:5> prefixes=( 5 6 8 )
for p in $prefixes; do
compctl -g "*.${p}" ${p}l
compctl -g "*.go" ${p}g
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh:6> p=5
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh:7> compctl -g '*.5' 5l
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh:8> compctl -g '*.go' 5g
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh:6> p=6
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh:7> compctl -g '*.6' 6l
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh:8> compctl -g '*.go' 6g
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh:6> p=8
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh:7> compctl -g '*.8' 8l
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh:8> compctl -g '*.go' 8g
# standard go tools
compctl -g "*.go" gofmt
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh:12> compctl -g '*.go' gofmt
# gccgo
compctl -g "*.go" gccgo
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh:15> compctl -g '*.go' gccgo
# go tool
__go_tool_complete() {
typeset -a commands build_flags
'build[compile packages and dependencies]'
'clean[remove object files]'
'doc[run godoc on package sources]'
'env[print Go environment information]'
'fix[run go tool fix on packages]'
'fmt[run gofmt on package sources]'
'generate[generate Go files by processing source]'
'get[download and install packages and dependencies]'
'help[display help]'
'install[compile and install packages and dependencies]'
'list[list packages]'
'run[compile and run Go program]'
'test[test packages]'
'tool[run specified go tool]'
'version[print Go version]'
'vet[run go tool vet on packages]'
if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
# explain go commands
_values 'go tool commands' ${commands[@]}
'-a[force reinstallation of packages that are already up-to-date]'
'-n[print the commands but do not run them]'
'-p[number of parallel builds]:number'
'-race[enable data race detection]'
'-x[print the commands]'
'-work[print temporary directory name and keep it]'
'-ccflags[flags for 5c/6c/8c]:flags'
'-gcflags[flags for 5g/6g/8g]:flags'
'-ldflags[flags for 5l/6l/8l]:flags'
'-gccgoflags[flags for gccgo]:flags'
'-compiler[name of compiler to use]:name'
'-installsuffix[suffix to add to package directory]:suffix'
'-tags[list of build tags to consider satisfied]:tags'
__go_packages() {
local gopaths
declare -a gopaths
gopaths=("${(s/:/)$(go env GOPATH)}")
gopaths+=("$(go env GOROOT)")
for p in $gopaths; do
_path_files -W "$p/src" -/
__go_identifiers() {
compadd $(godoc -templates $ZSH/plugins/golang/templates ${words[-2]} 2> /dev/null)
case ${words[2]} in
_arguments -s -w \
"-c[symbol matching honors case (paths not affected)]" \
"-cmd[show symbols with package docs even if package is a command]" \
"-u[show unexported symbols as well as exported]" \
"2:importpaths:__go_packages" \
":next identifiers:__go_identifiers"
_arguments -s -w \
"-i[remove the corresponding installed archive or binary (what 'go install' would create)]" \
"-n[print the remove commands it would execute, but not run them]" \
"-r[apply recursively to all the dependencies of the packages named by the import paths]" \
"-x[print remove commands as it executes them]" \
_alternative ':importpaths:__go_packages' ':files:_path_files -g "*.go"'
_arguments -s -w : ${build_flags[@]} \
"-v[show package names]" \
_arguments -s -w : \
_arguments -s -w : \
${build_flags[@]} \
"-v[show package names]" \
"-o[output file]:file:_files" \
"*:args:{ _alternative ':importpaths:__go_packages' ':files:_path_files -g \"*.go\"' }"
_arguments -s -w : \
${build_flags[@]} \
"-c[do not run, compile the test binary]" \
"-i[do not run, install dependencies]" \
"-v[print test output]" \
"-x[print the commands]" \
"-short[use short mode]" \
"-parallel[number of parallel tests]:number" \
"-cpu[values of GOMAXPROCS to use]:number list" \
"-run[run tests and examples matching regexp]:regexp" \
"-bench[run benchmarks matching regexp]:regexp" \
"-benchmem[print memory allocation stats]" \
"-benchtime[run each benchmark until taking this long]:duration" \
"-blockprofile[write goroutine blocking profile to file]:file" \
"-blockprofilerate[set sampling rate of goroutine blocking profile]:number" \
"-timeout[kill test after that duration]:duration" \
"-cpuprofile[write CPU profile to file]:file:_files" \
"-memprofile[write heap profile to file]:file:_files" \
"-memprofilerate[set heap profiling rate]:number" \
"*:args:{ _alternative ':importpaths:__go_packages' ':files:_path_files -g \"*.go\"' }"
_values "${commands[@]}" \
'gopath[GOPATH environment variable]' \
'packages[description of package lists]' \
'remote[remote import path syntax]' \
'testflag[description of testing flags]' \
'testfunc[description of testing functions]'
_arguments -s -w : \
${build_flags[@]} \
'*:file:_path_files -g "*.go"'
if (( CURRENT == 3 )); then
_values "go tool" $(go tool)
case ${words[3]} in
_arguments -s -w : \
'-I[search for packages in DIR]:includes:_path_files -/' \
'-L[show full path in file:line prints]' \
'-S[print the assembly language]' \
'-V[print the compiler version]' \
'-e[no limit on number of errors printed]' \
'-h[panic on an error]' \
'-l[disable inlining]' \
'-m[print optimization decisions]' \
'-o[file specify output file]:file' \
'-p[assumed import path for this code]:importpath' \
'-u[disable package unsafe]' \
"*:file:_files -g '*.go'"
local O=${words[3]%l}
_arguments -s -w : \
'-o[file specify output file]:file' \
'-L[search for packages in DIR]:includes:_path_files -/' \
"*:file:_files -g '*.[ao$O]'"
_values "dist tool" banner bootstrap clean env install version
# use files by default
compdef __go_tool_complete go
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh:181> compdef __go_tool_complete go
/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh:181: command not found: compdef
# aliases
alias gfa='go fmt . ./...'
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/golang.plugin.zsh:184> alias 'gfa=go fmt . ./...'
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:7> file=/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/math.zsh
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:8> source /Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/math.zsh
zmodload zsh/regex
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/math.zsh:3> zmodload zsh/regex
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/math.zsh:5> math_regex='^[\d\-][\d\.\s\+\*\/\-]*$'
function math_precmd() {
if [ "${?}" = 0 ]
if [ -z "${math_command}" ]
if whence -- "$math_command" 2>&1 >/dev/null
if [ "${math_command}" -regex-match "${math_regex}" ]
ipython -i -c "_=${math_command}; print _"
function math_preexec() {
typeset -g math_command="${1}"
typeset -ga precmd_functions
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/math.zsh:34> typeset -ga precmd_functions
typeset -ga preexec_functions
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/math.zsh:35> typeset -ga preexec_functions
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/math.zsh:37> precmd_functions+=math_precmd
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/math.zsh:38> preexec_functions+=math_preexec
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:7> file=/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/z.zsh
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:8> source /Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/z.zsh
. `brew --prefix`/etc/profile.d/
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/z.zsh:1> brew --prefix
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc.d/z.zsh:1> . /usr/local/etc/profile.d/
# Copyright (c) 2009 rupa deadwyler under the WTFPL license
# maintains a jump-list of the directories you actually use
# * put something like this in your .bashrc/.zshrc:
# . /path/to/
# * cd around for a while to build up the db
# * PROFIT!!
# * optionally:
# set $_Z_CMD in .bashrc/.zshrc to change the command (default z).
# set $_Z_DATA in .bashrc/.zshrc to change the datafile (default ~/.z).
# set $_Z_NO_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS to prevent symlink resolution.
# set $_Z_NO_PROMPT_COMMAND if you're handling PROMPT_COMMAND yourself.
# set $_Z_EXCLUDE_DIRS to an array of directories to exclude.
# set $_Z_OWNER to your username if you want use z while sudo with $HOME kept
# USE:
# * z foo # cd to most frecent dir matching foo
# * z foo bar # cd to most frecent dir matching foo and bar
# * z -r foo # cd to highest ranked dir matching foo
# * z -t foo # cd to most recently accessed dir matching foo
# * z -l foo # list matches instead of cd
# * z -c foo # restrict matches to subdirs of $PWD
[ -d "${_Z_DATA:-$HOME/.z}" ] && {
echo "ERROR:'s datafile (${_Z_DATA:-$HOME/.z}) is a directory."
+/usr/local/etc/profile.d/> [ -d /Users/quanta/.z ']'
_z() {
local datafile="${_Z_DATA:-$HOME/.z}"
# bail if we don't own ~/.z and $_Z_OWNER not set
[ -z "$_Z_OWNER" -a -f "$datafile" -a ! -O "$datafile" ] && return
# add entries
if [ "$1" = "--add" ]; then
# $HOME isn't worth matching
[ "$*" = "$HOME" ] && return
# don't track excluded directory trees
local exclude
for exclude in "${_Z_EXCLUDE_DIRS[@]}"; do
case "$*" in "$exclude*") return;; esac
# maintain the data file
local tempfile="$datafile.$RANDOM"
while read line; do
# only count directories
[ -d "${line%%\|*}" ] && echo $line
done < "$datafile" | awk -v path="$*" -v now="$(date +%s)" -F"|" '
rank[path] = 1
time[path] = now
$2 >= 1 {
# drop ranks below 1
if( $1 == path ) {
rank[$1] = $2 + 1
time[$1] = now
} else {
rank[$1] = $2
time[$1] = $3
count += $2
if( count > 9000 ) {
# aging
for( x in rank ) print x "|" 0.99*rank[x] "|" time[x]
} else for( x in rank ) print x "|" rank[x] "|" time[x]
' 2>/dev/null >| "$tempfile"
# do our best to avoid clobbering the datafile in a race condition
if [ $? -ne 0 -a -f "$datafile" ]; then
env rm -f "$tempfile"
[ "$_Z_OWNER" ] && chown $_Z_OWNER:$(id -ng $_Z_OWNER) "$tempfile"
env mv -f "$tempfile" "$datafile" || env rm -f "$tempfile"
# tab completion
elif [ "$1" = "--complete" -a -s "$datafile" ]; then
while read line; do
[ -d "${line%%\|*}" ] && echo $line
done < "$datafile" | awk -v q="$2" -F"|" '
if( q == tolower(q) ) imatch = 1
q = substr(q, 3)
gsub(" ", ".*", q)
if( imatch ) {
if( tolower($1) ~ tolower(q) ) print $1
} else if( $1 ~ q ) print $1
' 2>/dev/null
# list/go
while [ "$1" ]; do case "$1" in
--) while [ "$1" ]; do shift; local fnd="$fnd${fnd:+ }$1";done;;
-*) local opt=${1:1}; while [ "$opt" ]; do case ${opt:0:1} in
c) local fnd="^$PWD $fnd";;
h) echo "${_Z_CMD:-z} [-chlrtx] args" >&2; return;;
x) sed -i -e "\:^${PWD}|.*:d" "$datafile";;
l) local list=1;;
r) local typ="rank";;
t) local typ="recent";;
esac; opt=${opt:1}; done;;
*) local fnd="$fnd${fnd:+ }$1";;
esac; local last=$1; [ "$#" -gt 0 ] && shift; done
[ "$fnd" -a "$fnd" != "^$PWD " ] || local list=1
# if we hit enter on a completion just go there
case "$last" in
# completions will always start with /
/*) [ -z "$list" -a -d "$last" ] && cd "$last" && return;;
# no file yet
[ -f "$datafile" ] || return
local cd
cd="$(while read line; do
[ -d "${line%%\|*}" ] && echo $line
done < "$datafile" | awk -v t="$(date +%s)" -v list="$list" -v typ="$typ" -v q="$fnd" -F"|" '
function frecent(rank, time) {
# relate frequency and time
dx = t - time
if( dx < 3600 ) return rank * 4
if( dx < 86400 ) return rank * 2
if( dx < 604800 ) return rank / 2
return rank / 4
function output(files, out, common) {
# list or return the desired directory
if( list ) {
cmd = "sort -n >&2"
for( x in files ) {
if( files[x] ) printf "%-10s %s\n", files[x], x | cmd
if( common ) {
printf "%-10s %s\n", "common:", common > "/dev/stderr"
} else {
if( common ) out = common
print out
function common(matches) {
# find the common root of a list of matches, if it exists
for( x in matches ) {
if( matches[x] && (!short || length(x) < length(short)) ) {
short = x
if( short == "/" ) return
# use a copy to escape special characters, as we want to return
# the original. yeah, this escaping is awful.
clean_short = short
gsub(/\[\(\)\[\]\|\]/, "\\\\&", clean_short)
for( x in matches ) if( matches[x] && x !~ clean_short ) return
return short
gsub(" ", ".*", q)
hi_rank = ihi_rank = -9999999999
if( typ == "rank" ) {
rank = $2
} else if( typ == "recent" ) {
rank = $3 - t
} else rank = frecent($2, $3)
if( $1 ~ q ) {
matches[$1] = rank
} else if( tolower($1) ~ tolower(q) ) imatches[$1] = rank
if( matches[$1] && matches[$1] > hi_rank ) {
best_match = $1
hi_rank = matches[$1]
} else if( imatches[$1] && imatches[$1] > ihi_rank ) {
ibest_match = $1
ihi_rank = imatches[$1]
# prefer case sensitive
if( best_match ) {
output(matches, best_match, common(matches))
} else if( ibest_match ) {
output(imatches, ibest_match, common(imatches))
[ $? -gt 0 ] && return
[ "$cd" ] && cd "$cd"
alias ${_Z_CMD:-z}='_z 2>&1'
+/usr/local/etc/profile.d/> alias 'z=_z 2>&1'
+/usr/local/etc/profile.d/> [ '' ']'
+/usr/local/etc/profile.d/> _Z_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS=-P
if type compctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# zsh
[ "$_Z_NO_PROMPT_COMMAND" ] || {
# populate directory list, avoid clobbering any other precmds.
if [ "$_Z_NO_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS" ]; then
_z_precmd() {
_z --add "${PWD:a}"
_z_precmd() {
_z --add "${PWD:A}"
[[ -n "${precmd_functions[(r)_z_precmd]}" ]] || {
_z_zsh_tab_completion() {
# tab completion
local compl
read -l compl
reply=(${(f)"$(_z --complete "$compl")"})
compctl -U -K _z_zsh_tab_completion _z
elif type complete >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# bash
# tab completion
complete -o filenames -C '_z --complete "$COMP_LINE"' ${_Z_CMD:-z}
[ "$_Z_NO_PROMPT_COMMAND" ] || {
# populate directory list. avoid clobbering other PROMPT_COMMANDs.
grep "_z --add" <<< "$PROMPT_COMMAND" >/dev/null || {
PROMPT_COMMAND="$PROMPT_COMMAND"$'\n''_z --add "$(command pwd '$_Z_RESOLVE_SYMLINKS' 2>/dev/null)" 2>/dev/null;'
+/usr/local/etc/profile.d/> type compctl
+/usr/local/etc/profile.d/> [ '' ']'
+/usr/local/etc/profile.d/> [ '' ']'
+/usr/local/etc/profile.d/> [[ -n '' ]]
+/usr/local/etc/profile.d/> precmd_functions[$(($#precmd_functions+1))]=_z_precmd
+/usr/local/etc/profile.d/> compctl -U -K _z_zsh_tab_completion _z
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Source Prezto.
if [[ -s "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto/init.zsh" ]]; then
source "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto/init.zsh"
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:17> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:18> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh
# Initializes Prezto.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Version Check
# Check for the minimum supported version.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh:13> min_zsh_version=4.3.17
if ! autoload -Uz is-at-least || ! is-at-least "$min_zsh_version"; then
print "prezto: old shell detected, minimum required: $min_zsh_version" >&2
return 1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh:14> autoload -Uz is-at-least
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh:14> is-at-least 4.3.17
+is-at-least:17> emulate -L zsh
+is-at-least:19> local IFS=.- min_cnt=0 ver_cnt=0 part min_ver version
+is-at-least:21> min_ver=( 4 3 17 )
+is-at-least:22> version=( 5 2 0 )
+is-at-least:24> (( 0 <= 3 ))
+is-at-least:25> [[ '' != <-> ]]
+is-at-least:26> (( ++ver_cnt > 3 ))
+is-at-least:27> part=5
+is-at-least:25> [[ 5 != <-> ]]
+is-at-least:30> true
+is-at-least:31> (( ++min_cnt > 3 ))
+is-at-least:32> [[ 4 == <-> ]]
+is-at-least:32> break
+is-at-least:35> (( part > min_ver[min_cnt] ))
+is-at-least:35> return 0
unset min_zsh_version
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh:18> unset min_zsh_version
# Module Loader
# Loads Prezto modules.
function pmodload {
local -a pmodules
local pmodule
local pfunction_glob='^([_.]*|prompt_*_setup|README*)(-.N:t)'
# $argv is overridden in the anonymous function.
# Add functions to $fpath.
fpath=(${pmodules:+${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto/modules/${^pmodules}/functions(/FN)} $fpath)
function {
local pfunction
# Extended globbing is needed for listing autoloadable function directories.
# Load Prezto functions.
for pfunction in ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto/modules/${^pmodules}/functions/$~pfunction_glob; do
autoload -Uz "$pfunction"
# Load Prezto modules.
for pmodule in "$pmodules[@]"; do
if zstyle -t ":prezto:module:$pmodule" loaded 'yes' 'no'; then
elif [[ ! -d "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto/modules/$pmodule" ]]; then
print "$0: no such module: $pmodule" >&2
if [[ -s "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto/modules/$pmodule/init.zsh" ]]; then
source "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto/modules/$pmodule/init.zsh"
if (( $? == 0 )); then
zstyle ":prezto:module:$pmodule" loaded 'yes'
# Remove the $fpath entry.
function {
local pfunction
# Extended globbing is needed for listing autoloadable function
# directories.
# Unload Prezto functions.
for pfunction in ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto/modules/$pmodule/functions/$~pfunction_glob; do
unfunction "$pfunction"
zstyle ":prezto:module:$pmodule" loaded 'no'
# Prezto Initialization
# Source the Prezto configuration file.
if [[ -s "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zpreztorc" ]]; then
source "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zpreztorc"
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh:90> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zpreztorc ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh:91> source /Users/quanta/.zpreztorc
# Sets Prezto options.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# General
# Set case-sensitivity for completion, history lookup, etc.
# zstyle ':prezto:*:*' case-sensitive 'yes'
# Color output (auto set to 'no' on dumb terminals).
zstyle ':prezto:*:*' color 'yes'
+/Users/quanta/.zpreztorc:16> zstyle ':prezto:*:*' color yes
# Set the Zsh modules to load (man zshmodules).
# zstyle ':prezto:load' zmodule 'attr' 'stat'
# Set the Zsh functions to load (man zshcontrib).
# zstyle ':prezto:load' zfunction 'zargs' 'zmv'
# Set the Prezto modules to load (browse modules).
# The order matters.
zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule \
'environment' \
'terminal' \
'editor' \
'history' \
'directory' \
'spectrum' \
'utility' \
'ssh' \
'completion' \
'homebrew' \
'osx' \
'git' \
'syntax-highlighting' \
'history-substring-search' \
+/Users/quanta/.zpreztorc:26> zstyle :prezto:load pmodule environment terminal editor history directory spectrum utility ssh completion homebrew osx git syntax-highlighting history-substring-search prompt
# Editor
# Set the key mapping style to 'emacs' or 'vi'.
zstyle ':prezto:module:editor' key-bindings 'emacs'
+/Users/quanta/.zpreztorc:48> zstyle :prezto:module:editor key-bindings emacs
# Auto convert .... to ../..
# zstyle ':prezto:module:editor' dot-expansion 'yes'
# Git
# Ignore submodules when they are 'dirty', 'untracked', 'all', or 'none'.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:git:status:ignore' submodules 'all'
# GNU Utility
# Set the command prefix on non-GNU systems.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:gnu-utility' prefix 'g'
# History Substring Search
# Set the query found color.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:history-substring-search:color' found ''
# Set the query not found color.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:history-substring-search:color' not-found ''
# Set the search globbing flags.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:history-substring-search' globbing-flags ''
# Pacman
# Set the Pacman frontend.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:pacman' frontend 'yaourt'
# Prompt
# Set the prompt theme to load.
# Setting it to 'random' loads a random theme.
# Auto set to 'off' on dumb terminals.
zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'sorin'
+/Users/quanta/.zpreztorc:94> zstyle :prezto:module:prompt theme sorin
# Ruby
# Auto switch the Ruby version on directory change.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:ruby:chruby' auto-switch 'yes'
# Screen
# Auto start a session when Zsh is launched in a local terminal.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:screen:auto-start' local 'yes'
# Auto start a session when Zsh is launched in a SSH connection.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:screen:auto-start' remote 'yes'
# Set the SSH identities to load into the agent.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:ssh:load' identities 'id_rsa' 'id_rsa2' 'id_github'
# Syntax Highlighting
# Set syntax highlighters.
# By default, only the main highlighter is enabled.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:syntax-highlighting' highlighters \
# 'main' \
# 'brackets' \
# 'pattern' \
# 'cursor' \
# 'root'
# Set syntax highlighting styles.
# zstyle ':prezto:module:syntax-highlighting' styles \
# 'builtin' 'bg=blue' \
# 'command' 'bg=blue' \
# 'function' 'bg=blue'
zstyle ':prezto:module:syntax-highlighting' styles \
'precommand' 'none' \
'path' 'none' \
'path_prefix' 'none'
+/Users/quanta/.zpreztorc:138> zstyle :prezto:module:syntax-highlighting styles precommand none path none path_prefix none
# Terminal
# Auto set the tab and window titles.
zstyle ':prezto:module:terminal' auto-title 'yes'
+/Users/quanta/.zpreztorc:148> zstyle :prezto:module:terminal auto-title yes
# Set the window title format.
zstyle ':prezto:module:terminal:window-title' format '%n@%m: %s'
+/Users/quanta/.zpreztorc:151> zstyle :prezto:module:terminal:window-title format '%n@%m: %s'
# Set the tab title format.
zstyle ':prezto:module:terminal:tab-title' format '%s'
+/Users/quanta/.zpreztorc:154> zstyle :prezto:module:terminal:tab-title format %s
# Tmux
# Auto start a session when Zsh is launched in a local terminal.
zstyle ':prezto:module:tmux:auto-start' local 'yes'
+/Users/quanta/.zpreztorc:161> zstyle :prezto:module:tmux:auto-start local yes
# Auto start a session when Zsh is launched in a SSH connection.
zstyle ':prezto:module:tmux:auto-start' remote 'yes'
+/Users/quanta/.zpreztorc:164> zstyle :prezto:module:tmux:auto-start remote yes
# Integrate with iTerm2.
zstyle ':prezto:module:tmux:iterm' integrate 'yes'
+/Users/quanta/.zpreztorc:167> zstyle :prezto:module:tmux:iterm integrate yes
# Disable color and theme in dumb terminals.
if [[ "$TERM" == 'dumb' ]]; then
zstyle ':prezto:*:*' color 'no'
zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'off'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh:95> [[ xterm-256color == dumb ]]
# Load Zsh modules.
zstyle -a ':prezto:load' zmodule 'zmodules'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh:101> zstyle -a :prezto:load zmodule zmodules
for zmodule ("$zmodules[@]") zmodload "zsh/${(z)zmodule}"
unset zmodule{s,}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh:103> unset zmodules zmodule
# Autoload Zsh functions.
zstyle -a ':prezto:load' zfunction 'zfunctions'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh:106> zstyle -a :prezto:load zfunction zfunctions
for zfunction ("$zfunctions[@]") autoload -Uz "$zfunction"
unset zfunction{s,}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh:108> unset zfunctions zfunction
# Load Prezto modules.
zstyle -a ':prezto:load' pmodule 'pmodules'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh:111> zstyle -a :prezto:load pmodule pmodules
pmodload "$pmodules[@]"
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh:112> pmodload environment terminal editor history directory spectrum utility ssh completion homebrew osx git syntax-highlighting history-substring-search prompt
+pmodload:1> local -a pmodules
+pmodload:2> local pmodule
+pmodload:3> local pfunction_glob='^([_.]*|prompt_*_setup|README*)(-.N:t)'
+pmodload:6> pmodules=( environment terminal editor history directory spectrum utility ssh completion homebrew osx git syntax-highlighting history-substring-search prompt )
+pmodload:9> fpath=( /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions )
+pmodload:11> '(anon)'
+(anon):1> local pfunction
+(anon):7> pfunction=diff
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz diff
+(anon):7> pfunction=dut
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz dut
+(anon):7> pfunction=make
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz make
+(anon):7> pfunction=prep
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz prep
+(anon):7> pfunction=psub
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz psub
+(anon):7> pfunction=wdiff
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz wdiff
+(anon):7> pfunction=mand
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz mand
+(anon):7> pfunction=manp
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz manp
+(anon):7> pfunction=osx-ls-download-history
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz osx-ls-download-history
+(anon):7> pfunction=osx-rm-dir-metadata
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz osx-rm-dir-metadata
+(anon):7> pfunction=osx-rm-download-history
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz osx-rm-download-history
+(anon):7> pfunction=pfd
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz pfd
+(anon):7> pfunction=pfs
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz pfs
+(anon):7> pfunction=ql
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz ql
+(anon):7> pfunction=tab
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz tab
+(anon):7> pfunction=git-branch-current
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz git-branch-current
+(anon):7> pfunction=git-commit-lost
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz git-commit-lost
+(anon):7> pfunction=git-dir
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz git-dir
+(anon):7> pfunction=git-hub-browse
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz git-hub-browse
+(anon):7> pfunction=git-hub-shorten-url
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz git-hub-shorten-url
+(anon):7> pfunction=git-info
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz git-info
+(anon):7> pfunction=git-root
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz git-root
+(anon):7> pfunction=git-stash-clear-interactive
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz git-stash-clear-interactive
+(anon):7> pfunction=git-stash-dropped
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz git-stash-dropped
+(anon):7> pfunction=git-stash-recover
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz git-stash-recover
+(anon):7> pfunction=git-submodule-move
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz git-submodule-move
+(anon):7> pfunction=git-submodule-remove
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz git-submodule-remove
+pmodload:24> pmodule=environment
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:environment loaded yes no
+pmodload:27> [[ ! -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment ]]
+pmodload:31> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh ]]
+pmodload:32> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh
# Sets general shell options and defines environment variables.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Smart URLs
autoload -Uz url-quote-magic
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:12> autoload -Uz url-quote-magic
zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:13> zle -N self-insert url-quote-magic
# General
setopt BRACE_CCL # Allow brace character class list expansion.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:19> setopt BRACE_CCL
setopt COMBINING_CHARS # Combine zero-length punctuation characters (accents)
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:20> setopt COMBINING_CHARS
# with the base character.
setopt RC_QUOTES # Allow 'Henry''s Garage' instead of 'Henry'\''s Garage'.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:22> setopt RC_QUOTES
unsetopt MAIL_WARNING # Don't print a warning message if a mail file has been accessed.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:23> unsetopt MAIL_WARNING
# Jobs
setopt LONG_LIST_JOBS # List jobs in the long format by default.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:29> setopt LONG_LIST_JOBS
setopt AUTO_RESUME # Attempt to resume existing job before creating a new process.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:30> setopt AUTO_RESUME
setopt NOTIFY # Report status of background jobs immediately.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:31> setopt NOTIFY
unsetopt BG_NICE # Don't run all background jobs at a lower priority.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:32> unsetopt BG_NICE
unsetopt HUP # Don't kill jobs on shell exit.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:33> unsetopt HUP
unsetopt CHECK_JOBS # Don't report on jobs when shell exit.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:34> unsetopt CHECK_JOBS
# Termcap
if zstyle -t ':prezto:environment:termcap' color; then
export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[01;31m' # Begins blinking.
export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[01;31m' # Begins bold.
export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m' # Ends mode.
export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m' # Ends standout-mode.
export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[00;47;30m' # Begins standout-mode.
export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m' # Ends underline.
export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[01;32m' # Begins underline.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:40> zstyle -t :prezto:environment:termcap color
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:41> export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=''
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:42> export LESS_TERMCAP_md=''
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:43> export LESS_TERMCAP_me=''
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:44> export LESS_TERMCAP_se=''
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:45> export LESS_TERMCAP_so=''
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:46> export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=''
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/environment/init.zsh:47> export LESS_TERMCAP_us=''
+pmodload:35> (( 0 == 0 ))
+pmodload:36> zstyle :prezto:module:environment loaded yes
+pmodload:24> pmodule=terminal
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:terminal loaded yes no
+pmodload:27> [[ ! -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/terminal ]]
+pmodload:31> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/terminal/init.zsh ]]
+pmodload:32> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/terminal/init.zsh
# Sets terminal window and tab titles.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Return if requirements are not found.
if [[ "$TERM" == (dumb|linux|*bsd*|eterm*) ]]; then
return 1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/terminal/init.zsh:9> [[ xterm-256color == (dumb|linux|*bsd*|eterm*) ]]
# Sets the terminal or terminal multiplexer window title.
function set-window-title {
local title_format{,ted}
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:terminal:window-title' format 'title_format' || title_format="%s"
zformat -f title_formatted "$title_format" "s:$argv"
if [[ "$TERM" == screen* ]]; then
printf "$title_format" "${(V%)title_formatted}"
# Sets the terminal tab title.
function set-tab-title {
local title_format{,ted}
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:terminal:tab-title' format 'title_format' || title_format="%s"
zformat -f title_formatted "$title_format" "s:$argv"
printf "\e]1;%s\a" ${(V%)title_formatted}
# Sets the tab and window titles with a given command.
function _terminal-set-titles-with-command {
emulate -L zsh
# Get the command name that is under job control.
if [[ "${2[(w)1]}" == (fg|%*)(\;|) ]]; then
# Get the job name, and, if missing, set it to the default %+.
local job_name="${${2[(wr)%*(\;|)]}:-%+}"
# Make a local copy for use in the subshell.
local -A jobtexts_from_parent_shell
jobs "$job_name" 2>/dev/null > >(
read index discarded
# The index is already surrounded by brackets: [1].
_terminal-set-titles-with-command "${(e):-\$jobtexts_from_parent_shell$index}"
# Set the command name, or in the case of sudo or ssh, the next command.
local cmd="${${2[(wr)^(*=*|sudo|ssh|-*)]}:t}"
local truncated_cmd="${cmd/(#m)?(#c15,)/${MATCH[1,12]}...}"
unset MATCH
set-window-title "$cmd"
set-tab-title "$truncated_cmd"
# Sets the tab and window titles with a given path.
function _terminal-set-titles-with-path {
emulate -L zsh
local absolute_path="${${1:a}:-$PWD}"
local abbreviated_path="${absolute_path/#$HOME/~}"
local truncated_path="${abbreviated_path/(#m)?(#c15,)/...${MATCH[-12,-1]}}"
unset MATCH
set-window-title "$abbreviated_path"
set-tab-title "$truncated_path"
# Do not override precmd/preexec; append to the hook array.
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/terminal/init.zsh:82> autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
# Set up the Apple Terminal.
if [[ "$TERM_PROGRAM" == 'Apple_Terminal' ]] \
&& ( ! [[ -n "$STY" || -n "$TMUX" || -n "$DVTM" ]] )
# Sets the current working directory before the prompt is
# displayed.
function _terminal-set-terminal-app-proxy-icon {
printf '\e]7;%s\a' "file://${HOST}${PWD// /%20}"
add-zsh-hook precmd _terminal-set-terminal-app-proxy-icon
# Unsets the current working directory when a terminal
# multiplexer or remote connection is started since it can no longer be
# updated, and it becomes confusing when the directory displayed in the title
# bar is no longer synchronized with real current working directory.
function _terminal-unset-terminal-app-proxy-icon {
if [[ "${2[(w)1]:t}" == (screen|tmux|dvtm|ssh|mosh) ]]; then
print '\e]7;\a'
add-zsh-hook preexec _terminal-unset-terminal-app-proxy-icon
# Do not set the tab and window titles in since it sets the tab
# title to the currently running process by default and the current working
# directory is set separately.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/terminal/init.zsh:85> [[ == Apple_Terminal ]]
# Set up non-Apple terminals.
if zstyle -t ':prezto:module:terminal' auto-title \
&& ( ! [[ -n "$STY" || -n "$TMUX" ]] )
# Sets the tab and window titles before the prompt is displayed.
add-zsh-hook precmd _terminal-set-titles-with-path
# Sets the tab and window titles before command execution.
add-zsh-hook preexec _terminal-set-titles-with-command
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/terminal/init.zsh:113> zstyle -t :prezto:module:terminal auto-title
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/terminal/init.zsh:114> [[ -n '' || -n '' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/terminal/init.zsh:117> add-zsh-hook precmd _terminal-set-titles-with-path
+add-zsh-hook:15> emulate -L zsh
+add-zsh-hook:17> local -a hooktypes
+add-zsh-hook:18> hooktypes=( chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name )
+add-zsh-hook:22> local usage='Usage: add-zsh-hook hook function\nValid hooks are:\n chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name'
+add-zsh-hook:24> local opt
+add-zsh-hook:25> local -a autoopts
+add-zsh-hook:26> integer del list help
+add-zsh-hook:28> getopts dDhLUzk opt
+add-zsh-hook:55> shift 0
+add-zsh-hook:57> (( list ))
+add-zsh-hook:60> (( help || 2 != 2 || 2 == 0 ))
+add-zsh-hook:65> local hook=precmd_functions
+add-zsh-hook:66> local fn=_terminal-set-titles-with-path
+add-zsh-hook:68> (( del ))
+add-zsh-hook:83> (( 1 ))
+add-zsh-hook:84> (( 0 == 0 ))
+add-zsh-hook:85> typeset -ga precmd_functions
+add-zsh-hook:86> set -A precmd_functions _direnv_hook math_precmd _z_precmd _terminal-set-titles-with-path
+add-zsh-hook:92> autoload -- _terminal-set-titles-with-path
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/terminal/init.zsh:120> add-zsh-hook preexec _terminal-set-titles-with-command
+add-zsh-hook:15> emulate -L zsh
+add-zsh-hook:17> local -a hooktypes
+add-zsh-hook:18> hooktypes=( chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name )
+add-zsh-hook:22> local usage='Usage: add-zsh-hook hook function\nValid hooks are:\n chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name'
+add-zsh-hook:24> local opt
+add-zsh-hook:25> local -a autoopts
+add-zsh-hook:26> integer del list help
+add-zsh-hook:28> getopts dDhLUzk opt
+add-zsh-hook:55> shift 0
+add-zsh-hook:57> (( list ))
+add-zsh-hook:60> (( help || 2 != 2 || 3 == 0 ))
+add-zsh-hook:65> local hook=preexec_functions
+add-zsh-hook:66> local fn=_terminal-set-titles-with-command
+add-zsh-hook:68> (( del ))
+add-zsh-hook:83> (( 1 ))
+add-zsh-hook:84> (( 0 == 0 ))
+add-zsh-hook:85> typeset -ga preexec_functions
+add-zsh-hook:86> set -A preexec_functions math_preexec _terminal-set-titles-with-command
+add-zsh-hook:92> autoload -- _terminal-set-titles-with-command
+pmodload:35> (( 0 == 0 ))
+pmodload:36> zstyle :prezto:module:terminal loaded yes
+pmodload:24> pmodule=editor
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:editor loaded yes no
+pmodload:27> [[ ! -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor ]]
+pmodload:31> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh ]]
+pmodload:32> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh
# Sets key bindings.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Return if requirements are not found.
if [[ "$TERM" == 'dumb' ]]; then
return 1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:9> [[ xterm-256color == dumb ]]
# Options
# Beep on error in line editor.
setopt BEEP
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:18> setopt BEEP
# Variables
# Treat these characters as part of a word.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:25> WORDCHARS='*?_-.[]~&;!#$%^(){}<>'
# Use human-friendly identifiers.
zmodload zsh/terminfo
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:28> zmodload zsh/terminfo
typeset -gA key_info
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:29> typeset -gA key_info
'Control' '\C-'
'ControlLeft' '\e[1;5D \e[5D \e\e[D \eOd'
'ControlRight' '\e[1;5C \e[5C \e\e[C \eOc'
'Escape' '\e'
'Meta' '\M-'
'Backspace' "^?"
'Delete' "^[[3~"
'F1' "$terminfo[kf1]"
'F2' "$terminfo[kf2]"
'F3' "$terminfo[kf3]"
'F4' "$terminfo[kf4]"
'F5' "$terminfo[kf5]"
'F6' "$terminfo[kf6]"
'F7' "$terminfo[kf7]"
'F8' "$terminfo[kf8]"
'F9' "$terminfo[kf9]"
'F10' "$terminfo[kf10]"
'F11' "$terminfo[kf11]"
'F12' "$terminfo[kf12]"
'Insert' "$terminfo[kich1]"
'Home' "$terminfo[khome]"
'PageUp' "$terminfo[kpp]"
'End' "$terminfo[kend]"
'PageDown' "$terminfo[knp]"
'Up' "$terminfo[kcuu1]"
'Left' "$terminfo[kcub1]"
'Down' "$terminfo[kcud1]"
'Right' "$terminfo[kcuf1]"
'BackTab' "$terminfo[kcbt]"
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:30> key_info=( Control '\C-' ControlLeft '\e[1;5D \e[5D \e\e[D \eOd' ControlRight '\e[1;5C \e[5C \e\e[C \eOc' Escape '\e' Meta '\M-' Backspace '^?' Delete '^[[3~' F1 OP F2 OQ F3 OR F4 OS F5 '[15~' F6 '[17~' F7 '[18~' F8 '[19~' F9 '[20~' F10 '[21~' F11 '[23~' F12 '[24~' Insert '[2~' Home OH PageUp '[5~' End OF PageDown '[6~' Up OA Left OD Down OB Right OC BackTab '' )
# Set empty $key_info values to an invalid UTF-8 sequence to induce silent
# bindkey failure.
for key in "${(k)key_info[@]}"; do
if [[ -z "$key_info[$key]" ]]; then
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=Down
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z OB ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=F5
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '[15~' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=Backspace
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '^?' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=F10
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '[21~' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=F6
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '[17~' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=F11
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '[23~' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=F7
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '[18~' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=F12
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '[24~' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=F8
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '[19~' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=F9
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '[20~' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=Left
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z OD ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=Meta
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '\M-' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=Control
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '\C-' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=Right
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z OC ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=PageDown
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '[6~' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=End
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z OF ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=PageUp
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '[5~' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=Insert
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '[2~' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=BackTab
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=Up
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z OA ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=Delete
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '^[[3~' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=ControlLeft
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '\e[1;5D \e[5D \e\e[D \eOd' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=F1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z OP ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=Home
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z OH ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=F2
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z OQ ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=F3
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z OR ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=F4
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z OS ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=Escape
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '\e' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:64> key=ControlRight
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:65> [[ -z '\e[1;5C \e[5C \e\e[C \eOc' ]]
# External Editor
# Allow command line editing in an external editor.
autoload -Uz edit-command-line
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:75> autoload -Uz edit-command-line
zle -N edit-command-line
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:76> zle -N edit-command-line
# Functions
# Exposes information about the Zsh Line Editor via the $editor_info associative
# array.
function editor-info {
# Clean up previous $editor_info.
unset editor_info
typeset -gA editor_info
if [[ "$KEYMAP" == 'vicmd' ]]; then
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:editor:info:keymap:alternate' format 'REPLY'
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:editor:info:keymap:primary' format 'REPLY'
if [[ "$ZLE_STATE" == *overwrite* ]]; then
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:editor:info:keymap:primary:overwrite' format 'REPLY'
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:editor:info:keymap:primary:insert' format 'REPLY'
unset REPLY
zle reset-prompt
zle -R
zle -N editor-info
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:110> zle -N editor-info
# Updates editor information when the keymap changes.
function zle-keymap-select {
zle editor-info
zle -N zle-keymap-select
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:116> zle -N zle-keymap-select
# Enables terminal application mode and updates editor information.
function zle-line-init {
# The terminal must be in application mode when ZLE is active for $terminfo
# values to be valid.
if (( $+terminfo[smkx] )); then
# Enable terminal application mode.
echoti smkx
# Update editor information.
zle editor-info
zle -N zle-line-init
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:130> zle -N zle-line-init
# Disables terminal application mode and updates editor information.
function zle-line-finish {
# The terminal must be in application mode when ZLE is active for $terminfo
# values to be valid.
if (( $+terminfo[rmkx] )); then
# Disable terminal application mode.
echoti rmkx
# Update editor information.
zle editor-info
zle -N zle-line-finish
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:144> zle -N zle-line-finish
# Toggles emacs overwrite mode and updates editor information.
function overwrite-mode {
zle .overwrite-mode
zle editor-info
zle -N overwrite-mode
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:151> zle -N overwrite-mode
# Enters vi insert mode and updates editor information.
function vi-insert {
zle .vi-insert
zle editor-info
zle -N vi-insert
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:158> zle -N vi-insert
# Moves to the first non-blank character then enters vi insert mode and updates
# editor information.
function vi-insert-bol {
zle .vi-insert-bol
zle editor-info
zle -N vi-insert-bol
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:166> zle -N vi-insert-bol
# Enters vi replace mode and updates editor information.
function vi-replace {
zle .vi-replace
zle editor-info
zle -N vi-replace
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:173> zle -N vi-replace
# Expands .... to ../..
function expand-dot-to-parent-directory-path {
if [[ $LBUFFER = *.. ]]; then
zle -N expand-dot-to-parent-directory-path
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:183> zle -N expand-dot-to-parent-directory-path
# Displays an indicator when completing.
function expand-or-complete-with-indicator {
local indicator
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:editor:info:completing' format 'indicator'
print -Pn "$indicator"
zle expand-or-complete
zle redisplay
zle -N expand-or-complete-with-indicator
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:193> zle -N expand-or-complete-with-indicator
# Inserts 'sudo ' at the beginning of the line.
function prepend-sudo {
if [[ "$BUFFER" != su(do|)\ * ]]; then
(( CURSOR += 5 ))
zle -N prepend-sudo
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:202> zle -N prepend-sudo
# Reset to default key bindings.
bindkey -d
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:205> bindkey -d
# Emacs Key Bindings
for key in "$key_info[Escape]"{B,b} "${(s: :)key_info[ControlLeft]}"
bindkey -M emacs "$key" emacs-backward-word
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:211> key=\eB
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:212> bindkey -M emacs '\eB' emacs-backward-word
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:211> key=\eb
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:212> bindkey -M emacs '\eb' emacs-backward-word
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:211> key=\e[1;5D
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:212> bindkey -M emacs '\e[1;5D' emacs-backward-word
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:211> key=\e[5D
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:212> bindkey -M emacs '\e[5D' emacs-backward-word
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:211> key=\e\e[D
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:212> bindkey -M emacs '\e\e[D' emacs-backward-word
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:211> key=\eOd
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:212> bindkey -M emacs '\eOd' emacs-backward-word
for key in "$key_info[Escape]"{F,f} "${(s: :)key_info[ControlRight]}"
bindkey -M emacs "$key" emacs-forward-word
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:213> key=\eF
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:214> bindkey -M emacs '\eF' emacs-forward-word
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:213> key=\ef
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:214> bindkey -M emacs '\ef' emacs-forward-word
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:213> key=\e[1;5C
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:214> bindkey -M emacs '\e[1;5C' emacs-forward-word
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:213> key=\e[5C
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:214> bindkey -M emacs '\e[5C' emacs-forward-word
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:213> key=\e\e[C
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:214> bindkey -M emacs '\e\e[C' emacs-forward-word
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:213> key=\eOc
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:214> bindkey -M emacs '\eOc' emacs-forward-word
# Kill to the beginning of the line.
for key in "$key_info[Escape]"{K,k}
bindkey -M emacs "$key" backward-kill-line
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:217> key=\eK
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:218> bindkey -M emacs '\eK' backward-kill-line
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:217> key=\ek
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:218> bindkey -M emacs '\ek' backward-kill-line
# Redo.
bindkey -M emacs "$key_info[Escape]_" redo
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:221> bindkey -M emacs '\e_' redo
# Search previous character.
bindkey -M emacs "$key_info[Control]X$key_info[Control]B" vi-find-prev-char
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:224> bindkey -M emacs '\C-X\C-B' vi-find-prev-char
# Match bracket.
bindkey -M emacs "$key_info[Control]X$key_info[Control]]" vi-match-bracket
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:227> bindkey -M emacs '\C-X\C-]' vi-match-bracket
# Edit command in an external editor.
bindkey -M emacs "$key_info[Control]X$key_info[Control]E" edit-command-line
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:230> bindkey -M emacs '\C-X\C-E' edit-command-line
if (( $+widgets[history-incremental-pattern-search-backward] )); then
bindkey -M emacs "$key_info[Control]R" \
bindkey -M emacs "$key_info[Control]S" \
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:232> (( 1 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:233> bindkey -M emacs '\C-R' history-incremental-pattern-search-backward
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:235> bindkey -M emacs '\C-S' history-incremental-pattern-search-forward
# Vi Key Bindings
# Edit command in an external editor.
bindkey -M vicmd "v" edit-command-line
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:244> bindkey -M vicmd v edit-command-line
# Undo/Redo
bindkey -M vicmd "u" undo
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:247> bindkey -M vicmd u undo
bindkey -M vicmd "$key_info[Control]R" redo
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:248> bindkey -M vicmd '\C-R' redo
if (( $+widgets[history-incremental-pattern-search-backward] )); then
bindkey -M vicmd "?" history-incremental-pattern-search-backward
bindkey -M vicmd "/" history-incremental-pattern-search-forward
bindkey -M vicmd "?" history-incremental-search-backward
bindkey -M vicmd "/" history-incremental-search-forward
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:250> (( 1 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:251> bindkey -M vicmd '?' history-incremental-pattern-search-backward
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:252> bindkey -M vicmd / history-incremental-pattern-search-forward
# Emacs and Vi Key Bindings
for keymap in 'emacs' 'viins'; do
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Home]" beginning-of-line
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[End]" end-of-line
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Insert]" overwrite-mode
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Delete]" delete-char
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Backspace]" backward-delete-char
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Left]" backward-char
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Right]" forward-char
# Expand history on space.
bindkey -M "$keymap" ' ' magic-space
# Clear screen.
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Control]L" clear-screen
# Expand command name to full path.
for key in "$key_info[Escape]"{E,e}
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key" expand-cmd-path
# Duplicate the previous word.
for key in "$key_info[Escape]"{M,m}
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key" copy-prev-shell-word
# Use a more flexible push-line.
for key in "$key_info[Control]Q" "$key_info[Escape]"{q,Q}
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key" push-line-or-edit
# Bind Shift + Tab to go to the previous menu item.
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[BackTab]" reverse-menu-complete
# Complete in the middle of word.
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Control]I" expand-or-complete
# Expand .... to ../..
if zstyle -t ':prezto:module:editor' dot-expansion; then
bindkey -M "$keymap" "." expand-dot-to-parent-directory-path
# Display an indicator when completing.
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Control]I" \
# Insert 'sudo ' at the beginning of the line.
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Control]X$key_info[Control]S" prepend-sudo
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:262> keymap=emacs
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:263> bindkey -M emacs OH beginning-of-line
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:264> bindkey -M emacs OF end-of-line
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:266> bindkey -M emacs '[2~' overwrite-mode
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:267> bindkey -M emacs '^[[3~' delete-char
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:268> bindkey -M emacs '^?' backward-delete-char
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:270> bindkey -M emacs OD backward-char
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:271> bindkey -M emacs OC forward-char
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:274> bindkey -M emacs ' ' magic-space
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:277> bindkey -M emacs '\C-L' clear-screen
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:280> key=\eE
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:281> bindkey -M emacs '\eE' expand-cmd-path
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:280> key=\ee
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:281> bindkey -M emacs '\ee' expand-cmd-path
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:284> key=\eM
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:285> bindkey -M emacs '\eM' copy-prev-shell-word
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:284> key=\em
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:285> bindkey -M emacs '\em' copy-prev-shell-word
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:288> key=\C-Q
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:289> bindkey -M emacs '\C-Q' push-line-or-edit
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:288> key=\eq
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:289> bindkey -M emacs '\eq' push-line-or-edit
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:288> key=\eQ
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:289> bindkey -M emacs '\eQ' push-line-or-edit
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:292> bindkey -M emacs '' reverse-menu-complete
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:295> bindkey -M emacs '\C-I' expand-or-complete
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:298> zstyle -t :prezto:module:editor dot-expansion
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:303> bindkey -M emacs '\C-I' expand-or-complete-with-indicator
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:307> bindkey -M emacs '\C-X\C-S' prepend-sudo
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:262> keymap=viins
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:263> bindkey -M viins OH beginning-of-line
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:264> bindkey -M viins OF end-of-line
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:266> bindkey -M viins '[2~' overwrite-mode
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:267> bindkey -M viins '^[[3~' delete-char
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:268> bindkey -M viins '^?' backward-delete-char
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:270> bindkey -M viins OD backward-char
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:271> bindkey -M viins OC forward-char
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:274> bindkey -M viins ' ' magic-space
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:277> bindkey -M viins '\C-L' clear-screen
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:280> key=\eE
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:281> bindkey -M viins '\eE' expand-cmd-path
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:280> key=\ee
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:281> bindkey -M viins '\ee' expand-cmd-path
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:284> key=\eM
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:285> bindkey -M viins '\eM' copy-prev-shell-word
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:284> key=\em
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:285> bindkey -M viins '\em' copy-prev-shell-word
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:288> key=\C-Q
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:289> bindkey -M viins '\C-Q' push-line-or-edit
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:288> key=\eq
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:289> bindkey -M viins '\eq' push-line-or-edit
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:288> key=\eQ
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:289> bindkey -M viins '\eQ' push-line-or-edit
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:292> bindkey -M viins '' reverse-menu-complete
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:295> bindkey -M viins '\C-I' expand-or-complete
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:298> zstyle -t :prezto:module:editor dot-expansion
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:303> bindkey -M viins '\C-I' expand-or-complete-with-indicator
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:307> bindkey -M viins '\C-X\C-S' prepend-sudo
# Do not expand .... to ../.. during incremental search.
if zstyle -t ':prezto:module:editor' dot-expansion; then
bindkey -M isearch . self-insert 2> /dev/null
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:311> zstyle -t :prezto:module:editor dot-expansion
# Layout
# Set the key layout.
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:editor' key-bindings 'key_bindings'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:320> zstyle -s :prezto:module:editor key-bindings key_bindings
if [[ "$key_bindings" == (emacs|) ]]; then
bindkey -e
elif [[ "$key_bindings" == vi ]]; then
bindkey -v
print "prezto: editor: invalid key bindings: $key_bindings" >&2
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:321> [[ emacs == (emacs|) ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:322> bindkey -e
unset key{,map,bindings}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/editor/init.zsh:329> unset key keymap keybindings
+pmodload:35> (( 0 == 0 ))
+pmodload:36> zstyle :prezto:module:editor loaded yes
+pmodload:24> pmodule=history
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:history loaded yes no
+pmodload:27> [[ ! -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history ]]
+pmodload:31> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh ]]
+pmodload:32> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh
# Sets history options and defines history aliases.
# Authors:
# Robby Russell <>
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Variables
HISTFILE="${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zhistory" # The path to the history file.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh:13> HISTFILE=/Users/quanta/.zhistory
HISTSIZE=10000 # The maximum number of events to save in the internal history.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh:14> HISTSIZE=10000
SAVEHIST=10000 # The maximum number of events to save in the history file.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh:15> SAVEHIST=10000
# Options
setopt BANG_HIST # Treat the '!' character specially during expansion.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh:21> setopt BANG_HIST
setopt EXTENDED_HISTORY # Write the history file in the ':start:elapsed;command' format.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh:22> setopt EXTENDED_HISTORY
setopt INC_APPEND_HISTORY # Write to the history file immediately, not when the shell exits.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh:23> setopt INC_APPEND_HISTORY
setopt SHARE_HISTORY # Share history between all sessions.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh:24> setopt SHARE_HISTORY
setopt HIST_EXPIRE_DUPS_FIRST # Expire a duplicate event first when trimming history.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh:25> setopt HIST_EXPIRE_DUPS_FIRST
setopt HIST_IGNORE_DUPS # Do not record an event that was just recorded again.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh:26> setopt HIST_IGNORE_DUPS
setopt HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS # Delete an old recorded event if a new event is a duplicate.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh:27> setopt HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS
setopt HIST_FIND_NO_DUPS # Do not display a previously found event.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh:28> setopt HIST_FIND_NO_DUPS
setopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE # Do not record an event starting with a space.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh:29> setopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE
setopt HIST_SAVE_NO_DUPS # Do not write a duplicate event to the history file.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh:30> setopt HIST_SAVE_NO_DUPS
setopt HIST_VERIFY # Do not execute immediately upon history expansion.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh:31> setopt HIST_VERIFY
setopt HIST_BEEP # Beep when accessing non-existent history.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh:32> setopt HIST_BEEP
# Aliases
# Lists the ten most used commands.
alias history-stat="history 0 | awk '{print \$2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r | head"
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history/init.zsh:39> alias 'history-stat=history 0 | awk ''{print $2}'' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r | head'
+pmodload:35> (( 0 == 0 ))
+pmodload:36> zstyle :prezto:module:history loaded yes
+pmodload:24> pmodule=directory
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:directory loaded yes no
+pmodload:27> [[ ! -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory ]]
+pmodload:31> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh ]]
+pmodload:32> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh
# Sets directory options and defines directory aliases.
# Authors:
# James Cox <>
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Options
setopt AUTO_CD # Auto changes to a directory without typing cd.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:13> setopt AUTO_CD
setopt AUTO_PUSHD # Push the old directory onto the stack on cd.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:14> setopt AUTO_PUSHD
setopt PUSHD_IGNORE_DUPS # Do not store duplicates in the stack.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:15> setopt PUSHD_IGNORE_DUPS
setopt PUSHD_SILENT # Do not print the directory stack after pushd or popd.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:16> setopt PUSHD_SILENT
setopt PUSHD_TO_HOME # Push to home directory when no argument is given.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:17> setopt PUSHD_TO_HOME
setopt CDABLE_VARS # Change directory to a path stored in a variable.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:18> setopt CDABLE_VARS
setopt AUTO_NAME_DIRS # Auto add variable-stored paths to ~ list.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:19> setopt AUTO_NAME_DIRS
setopt MULTIOS # Write to multiple descriptors.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:20> setopt MULTIOS
setopt EXTENDED_GLOB # Use extended globbing syntax.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:21> setopt EXTENDED_GLOB
unsetopt CLOBBER # Do not overwrite existing files with > and >>.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:22> unsetopt CLOBBER
# Use >! and >>! to bypass.
# Aliases
alias d='dirs -v'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:29> alias 'd=dirs -v'
for index ({1..9}) alias "$index"="cd +${index}"; unset index
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> index=1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> alias '1=cd +1'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> index=2
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> alias '2=cd +2'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> index=3
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> alias '3=cd +3'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> index=4
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> alias '4=cd +4'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> index=5
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> alias '5=cd +5'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> index=6
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> alias '6=cd +6'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> index=7
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> alias '7=cd +7'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> index=8
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> alias '8=cd +8'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> index=9
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> alias '9=cd +9'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/directory/init.zsh:30> unset index
+pmodload:35> (( 0 == 0 ))
+pmodload:36> zstyle :prezto:module:directory loaded yes
+pmodload:24> pmodule=spectrum
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:spectrum loaded yes no
+pmodload:27> [[ ! -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum ]]
+pmodload:31> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh ]]
+pmodload:32> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh
# Provides for easier use of 256 colors and effects.
# Authors:
# P.C. Shyamshankar <>
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Return if requirements are not found.
if [[ "$TERM" == 'dumb' ]]; then
return 1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:10> [[ xterm-256color == dumb ]]
typeset -gA FX FG BG
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:14> typeset -gA FX FG BG
none "\e[00m"
normal "\e[22m"
bold "\e[01m" no-bold "\e[22m"
faint "\e[02m" no-faint "\e[22m"
standout "\e[03m" no-standout "\e[23m"
underline "\e[04m" no-underline "\e[24m"
blink "\e[05m" no-blink "\e[25m"
fast-blink "\e[06m" no-fast-blink "\e[25m"
reverse "\e[07m" no-reverse "\e[27m"
conceal "\e[08m" no-conceal "\e[28m"
strikethrough "\e[09m" no-strikethrough "\e[29m"
gothic "\e[20m" no-gothic "\e[22m"
double-underline "\e[21m" no-double-underline "\e[22m"
proportional "\e[26m" no-proportional "\e[50m"
overline "\e[53m" no-overline "\e[55m"
no-border "\e[54m"
border-rectangle "\e[51m" no-border-rectangle "\e[54m"
border-circle "\e[52m" no-border-circle "\e[54m"
no-ideogram-marking "\e[65m"
underline-or-right "\e[60m" no-underline-or-right "\e[65m"
double-underline-or-right "\e[61m" no-double-underline-or-right "\e[65m"
overline-or-left "\e[62m" no-overline-or-left "\e[65m"
double-overline-or-left "\e[63m" no-double-overline-or-left "\e[65m"
stress "\e[64m" no-stress "\e[65m"
font-default "\e[10m"
font-first "\e[11m" no-font-first "\e[10m"
font-second "\e[12m" no-font-second "\e[10m"
font-third "\e[13m" no-font-third "\e[10m"
font-fourth "\e[14m" no-font-fourth "\e[10m"
font-fifth "\e[15m" no-font-fifth "\e[10m"
font-sixth "\e[16m" no-font-sixth "\e[10m"
font-seventh "\e[17m" no-font-seventh "\e[10m"
font-eigth "\e[18m" no-font-eigth "\e[10m"
font-ninth "\e[19m" no-font-ninth "\e[10m"
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:16> FX=( none '\e[00m' normal '\e[22m' bold '\e[01m' no-bold '\e[22m' faint '\e[02m' no-faint '\e[22m' standout '\e[03m' no-standout '\e[23m' underline '\e[04m' no-underline '\e[24m' blink '\e[05m' no-blink '\e[25m' fast-blink '\e[06m' no-fast-blink '\e[25m' reverse '\e[07m' no-reverse '\e[27m' conceal '\e[08m' no-conceal '\e[28m' strikethrough '\e[09m' no-strikethrough '\e[29m' gothic '\e[20m' no-gothic '\e[22m' double-underline '\e[21m' no-double-underline '\e[22m' proportional '\e[26m' no-proportional '\e[50m' overline '\e[53m' no-overline '\e[55m' no-border '\e[54m' border-rectangle '\e[51m' no-border-rectangle '\e[54m' border-circle '\e[52m' no-border-circle '\e[54m' no-ideogram-marking '\e[65m' underline-or-right '\e[60m' no-underline-or-right '\e[65m' double-underline-or-right '\e[61m' no-double-underline-or-right '\e[65m' overline-or-left '\e[62m' no-overline-or-left '\e[65m' double-overline-or-left '\e[63m' no-double-overline-or-left '\e[65m' stress '\e[64m' no-stress '\e[65m' font-default '\e[10m' font-first '\e[11m' no-font-first '\e[10m' font-second '\e[12m' no-font-second '\e[10m' font-third '\e[13m' no-font-third '\e[10m' font-fourth '\e[14m' no-font-fourth '\e[10m' font-fifth '\e[15m' no-font-fifth '\e[10m' font-sixth '\e[16m' no-font-sixth '\e[10m' font-seventh '\e[17m' no-font-seventh '\e[10m' font-eigth '\e[18m' no-font-eigth '\e[10m' font-ninth '\e[19m' no-font-ninth '\e[10m' )
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:56> FG[none]='\e[00m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:57> BG[none]='\e[00m'
colors=(black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white)
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:58> colors=( black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white )
for color in {0..255}; do
if (( $color >= 0 )) && (( $color < $#colors )); then
index=$(( $color + 1 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=0
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 0 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 0 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:61> index=1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:62> FG[$colors[$index]]='\e[38;5;0m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:63> BG[$colors[$index]]='\e[48;5;0m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;0m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;0m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 1 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 1 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:61> index=2
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:62> FG[$colors[$index]]='\e[38;5;1m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:63> BG[$colors[$index]]='\e[48;5;1m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;1m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;1m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=2
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 2 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 2 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:61> index=3
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:62> FG[$colors[$index]]='\e[38;5;2m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:63> BG[$colors[$index]]='\e[48;5;2m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;2m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;2m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=3
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 3 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 3 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:61> index=4
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:62> FG[$colors[$index]]='\e[38;5;3m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:63> BG[$colors[$index]]='\e[48;5;3m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;3m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;3m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=4
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 4 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 4 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:61> index=5
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:62> FG[$colors[$index]]='\e[38;5;4m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:63> BG[$colors[$index]]='\e[48;5;4m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;4m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;4m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=5
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 5 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 5 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:61> index=6
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:62> FG[$colors[$index]]='\e[38;5;5m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:63> BG[$colors[$index]]='\e[48;5;5m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;5m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;5m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=6
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 6 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 6 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:61> index=7
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:62> FG[$colors[$index]]='\e[38;5;6m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:63> BG[$colors[$index]]='\e[48;5;6m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;6m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;6m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=7
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 7 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 7 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:61> index=8
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:62> FG[$colors[$index]]='\e[38;5;7m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:63> BG[$colors[$index]]='\e[48;5;7m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;7m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;7m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=8
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 8 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 8 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;8m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;8m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=9
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 9 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 9 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;9m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;9m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=10
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 10 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 10 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;10m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;10m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=11
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 11 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 11 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;11m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;11m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=12
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 12 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 12 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;12m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;12m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=13
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 13 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 13 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;13m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;13m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=14
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 14 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 14 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;14m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;14m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=15
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 15 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 15 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;15m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;15m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=16
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 16 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 16 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;16m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;16m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=17
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 17 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 17 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;17m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;17m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=18
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 18 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 18 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;18m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;18m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=19
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 19 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 19 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;19m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;19m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=20
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 20 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 20 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;20m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;20m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=21
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 21 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 21 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;21m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;21m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=22
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 22 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 22 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;22m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;22m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=23
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 23 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 23 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;23m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;23m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=24
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 24 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 24 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;24m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;24m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=25
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 25 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 25 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;25m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;25m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=26
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 26 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 26 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;26m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;26m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=27
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 27 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 27 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;27m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;27m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=28
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 28 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 28 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;28m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;28m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=29
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 29 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 29 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;29m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;29m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=30
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 30 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 30 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;30m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;30m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=31
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 31 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 31 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;31m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;31m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=32
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 32 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 32 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;32m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;32m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=33
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 33 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 33 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;33m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;33m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=34
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 34 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 34 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;34m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;34m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=35
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 35 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 35 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;35m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;35m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=36
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 36 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 36 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;36m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;36m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=37
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 37 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 37 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;37m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;37m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=38
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 38 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 38 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;38m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;38m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=39
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 39 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 39 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;39m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;39m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=40
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 40 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 40 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;40m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;40m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=41
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 41 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 41 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;41m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;41m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=42
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 42 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 42 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;42m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;42m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=43
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 43 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 43 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;43m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;43m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=44
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 44 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 44 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;44m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;44m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=45
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 45 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 45 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;45m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;45m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=46
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 46 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 46 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;46m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;46m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=47
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 47 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 47 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;47m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;47m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=48
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 48 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 48 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;48m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;48m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=49
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 49 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 49 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;49m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;49m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=50
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 50 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 50 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;50m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;50m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=51
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 51 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 51 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;51m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;51m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=52
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 52 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 52 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;52m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;52m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=53
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 53 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 53 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;53m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;53m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=54
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 54 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 54 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;54m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;54m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=55
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 55 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 55 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;55m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;55m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=56
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 56 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 56 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;56m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;56m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=57
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 57 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 57 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;57m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;57m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=58
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 58 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 58 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;58m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;58m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=59
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 59 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 59 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;59m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;59m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=60
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 60 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 60 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;60m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;60m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=61
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 61 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 61 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;61m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;61m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=62
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 62 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 62 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;62m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;62m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=63
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 63 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 63 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;63m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;63m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=64
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 64 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 64 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;64m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;64m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=65
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 65 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 65 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;65m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;65m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=66
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 66 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 66 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;66m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;66m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=67
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 67 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 67 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;67m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;67m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=68
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 68 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 68 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;68m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;68m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=69
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 69 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 69 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;69m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;69m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=70
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 70 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 70 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;70m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;70m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=71
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 71 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 71 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;71m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;71m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=72
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 72 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 72 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;72m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;72m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=73
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 73 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 73 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;73m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;73m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=74
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 74 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 74 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;74m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;74m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=75
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 75 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 75 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;75m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;75m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=76
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 76 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 76 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;76m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;76m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=77
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 77 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 77 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;77m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;77m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=78
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 78 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 78 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;78m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;78m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=79
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 79 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 79 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;79m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;79m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=80
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 80 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 80 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;80m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;80m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=81
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 81 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 81 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;81m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;81m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=82
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 82 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 82 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;82m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;82m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=83
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 83 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 83 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;83m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;83m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=84
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 84 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 84 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;84m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;84m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=85
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 85 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 85 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;85m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;85m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=86
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 86 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 86 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;86m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;86m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=87
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 87 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 87 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;87m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;87m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=88
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 88 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 88 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;88m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;88m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=89
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 89 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 89 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;89m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;89m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=90
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 90 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 90 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;90m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;90m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=91
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 91 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 91 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;91m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;91m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=92
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 92 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 92 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;92m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;92m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=93
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 93 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 93 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;93m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;93m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=94
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 94 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 94 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;94m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;94m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=95
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 95 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 95 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;95m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;95m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=96
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 96 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 96 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;96m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;96m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=97
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 97 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 97 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;97m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;97m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=98
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 98 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 98 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;98m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;98m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=99
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 99 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 99 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;99m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;99m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=100
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 100 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 100 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;100m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;100m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=101
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 101 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 101 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;101m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;101m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=102
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 102 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 102 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;102m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;102m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=103
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 103 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 103 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;103m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;103m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=104
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 104 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 104 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;104m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;104m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=105
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 105 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 105 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;105m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;105m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=106
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 106 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 106 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;106m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;106m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=107
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 107 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 107 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;107m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;107m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=108
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 108 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 108 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;108m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;108m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=109
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 109 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 109 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;109m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;109m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=110
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 110 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 110 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;110m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;110m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=111
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 111 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 111 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;111m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;111m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=112
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 112 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 112 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;112m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;112m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=113
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 113 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 113 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;113m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;113m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=114
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 114 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 114 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;114m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;114m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=115
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 115 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 115 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;115m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;115m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=116
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 116 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 116 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;116m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;116m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=117
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 117 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 117 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;117m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;117m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=118
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 118 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 118 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;118m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;118m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=119
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 119 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 119 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;119m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;119m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=120
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 120 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 120 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;120m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;120m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=121
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 121 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 121 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;121m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;121m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=122
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 122 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 122 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;122m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;122m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=123
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 123 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 123 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;123m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;123m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=124
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 124 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 124 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;124m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;124m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=125
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 125 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 125 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;125m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;125m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=126
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 126 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 126 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;126m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;126m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=127
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 127 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 127 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;127m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;127m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=128
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 128 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 128 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;128m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;128m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=129
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 129 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 129 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;129m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;129m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=130
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 130 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 130 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;130m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;130m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=131
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 131 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 131 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;131m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;131m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=132
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 132 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 132 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;132m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;132m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=133
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 133 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 133 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;133m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;133m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=134
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 134 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 134 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;134m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;134m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=135
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 135 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 135 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;135m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;135m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=136
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 136 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 136 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;136m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;136m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=137
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 137 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 137 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;137m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;137m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=138
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 138 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 138 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;138m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;138m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=139
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 139 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 139 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;139m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;139m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=140
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 140 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 140 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;140m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;140m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=141
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 141 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 141 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;141m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;141m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=142
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 142 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 142 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;142m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;142m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=143
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 143 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 143 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;143m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;143m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=144
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 144 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 144 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;144m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;144m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=145
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 145 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 145 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;145m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;145m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=146
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 146 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 146 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;146m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;146m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=147
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 147 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 147 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;147m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;147m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=148
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 148 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 148 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;148m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;148m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=149
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 149 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 149 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;149m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;149m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=150
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 150 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 150 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;150m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;150m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=151
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 151 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 151 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;151m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;151m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=152
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 152 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 152 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;152m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;152m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=153
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 153 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 153 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;153m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;153m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=154
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 154 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 154 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;154m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;154m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=155
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 155 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 155 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;155m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;155m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=156
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 156 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 156 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;156m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;156m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=157
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 157 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 157 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;157m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;157m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=158
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 158 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 158 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;158m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;158m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=159
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 159 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 159 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;159m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;159m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=160
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 160 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 160 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;160m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;160m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=161
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 161 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 161 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;161m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;161m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=162
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 162 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 162 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;162m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;162m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=163
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 163 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 163 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;163m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;163m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=164
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 164 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 164 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;164m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;164m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=165
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 165 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 165 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;165m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;165m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=166
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 166 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 166 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;166m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;166m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=167
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 167 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 167 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;167m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;167m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=168
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 168 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 168 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;168m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;168m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=169
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 169 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 169 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;169m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;169m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=170
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 170 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 170 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;170m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;170m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=171
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 171 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 171 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;171m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;171m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=172
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 172 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 172 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;172m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;172m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=173
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 173 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 173 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;173m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;173m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=174
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 174 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 174 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;174m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;174m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=175
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 175 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 175 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;175m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;175m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=176
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 176 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 176 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;176m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;176m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=177
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 177 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 177 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;177m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;177m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=178
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 178 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 178 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;178m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;178m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=179
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 179 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 179 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;179m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;179m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=180
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 180 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 180 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;180m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;180m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=181
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 181 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 181 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;181m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;181m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=182
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 182 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 182 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;182m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;182m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=183
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 183 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 183 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;183m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;183m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=184
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 184 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 184 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;184m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;184m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=185
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 185 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 185 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;185m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;185m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=186
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 186 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 186 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;186m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;186m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=187
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 187 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 187 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;187m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;187m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=188
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 188 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 188 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;188m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;188m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=189
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 189 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 189 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;189m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;189m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=190
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 190 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 190 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;190m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;190m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=191
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 191 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 191 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;191m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;191m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=192
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 192 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 192 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;192m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;192m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=193
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 193 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 193 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;193m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;193m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=194
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 194 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 194 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;194m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;194m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=195
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 195 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 195 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;195m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;195m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=196
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 196 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 196 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;196m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;196m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=197
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 197 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 197 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;197m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;197m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=198
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 198 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 198 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;198m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;198m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=199
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 199 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 199 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;199m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;199m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=200
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 200 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 200 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;200m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;200m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=201
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 201 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 201 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;201m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;201m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=202
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 202 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 202 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;202m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;202m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=203
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 203 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 203 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;203m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;203m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=204
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 204 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 204 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;204m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;204m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=205
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 205 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 205 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;205m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;205m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=206
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 206 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 206 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;206m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;206m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=207
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 207 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 207 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;207m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;207m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=208
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 208 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 208 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;208m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;208m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=209
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 209 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 209 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;209m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;209m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=210
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 210 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 210 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;210m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;210m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=211
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 211 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 211 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;211m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;211m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=212
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 212 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 212 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;212m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;212m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=213
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 213 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 213 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;213m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;213m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=214
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 214 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 214 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;214m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;214m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=215
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 215 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 215 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;215m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;215m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=216
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 216 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 216 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;216m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;216m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=217
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 217 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 217 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;217m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;217m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=218
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 218 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 218 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;218m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;218m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=219
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 219 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 219 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;219m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;219m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=220
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 220 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 220 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;220m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;220m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=221
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 221 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 221 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;221m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;221m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=222
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 222 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 222 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;222m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;222m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=223
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 223 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 223 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;223m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;223m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=224
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 224 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 224 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;224m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;224m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=225
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 225 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 225 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;225m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;225m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=226
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 226 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 226 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;226m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;226m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=227
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 227 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 227 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;227m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;227m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=228
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 228 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 228 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;228m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;228m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=229
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 229 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 229 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;229m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;229m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=230
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 230 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 230 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;230m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;230m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=231
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 231 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 231 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;231m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;231m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=232
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 232 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 232 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;232m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;232m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=233
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 233 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 233 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;233m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;233m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=234
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 234 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 234 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;234m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;234m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=235
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 235 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 235 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;235m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;235m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=236
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 236 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 236 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;236m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;236m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=237
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 237 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 237 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;237m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;237m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=238
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 238 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 238 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;238m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;238m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=239
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 239 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 239 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;239m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;239m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=240
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 240 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 240 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;240m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;240m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=241
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 241 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 241 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;241m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;241m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=242
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 242 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 242 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;242m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;242m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=243
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 243 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 243 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;243m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;243m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=244
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 244 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 244 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;244m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;244m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=245
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 245 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 245 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;245m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;245m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=246
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 246 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 246 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;246m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;246m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=247
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 247 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 247 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;247m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;247m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=248
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 248 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 248 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;248m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;248m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=249
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 249 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 249 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;249m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;249m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=250
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 250 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 250 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;250m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;250m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=251
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 251 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 251 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;251m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;251m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=252
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 252 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 252 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;252m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;252m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=253
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 253 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 253 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;253m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;253m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=254
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 254 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 254 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;254m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;254m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:59> color=255
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 255 >= 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:60> (( 255 < 8 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:66> FG[$color]='\e[38;5;255m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:67> BG[$color]='\e[48;5;255m'
unset color{s,} index
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/spectrum/init.zsh:69> unset colors color index
+pmodload:35> (( 0 == 0 ))
+pmodload:36> zstyle :prezto:module:spectrum loaded yes
+pmodload:24> pmodule=utility
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:utility loaded yes no
+pmodload:27> [[ ! -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility ]]
+pmodload:31> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh ]]
+pmodload:32> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh
# Defines general aliases and functions.
# Authors:
# Robby Russell <>
# Suraj N. Kurapati <>
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Load dependencies.
pmodload 'helper' 'spectrum'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:11> pmodload helper spectrum
+pmodload:1> local -a pmodules
+pmodload:2> local pmodule
+pmodload:3> local pfunction_glob='^([_.]*|prompt_*_setup|README*)(-.N:t)'
+pmodload:6> pmodules=( helper spectrum )
+pmodload:9> fpath=( /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions )
+pmodload:11> '(anon)'
+(anon):1> local pfunction
+(anon):7> pfunction=add-zsh-trap
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz add-zsh-trap
+pmodload:24> pmodule=helper
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:helper loaded yes no
+pmodload:27> [[ ! -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper ]]
+pmodload:31> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/init.zsh ]]
+pmodload:32> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/init.zsh
# Defines helper functions.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Checks if a file can be autoloaded by trying to load it in a subshell.
function is-autoloadable {
( unfunction $1 ; autoload -U +X $1 ) &> /dev/null
# Checks if a name is a command, function, or alias.
function is-callable {
(( $+commands[$1] )) || (( $+functions[$1] )) || (( $+aliases[$1] ))
# Checks a boolean variable for "true".
# Case insensitive: "1", "y", "yes", "t", "true", "o", and "on".
function is-true {
[[ -n "$1" && "$1" == (1|[Yy]([Ee][Ss]|)|[Tt]([Rr][Uu][Ee]|)|[Oo]([Nn]|)) ]]
# Prints the first non-empty string in the arguments array.
function coalesce {
for arg in $argv; do
print "$arg"
return 0
return 1
+pmodload:35> (( 0 == 0 ))
+pmodload:36> zstyle :prezto:module:helper loaded yes
+pmodload:24> pmodule=spectrum
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:spectrum loaded yes no
+pmodload:26> continue
# Correct commands.
setopt CORRECT
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:14> setopt CORRECT
# Aliases
# Disable correction.
alias ack='nocorrect ack'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:21> alias 'ack=nocorrect ack'
alias cd='nocorrect cd'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:22> alias 'cd=nocorrect cd'
alias cp='nocorrect cp'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:23> alias 'cp=nocorrect cp'
alias ebuild='nocorrect ebuild'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:24> alias 'ebuild=nocorrect ebuild'
alias gcc='nocorrect gcc'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:25> alias 'gcc=nocorrect gcc'
alias gist='nocorrect gist'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:26> alias 'gist=nocorrect gist'
alias grep='nocorrect grep'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:27> alias 'grep=nocorrect grep'
alias heroku='nocorrect heroku'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:28> alias 'heroku=nocorrect heroku'
alias ln='nocorrect ln'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:29> alias 'ln=nocorrect ln'
alias man='nocorrect man'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:30> alias 'man=nocorrect man'
alias mkdir='nocorrect mkdir'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:31> alias 'mkdir=nocorrect mkdir'
alias mv='nocorrect mv'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:32> alias 'mv=nocorrect mv'
alias mysql='nocorrect mysql'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:33> alias 'mysql=nocorrect mysql'
alias rm='nocorrect rm'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:34> alias 'rm=nocorrect rm'
# Disable globbing.
alias bower='noglob bower'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:37> alias 'bower=noglob bower'
alias fc='noglob fc'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:38> alias 'fc=noglob fc'
alias find='noglob find'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:39> alias 'find=noglob find'
alias ftp='noglob ftp'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:40> alias 'ftp=noglob ftp'
alias history='noglob history'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:41> alias 'history=noglob history'
alias locate='noglob locate'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:42> alias 'locate=noglob locate'
alias rake='noglob rake'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:43> alias 'rake=noglob rake'
alias rsync='noglob rsync'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:44> alias 'rsync=noglob rsync'
alias scp='noglob scp'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:45> alias 'scp=noglob scp'
alias sftp='noglob sftp'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:46> alias 'sftp=noglob sftp'
# Define general aliases.
alias _='sudo'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:49> alias '_=sudo'
alias b='${(z)BROWSER}'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:50> alias 'b=${(z)BROWSER}'
alias cp="${aliases[cp]:-cp} -i"
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:51> alias 'cp=nocorrect cp -i'
alias e='${(z)VISUAL:-${(z)EDITOR}}'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:52> alias 'e=${(z)VISUAL:-${(z)EDITOR}}'
alias ln="${aliases[ln]:-ln} -i"
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:53> alias 'ln=nocorrect ln -i'
alias mkdir="${aliases[mkdir]:-mkdir} -p"
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:54> alias 'mkdir=nocorrect mkdir -p'
alias mv="${aliases[mv]:-mv} -i"
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:55> alias 'mv=nocorrect mv -i'
alias p='${(z)PAGER}'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:56> alias 'p=${(z)PAGER}'
alias po='popd'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:57> alias 'po=popd'
alias pu='pushd'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:58> alias 'pu=pushd'
alias rm="${aliases[rm]:-rm} -i"
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:59> alias 'rm=nocorrect rm -i'
alias type='type -a'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:60> alias 'type=type -a'
# ls
if is-callable 'dircolors'; then
# GNU Core Utilities
alias ls='ls --group-directories-first'
if zstyle -t ':prezto:module:utility:ls' color; then
if [[ -s "$HOME/.dir_colors" ]]; then
eval "$(dircolors --sh "$HOME/.dir_colors")"
eval "$(dircolors --sh)"
alias ls="${aliases[ls]:-ls} --color=auto"
alias ls="${aliases[ls]:-ls} -F"
# BSD Core Utilities
if zstyle -t ':prezto:module:utility:ls' color; then
# Define colors for BSD ls.
export LSCOLORS='exfxcxdxbxGxDxabagacad'
# Define colors for the completion system.
export LS_COLORS='di=34:ln=35:so=32:pi=33:ex=31:bd=36;01:cd=33;01:su=31;40;07:sg=36;40;07:tw=32;40;07:ow=33;40;07:'
alias ls="${aliases[ls]:-ls} -G"
alias ls="${aliases[ls]:-ls} -F"
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:63> is-callable dircolors
+is-callable:1> (( 0 ))
+is-callable:1> (( 0 ))
+is-callable:1> (( 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:80> zstyle -t :prezto:module:utility:ls color
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:82> export LSCOLORS=exfxcxdxbxGxDxabagacad
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:85> export LS_COLORS='di=34:ln=35:so=32:pi=33:ex=31:bd=36;01:cd=33;01:su=31;40;07:sg=36;40;07:tw=32;40;07:ow=33;40;07:'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:87> alias 'ls=ls -G'
alias l='ls -1A' # Lists in one column, hidden files.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:93> alias 'l=ls -1A'
alias ll='ls -lh' # Lists human readable sizes.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:94> alias 'll=ls -lh'
alias lr='ll -R' # Lists human readable sizes, recursively.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:95> alias 'lr=ll -R'
alias la='ll -A' # Lists human readable sizes, hidden files.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:96> alias 'la=ll -A'
alias lm='la | "$PAGER"' # Lists human readable sizes, hidden files through pager.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:97> alias 'lm=la | "$PAGER"'
alias lx='ll -XB' # Lists sorted by extension (GNU only).
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:98> alias 'lx=ll -XB'
alias lk='ll -Sr' # Lists sorted by size, largest last.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:99> alias 'lk=ll -Sr'
alias lt='ll -tr' # Lists sorted by date, most recent last.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:100> alias 'lt=ll -tr'
alias lc='lt -c' # Lists sorted by date, most recent last, shows change time.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:101> alias 'lc=lt -c'
alias lu='lt -u' # Lists sorted by date, most recent last, shows access time.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:102> alias 'lu=lt -u'
alias sl='ls' # I often screw this up.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:103> alias 'sl=ls'
# Grep
if zstyle -t ':prezto:module:utility:grep' color; then
export GREP_COLOR='37;45' # BSD.
alias grep="${aliases[grep]:-grep} --color=auto"
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:106> zstyle -t :prezto:module:utility:grep color
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:107> export GREP_COLOR='37;45'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:108> export GREP_COLORS='mt=37;45'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:110> alias 'grep=nocorrect grep --color=auto'
# Mac OS X Everywhere
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == darwin* ]]; then
alias o='open'
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == cygwin* ]]; then
alias o='cygstart'
alias pbcopy='tee > /dev/clipboard'
alias pbpaste='cat /dev/clipboard'
alias o='xdg-open'
if (( $+commands[xclip] )); then
alias pbcopy='xclip -selection clipboard -in'
alias pbpaste='xclip -selection clipboard -out'
elif (( $+commands[xsel] )); then
alias pbcopy='xsel --clipboard --input'
alias pbpaste='xsel --clipboard --output'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:114> [[ darwin16.0 == darwin* ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:115> alias 'o=open'
alias pbc='pbcopy'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:132> alias 'pbc=pbcopy'
alias pbp='pbpaste'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:133> alias 'pbp=pbpaste'
# File Download
if (( $+commands[curl] )); then
alias get='curl --continue-at - --location --progress-bar --remote-name --remote-time'
elif (( $+commands[wget] )); then
alias get='wget --continue --progress=bar --timestamping'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:136> (( 1 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:137> alias 'get=curl --continue-at - --location --progress-bar --remote-name --remote-time'
# Resource Usage
alias df='df -kh'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:143> alias 'df=df -kh'
alias du='du -kh'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:144> alias 'du=du -kh'
if (( $+commands[htop] )); then
alias top=htop
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == (darwin*|*bsd*) ]]; then
alias topc='top -o cpu'
alias topm='top -o vsize'
alias topc='top -o %CPU'
alias topm='top -o %MEM'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:146> (( 1 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:147> alias 'top=htop'
# Miscellaneous
# Serves a directory via HTTP.
alias http-serve='python -m SimpleHTTPServer'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/init.zsh:161> alias 'http-serve=python -m SimpleHTTPServer'
# Functions
# Makes a directory and changes to it.
function mkdcd {
[[ -n "$1" ]] && mkdir -p "$1" && builtin cd "$1"
# Changes to a directory and lists its contents.
function cdls {
builtin cd "$argv[-1]" && ls "${(@)argv[1,-2]}"
# Pushes an entry onto the directory stack and lists its contents.
function pushdls {
builtin pushd "$argv[-1]" && ls "${(@)argv[1,-2]}"
# Pops an entry off the directory stack and lists its contents.
function popdls {
builtin popd "$argv[-1]" && ls "${(@)argv[1,-2]}"
# Prints columns 1 2 3 ... n.
function slit {
awk "{ print ${(j:,:):-\$${^@}} }"
# Finds files and executes a command on them.
function find-exec {
find . -type f -iname "*${1:-}*" -exec "${2:-file}" '{}' \;
# Displays user owned processes status.
function psu {
ps -U "${1:-$LOGNAME}" -o 'pid,%cpu,%mem,command' "${(@)argv[2,-1]}"
+pmodload:35> (( 0 == 0 ))
+pmodload:36> zstyle :prezto:module:utility loaded yes
+pmodload:24> pmodule=ssh
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:ssh loaded yes no
+pmodload:27> [[ ! -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/ssh ]]
+pmodload:31> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/ssh/init.zsh ]]
+pmodload:32> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/ssh/init.zsh
# Provides for an easier use of SSH by setting up ssh-agent.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Return if requirements are not found.
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == darwin* ]] || (( ! $+commands[ssh-agent] )); then
return 1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/ssh/init.zsh:9> [[ darwin16.0 == darwin* ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/ssh/init.zsh:10> return 1
+pmodload:35> (( 1 == 0 ))
+pmodload:39> fpath[(r)${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto/modules/${pmodule}/functions]=( )
+pmodload:41> '(anon)'
+(anon):1> local pfunction
+pmodload:54> zstyle :prezto:module:ssh loaded no
+pmodload:24> pmodule=completion
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:completion loaded yes no
+pmodload:27> [[ ! -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion ]]
+pmodload:31> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh ]]
+pmodload:32> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh
# Sets completion options.
# Authors:
# Robby Russell <>
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Return if requirements are not found.
if [[ "$TERM" == 'dumb' ]]; then
return 1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:10> [[ xterm-256color == dumb ]]
# Add zsh-completions to $fpath.
fpath=("${0:h}/external/src" $fpath)
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:15> fpath=( /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions )
# Load and initialize the completion system ignoring insecure directories.
autoload -Uz compinit && compinit -i
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:18> autoload -Uz compinit
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:18> compinit -i
+compinit:70> emulate -L zsh
+compinit:71> setopt extendedglob
+compinit:73> typeset _i_dumpfile _i_files _i_line _i_done _i_dir _i_autodump=1
+compinit:74> typeset _i_tag _i_file _i_addfiles _i_fail=ask _i_check=yes _i_name
+compinit:76> [[ 1 -gt 0 && -i == -[dDiuC] ]]
+compinit:77> case -i (-d)
+compinit:77> case -i (-D)
+compinit:77> case -i (-i)
+compinit:91> _i_fail=ign
+compinit:92> shift
+compinit:76> [[ 0 -gt 0 ]]
+compinit:108> typeset -gHA _comps _services _patcomps _postpatcomps
+compinit:113> typeset -gHA _compautos
+compinit:118> typeset -gHA _lastcomp
+compinit:121> [[ -n '' ]]
+compinit:125> typeset -g _comp_dumpfile=/Users/quanta/.zcompdump
+compinit:130> typeset -gHa _comp_options
+compinit:131> _comp_options=( bareglobqual extendedglob glob multibyte multifuncdef nullglob rcexpandparam unset NO_allexport NO_aliases NO_cshnullglob NO_cshjunkiequotes NO_errexit NO_globassign NO_globsubst NO_histsubstpattern NO_ignorebraces NO_ignoreclosebraces NO_kshglob NO_ksharrays NO_kshtypeset NO_markdirs NO_octalzeroes NO_posixbuiltins NO_shwordsplit NO_shglob NO_warncreateglobal )
+compinit:167> typeset -gH _comp_setup='local -A _comp_caller_options;
setopt localoptions localtraps localpatterns ${_comp_options[@]};
local IFS=$'\'' \t\r\n\0'\''
enable -p \| \~ \( \? \* \[ \< \^ \#
exec </dev/null;
trap - ZERR
local -a reply
local REPLY'
+compinit:180> typeset -ga compprefuncs comppostfuncs
+compinit:181> compprefuncs=( )
+compinit:182> comppostfuncs=( )
+compinit:186> : compinit /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh pmodload /Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh /Users/quanta/.zshrc
+compinit:435> typeset _i_wdirs _i_wfiles
+compinit:437> _i_wdirs=( )
+compinit:438> _i_wfiles=( )
+compinit:440> autoload -Uz compaudit
+compinit:441> [[ -n yes ]]
+compinit:442> typeset _i_q
+compinit:443> eval compaudit
+(eval):1> compaudit
+compaudit:174> compaudit
+compaudit:13> emulate -L zsh
+compaudit:14> setopt extendedglob
+compaudit:16> [[ -x /usr/bin/getent ]]
+compaudit:25> (( 0 ))
+compaudit:27> (( 9 == 0 ))
+compaudit:31> set -- /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions
+compaudit:38> (( 1 ))
+compaudit:44> fpath=( /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions )
+compaudit:49> (( 0 ))
+compaudit:50> local _compdir=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions
+compaudit:51> [[ -z /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions ]]
+compaudit:55> _i_wdirs=( )
+compaudit:56> _i_wfiles=( )
+compaudit:58> _i_files=( /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_ack /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_adb /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_ag /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_android /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_artisan /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_atach /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_boot2docker /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_bower /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_bpython /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_brew /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_bundle /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_cabal /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_cap /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_cask /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_celery /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_choc /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_cmake /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_coffee /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_composer /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_console /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_cpanm /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_debuild /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_dget /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_dhcpcd /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_ditz /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_docker-machine /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_docpad /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_drush /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_dzen2 /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_emulator /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_exportfs /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_fab /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_gas /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_geany /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_gem /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_ghc /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_gist /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_git-flow /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_git-pulls /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_git-wtf /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_github /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_glances /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_google /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_gradle /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_heroku /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_hledger /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_httpie /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_id3 /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_id3v2 /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_iw /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_jekyll /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_jmeter /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_jmeter-plugins /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_jonas /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_jq /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_kitchen /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_knife /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_language_codes /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_lein /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_logger /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_lunar /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_lunchy /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_middleman /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_mina /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_mosh /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_mussh /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_mvn /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_nl /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_node /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_nvm /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_optirun /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_pactree /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_pear /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_perf /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_periscope /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_pgsql_utils /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_phing /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_pkcon /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_play /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_port /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_primus /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_ps /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_pygmentize /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_rails /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_ralio /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_redis-cli /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_rfkill /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_rspec /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_rubocop /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_rvm 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/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_thor /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_tmuxinator /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_vagrant /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_veewee /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_virsh /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_virtualbox /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_vnstat /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_vpnc /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_watch /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_wemux /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_xinput /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_yaourt /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_zfs /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions/_cdls_popdls_pushdls /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions/_dut /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions/_mkdcd 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/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xz /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_yafc /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_yast /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_yodl /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_yp /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_yum /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zargs /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zattr /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zcalc /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zcalc_line /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zcat /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zcompile /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zdump /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zed /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zfs /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zfs_dataset /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zfs_keysource_props /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zfs_pool /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zftp /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zip /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zle /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zlogin /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zmodload /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zmv /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zoneadm /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zones /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zpool /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zpty /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zsh /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zsh-mime-handler /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zsocket /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zstyle /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_ztodo /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zypper )
+compaudit:59> [[ -n /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions ]]
+compaudit:60> [[ 895 -lt 20 || /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions == */Base || -d /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/Base ]]
+compaudit:82> [[ ign == use ]]
+compaudit:86> local _i_owners=u0u501
+compaudit:89> local -a _i_exes
+compaudit:90> _i_exes=( /proc/87452/exe /proc/87452/object/a.out )
+compaudit:94> local _i_exe
+compaudit:99> _i_exe=/proc/87452/exe
+compaudit:100> [[ -e /proc/87452/exe ]]
+compaudit:99> _i_exe=/proc/87452/object/a.out
+compaudit:100> [[ -e /proc/87452/object/a.out ]]
+compaudit:121> _i_wdirs=( )
+compaudit:130> (( 0 ))
+compaudit:144> [[ -f /etc/debian_version ]]
+compaudit:151> _i_wdirs=( )
+compaudit:152> _i_wfiles=( )
+compaudit:154> case 0:0 (0:0)
+compaudit:155> _i_q=''
+compaudit:161> [[ -n '' ]]
+compaudit:168> return 0
+compinit:468> autoload -Uz compdump compinstall
+compinit:472> _i_done=''
+compinit:474> [[ -f /Users/quanta/.zcompdump ]]
+compinit:475> [[ -n yes ]]
+compinit:476> IFS=' ' +compinit:476> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:477> [[ _i_autodump -eq 1 && 895 -eq 895 && 5.2 == 5.2 ]]
+compinit:480> . /Users/quanta/.zcompdump
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:3> _comps=( - _precommand -array-value- _value -assign-parameter- _assign -brace-parameter- _brace_parameter -command- _autocd -command-line- _normal -condition- _condition -default- _default -equal- _equal -first- _first -math- _math -parameter- _parameter -redirect- _redirect -redirect-,-default-,-default- _files '-redirect-,<,bunzip2' _bzip2 '-redirect-,<,bzip2' _bzip2 '-redirect-,<,compress' _compress '-redirect-,<,gunzip' _gzip '-redirect-,<,gzip' _gzip '-redirect-,<,uncompress' _compress '-redirect-,<,unxz' _xz '-redirect-,<,xz' _xz '-redirect-,>,bzip2' _bzip2 '-redirect-,>,compress' _compress '-redirect-,>,gzip' _gzip '-redirect-,>,xz' _xz -subscript- _subscript -tilde- _tilde -value- _value -value-,-default-,-command- _zargs -value-,-default-,-default- _value -value-,ANT_ARGS,-default- _ant -value-,CFLAGS,-default- _gcc -value-,CPPFLAGS,-default- _gcc -value-,CXXFLAGS,-default- _gcc -value-,DISPLAY,-default- _x_display -value-,GREP_OPTIONS,-default- _grep -value-,GZIP,-default- _gzip -value-,LANG,-default- _locales -value-,LANGUAGE,-default- _locales -value-,LDFLAGS,-default- _gcc -value-,LESS,-default- _less -value-,LESSCHARSET,-default- _less -value-,LPDEST,-default- _printers -value-,P4CLIENT,-default- _perforce -value-,P4MERGE,-default- _perforce -value-,P4PORT,-default- _perforce -value-,P4USER,-default- _perforce -value-,PERLDOC,-default- _perldoc -value-,PRINTER,-default- _printers -value-,PROMPT,-default- _ps1234 -value-,PROMPT2,-default- _ps1234 -value-,PROMPT3,-default- _ps1234 -value-,PROMPT4,-default- _ps1234 -value-,PS1,-default- _ps1234 -value-,PS2,-default- _ps1234 -value-,PS3,-default- _ps1234 -value-,PS4,-default- _ps1234 -value-,RPROMPT,-default- _ps1234 -value-,RPROMPT2,-default- _ps1234 -value-,RPS1,-default- _ps1234 -value-,RPS2,-default- _ps1234 -value-,SPROMPT,-default- _ps1234 -value-,TERM,-default- _terminals -value-,TERMINFO_DIRS,-default- _dir_list -value-,TZ,-default- _time_zone -value-,VALGRIND_OPTS,-default- _valgrind -value-,WWW_HOME,-default- _urls -value-,XML_CATALOG_FILES,-default- _xmlsoft -value-,XZ_DEFAULTS,-default- _xz -value-,XZ_OPT,-default- _xz -vared- _in_vared -zcalc-line- _zcalc_line . _source 5g _go 5l _go 6g _go 6l _go 8g _go 8l _go Mail _mail Mosaic _webbrowser SuSEconfig _SUSEconfig VBoxHeadless _virtualbox VBoxManage _virtualbox a2dismod _a2utils a2dissite _a2utils a2enmod _a2utils a2ensite _a2utils a2ps _a2ps aaaa _hosts aap _aap ack _ack ack-grep _ack acpi _acpi acpitool _acpitool acroread _acroread adb _adb add-zsh-hook _add-zsh-hook admin _sccs ag _ag ali _mh alias _alias amaya _webbrowser analyseplugin _analyseplugin android _android animate _imagemagick anno _mh ant _ant antiword _antiword aoss _precommand apache2ctl _apachectl apachectl _apachectl apm _apm appletviewer _java apropos _man apt _apt apt-cache _apt apt-cdrom _apt apt-config _apt apt-file _apt-file apt-get _apt apt-mark _apt apt-move _apt-move apt-show-versions _apt-show-versions aptitude _aptitude apvlv _pdf arena _webbrowser arp _arp arping _arping artisan _artisan at _at atach _atach atq _at atrm _at attr _attr augtool _augeas auto-apt _auto-apt autoload _typeset awk _awk axi-cache _axi-cache bash _sh batch _at baz _baz beadm _beadm beep _beep bg _jobs_bg bindkey _bindkey bison _bison bmake _make bogofilter _bogofilter bogotune _bogofilter bogoutil _bogofilter boot2docker _boot2docker bower _bower bpython _bpython bpython2 _bpython brctl _brctl brew _brew brew-cask _brew_cask bsdconfig _bsdconfig bsdgrep _grep bsdinstall _bsdinstall btdownloadcurses _bittorrent btdownloadgui _bittorrent btdownloadheadless _bittorrent btlaunchmany _bittorrent btlaunchmanycurses _bittorrent btmakemetafile _bittorrent btreannounce _bittorrent btrename _bittorrent btrfs _btrfs bts _bts btshowmetainfo _bittorrent bttrack _bittorrent bug _bug buildhash _ispell builtin _builtin bundle _bundle bunzip2 _bzip2 burst _mh bzcat _bzip2 bzip2 _bzip2 bzip2recover _bzip2 bzr _bzr c++ _gcc cabal _cabal cal _cal calendar _calendar cap _cap cask _cask cat _cat catchsegv _precommand cc _gcc ccal _ccal cd _cd cdbs-edit-patch _cdbs-edit-patch cdc _sccs cdcd _cdcd cdls _cdls_popdls_pushdls cdr _cdr cdrdao _cdrdao cdrecord _cdrecord celery _celery certtool _gnutls cftp _twisted chage _users chdir _cd chflags _chflags chfn _users chgrp _chown chimera _webbrowser chkconfig _chkconfig chmod _chmod choc _choc chown _chown chpass _chsh chrt _chrt chsh _chsh ci _rcs ckeygen _twisted clang _gcc clang++ _gcc clay _clay clear _nothing cmake _cmake cmp _cmp co _rcs coffee _coffee comb _sccs combine _imagemagick combinediff _patchutils comm _comm command _command comp _mh compadd _compadd compdef _compdef composer _composer composite _imagemagick compress _compress conch _twisted config.status _configure configure _configure console _console convert _imagemagick coreadm _coreadm cowsay _cowsay cowthink _cowsay cp _cp cpanm _cpanm cpio _cpio cplay _cplay createdb _pgsql_utils createuser _pgsql_utils crsh _cssh cryptsetup _cryptsetup csh _sh cssh _cssh csup _csup curl _curl cut _cut cvs _cvs cvsup _cvsup cygcheck _cygcheck cygcheck.exe _cygcheck cygpath _cygpath cygpath.exe _cygpath cygrunsrv _cygrunsrv cygrunsrv.exe _cygrunsrv cygserver _cygserver cygserver.exe _cygserver cygstart _cygstart cygstart.exe _cygstart dak _dak darcs _darcs date _date dbus-monitor _dbus dbus-send _dbus dch _debchange dchroot _dchroot dchroot-dsa _dchroot-dsa dcop _dcop dcopclient _dcop dcopfind _dcop dcopobject _dcop dcopref _dcop dcopstart _dcop dcut _dcut dd _dd debchange _debchange debcheckout _debcheckout debdiff _debdiff debfoster _debfoster debsign _debsign debuild _debuild declare _typeset defaults _defaults delta _sccs devtodo _devtodo df _df dget _dget dhclient _dhclient dhclient3 _dhclient dhcpcd _dhcpcd dhcpinfo _dhcpinfo dict _dict diff _diff diffstat _diffstat dillo _webbrowser dircmp _directories dirs _dirs disable _disable disown _jobs_fg display _imagemagick dist _mh ditz _ditz django-admin _django dladm _dladm dlocate _dlocate dmake _make dmidecode _dmidecode dnf _dnf docker _docker docker-compose _docker-compose docker-machine _docker-machine docpad _docpad domainname _yp dosdel _floppy dosread _floppy dpatch-edit-patch _dpatch-edit-patch dpkg _dpkg dpkg-buildpackage _dpkg-buildpackage dpkg-cross _dpkg-cross dpkg-deb _dpkg dpkg-query _dpkg dpkg-reconfigure _dpkg dpkg-repack _dpkg-repack dpkg-source _dpkg_source dput _dput dropdb _pgsql_utils dropuser _pgsql_utils drush _drush dsh _dsh dtrace _dtrace du _du dumpadm _dumpadm dumper _dumper dumper.exe _dumper dupload _dupload dut _dut dvibook _dvi dviconcat _dvi dvicopy _dvi dvidvi _dvi dvipdf _dvi dvips _dvi dviselect _dvi dvitodvi _dvi dvitype _dvi dwb _webbrowser dzen2 _dzen2 ecasound _ecasound echotc _echotc echoti _echoti egrep _grep elfdump _elfdump elinks _elinks elm _elm emulate _emulate emulator _emulator enable _enable enscript _enscript env _env epdfview _pdf epsffit _psutils erb _ruby espeak _espeak etags _etags ethtool _ethtool eu-nm _nm eu-readelf _readelf eval _precommand eview _vim evim _vim evince _pspdf exec _precommand explodepkg _pkgtool export _typeset exportfs _exportfs express _webbrowser extcheck _java extractres _psutils fab _fab fakeroot _fakeroot false _nothing fc _fc fc-list _xft_fonts fc-match _xft_fonts feh _feh fetch _fetch fetchmail _fetchmail ffmpeg _ffmpeg fg _jobs_fg fgrep _grep figlet _figlet filterdiff _patchutils find _find findaffix _ispell finger _finger fink _fink firefox _mozilla fixdlsrps _psutils fixfmps _psutils fixmacps _psutils fixpsditps _psutils fixpspps _psutils fixscribeps _psutils fixtpps _psutils fixwfwps _psutils fixwpps _psutils fixwwps _psutils flasher _flasher flex _flex flipdiff _patchutils flist _mh flists _mh float _typeset flowadm _flowadm fmadm _fmadm fmttest _mh fned _zed fnext _mh folder _mh folders _mh fortune _fortune forw _mh fprev _mh freebsd-make _make freebsd-update _freebsd-update fsh _fsh fstat _fstat ftp _hosts functions _typeset fuser _fuser fusermount _fusermount fwhois _whois g++ _gcc galeon _webbrowser gas _gas gcc _gcc gccgo _go gchmod _chmod gcmp _cmp gcomm _comm gcore _gcore gcp _cp gdate _date gdb _gdb gdiff _diff gdu _du geany _geany gem _gem gem1.9 _gem genisoimage _genisoimage get _sccs getafm _psutils getclip _getclip getclip.exe _getclip getconf _getconf getent _getent getfacl _getfacl getfacl.exe _getfacl getfattr _attr getmail _getmail getopts _vars gex _vim gfind _find ggv _gnome-gv gh _github ghc _ghc ghc-pkg _ghc ghci _ghc ghostscript _gs ghostview _pspdf gid _id gist _gist git _git git-buildpackage _git-buildpackage git-flow _git-flow git-hub-browse _git-hub-browse git-hub-shorten-url _git-hub-shorten-url git-info _git-info git-pulls _git-pulls git-submodule-move _git-submodule-move git-submodule-remove _git-submodule-remove git-wtf _git-wtf github _github gitk _git gjoin _join glances _glances gln _ln global _global gls _ls gm _graphicsmagick gmake _make gmd5sum _md5sum gmkdir _mkdir gmplayer _mplayer gnome-gv _gnome-gv gnupod_INIT _gnupod _gnupod gnupod_addsong _gnupod _gnupod gnupod_check _gnupod _gnupod gnupod_search _gnupod _gnupod gnutls-cli _gnutls gnutls-cli-debug _gnutls god _od gofmt _go google _google gpatch _patch gpg _gpg gpg-zip _gpg gpg2 _gpg gpgv _gpg gphoto2 _gphoto2 gprof _gprof gqview _gqview gradle _gradle gradlew _gradle grail _webbrowser grep _grep grep-excuses _grep-excuses grepdiff _patchutils grm _rm groff _groff groupadd _user_admin groupdel _groups groupmod _user_admin groups _users growisofs _growisofs gs _gs gsbj _pspdf gsdj _pspdf gsdj500 _pspdf gsed _sed gslj _pspdf gslp _pspdf gsnd _pspdf gsort _sort gtar _tar guilt _guilt guilt-add _guilt guilt-applied _guilt guilt-delete _guilt guilt-files _guilt guilt-fold _guilt guilt-fork _guilt guilt-header _guilt guilt-help _guilt guilt-import _guilt guilt-import-commit _guilt guilt-init _guilt guilt-new _guilt guilt-next _guilt guilt-patchbomb _guilt guilt-pop _guilt guilt-prev _guilt guilt-push _guilt guilt-rebase _guilt guilt-refresh _guilt guilt-rm _guilt guilt-series _guilt guilt-status _guilt guilt-top _guilt guilt-unapplied _guilt guniq _uniq gunzip _gzip gv _gv gview _vim gvim _vim gvimdiff _vim gwc _wc gxargs _xargs gzcat _gzip gzilla _webbrowser gzip _gzip hash _hash hdiutil _hdiutil head _head help _sccs heroku _heroku hg _hg hilite _precommand history _fc hledger _hledger host _hosts hotjava _webbrowser http _httpie hub _hub hwinfo _hwinfo iceweasel _mozilla icombine _ispell iconv _iconv id _id id3 _id3 id3v2 _id3v2 identify _imagemagick ifconfig _ifconfig ifdown _net_interfaces iftop _iftop ifup _net_interfaces ijoin _ispell import _imagemagick inc _mh includeres _psutils inetadm _inetadm info _texinfo infocmp _terminals initctl _initctl initdb _pgsql_utils insmod _modutils install-info _texinfo installpkg _pkgtool integer _typeset interdiff _patchutils invoke-rc.d _invoke-rc.d ionice _ionice ip _ip ipadm _ipadm ipset _ipset iptables _iptables iptables-restore _iptables iptables-save _iptables irb _ruby irssi _irssi ispell _ispell iw _iw iwconfig _iwconfig j _j jadetex _tex jar _java jarsigner _java java _java javac _java javadoc _java javah _java javap _java jdb _java jekyll _jekyll jexec _jexec jls _jls jmeter _jmeter jmeter-plugins _jmeter-plugins jobs _jobs_builtin joe _joe join _join jonas _jonas jq _jq keytool _java kfmclient _kfmclient kill _kill killall _killall killall5 _killall kioclient _kfmclient kitchen _kitchen kldload _kld kldunload _kld knife _knife knock _knock konqueror _webbrowser kpdf _pdf ksh _sh kvno _kvno last _last lastb _last latex _tex latexmk _tex ldd _ldd lein _lein less _less let _math lftp _ncftp lha _lha light _webbrowser lighty-disable-mod _lighttpd lighty-enable-mod _lighttpd limit _limit lin _lunar links _links lintian _lintian lintian-info _lintian linux _uml lldb _lldb llvm-g++ _gcc llvm-gcc _gcc ln _ln loadkeys _loadkeys local _typeset locate _locate logger _logger logname _nothing look _look lore _twisted losetup _losetup lp _lp lpadmin _lp lpinfo _lp lpoptions _lp lpq _lp lpr _lp lprm _lp lpstat _lp lrm _lunar ls _ls lscfg _lscfg lsdev _lsdev lsdiff _patchutils lslv _lslv lsmod _modutils lsof _lsof lspv _lspv lsusb _lsusb lsvg _lsvg lunar _lunar lunchy _lunchy lvu _lunar lynx _lynx lzcat _xz lzma _xz lzop _lzop m-a _module-assistant macgem _gem madison _madison mail _mail mailx _mail make _make make-kpkg _make-kpkg makeinfo _texinfo makepkg _pkgtool man _man mand _manb_mand_manp manhole _twisted manp _manb_mand_manp mark _mh matlab _matlab mattrib _mtools mcd _mtools mcopy _mtools md5sum _md5sum mdadm _mdadm mdel _mtools mdeltree _mtools mdir _mtools mdu _mtools members _members mencal _mencal mere _mere merge _rcs mergechanges _mergechanges metaflac _metaflac mformat _mtools mgv _pspdf mhfixmsg _mh mhlist _mh mhmail _mh mhn _mh mhparam _mh mhpath _mh mhshow _mh mhstore _mh middleman _middleman mii-tool _mii-tool mina _mina mixerctl _mixerctl mkdcd _mkdcd mkdir _mkdir mkisofs _growisofs mkshortcut _mkshortcut mkshortcut.exe _mkshortcut mktunes _gnupod _gnupod mkzsh _mkzsh mkzsh.exe _mkzsh mlabel _mtools mlocate _locate mmd _mtools mmm _webbrowser mmount _mtools mmove _mtools modinfo _modutils modprobe _modutils module _module module-assistant _module-assistant mogrify _imagemagick mondoarchive _mondo montage _imagemagick moosic _moosic mosh _mosh mount _mount mozilla _mozilla mozilla-firefox _mozilla mozilla-xremote-client _mozilla mpc _mpc mplayer _mplayer mrd _mtools mread _mtools mren _mtools msgchk _mh mt _mt mtn _monotone mtoolstest _mtools mtr _mtr mtype _mtools munchlist _ispell mupdf _pdf mush _mail mussh _mussh mutt _mutt mux _tmuxinator mvn _mvn mvnDebug _mvn mx _hosts mysql _mysql_utils mysqladmin _mysql_utils mysqldiff _mysqldiff mysqldump _mysql_utils mysqlimport _mysql_utils mysqlshow _mysql_utils nail _mail native2ascii _java nautilus _nautilus nc _netcat ncal _cal ncftp _ncftp ncl _nedit nedit _nedit nedit-nc _nedit netcat _netcat netrik _webbrowser netscape _netscape netstat _netstat new _mh newgrp _groups next _mh nice _nice nkf _nkf nl _nl nm _nm nmap _nmap nmblookup _samba nmcli _nmcli nocorrect _precommand node _node noglob _precommand nohup _precommand notmuch _notmuch npm _npm ns _hosts nslookup _nslookup ntalk _other_accounts nvim _vim nvm _nvm objdump _objdump od _od odme _object_classes odmget _object_classes odmshow _object_classes ogg123 _vorbis oggdec _vorbis oggenc _vorbis ogginfo _vorbis okular _okular open _open opera _webbrowser opera-next _webbrowser optirun _optirun osc _osc p4 _perforce p4d _perforce pack _pack packf _mh pactree _pactree parsehdlist _urpmi pass _pass passwd _users patch _patch pax _pax pbuilder _pbuilder pcat _pack pcred _pids pdf2dsc _pdf pdf2ps _pdf pdffonts _pdf pdfimages _pdf pdfinfo _pdf pdfjadetex _tex pdflatex _tex pdfopt _pdf pdftex _tex pdftk _pdftk pdftopbm _pdf pdftops _pdf pdftotext _pdf pear _pear perf _perf periscope _periscope perl _perl perldoc _perldoc pfctl _pfctl pfexec _pfexec pfiles _pids pflags _pids pg_dump _pgsql_utils pg_dumpall _pgsql_utils pgrep _pgrep phing _phing php _php pick _mh pigz _gzip pine _pine pinef _pine ping _ping piuparts _piuparts pkcon _pkcon pkg _pkg5 pkg-config _pkg-config pkg_add _bsd_pkg pkg_create _bsd_pkg pkg_delete _bsd_pkg pkg_info _bsd_pkg pkgadd _pkgadd pkginfo _pkginfo pkgrm _pkgrm pkgtool _pkgtool pkill _pgrep play _play pldd _pids pmake _make pman _perl_modules pmap _pids pmcat _perl_modules pmdesc _perl_modules pmeth _perl_modules pmexp _perl_modules pmfunc _perl_modules pmload _perl_modules pmls _perl_modules pmpath _perl_modules pmvers _perl_modules podgrep _perl_modules podpath _perl_modules podtoc _perl_modules poff _pon policytool _java pon _pon popd _directory_stack popdls _cdls_popdls_pushdls port _port portaudit _portaudit portlint _portlint portmaster _portmaster portsnap _portsnap postsuper _postfix powerd _powerd prcs _prcs prep _prep prev _mh print _print printenv _printenv printf _print procstat _procstat prompt _prompt prove _prove prs _sccs prstat _prstat prt _sccs prun _pids ps _ps ps2ascii _pspdf ps2epsi _postscript ps2pdf _postscript ps2pdf12 _postscript ps2pdf13 _postscript ps2pdf14 _postscript ps2pdfwr _postscript ps2ps _postscript psbook _psutils pscp _pscp pscp.exe _pscp psed _sed psig _pids psmerge _psutils psmulti _postscript psnup _psutils psql _pgsql_utils psresize _psutils psselect _psutils pstack _pids pstoedit _pspdf pstop _pids pstops _psutils pstotgif _pspdf psub _psub pswrap _postscript ptree _ptree pump _pump pushd _cd pushdls _cdls_popdls_pushdls putclip _putclip putclip.exe _putclip pwait _pids pwdx _pids pygmentize _pygmentize pyhtmlizer _twisted qdbus _qdbus qiv _qiv qtplay _qtplay querybts _bug quilt _quilt r _fc raggle _raggle rails _rails rake _rake ralio _ralio ranlib _ranlib rar _rar rc _sh rcp _rlogin rcs _rcs rcsdiff _rcs rdesktop _rdesktop read _read readelf _readelf readonly _typeset readshortcut _readshortcut readshortcut.exe _readshortcut rebootin _rebootin rec _redis-cli redis-cli _redis-cli refile _mh rehash _hash reload _initctl removepkg _pkgtool remsh _rlogin renice _renice repl _mh reportbug _bug reprepro _reprepro restart _initctl retawq _webbrowser rfkill _rfkill rgview _vim rgvim _vim ri _ri rlogin _rlogin rm _rm rmadison _madison rmdel _sccs rmdir _directories rmf _mh rmic _java rmid _java rmiregistry _java rmm _mh rmmod _modutils rpm _rpm rpmbuild _rpmbuild rrdtool _rrdtool rsh _rlogin rspec _rspec rsync _rsync rtin _tin rubber _rubber rubber-info _rubber rubber-pipe _rubber rubocop _rubocop ruby _ruby run-help _run-help rup _hosts rusage _precommand rview _vim rvim _vim rvm _rvm rwho _hosts rxvt _urxvt s2p _sed sabcmd _sablotron sact _sccs salt _salt savecore _savecore sbt _sbt scala _scala scalac _scala scan _mh sccs _sccs sccsdiff _sccs sched _sched schedtool _schedtool schroot _schroot scl _scl scp _ssh screen _screen sdd _sdd sed _sed serialver _java service _service set _set setfacl _setfacl setfacl.exe _setfacl setfattr _attr setopt _setopt sftp _ssh sh _sh shift _arrays show _mh showchar _psutils showmount _showmount showoff _showoff shutdown _shutdown sisu _sisu skipstone _webbrowser slitex _tex slocate _locate slogin _ssh slrn _slrn smartctl _smartmontools smartd _smartmontools smbclient _samba smbcontrol _samba smbstatus _samba smit _smit smitty _smit snoop _snoop soa _hosts socat _socat socket _socket sockstat _sockstat softwareupdate _softwareupdate sort _sort sortm _mh source _source spamassassin _spamassassin splitdiff _patchutils sqlite _sqlite sqlite3 _sqlite sqsh _sqsh sr _surfraw srm _srm srptool _gnutls ss _ss ssh _ssh ssh-add _ssh ssh-agent _ssh ssh-copy-id _ssh-copy-id ssh-keygen _ssh sshfs _sshfs star _tar start _initctl stat _stat status _initctl stg _stgit stop _initctl strace _strace strftime _strftime strip _strip stty _stty su _su subliminal _subliminal sudo _sudo sudoedit _sudo surfraw _surfraw sv _runit svcadm _svcadm svccfg _svccfg svcprop _svcprop svcs _svcs svm _svm svn _subversion svn-buildpackage _svn-buildpackage svnadmin _subversion svnadmin-static _subversion symfony _symfony sync _nothing sysctl _sysctl systat _systat system_profiler _system_profiler tail _tail talk _other_accounts tap2deb _twisted tap2rpm _twisted tapconvert _twisted tar _tar tardy _tardy tcp_open _tcpsys tcpdump _tcpdump tcptraceroute _tcptraceroute tcsh _sh tda _devtodo tdd _devtodo tde _devtodo tdr _devtodo teamocil _teamocil telnet _telnet tex _tex texi2dvi _texinfo texindex _texinfo tg _topgit thor _thor tidy _tidy time _precommand times _nothing tin _tin tkconch _twisted tkinfo _texinfo tla _tla tmux _tmux tmuxinator _tmuxinator todo _devtodo toilet _toilet totdconfig _totd tpb _tpb tpconfig _tpconfig tpkg-debarch _toolchain-source tpkg-install _toolchain-source tpkg-install-libc _toolchain-source tpkg-make _toolchain-source tpkg-update _toolchain-source tr _tr tracepath _tracepath tracepath6 _tracepath traceroute _hosts trap _trap tree _tree trial _twisted true _nothing tryaffix _ispell ttyctl _ttyctl tunctl _uml tune2fs _tune2fs tunes2pod _gnupod _gnupod twidge _twidge twistd _twisted txt _hosts type _which typeset _typeset ulimit _ulimit uml_mconsole _uml uml_moo _uml uml_switch _uml umount _mount unace _unace unalias _aliases uname _uname uncompress _compress unexpand _unexpand unfunction _functions unget _sccs unhash _unhash uniq _uniq unison _unison units _units unlimit _limits unlzma _xz unpack _pack unpigz _gzip unrar _rar unset _vars unsetopt _setopt unwrapdiff _patchutils unxz _xz unzip _zip update-alternatives _update-alternatives update-rc.d _update-rc.d upgradepkg _pkgtool urpme _urpmi urpmf _urpmi urpmi _urpmi urpmi.addmedia _urpmi urpmi.removemedia _urpmi urpmi.update _urpmi urpmq _urpmi urxvt _urxvt urxvt256c _urxvt urxvt256c-ml _urxvt urxvt256c-mlc _urxvt urxvt256cc _urxvt urxvtc _urxvt uscan _uscan useradd _user_admin userdel _users usermod _user_admin uzbl _uzbl uzbl-browser _uzbl uzbl-tabbed _uzbl vacuumdb _pgsql_utils vagrant _vagrant val _sccs valgrind _valgrind vared _vared vcsh _vcsh veewee _veewee vim _vim vim-addons _vim-addons vimdiff _vim virsh _virsh vmstat _vmstat vncserver _vnc vncviewer _vnc vnstat _vnstat vorbiscomment _vorbiscomment vpnc _vpnc vpnc-connect _vpnc vpnc-disconnect _vpnc vserver _vserver vux _vux vuxctl _vux w3m _w3m wait _wait wajig _wajig wanna-build _wanna-build watch _watch wc _wc wemux _wemux wget _wget what _sccs whatis _man whence _which where _which whereis _whereis which _which whoami _nothing whois _whois whom _mh wiggle _wiggle wodim _cdrecord wpa_cli _wpa_cli write _users_on www _webbrowser xargs _xargs xauth _xauth xautolock _xautolock xclip _xclip xdpyinfo _x_utils xdvi _xdvi xelatex _tex xetex _tex xev _x_utils xfd _x_utils xfig _xfig xfontsel _x_utils xhost _x_utils xinput _xinput xkill _x_utils xli _xloadimage xloadimage _xloadimage xlsatoms _x_utils xmllint _xmlsoft xmms2 _xmms2 xmodmap _xmodmap xmosaic _webbrowser xon _x_utils xournal _xournal xpdf _xpdf xping _hosts xprop _x_utils xrandr _xrandr xrdb _x_utils xscreensaver-command _xscreensaver xset _xset xsetbg _xloadimage xsetroot _x_utils xsltproc _xmlsoft xterm _xterm xtightvncviewer _vnc xtp _imagemagick xv _xv xview _xloadimage xvnc4viewer _vnc xvncviewer _vnc xwd _x_utils xwininfo _x_utils xwit _xwit xwud _x_utils xxd _xxd xz _xz xzcat _xz yaourt _yaourt yaourt.static _yaourt yast _yast yast2 _yast youtube-dl _youtube-dl ypbind _yp ypcat _yp ypmatch _yp yppasswd _yp yppoll _yp yppush _yp ypserv _yp ypset _yp ypwhich _yp ypxfr _yp ytalk _other_accounts yum _yum zargs _zargs zathura _pspdf zcalc _zcalc zcat _zcat zcompile _zcompile zcp _zmv zdelattr _zattr zdump _zdump zed _zed zegrep, _grep zen _webbrowser zf_chgrp _chown zf_chown _chown zf_ln _ln zf_mkdir _mkdir zf_rm _rm zf_rmdir _directories zfgrep _grep zfs _zfs zgetattr _zattr zgrep, _grep zip _zip zipinfo _zip zle _zle zlistattr _zattr zln _zmv zlogin _zlogin zmail _mail zmodload _zmodload zmv _zmv zone _hosts zoneadm _zoneadm zpool _zpool zpty _zpty zsetattr _zattr zsh _zsh zsh-mime-handler _zsh-mime-handler zsocket _zsocket zstat _stat zstyle _zstyle ztodo _ztodo zxpdf _xpdf zypper _zypper )
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1460> _services=( '-redirect-,<,bunzip2' bunzip2 '-redirect-,<,bzip2' bzip2 '-redirect-,<,compress' compress '-redirect-,<,gunzip' gunzip '-redirect-,<,gzip' gzip '-redirect-,<,uncompress' uncompress '-redirect-,<,unxz' unxz '-redirect-,<,xz' xz '-redirect-,>,bzip2' bunzip2 '-redirect-,>,compress' uncompress '-redirect-,>,gzip' gunzip '-redirect-,>,xz' unxz Mail mail VBoxHeadless vboxheadless VBoxManage vboxmanage bzcat bunzip2 dch debchange gnupod_INIT gnupod_addsong gnupod_check gnupod_search gpg2 gpg gzcat gunzip iceweasel firefox lzcat unxz lzma xz mailx mail mktunes nail mail ncl nc nedit-nc nc pcat unpack remsh rsh slogin ssh svnadmin-static svnadmin tunes2pod unlzma unxz xelatex latex xetex tex xzcat unxz yaourt.static yaourt zf_chgrp chgrp zf_chown chown )
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1506> _patcomps=( '*/(init|rc[0-9S]#).d/*' _init_d 'zf*' _zftp )
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1511> _postpatcomps=( '(p[bgpn]m*|*top[bgpn]m)' _pbm '(ruby|[ei]rb)[0-9.]#' _ruby '(texi(2*|ndex))' _texi '(tiff*|*2tiff|pal2rgb)' _tiff '(|cifs)iostat' _sysstat '*/X11(|R<4->)/*' _x_arguments '-value-,(ftp|http(|s))_proxy,-default-' _urls '-value-,*PATH,-default-' _dir_list '-value-,*path,-default-' _directories '-value-,LC_*,-default-' _locales '-value-,RUBY(LIB|OPT|PATH),-default-' _ruby isag _sysstat mpstat _sysstat pidstat _sysstat 'pydoc[0-9.]#' _pydoc 'python[0-9.]#' _python 'qemu(|-system-*)' _qemu sadf _sysstat sar _sysstat 'yodl(|2*)' _yodl )
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1534> _compautos=( _call_program +X )
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1538> zle -C _bash_complete-word .complete-word _bash_completions
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1539> zle -C _bash_list-choices .list-choices _bash_completions
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1540> zle -C _complete_debug .complete-word _complete_debug
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1541> zle -C _complete_help .complete-word _complete_help
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1542> zle -C _complete_tag .complete-word _complete_tag
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1543> zle -C _correct_filename .complete-word _correct_filename
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1544> zle -C _correct_word .complete-word _correct_word
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1545> zle -C _expand_alias .complete-word _expand_alias
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1546> zle -C _expand_word .complete-word _expand_word
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1547> zle -C _history-complete-newer .complete-word _history_complete_word
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1548> zle -C _history-complete-older .complete-word _history_complete_word
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1549> zle -C _list_expansions .list-choices _expand_word
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1550> zle -C _most_recent_file .complete-word _most_recent_file
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1551> zle -C _next_tags .list-choices _next_tags
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1552> zle -C _read_comp .complete-word _read_comp
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1553> bindkey '^X^R' _read_comp
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1554> bindkey '^X?' _complete_debug
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1555> bindkey '^XC' _correct_filename
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1556> bindkey '^Xa' _expand_alias
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1557> bindkey '^Xc' _correct_word
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1558> bindkey '^Xd' _list_expansions
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1559> bindkey '^Xe' _expand_word
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1560> bindkey '^Xh' _complete_help
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1561> bindkey '^Xm' _most_recent_file
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1562> bindkey '^Xn' _next_tags
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1563> bindkey '^Xt' _complete_tag
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1564> bindkey '^X~' _bash_list-choices
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1565> bindkey '^[,' _history-complete-newer
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1566> bindkey '^[/' _history-complete-older
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1567> bindkey '^[~' _bash_complete-word
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1569> autoload -Uz _SUSEconfig __go_tool_complete _a2ps _a2utils _aap _ack _acpi _acpitool _acroread _adb _add-zsh-hook _ag _alias _aliases _all_labels _all_matches _alternative _analyseplugin _android _ant _antiword _apachectl _apm _approximate _apt _apt-file _apt-move _apt-show-versions _aptitude _arch_archives _arch_namespace _arg_compile _arguments _arp _arping _arrays _artisan _assign _at _atach _attr _augeas _auto-apt _autocd _awk _axi-cache _bash_completions _baz _be_name _beadm _beep _bind_addresses _bindkey _bison _bittorrent _bogofilter _boot2docker _bower _bpython _brace_parameter _brctl _brew _brew_cask _bsd_pkg _bsdconfig _bsdinstall _btrfs _bts _bug _builtin _bundle _bzip2 _bzr _cabal _cache_invalid _cal _calendar _call_function _call_whatis _canonical_paths _cap _cask _cat _ccal _cd _cd_options _cdbs-edit-patch _cdcd _cdls_popdls_pushdls _cdr _cdrdao _cdrecord _celery _chflags _chkconfig _chmod _choc _chown _chrt _chsh _clay _cmake _cmdstring _cmp _coffee _combination _comm _command _command_names _comp_locale _compadd _compdef _complete _complete_debug _complete_help _complete_help_generic _complete_tag _composer _compress _condition _configure _console _coreadm _correct _correct_filename _correct_word _cowsay _cp _cpanm _cpio _cplay _cryptsetup _cssh _csup _ctags_tags _curl _cut _cvs _cvsup _cygcheck _cygpath _cygrunsrv _cygserver _cygstart _dak _darcs _date _date_formats _dates _dbus _dchroot _dchroot-dsa _dcop _dcut _dd _deb_architectures _deb_packages _debchange _debcheckout _debdiff _debfoster _debsign _debuild _default _defaults _delimiters _describe _description _devtodo _df _dget _dhclient _dhcpcd _dhcpinfo _dict _dict_words _diff _diff_options _diffstat _dir_list _directories _directory_stack _direnv_hook _dirs _disable _dispatch _ditz _django _dladm _dlocate _dmidecode _dnf _docker _docker-compose _docker-machine _docpad _domains _dpatch-edit-patch _dpkg _dpkg-buildpackage _dpkg-cross _dpkg-repack _dpkg_source _dput _drush _dsh _dtrace _du _dumpadm _dumper _dupload _dut _dvi _dynamic_directory_name _dzen2 _ecasound _echotc _echoti _elfdump _elinks _elm _email_addresses _emulate _emulator _enable _enscript _env _equal _espeak _etags _ethtool _expand _expand_alias _expand_word _exportfs _extensions _external_pwds _fab _fakeroot _fc _feh _fetch _fetchmail _ffmpeg _figlet _file_descriptors _file_systems _files _find _find_net_interfaces _finger _fink _first _flasher _flex _floppy _flowadm _fmadm _fortune _freebsd-update _fsh _fstat _functions _fuse_arguments _fuse_values _fuser _fusermount _gas _gcc _gcore _gdb _geany _gem _generic _genisoimage _getclip _getconf _getent _getfacl _getmail _ghc _gist _git _git-buildpackage _git-flow _git-hub-browse _git-hub-shorten-url _git-info _git-pulls _git-submodule-move _git-submodule-remove _git-wtf _github _glances _global _global_tags _globflags _globqual_delims _globquals _gnome-gv _gnu_generic _gnupod _gnutls _go _google _gpg _gphoto2 _gprof _gqview _gradle _graphicsmagick _grep _grep-excuses _groff _groups _growisofs _gs _guard _guilt _gv _gzip _hash _have_glob_qual _hdiutil _head _heroku _hg _history _history-substring-search-begin _history-substring-search-down-buffer _history-substring-search-down-history _history-substring-search-down-search _history-substring-search-end _history-substring-search-not-found _history-substring-search-up-buffer _history-substring-search-up-history _history-substring-search-up-search _history_complete_word _history_modifiers _hledger _hosts _httpie _hub _hwinfo _iconv _id _id3 _id3v2 _ifconfig _iftop _ignored _imagemagick _in_vared _inetadm _init_d _initctl _invoke-rc.d _ionice _ip _ipadm _ipset _iptables _irssi _ispell _iw _iwconfig _j _jails _java _java_class _jekyll _jexec _jls _jmeter _jmeter-plugins _jobs _jobs_bg _jobs_builtin _jobs_fg _joe _join _jonas _jq _kfmclient _kill _killall _kitchen _kld _knife _knock _kvno _language_codes _last _ldd _lein _less _lha _lighttpd _limit _limits _links _lintian _list _list_files _lldb _ln _loadkeys _locales _locate _logger _logical_volumes _look _losetup _lp _ls _lscfg _lsdev _lslv _lsof _lspv _lsusb _lsvg _lunar _lunchy _lynx _lzop _mac_applications _mac_files_for_application _madison _mail _mailboxes _main_complete _make _make-kpkg _man _manb_mand_manp _match _math _math_params _matlab _md5sum _mdadm _members _mencal _menu _mere _mergechanges _message _metaflac _mh _middleman _mii-tool _mime_types _mina _mixerctl _mkdcd _mkdir _mkshortcut _mkzsh _module _module-assistant _module_math_func _modutils _mondo _monotone _moosic _mosh _most_recent_file _mount _mozilla _mpc _mplayer _mt _mtools _mtr _multi_parts _mussh _mutt _mvn _my_accounts _mysql_utils _mysqldiff _nautilus _ncftp _nedit _net_interfaces _netcat _netscape _netstat _newsgroups _next_label _next_tags _nice _nkf _nl _nm _nmap _nmcli _node _normal _nothing _notmuch _npm _nslookup _nvm _objdump _object_classes _od _okular _oldlist _open _options _options_set _options_unset _optirun _osc _other_accounts _pack _pactree _parameter _parameters _pass _patch _patchutils _path_commands _path_commands_caching_policy _path_files _pax _pbm _pbuilder _pdf _pdftk _pear _perf _perforce _periscope _perl _perl_basepods _perl_modules _perldoc _pfctl _pfexec _pgrep _pgsql_utils _phing _php _physical_volumes _pick_variant _pids _pine _ping _piuparts _pkcon _pkg-config _pkg5 _pkg_instance _pkgadd _pkginfo _pkgrm _pkgtool _play _pon _port _portaudit _portlint _portmaster _ports _portsnap _postfix _postscript _powerd _prcs _precommand _prefix _prep _print _printenv _printers _procstat _prompt _prove _prstat _ps _ps1234 _pscp _pspdf _psub _psutils _ptree _pump _putclip _pydoc _pygmentize _python _python_modules _qdbus _qemu _qiv _qtplay _quilt _raggle _rails _rake _ralio _ranlib _rar _rcs _rdesktop _read _read_comp _readelf _readshortcut _rebootin _redirect _redis-cli _regex_arguments _regex_words _remote_files _renice _reprepro _requested _retrieve_cache _retrieve_mac_apps _rfkill _ri _rlogin _rm _rpm _rpmbuild _rrdtool _rspec _rsync _rubber _rubocop _ruby _run-help _runit _rvm _sablotron _salt _samba _savecore _sbt _scala _sccs _sched _schedtool _schroot _scl _screen _sdd _sed _sep_parts _sequence _service _services _set _set_command _setfacl _setopt _setup _sh _showmount _showoff _shutdown _signals _sisu _slrn _smartmontools _smit _snoop _socat _socket _sockstat _softwareupdate _sort _source _spamassassin _sqlite _sqsh _srm _ss _ssh _ssh-copy-id _sshfs _stat _stgit _store_cache _strace _strftime _strip _stty _su _sub_commands _subliminal _subscript _subversion _sudo _suffix_alias_files _surfraw _svcadm _svccfg _svcprop _svcs _svcs_fmri _svm _svn-buildpackage _symfony _sysctl _sysstat _systat _system_profiler _tags _tail _tar _tar_archive _tardy _tcpdump _tcpsys _tcptraceroute _teamocil _telnet _terminal-set-titles-with-command _terminal-set-titles-with-path _terminals _tex _texi _texinfo _thor _tidy _tiff _tilde _tilde_files _time_zone _tin _tla _tmux _tmuxinator _toilet _toolchain-source _topgit _totd _tpb _tpconfig _tr _tracepath _trap _tree _ttyctl _ttys _tune2fs _twidge _twisted _typeset _ulimit _uml _unace _uname _unexpand _unhash _uniq _unison _units _update-alternatives _update-rc.d _urls _urpmi _urxvt _uscan _user_admin _user_at_host _user_expand _user_math_func _users _users_on _uzbl _vagrant _valgrind _value _values _vared _vars _vcsh _veewee _vim _vim-addons _virsh _virtualbox _vmstat _vnc _vnstat _volume_groups _vorbis _vorbiscomment _vpnc _vserver _vux _w3m _wait _wajig _wakeup_capable_devices _wanna-build _wanted _watch _watch-snoop _wc _webbrowser _wemux _wget _whereis _which _whois _wiggle _wpa_cli _x_arguments _x_borderwidth _x_color _x_colormapid _x_cursor _x_display _x_extension _x_font _x_geometry _x_keysym _x_locale _x_modifier _x_name _x_resource _x_selection_timeout _x_title _x_utils _x_visual _x_window _xargs _xauth _xautolock _xclip _xdvi _xfig _xft_fonts _xinput _xloadimage _xmlsoft _xmms2 _xmodmap _xournal _xpdf _xrandr _xscreensaver _xset _xt_arguments _xt_session_id _xterm _xv _xwit _xxd _xz _yaourt _yast _yodl _youtube-dl _yp _yum _z _z_precmd _z_zsh_tab_completion _zargs _zattr _zcalc _zcalc_line _zcat _zcompile _zdump _zed _zfs _zfs_dataset _zfs_keysource_props _zfs_pool _zftp _zip _zle _zlogin _zmodload _zmv _zoneadm _zones _zpool _zpty _zsh _zsh-mime-handler _zsh_highlight _zsh_highlight_bind_widgets _zsh_highlight_brackets_highlighter _zsh_highlight_brackets_highlighter_brackettype _zsh_highlight_brackets_highlighter_predicate _zsh_highlight_buffer_modified _zsh_highlight_cursor_highlighter _zsh_highlight_cursor_highlighter_predicate _zsh_highlight_cursor_moved _zsh_highlight_line_highlighter _zsh_highlight_line_highlighter_predicate _zsh_highlight_load_highlighters _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_check_assign _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_check_path _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_highlight_string _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_predicate _zsh_highlight_pattern_highlighter _zsh_highlight_pattern_highlighter_loop _zsh_highlight_pattern_highlighter_predicate _zsh_highlight_preexec_hook _zsh_highlight_root_highlighter _zsh_highlight_root_highlighter_predicate _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-and-hold _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-and-infer-next-history _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-and-menu-complete _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-line _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-line-and-down-history _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-search _zsh_highlight_widget_argument-base _zsh_highlight_widget_auto-suffix-remove _zsh_highlight_widget_auto-suffix-retain _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-char _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-delete-char _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-delete-word _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-kill-line _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-kill-word _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_beginning-of-buffer-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_beginning-of-history _zsh_highlight_widget_beginning-of-line _zsh_highlight_widget_beginning-of-line-hist _zsh_highlight_widget_bracketed-paste _zsh_highlight_widget_capitalize-word _zsh_highlight_widget_clear-screen _zsh_highlight_widget_complete-word _zsh_highlight_widget_copy-prev-shell-word _zsh_highlight_widget_copy-prev-word _zsh_highlight_widget_copy-region-as-kill _zsh_highlight_widget_deactivate-region _zsh_highlight_widget_delete-char _zsh_highlight_widget_delete-char-or-list _zsh_highlight_widget_delete-word _zsh_highlight_widget_describe-key-briefly _zsh_highlight_widget_digit-argument _zsh_highlight_widget_down-case-word _zsh_highlight_widget_down-history _zsh_highlight_widget_down-line _zsh_highlight_widget_down-line-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_down-line-or-search _zsh_highlight_widget_emacs-backward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_emacs-forward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-buffer-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-history _zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-line _zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-line-hist _zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-list _zsh_highlight_widget_exchange-point-and-mark _zsh_highlight_widget_execute-last-named-cmd _zsh_highlight_widget_execute-named-cmd _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-cmd-path _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-history _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-or-complete _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-or-complete-prefix _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-word _zsh_highlight_widget_forward-char _zsh_highlight_widget_forward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_get-line _zsh_highlight_widget_gosmacs-transpose-chars _zsh_highlight_widget_history-beginning-search-backward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-beginning-search-forward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-incremental-pattern-search-backward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-incremental-pattern-search-forward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-incremental-search-backward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-incremental-search-forward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-search-backward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-search-forward _zsh_highlight_widget_infer-next-history _zsh_highlight_widget_insert-last-word _zsh_highlight_widget_kill-buffer _zsh_highlight_widget_kill-line _zsh_highlight_widget_kill-region _zsh_highlight_widget_kill-whole-line _zsh_highlight_widget_kill-word _zsh_highlight_widget_list-choices _zsh_highlight_widget_list-expand _zsh_highlight_widget_magic-space _zsh_highlight_widget_menu-complete _zsh_highlight_widget_menu-expand-or-complete _zsh_highlight_widget_neg-argument _zsh_highlight_widget_pound-insert _zsh_highlight_widget_push-input _zsh_highlight_widget_push-line _zsh_highlight_widget_push-line-or-edit _zsh_highlight_widget_put-replace-selection _zsh_highlight_widget_quote-line _zsh_highlight_widget_quote-region _zsh_highlight_widget_quoted-insert _zsh_highlight_widget_read-command _zsh_highlight_widget_recursive-edit _zsh_highlight_widget_redisplay _zsh_highlight_widget_redo _zsh_highlight_widget_reset-prompt _zsh_highlight_widget_reverse-menu-complete _zsh_highlight_widget_select-a-blank-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-a-shell-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-a-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-in-blank-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-in-shell-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-in-word _zsh_highlight_widget_self-insert _zsh_highlight_widget_self-insert-unmeta _zsh_highlight_widget_send-break _zsh_highlight_widget_set-local-history _zsh_highlight_widget_set-mark-command _zsh_highlight_widget_spell-word _zsh_highlight_widget_split-undo _zsh_highlight_widget_transpose-chars _zsh_highlight_widget_transpose-words _zsh_highlight_widget_undefined-key _zsh_highlight_widget_undo _zsh_highlight_widget_universal-argument _zsh_highlight_widget_up-case-word _zsh_highlight_widget_up-history _zsh_highlight_widget_up-line _zsh_highlight_widget_up-line-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_up-line-or-search _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-add-eol _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-add-next _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-blank-word _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-blank-word-end _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-delete-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-kill-word _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-word-end _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-beginning-of-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-caps-lock-panic _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-change _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-change-eol _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-change-whole-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-cmd-mode _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-delete _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-delete-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-down-line-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-end-of-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-fetch-history _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-find-next-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-find-next-char-skip _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-find-prev-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-find-prev-char-skip _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-first-non-blank _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-blank-word _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-blank-word-end _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-word-end _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-goto-column _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-goto-mark _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-goto-mark-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-history-search-backward _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-history-search-forward _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-indent _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-join _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-kill-eol _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-kill-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-match-bracket _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-open-line-above _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-open-line-below _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-oper-swap-case _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-pound-insert _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-put-after _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-put-before _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-quoted-insert _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-repeat-change _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-repeat-find _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-repeat-search _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-replace-chars _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-rev-repeat-find _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-rev-repeat-search _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-set-buffer _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-set-mark _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-substitute _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-swap-case _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-undo-change _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-unindent _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-up-line-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-yank _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-yank-eol _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-yank-whole-line _zsh_highlight_widget_visual-line-mode _zsh_highlight_widget_visual-mode _zsh_highlight_widget_what-cursor-position _zsh_highlight_widget_where-is _zsocket _zstyle _ztodo _zypper
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1790> autoload -Uz +X _call_program
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1792> typeset -gUa _comp_assocs
+/Users/quanta/.zcompdump:1793> _comp_assocs=( '' )
+compinit:481> _i_done=yes
+compinit:488> [[ -z yes ]]
+compinit:525> _i_line=complete-word
+compinit:528> zle -C complete-word .complete-word _main_complete
+compinit:525> _i_line=delete-char-or-list
+compinit:528> zle -C delete-char-or-list .delete-char-or-list _main_complete
+compinit:525> _i_line=expand-or-complete
+compinit:528> zle -C expand-or-complete .expand-or-complete _main_complete
+compinit:525> _i_line=expand-or-complete-prefix
+compinit:528> zle -C expand-or-complete-prefix .expand-or-complete-prefix _main_complete
+compinit:525> _i_line=list-choices
+compinit:528> zle -C list-choices .list-choices _main_complete
+compinit:525> _i_line=menu-complete
+compinit:528> zle -C menu-complete .menu-complete _main_complete
+compinit:525> _i_line=menu-expand-or-complete
+compinit:528> zle -C menu-expand-or-complete .menu-expand-or-complete _main_complete
+compinit:525> _i_line=reverse-menu-complete
+compinit:528> zle -C reverse-menu-complete .reverse-menu-complete _main_complete
+compinit:530> zle -la menu-select
+compinit:534> bindkey '^i'
+compinit:534> IFS=' ' +compinit:534> read -A _i_line
+compinit:535> [[ expand-or-complete-with-indicator == expand-or-complete ]]
+compinit:541> unfunction compinit compaudit
+compinit:542> autoload -Uz compinit compaudit
+compinit:544> return 0
# Options
setopt COMPLETE_IN_WORD # Complete from both ends of a word.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:24> setopt COMPLETE_IN_WORD
setopt ALWAYS_TO_END # Move cursor to the end of a completed word.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:25> setopt ALWAYS_TO_END
setopt PATH_DIRS # Perform path search even on command names with slashes.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:26> setopt PATH_DIRS
setopt AUTO_MENU # Show completion menu on a successive tab press.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:27> setopt AUTO_MENU
setopt AUTO_LIST # Automatically list choices on ambiguous completion.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:28> setopt AUTO_LIST
setopt AUTO_PARAM_SLASH # If completed parameter is a directory, add a trailing slash.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:29> setopt AUTO_PARAM_SLASH
unsetopt MENU_COMPLETE # Do not autoselect the first completion entry.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:30> unsetopt MENU_COMPLETE
unsetopt FLOW_CONTROL # Disable start/stop characters in shell editor.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:31> unsetopt FLOW_CONTROL
# Styles
# Use caching to make completion for commands such as dpkg and apt usable.
zstyle ':completion::complete:*' use-cache on
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:38> zstyle ':completion::complete:*' use-cache on
zstyle ':completion::complete:*' cache-path "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zcompcache"
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:39> zstyle ':completion::complete:*' cache-path /Users/quanta/.zcompcache
# Case-insensitive (all), partial-word, and then substring completion.
if zstyle -t ':prezto:module:completion:*' case-sensitive; then
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
setopt CASE_GLOB
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
unsetopt CASE_GLOB
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:42> zstyle -t ':prezto:module:completion:*' case-sensitive
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:46> zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:47> unsetopt CASE_GLOB
# Group matches and describe.
zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:*' menu select
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:51> zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:*' menu select
zstyle ':completion:*:matches' group 'yes'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:52> zstyle ':completion:*:matches' group yes
zstyle ':completion:*:options' description 'yes'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:53> zstyle ':completion:*:options' description yes
zstyle ':completion:*:options' auto-description '%d'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:54> zstyle ':completion:*:options' auto-description %d
zstyle ':completion:*:corrections' format ' %F{green}-- %d (errors: %e) --%f'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:55> zstyle ':completion:*:corrections' format ' %F{green}-- %d (errors: %e) --%f'
zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format ' %F{yellow}-- %d --%f'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:56> zstyle ':completion:*:descriptions' format ' %F{yellow}-- %d --%f'
zstyle ':completion:*:messages' format ' %F{purple} -- %d --%f'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:57> zstyle ':completion:*:messages' format ' %F{purple} -- %d --%f'
zstyle ':completion:*:warnings' format ' %F{red}-- no matches found --%f'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:58> zstyle ':completion:*:warnings' format ' %F{red}-- no matches found --%f'
zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-prompt '%S%M matches%s'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:59> zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-prompt '%S%M matches%s'
zstyle ':completion:*' format ' %F{yellow}-- %d --%f'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:60> zstyle ':completion:*' format ' %F{yellow}-- %d --%f'
zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:61> zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
zstyle ':completion:*' verbose yes
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:62> zstyle ':completion:*' verbose yes
# Fuzzy match mistyped completions.
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _match _approximate
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:65> zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _match _approximate
zstyle ':completion:*:match:*' original only
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:66> zstyle ':completion:*:match:*' original only
zstyle ':completion:*:approximate:*' max-errors 1 numeric
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:67> zstyle ':completion:*:approximate:*' max-errors 1 numeric
# Increase the number of errors based on the length of the typed word.
zstyle -e ':completion:*:approximate:*' max-errors 'reply=($((($#PREFIX+$#SUFFIX)/3))numeric)'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:70> zstyle -e ':completion:*:approximate:*' max-errors 'reply=($((($#PREFIX+$#SUFFIX)/3))numeric)'
# Don't complete unavailable commands.
zstyle ':completion:*:functions' ignored-patterns '(_*|pre(cmd|exec))'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:73> zstyle ':completion:*:functions' ignored-patterns '(_*|pre(cmd|exec))'
# Array completion element sorting.
zstyle ':completion:*:*:-subscript-:*' tag-order indexes parameters
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:76> zstyle ':completion:*:*:-subscript-:*' tag-order indexes parameters
# Directories
zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:79> zstyle ':completion:*:default' list-colors 'di=34' 'ln=35' 'so=32' 'pi=33' 'ex=31' 'bd=36;01' 'cd=33;01' 'su=31;40;07' 'sg=36;40;07' 'tw=32;40;07' 'ow=33;40;07'
zstyle ':completion:*:*:cd:*' tag-order local-directories directory-stack path-directories
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:80> zstyle ':completion:*:*:cd:*' tag-order local-directories directory-stack path-directories
zstyle ':completion:*:*:cd:*:directory-stack' menu yes select
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:81> zstyle ':completion:*:*:cd:*:directory-stack' menu yes select
zstyle ':completion:*:-tilde-:*' group-order 'named-directories' 'path-directories' 'users' 'expand'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:82> zstyle ':completion:*:-tilde-:*' group-order named-directories path-directories users expand
zstyle ':completion:*' squeeze-slashes true
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:83> zstyle ':completion:*' squeeze-slashes true
# History
zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' stop yes
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:86> zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' stop yes
zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' remove-all-dups yes
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:87> zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' remove-all-dups yes
zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' list false
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:88> zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' list false
zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' menu yes
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:89> zstyle ':completion:*:history-words' menu yes
# Environmental Variables
zstyle ':completion::*:(-command-|export):*' fake-parameters ${${${_comps[(I)-value-*]#*,}%%,*}:#-*-}
# Populate hostname completion.
zstyle -e ':completion:*:hosts' hosts 'reply=(
${=${=${=${${(f)"$(cat {/etc/ssh_,~/.ssh/known_}hosts(|2)(N) 2>/dev/null)"}%%[#| ]*}//\]:[0-9]*/ }//,/ }//\[/ }
${=${(f)"$(cat /etc/hosts(|)(N) <<(ypcat hosts 2>/dev/null))"}%%\#*}
${=${${${${(@M)${(f)"$(cat ~/.ssh/config 2>/dev/null)"}:#Host *}#Host }:#*\**}:#*\?*}}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:95> zstyle -e ':completion:*:hosts' hosts 'reply=(
${=${=${=${${(f)"$(cat {/etc/ssh_,~/.ssh/known_}hosts(|2)(N) 2>/dev/null)"}%%[#| ]*}//\]:[0-9]*/ }//,/ }//\[/ }
${=${(f)"$(cat /etc/hosts(|)(N) <<(ypcat hosts 2>/dev/null))"}%%\#*}
${=${${${${(@M)${(f)"$(cat ~/.ssh/config 2>/dev/null)"}:#Host *}#Host }:#*\**}:#*\?*}}
# Don't complete uninteresting users...
zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:users' ignored-patterns \
adm amanda apache avahi beaglidx bin cacti canna clamav daemon \
dbus distcache dovecot fax ftp games gdm gkrellmd gopher \
hacluster haldaemon halt hsqldb ident junkbust ldap lp mail \
mailman mailnull mldonkey mysql nagios \
named netdump news nfsnobody nobody nscd ntp nut nx openvpn \
operator pcap postfix postgres privoxy pulse pvm quagga radvd \
rpc rpcuser rpm shutdown squid sshd sync uucp vcsa xfs '_*'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:102> zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:users' ignored-patterns adm amanda apache avahi beaglidx bin cacti canna clamav daemon dbus distcache dovecot fax ftp games gdm gkrellmd gopher hacluster haldaemon halt hsqldb ident junkbust ldap lp mail mailman mailnull mldonkey mysql nagios named netdump news nfsnobody nobody nscd ntp nut nx openvpn operator pcap postfix postgres privoxy pulse pvm quagga radvd rpc rpcuser rpm shutdown squid sshd sync uucp vcsa xfs '_*'
# ... unless we really want to.
zstyle '*' single-ignored show
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:112> zstyle '*' single-ignored show
# Ignore multiple entries.
zstyle ':completion:*:(rm|kill|diff):*' ignore-line other
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:115> zstyle ':completion:*:(rm|kill|diff):*' ignore-line other
zstyle ':completion:*:rm:*' file-patterns '*:all-files'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:116> zstyle ':completion:*:rm:*' file-patterns '*:all-files'
# Kill
zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:processes' command 'ps -u $LOGNAME -o pid,user,command -w'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:119> zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:processes' command 'ps -u $LOGNAME -o pid,user,command -w'
zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes' list-colors '=(#b) #([0-9]#) ([0-9a-z-]#)*=01;36=0=01'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:120> zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes' list-colors '=(#b) #([0-9]#) ([0-9a-z-]#)*=01;36=0=01'
zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' menu yes select
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:121> zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' menu yes select
zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' force-list always
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:122> zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' force-list always
zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' insert-ids single
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:123> zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' insert-ids single
# Man
zstyle ':completion:*:manuals' separate-sections true
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:126> zstyle ':completion:*:manuals' separate-sections true
zstyle ':completion:*:manuals.(^1*)' insert-sections true
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:127> zstyle ':completion:*:manuals.(^1*)' insert-sections true
# Media Players
zstyle ':completion:*:*:mpg123:*' file-patterns '*.(mp3|MP3):mp3\ files *(-/):directories'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:130> zstyle ':completion:*:*:mpg123:*' file-patterns '*.(mp3|MP3):mp3\ files *(-/):directories'
zstyle ':completion:*:*:mpg321:*' file-patterns '*.(mp3|MP3):mp3\ files *(-/):directories'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:131> zstyle ':completion:*:*:mpg321:*' file-patterns '*.(mp3|MP3):mp3\ files *(-/):directories'
zstyle ':completion:*:*:ogg123:*' file-patterns '*.(ogg|OGG|flac):ogg\ files *(-/):directories'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:132> zstyle ':completion:*:*:ogg123:*' file-patterns '*.(ogg|OGG|flac):ogg\ files *(-/):directories'
zstyle ':completion:*:*:mocp:*' file-patterns '*.(wav|WAV|mp3|MP3|ogg|OGG|flac):ogg\ files *(-/):directories'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:133> zstyle ':completion:*:*:mocp:*' file-patterns '*.(wav|WAV|mp3|MP3|ogg|OGG|flac):ogg\ files *(-/):directories'
# Mutt
if [[ -s "$HOME/.mutt/aliases" ]]; then
zstyle ':completion:*:*:mutt:*' menu yes select
zstyle ':completion:*:mutt:*' users ${${${(f)"$(<"$HOME/.mutt/aliases")"}#alias[[:space:]]}%%[[:space:]]*}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:136> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.mutt/aliases ]]
zstyle ':completion:*:(scp|rsync):*' tag-order 'hosts:-host:host hosts:-domain:domain hosts:-ipaddr:ip\ address *'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:142> zstyle ':completion:*:(scp|rsync):*' tag-order 'hosts:-host:host hosts:-domain:domain hosts:-ipaddr:ip\ address *'
zstyle ':completion:*:(scp|rsync):*' group-order users files all-files hosts-domain hosts-host hosts-ipaddr
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:143> zstyle ':completion:*:(scp|rsync):*' group-order users files all-files hosts-domain hosts-host hosts-ipaddr
zstyle ':completion:*:ssh:*' tag-order 'hosts:-host:host hosts:-domain:domain hosts:-ipaddr:ip\ address *'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:144> zstyle ':completion:*:ssh:*' tag-order 'hosts:-host:host hosts:-domain:domain hosts:-ipaddr:ip\ address *'
zstyle ':completion:*:ssh:*' group-order users hosts-domain hosts-host users hosts-ipaddr
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:145> zstyle ':completion:*:ssh:*' group-order users hosts-domain hosts-host users hosts-ipaddr
zstyle ':completion:*:(ssh|scp|rsync):*:hosts-host' ignored-patterns '*(.|:)*' loopback ip6-loopback localhost ip6-localhost broadcasthost
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:146> zstyle ':completion:*:(ssh|scp|rsync):*:hosts-host' ignored-patterns '*(.|:)*' loopback ip6-loopback localhost ip6-localhost broadcasthost
zstyle ':completion:*:(ssh|scp|rsync):*:hosts-domain' ignored-patterns '<->.<->.<->.<->' '^[-[:alnum:]]##(.[-[:alnum:]]##)##' '*@*'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:147> zstyle ':completion:*:(ssh|scp|rsync):*:hosts-domain' ignored-patterns '<->.<->.<->.<->' '^[-[:alnum:]]##(.[-[:alnum:]]##)##' '*@*'
zstyle ':completion:*:(ssh|scp|rsync):*:hosts-ipaddr' ignored-patterns '^(<->.<->.<->.<->|(|::)([[:xdigit:].]##:(#c,2))##(|%*))' '127.0.0.<->' '' '::1' 'fe80::*'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/init.zsh:148> zstyle ':completion:*:(ssh|scp|rsync):*:hosts-ipaddr' ignored-patterns '^(<->.<->.<->.<->|(|::)([[:xdigit:].]##:(#c,2))##(|%*))' '127.0.0.<->' ::1 'fe80::*'
+pmodload:35> (( 0 == 0 ))
+pmodload:36> zstyle :prezto:module:completion loaded yes
+pmodload:24> pmodule=homebrew
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:homebrew loaded yes no
+pmodload:27> [[ ! -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew ]]
+pmodload:31> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh ]]
+pmodload:32> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh
# Defines Homebrew aliases.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Return if requirements are not found.
if [[ "$OSTYPE" != (darwin|linux)* ]]; then
return 1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh:9> [[ darwin16.0 != (darwin|linux)* ]]
# Aliases
# Homebrew
alias brewc='brew cleanup'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh:18> alias 'brewc=brew cleanup'
alias brewC='brew cleanup --force'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh:19> alias 'brewC=brew cleanup --force'
alias brewi='brew install'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh:20> alias 'brewi=brew install'
alias brewl='brew list'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh:21> alias 'brewl=brew list'
alias brews='brew search'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh:22> alias 'brews=brew search'
alias brewu='brew update && brew upgrade --all'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh:23> alias 'brewu=brew update && brew upgrade --all'
alias brewx='brew remove'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh:24> alias 'brewx=brew remove'
# Homebrew Cask
alias cask='brew cask'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh:27> alias 'cask=brew cask'
alias caskc='brew cask cleanup --outdated'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh:28> alias 'caskc=brew cask cleanup --outdated'
alias caskC='brew cask cleanup'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh:29> alias 'caskC=brew cask cleanup'
alias caski='brew cask install'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh:30> alias 'caski=brew cask install'
alias caskl='brew cask list'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh:31> alias 'caskl=brew cask list'
alias casks='brew cask search'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh:32> alias 'casks=brew cask search'
alias caskx='brew cask uninstall'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/homebrew/init.zsh:33> alias 'caskx=brew cask uninstall'
+pmodload:35> (( 0 == 0 ))
+pmodload:36> zstyle :prezto:module:homebrew loaded yes
+pmodload:24> pmodule=osx
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:osx loaded yes no
+pmodload:27> [[ ! -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx ]]
+pmodload:31> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/init.zsh ]]
+pmodload:32> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/init.zsh
# Defines Mac OS X aliases and functions.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Return if requirements are not found.
if [[ "$OSTYPE" != darwin* ]]; then
return 1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/init.zsh:9> [[ darwin16.0 != darwin* ]]
# Aliases
# Changes directory to the current Finder directory.
alias cdf='cd "$(pfd)"'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/init.zsh:18> alias 'cdf=cd "$(pfd)"'
# Pushes directory to the current Finder directory.
alias pushdf='pushd "$(pfd)"'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/init.zsh:21> alias 'pushdf=pushd "$(pfd)"'
+pmodload:35> (( 0 == 0 ))
+pmodload:36> zstyle :prezto:module:osx loaded yes
+pmodload:24> pmodule=git
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:git loaded yes no
+pmodload:27> [[ ! -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git ]]
+pmodload:31> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/init.zsh ]]
+pmodload:32> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/init.zsh
# Provides Git aliases and functions.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Return if requirements are not found.
if (( ! $+commands[git] )); then
return 1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/init.zsh:9> (( ! 1 ))
# Load dependencies.
pmodload 'helper'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/init.zsh:14> pmodload helper
+pmodload:1> local -a pmodules
+pmodload:2> local pmodule
+pmodload:3> local pfunction_glob='^([_.]*|prompt_*_setup|README*)(-.N:t)'
+pmodload:6> pmodules=( helper )
+pmodload:9> fpath=( /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions )
+pmodload:11> '(anon)'
+(anon):1> local pfunction
+(anon):7> pfunction=add-zsh-trap
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz add-zsh-trap
+pmodload:24> pmodule=helper
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:helper loaded yes no
+pmodload:26> continue
# Source module files.
source "${0:h}/alias.zsh"
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/init.zsh:17> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh
# Defines Git aliases.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Settings
# Log
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:git:log:medium' format '_git_log_medium_format' \
|| _git_log_medium_format='%C(bold)Commit:%C(reset) %C(green)%H%C(red)%d%n%C(bold)Author:%C(reset) %C(cyan)%an <%ae>%n%C(bold)Date:%C(reset) %C(blue)%ai (%ar)%C(reset)%n%+B'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:14> zstyle -s :prezto:module:git:log:medium format _git_log_medium_format
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:15> _git_log_medium_format='%C(bold)Commit:%C(reset) %C(green)%H%C(red)%d%n%C(bold)Author:%C(reset) %C(cyan)%an <%ae>%n%C(bold)Date:%C(reset) %C(blue)%ai (%ar)%C(reset)%n%+B'
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:git:log:oneline' format '_git_log_oneline_format' \
|| _git_log_oneline_format='%C(green)%h%C(reset) %s%C(red)%d%C(reset)%n'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:16> zstyle -s :prezto:module:git:log:oneline format _git_log_oneline_format
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:17> _git_log_oneline_format='%C(green)%h%C(reset) %s%C(red)%d%C(reset)%n'
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:git:log:brief' format '_git_log_brief_format' \
|| _git_log_brief_format='%C(green)%h%C(reset) %s%n%C(blue)(%ar by %an)%C(red)%d%C(reset)%n'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:18> zstyle -s :prezto:module:git:log:brief format _git_log_brief_format
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:19> _git_log_brief_format='%C(green)%h%C(reset) %s%n%C(blue)(%ar by %an)%C(red)%d%C(reset)%n'
# Status
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:git:status:ignore' submodules '_git_status_ignore_submodules' \
|| _git_status_ignore_submodules='none'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:22> zstyle -s :prezto:module:git:status:ignore submodules _git_status_ignore_submodules
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:23> _git_status_ignore_submodules=none
# Aliases
# Git
alias g='git'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:30> alias 'g=git'
# Branch (b)
alias gb='git branch'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:33> alias 'gb=git branch'
alias gbc='git checkout -b'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:34> alias 'gbc=git checkout -b'
alias gbl='git branch -v'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:35> alias 'gbl=git branch -v'
alias gbL='git branch -av'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:36> alias 'gbL=git branch -av'
alias gbx='git branch -d'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:37> alias 'gbx=git branch -d'
alias gbX='git branch -D'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:38> alias 'gbX=git branch -D'
alias gbm='git branch -m'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:39> alias 'gbm=git branch -m'
alias gbM='git branch -M'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:40> alias 'gbM=git branch -M'
alias gbs='git show-branch'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:41> alias 'gbs=git show-branch'
alias gbS='git show-branch -a'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:42> alias 'gbS=git show-branch -a'
# Commit (c)
alias gc='git commit --verbose'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:45> alias 'gc=git commit --verbose'
alias gca='git commit --verbose --all'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:46> alias 'gca=git commit --verbose --all'
alias gcm='git commit --message'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:47> alias 'gcm=git commit --message'
alias gco='git checkout'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:48> alias 'gco=git checkout'
alias gcO='git checkout --patch'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:49> alias 'gcO=git checkout --patch'
alias gcf='git commit --amend --reuse-message HEAD'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:50> alias 'gcf=git commit --amend --reuse-message HEAD'
alias gcF='git commit --verbose --amend'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:51> alias 'gcF=git commit --verbose --amend'
alias gcp='git cherry-pick --ff'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:52> alias 'gcp=git cherry-pick --ff'
alias gcP='git cherry-pick --no-commit'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:53> alias 'gcP=git cherry-pick --no-commit'
alias gcr='git revert'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:54> alias 'gcr=git revert'
alias gcR='git reset "HEAD^"'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:55> alias 'gcR=git reset "HEAD^"'
alias gcs='git show'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:56> alias 'gcs=git show'
alias gcl='git-commit-lost'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:57> alias 'gcl=git-commit-lost'
# Conflict (C)
alias gCl='git status | sed -n "s/^.*both [a-z]*ed: *//p"'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:60> alias 'gCl=git status | sed -n "s/^.*both [a-z]*ed: *//p"'
alias gCa='git add $(gCl)'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:61> alias 'gCa=git add $(gCl)'
alias gCe='git mergetool $(gCl)'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:62> alias 'gCe=git mergetool $(gCl)'
alias gCo='git checkout --ours --'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:63> alias 'gCo=git checkout --ours --'
alias gCO='gCo $(gCl)'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:64> alias 'gCO=gCo $(gCl)'
alias gCt='git checkout --theirs --'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:65> alias 'gCt=git checkout --theirs --'
alias gCT='gCt $(gCl)'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:66> alias 'gCT=gCt $(gCl)'
# Data (d)
alias gd='git ls-files'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:69> alias 'gd=git ls-files'
alias gdc='git ls-files --cached'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:70> alias 'gdc=git ls-files --cached'
alias gdx='git ls-files --deleted'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:71> alias 'gdx=git ls-files --deleted'
alias gdm='git ls-files --modified'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:72> alias 'gdm=git ls-files --modified'
alias gdu='git ls-files --other --exclude-standard'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:73> alias 'gdu=git ls-files --other --exclude-standard'
alias gdk='git ls-files --killed'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:74> alias 'gdk=git ls-files --killed'
alias gdi='git status --porcelain --short --ignored | sed -n "s/^!! //p"'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:75> alias 'gdi=git status --porcelain --short --ignored | sed -n "s/^!! //p"'
# Fetch (f)
alias gf='git fetch'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:78> alias 'gf=git fetch'
alias gfc='git clone'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:79> alias 'gfc=git clone'
alias gfm='git pull'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:80> alias 'gfm=git pull'
alias gfr='git pull --rebase'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:81> alias 'gfr=git pull --rebase'
# Grep (g)
alias gg='git grep'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:84> alias 'gg=git grep'
alias ggi='git grep --ignore-case'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:85> alias 'ggi=git grep --ignore-case'
alias ggl='git grep --files-with-matches'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:86> alias 'ggl=git grep --files-with-matches'
alias ggL='git grep --files-without-matches'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:87> alias 'ggL=git grep --files-without-matches'
alias ggv='git grep --invert-match'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:88> alias 'ggv=git grep --invert-match'
alias ggw='git grep --word-regexp'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:89> alias 'ggw=git grep --word-regexp'
# Index (i)
alias gia='git add'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:92> alias 'gia=git add'
alias giA='git add --patch'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:93> alias 'giA=git add --patch'
alias giu='git add --update'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:94> alias 'giu=git add --update'
alias gid='git diff --no-ext-diff --cached'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:95> alias 'gid=git diff --no-ext-diff --cached'
alias giD='git diff --no-ext-diff --cached --word-diff'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:96> alias 'giD=git diff --no-ext-diff --cached --word-diff'
alias gir='git reset'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:97> alias 'gir=git reset'
alias giR='git reset --patch'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:98> alias 'giR=git reset --patch'
alias gix='git rm -r --cached'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:99> alias 'gix=git rm -r --cached'
alias giX='git rm -rf --cached'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:100> alias 'giX=git rm -rf --cached'
# Log (l)
alias gl='git log --topo-order --pretty=format:"${_git_log_medium_format}"'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:103> alias 'gl=git log --topo-order --pretty=format:"${_git_log_medium_format}"'
alias gls='git log --topo-order --stat --pretty=format:"${_git_log_medium_format}"'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:104> alias 'gls=git log --topo-order --stat --pretty=format:"${_git_log_medium_format}"'
alias gld='git log --topo-order --stat --patch --full-diff --pretty=format:"${_git_log_medium_format}"'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:105> alias 'gld=git log --topo-order --stat --patch --full-diff --pretty=format:"${_git_log_medium_format}"'
alias glo='git log --topo-order --pretty=format:"${_git_log_oneline_format}"'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:106> alias 'glo=git log --topo-order --pretty=format:"${_git_log_oneline_format}"'
alias glg='git log --topo-order --all --graph --pretty=format:"${_git_log_oneline_format}"'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:107> alias 'glg=git log --topo-order --all --graph --pretty=format:"${_git_log_oneline_format}"'
alias glb='git log --topo-order --pretty=format:"${_git_log_brief_format}"'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:108> alias 'glb=git log --topo-order --pretty=format:"${_git_log_brief_format}"'
alias glc='git shortlog --summary --numbered'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:109> alias 'glc=git shortlog --summary --numbered'
# Merge (m)
alias gm='git merge'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:112> alias 'gm=git merge'
alias gmC='git merge --no-commit'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:113> alias 'gmC=git merge --no-commit'
alias gmF='git merge --no-ff'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:114> alias 'gmF=git merge --no-ff'
alias gma='git merge --abort'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:115> alias 'gma=git merge --abort'
alias gmt='git mergetool'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:116> alias 'gmt=git mergetool'
# Push (p)
alias gp='git push'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:119> alias 'gp=git push'
alias gpf='git push --force-with-lease'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:120> alias 'gpf=git push --force-with-lease'
alias gpa='git push --all'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:121> alias 'gpa=git push --all'
alias gpA='git push --all && git push --tags'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:122> alias 'gpA=git push --all && git push --tags'
alias gpt='git push --tags'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:123> alias 'gpt=git push --tags'
alias gpc='git push --set-upstream origin "$(git-branch-current 2> /dev/null)"'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:124> alias 'gpc=git push --set-upstream origin "$(git-branch-current 2> /dev/null)"'
alias gpp='git pull origin "$(git-branch-current 2> /dev/null)" && git push origin "$(git-branch-current 2> /dev/null)"'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:125> alias 'gpp=git pull origin "$(git-branch-current 2> /dev/null)" && git push origin "$(git-branch-current 2> /dev/null)"'
# Rebase (r)
alias gr='git rebase'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:128> alias 'gr=git rebase'
alias gra='git rebase --abort'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:129> alias 'gra=git rebase --abort'
alias grc='git rebase --continue'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:130> alias 'grc=git rebase --continue'
alias gri='git rebase --interactive'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:131> alias 'gri=git rebase --interactive'
alias grs='git rebase --skip'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:132> alias 'grs=git rebase --skip'
# Remote (R)
alias gR='git remote'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:135> alias 'gR=git remote'
alias gRl='git remote --verbose'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:136> alias 'gRl=git remote --verbose'
alias gRa='git remote add'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:137> alias 'gRa=git remote add'
alias gRx='git remote rm'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:138> alias 'gRx=git remote rm'
alias gRm='git remote rename'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:139> alias 'gRm=git remote rename'
alias gRu='git remote update'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:140> alias 'gRu=git remote update'
alias gRp='git remote prune'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:141> alias 'gRp=git remote prune'
alias gRs='git remote show'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:142> alias 'gRs=git remote show'
alias gRb='git-hub-browse'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:143> alias 'gRb=git-hub-browse'
# Stash (s)
alias gs='git stash'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:146> alias 'gs=git stash'
alias gsa='git stash apply'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:147> alias 'gsa=git stash apply'
alias gsx='git stash drop'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:148> alias 'gsx=git stash drop'
alias gsX='git-stash-clear-interactive'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:149> alias 'gsX=git-stash-clear-interactive'
alias gsl='git stash list'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:150> alias 'gsl=git stash list'
alias gsL='git-stash-dropped'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:151> alias 'gsL=git-stash-dropped'
alias gsd='git stash show --patch --stat'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:152> alias 'gsd=git stash show --patch --stat'
alias gsp='git stash pop'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:153> alias 'gsp=git stash pop'
alias gsr='git-stash-recover'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:154> alias 'gsr=git-stash-recover'
alias gss='git stash save --include-untracked'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:155> alias 'gss=git stash save --include-untracked'
alias gsS='git stash save --patch --no-keep-index'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:156> alias 'gsS=git stash save --patch --no-keep-index'
alias gsw='git stash save --include-untracked --keep-index'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:157> alias 'gsw=git stash save --include-untracked --keep-index'
# Submodule (S)
alias gS='git submodule'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:160> alias 'gS=git submodule'
alias gSa='git submodule add'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:161> alias 'gSa=git submodule add'
alias gSf='git submodule foreach'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:162> alias 'gSf=git submodule foreach'
alias gSi='git submodule init'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:163> alias 'gSi=git submodule init'
alias gSI='git submodule update --init --recursive'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:164> alias 'gSI=git submodule update --init --recursive'
alias gSl='git submodule status'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:165> alias 'gSl=git submodule status'
alias gSm='git-submodule-move'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:166> alias 'gSm=git-submodule-move'
alias gSs='git submodule sync'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:167> alias 'gSs=git submodule sync'
alias gSu='git submodule foreach git pull origin master'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:168> alias 'gSu=git submodule foreach git pull origin master'
alias gSx='git-submodule-remove'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:169> alias 'gSx=git-submodule-remove'
# Working Copy (w)
alias gws='git status --ignore-submodules=${_git_status_ignore_submodules} --short'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:172> alias 'gws=git status --ignore-submodules=${_git_status_ignore_submodules} --short'
alias gwS='git status --ignore-submodules=${_git_status_ignore_submodules}'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:173> alias 'gwS=git status --ignore-submodules=${_git_status_ignore_submodules}'
alias gwd='git diff --no-ext-diff'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:174> alias 'gwd=git diff --no-ext-diff'
alias gwD='git diff --no-ext-diff --word-diff'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:175> alias 'gwD=git diff --no-ext-diff --word-diff'
alias gwr='git reset --soft'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:176> alias 'gwr=git reset --soft'
alias gwR='git reset --hard'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:177> alias 'gwR=git reset --hard'
alias gwc='git clean -n'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:178> alias 'gwc=git clean -n'
alias gwC='git clean -f'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:179> alias 'gwC=git clean -f'
alias gwx='git rm -r'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:180> alias 'gwx=git rm -r'
alias gwX='git rm -rf'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/alias.zsh:181> alias 'gwX=git rm -rf'
+pmodload:35> (( 0 == 0 ))
+pmodload:36> zstyle :prezto:module:git loaded yes
+pmodload:24> pmodule=syntax-highlighting
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:syntax-highlighting loaded yes no
+pmodload:27> [[ ! -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting ]]
+pmodload:31> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/init.zsh ]]
+pmodload:32> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/init.zsh
# Integrates zsh-syntax-highlighting into Prezto.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Return if requirements are not found.
if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:syntax-highlighting' color; then
return 1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/init.zsh:9> zstyle -t :prezto:module:syntax-highlighting color
# Source module files.
source "${0:h}/external/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh" || return 1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/init.zsh:14> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
# provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
# and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
# conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
# with the distribution.
# * Neither the name of the zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors nor the names of its contributors
# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
# written permission.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -*- mode: zsh; sh-indentation: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 2; -*-
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Core highlighting update system
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Array declaring active highlighters names.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh:37> typeset -ga ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS
# Update ZLE buffer syntax highlighting.
# Invokes each highlighter that needs updating.
# This function is supposed to be called whenever the ZLE state changes.
setopt localoptions nowarncreateglobal
# Store the previous command return code to restore it whatever happens.
local ret=$?
# Do not highlight if there are more than 300 chars in the buffer. It's most
# likely a pasted command or a huge list of files in that case..
[[ -n ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_MAXLENGTH:-} ]] && [[ $#BUFFER -gt $ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_MAXLENGTH ]] && return $ret
# Do not highlight if there are pending inputs (copy/paste).
[[ $PENDING -gt 0 ]] && return $ret
# Reset region highlight to build it from scratch
local cache_place
local -a region_highlight_copy
# Select which highlighters in ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS need to be invoked.
local highlighter; for highlighter in $ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS; do
# eval cache place for current highlighter and prepare it
typeset -ga ${cache_place}
# If highlighter needs to be invoked
if "_zsh_highlight_${highlighter}_highlighter_predicate"; then
# save a copy, and cleanup region_highlight
# Execute highlighter and save result
} always {
eval "${cache_place}=(\"\${region_highlight[@]}\")"
# Restore saved region_highlight
# Use value form cache if any cached
eval "region_highlight+=(\"\${${cache_place}[@]}\")"
} always {
return $ret
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# API/utility functions for highlighters
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Array used by highlighters to declare user overridable styles.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh:108> typeset -gA ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES
# Whether the command line buffer has been modified or not.
# Returns 0 if the buffer has changed since _zsh_highlight was last called.
# Whether the cursor has moved or not.
# Returns 0 if the cursor has moved since _zsh_highlight was last called.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup functions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Rebind all ZLE widgets to make them invoke _zsh_highlights.
# Load ZSH module zsh/zleparameter, needed to override user defined widgets.
zmodload zsh/zleparameter 2>/dev/null || {
echo 'zsh-syntax-highlighting: failed loading zsh/zleparameter.' >&2
return 1
# Override ZLE widgets to make them invoke _zsh_highlight.
local cur_widget
for cur_widget in ${${(f)"$(builtin zle -la)"}:#(.*|_*|orig-*|run-help|which-command|beep|yank*)}; do
case $widgets[$cur_widget] in
# Already rebound event: do nothing.
# User defined widget: override and rebind old one with prefix "orig-".
user:*) eval "zle -N orig-$cur_widget ${widgets[$cur_widget]#*:}; \
_zsh_highlight_widget_$cur_widget() { builtin zle orig-$cur_widget -- \"\$@\" && _zsh_highlight }; \
zle -N $cur_widget _zsh_highlight_widget_$cur_widget";;
# Completion widget: override and rebind old one with prefix "orig-".
completion:*) eval "zle -C orig-$cur_widget ${${widgets[$cur_widget]#*:}/:/ }; \
_zsh_highlight_widget_$cur_widget() { builtin zle orig-$cur_widget -- \"\$@\" && _zsh_highlight }; \
zle -N $cur_widget _zsh_highlight_widget_$cur_widget";;
# Builtin widget: override and make it call the builtin ".widget".
builtin) eval "_zsh_highlight_widget_$cur_widget() { builtin zle .$cur_widget -- \"\$@\" && _zsh_highlight }; \
zle -N $cur_widget _zsh_highlight_widget_$cur_widget";;
# Default: unhandled case.
*) echo "zsh-syntax-highlighting: unhandled ZLE widget '$cur_widget'" >&2 ;;
# Load highlighters from directory.
# Arguments:
# 1) Path to the highlighters directory.
# Check the directory exists.
[[ -d "$1" ]] || {
echo "zsh-syntax-highlighting: highlighters directory '$1' not found." >&2
return 1
# Load highlighters from highlighters directory and check they define required functions.
local highlighter highlighter_dir
for highlighter_dir ($1/*/); do
[[ -f "$highlighter_dir/${highlighter}-highlighter.zsh" ]] && {
. "$highlighter_dir/${highlighter}-highlighter.zsh"
type "_zsh_highlight_${highlighter}_highlighter" &> /dev/null &&
type "_zsh_highlight_${highlighter}_highlighter_predicate" &> /dev/null || {
echo "zsh-syntax-highlighting: '${highlighter}' highlighter should define both required functions '_zsh_highlight_${highlighter}_highlighter' and '_zsh_highlight_${highlighter}_highlighter_predicate' in '${highlighter_dir}/${highlighter}-highlighter.zsh'." >&2
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Try binding widgets.
_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets || {
echo 'zsh-syntax-highlighting: failed binding ZLE widgets, exiting.' >&2
return 1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh:200> _zsh_highlight_bind_widgets
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:3> zmodload zsh/zleparameter
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:9> local cur_widget
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> zle -la
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=accept-and-hold
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:accept-and-hold | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_accept-and-hold() { builtin zle .accept-and-hold -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N accept-and-hold _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-and-hold'
+(eval):1> zle -N accept-and-hold _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-and-hold
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=accept-and-infer-next-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:accept-and-infer-next-history | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_accept-and-infer-next-history() { builtin zle .accept-and-infer-next-history -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N accept-and-infer-next-history _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-and-infer-next-history'
+(eval):1> zle -N accept-and-infer-next-history _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-and-infer-next-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=accept-and-menu-complete
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:accept-and-menu-complete | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_accept-and-menu-complete() { builtin zle .accept-and-menu-complete -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N accept-and-menu-complete _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-and-menu-complete'
+(eval):1> zle -N accept-and-menu-complete _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-and-menu-complete
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=accept-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:accept-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_accept-line() { builtin zle .accept-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N accept-line _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N accept-line _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=accept-line-and-down-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:accept-line-and-down-history | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_accept-line-and-down-history() { builtin zle .accept-line-and-down-history -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N accept-line-and-down-history _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-line-and-down-history'
+(eval):1> zle -N accept-line-and-down-history _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-line-and-down-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=accept-search
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:accept-search | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_accept-search() { builtin zle .accept-search -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N accept-search _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-search'
+(eval):1> zle -N accept-search _zsh_highlight_widget_accept-search
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=argument-base
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:argument-base | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_argument-base() { builtin zle .argument-base -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N argument-base _zsh_highlight_widget_argument-base'
+(eval):1> zle -N argument-base _zsh_highlight_widget_argument-base
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=auto-suffix-remove
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:auto-suffix-remove | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_auto-suffix-remove() { builtin zle .auto-suffix-remove -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N auto-suffix-remove _zsh_highlight_widget_auto-suffix-remove'
+(eval):1> zle -N auto-suffix-remove _zsh_highlight_widget_auto-suffix-remove
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=auto-suffix-retain
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:auto-suffix-retain | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_auto-suffix-retain() { builtin zle .auto-suffix-retain -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N auto-suffix-retain _zsh_highlight_widget_auto-suffix-retain'
+(eval):1> zle -N auto-suffix-retain _zsh_highlight_widget_auto-suffix-retain
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=backward-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:backward-char | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_backward-char() { builtin zle .backward-char -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N backward-char _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-char'
+(eval):1> zle -N backward-char _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=backward-delete-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:backward-delete-char | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_backward-delete-char() { builtin zle .backward-delete-char -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N backward-delete-char _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-delete-char'
+(eval):1> zle -N backward-delete-char _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-delete-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=backward-delete-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:backward-delete-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_backward-delete-word() { builtin zle .backward-delete-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N backward-delete-word _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-delete-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N backward-delete-word _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-delete-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=backward-kill-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:backward-kill-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_backward-kill-line() { builtin zle .backward-kill-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N backward-kill-line _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-kill-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N backward-kill-line _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-kill-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=backward-kill-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:backward-kill-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_backward-kill-word() { builtin zle .backward-kill-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N backward-kill-word _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-kill-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N backward-kill-word _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-kill-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=backward-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:backward-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_backward-word() { builtin zle .backward-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N backward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N backward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_backward-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=beginning-of-buffer-or-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:beginning-of-buffer-or-history | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_beginning-of-buffer-or-history() { builtin zle .beginning-of-buffer-or-history -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N beginning-of-buffer-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_beginning-of-buffer-or-history'
+(eval):1> zle -N beginning-of-buffer-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_beginning-of-buffer-or-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=beginning-of-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:beginning-of-history | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_beginning-of-history() { builtin zle .beginning-of-history -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N beginning-of-history _zsh_highlight_widget_beginning-of-history'
+(eval):1> zle -N beginning-of-history _zsh_highlight_widget_beginning-of-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=beginning-of-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:beginning-of-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_beginning-of-line() { builtin zle .beginning-of-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N beginning-of-line _zsh_highlight_widget_beginning-of-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N beginning-of-line _zsh_highlight_widget_beginning-of-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=beginning-of-line-hist
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:beginning-of-line-hist | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_beginning-of-line-hist() { builtin zle .beginning-of-line-hist -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N beginning-of-line-hist _zsh_highlight_widget_beginning-of-line-hist'
+(eval):1> zle -N beginning-of-line-hist _zsh_highlight_widget_beginning-of-line-hist
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=bracketed-paste
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:bracketed-paste | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_bracketed-paste() { builtin zle .bracketed-paste -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N bracketed-paste _zsh_highlight_widget_bracketed-paste'
+(eval):1> zle -N bracketed-paste _zsh_highlight_widget_bracketed-paste
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=capitalize-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:capitalize-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_capitalize-word() { builtin zle .capitalize-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N capitalize-word _zsh_highlight_widget_capitalize-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N capitalize-word _zsh_highlight_widget_capitalize-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=clear-screen
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:clear-screen | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_clear-screen() { builtin zle .clear-screen -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N clear-screen _zsh_highlight_widget_clear-screen'
+(eval):1> zle -N clear-screen _zsh_highlight_widget_clear-screen
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=complete-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.complete-word:_main_complete (user:complete-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.complete-word:_main_complete (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.complete-word:_main_complete (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:22> eval 'zle -C orig-complete-word .complete-word _main_complete; _zsh_highlight_widget_complete-word() { builtin zle orig-complete-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N complete-word _zsh_highlight_widget_complete-word'
+(eval):1> zle -C orig-complete-word .complete-word _main_complete
+(eval):1> zle -N complete-word _zsh_highlight_widget_complete-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=copy-prev-shell-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:copy-prev-shell-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_copy-prev-shell-word() { builtin zle .copy-prev-shell-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N copy-prev-shell-word _zsh_highlight_widget_copy-prev-shell-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N copy-prev-shell-word _zsh_highlight_widget_copy-prev-shell-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=copy-prev-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:copy-prev-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_copy-prev-word() { builtin zle .copy-prev-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N copy-prev-word _zsh_highlight_widget_copy-prev-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N copy-prev-word _zsh_highlight_widget_copy-prev-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=copy-region-as-kill
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:copy-region-as-kill | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_copy-region-as-kill() { builtin zle .copy-region-as-kill -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N copy-region-as-kill _zsh_highlight_widget_copy-region-as-kill'
+(eval):1> zle -N copy-region-as-kill _zsh_highlight_widget_copy-region-as-kill
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=deactivate-region
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:deactivate-region | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_deactivate-region() { builtin zle .deactivate-region -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N deactivate-region _zsh_highlight_widget_deactivate-region'
+(eval):1> zle -N deactivate-region _zsh_highlight_widget_deactivate-region
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=delete-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:delete-char | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_delete-char() { builtin zle .delete-char -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N delete-char _zsh_highlight_widget_delete-char'
+(eval):1> zle -N delete-char _zsh_highlight_widget_delete-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=delete-char-or-list
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.delete-char-or-list:_main_complete (user:delete-char-or-list | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.delete-char-or-list:_main_complete (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.delete-char-or-list:_main_complete (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:22> eval 'zle -C orig-delete-char-or-list .delete-char-or-list _main_complete; _zsh_highlight_widget_delete-char-or-list() { builtin zle orig-delete-char-or-list -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N delete-char-or-list _zsh_highlight_widget_delete-char-or-list'
+(eval):1> zle -C orig-delete-char-or-list .delete-char-or-list _main_complete
+(eval):1> zle -N delete-char-or-list _zsh_highlight_widget_delete-char-or-list
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=delete-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:delete-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_delete-word() { builtin zle .delete-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N delete-word _zsh_highlight_widget_delete-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N delete-word _zsh_highlight_widget_delete-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=describe-key-briefly
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:describe-key-briefly | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_describe-key-briefly() { builtin zle .describe-key-briefly -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N describe-key-briefly _zsh_highlight_widget_describe-key-briefly'
+(eval):1> zle -N describe-key-briefly _zsh_highlight_widget_describe-key-briefly
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=digit-argument
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:digit-argument | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_digit-argument() { builtin zle .digit-argument -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N digit-argument _zsh_highlight_widget_digit-argument'
+(eval):1> zle -N digit-argument _zsh_highlight_widget_digit-argument
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=down-case-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:down-case-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_down-case-word() { builtin zle .down-case-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N down-case-word _zsh_highlight_widget_down-case-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N down-case-word _zsh_highlight_widget_down-case-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=down-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:down-history | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_down-history() { builtin zle .down-history -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N down-history _zsh_highlight_widget_down-history'
+(eval):1> zle -N down-history _zsh_highlight_widget_down-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=down-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:down-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_down-line() { builtin zle .down-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N down-line _zsh_highlight_widget_down-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N down-line _zsh_highlight_widget_down-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=down-line-or-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:down-line-or-history | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_down-line-or-history() { builtin zle .down-line-or-history -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N down-line-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_down-line-or-history'
+(eval):1> zle -N down-line-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_down-line-or-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=down-line-or-search
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:down-line-or-search | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_down-line-or-search() { builtin zle .down-line-or-search -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N down-line-or-search _zsh_highlight_widget_down-line-or-search'
+(eval):1> zle -N down-line-or-search _zsh_highlight_widget_down-line-or-search
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=edit-command-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case user:edit-command-line (user:edit-command-line)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=editor-info
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case user:editor-info (user:editor-info)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=emacs-backward-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:emacs-backward-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_emacs-backward-word() { builtin zle .emacs-backward-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N emacs-backward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_emacs-backward-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N emacs-backward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_emacs-backward-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=emacs-forward-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:emacs-forward-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_emacs-forward-word() { builtin zle .emacs-forward-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N emacs-forward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_emacs-forward-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N emacs-forward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_emacs-forward-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=end-of-buffer-or-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:end-of-buffer-or-history | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-buffer-or-history() { builtin zle .end-of-buffer-or-history -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N end-of-buffer-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-buffer-or-history'
+(eval):1> zle -N end-of-buffer-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-buffer-or-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=end-of-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:end-of-history | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-history() { builtin zle .end-of-history -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N end-of-history _zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-history'
+(eval):1> zle -N end-of-history _zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=end-of-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:end-of-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-line() { builtin zle .end-of-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N end-of-line _zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N end-of-line _zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=end-of-line-hist
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:end-of-line-hist | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-line-hist() { builtin zle .end-of-line-hist -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N end-of-line-hist _zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-line-hist'
+(eval):1> zle -N end-of-line-hist _zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-line-hist
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=end-of-list
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:end-of-list | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-list() { builtin zle .end-of-list -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N end-of-list _zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-list'
+(eval):1> zle -N end-of-list _zsh_highlight_widget_end-of-list
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=exchange-point-and-mark
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:exchange-point-and-mark | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_exchange-point-and-mark() { builtin zle .exchange-point-and-mark -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N exchange-point-and-mark _zsh_highlight_widget_exchange-point-and-mark'
+(eval):1> zle -N exchange-point-and-mark _zsh_highlight_widget_exchange-point-and-mark
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=execute-last-named-cmd
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:execute-last-named-cmd | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_execute-last-named-cmd() { builtin zle .execute-last-named-cmd -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N execute-last-named-cmd _zsh_highlight_widget_execute-last-named-cmd'
+(eval):1> zle -N execute-last-named-cmd _zsh_highlight_widget_execute-last-named-cmd
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=execute-named-cmd
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:execute-named-cmd | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_execute-named-cmd() { builtin zle .execute-named-cmd -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N execute-named-cmd _zsh_highlight_widget_execute-named-cmd'
+(eval):1> zle -N execute-named-cmd _zsh_highlight_widget_execute-named-cmd
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=expand-cmd-path
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:expand-cmd-path | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_expand-cmd-path() { builtin zle .expand-cmd-path -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N expand-cmd-path _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-cmd-path'
+(eval):1> zle -N expand-cmd-path _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-cmd-path
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=expand-dot-to-parent-directory-path
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case user:expand-dot-to-parent-directory-path (user:expand-dot-to-parent-directory-path)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=expand-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:expand-history | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_expand-history() { builtin zle .expand-history -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N expand-history _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-history'
+(eval):1> zle -N expand-history _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=expand-or-complete
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.expand-or-complete:_main_complete (user:expand-or-complete | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.expand-or-complete:_main_complete (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.expand-or-complete:_main_complete (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:22> eval 'zle -C orig-expand-or-complete .expand-or-complete _main_complete; _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-or-complete() { builtin zle orig-expand-or-complete -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N expand-or-complete _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-or-complete'
+(eval):1> zle -C orig-expand-or-complete .expand-or-complete _main_complete
+(eval):1> zle -N expand-or-complete _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-or-complete
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=expand-or-complete-prefix
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.expand-or-complete-prefix:_main_complete (user:expand-or-complete-prefix | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.expand-or-complete-prefix:_main_complete (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.expand-or-complete-prefix:_main_complete (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:22> eval 'zle -C orig-expand-or-complete-prefix .expand-or-complete-prefix _main_complete; _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-or-complete-prefix() { builtin zle orig-expand-or-complete-prefix -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N expand-or-complete-prefix _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-or-complete-prefix'
+(eval):1> zle -C orig-expand-or-complete-prefix .expand-or-complete-prefix _main_complete
+(eval):1> zle -N expand-or-complete-prefix _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-or-complete-prefix
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=expand-or-complete-with-indicator
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case user:expand-or-complete-with-indicator (user:expand-or-complete-with-indicator)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=expand-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:expand-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_expand-word() { builtin zle .expand-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N expand-word _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N expand-word _zsh_highlight_widget_expand-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=forward-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:forward-char | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_forward-char() { builtin zle .forward-char -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N forward-char _zsh_highlight_widget_forward-char'
+(eval):1> zle -N forward-char _zsh_highlight_widget_forward-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=forward-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:forward-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_forward-word() { builtin zle .forward-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N forward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_forward-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N forward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_forward-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=get-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:get-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_get-line() { builtin zle .get-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N get-line _zsh_highlight_widget_get-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N get-line _zsh_highlight_widget_get-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=gosmacs-transpose-chars
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:gosmacs-transpose-chars | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_gosmacs-transpose-chars() { builtin zle .gosmacs-transpose-chars -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N gosmacs-transpose-chars _zsh_highlight_widget_gosmacs-transpose-chars'
+(eval):1> zle -N gosmacs-transpose-chars _zsh_highlight_widget_gosmacs-transpose-chars
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=history-beginning-search-backward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:history-beginning-search-backward | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_history-beginning-search-backward() { builtin zle .history-beginning-search-backward -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N history-beginning-search-backward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-beginning-search-backward'
+(eval):1> zle -N history-beginning-search-backward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-beginning-search-backward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=history-beginning-search-forward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:history-beginning-search-forward | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_history-beginning-search-forward() { builtin zle .history-beginning-search-forward -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N history-beginning-search-forward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-beginning-search-forward'
+(eval):1> zle -N history-beginning-search-forward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-beginning-search-forward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=history-incremental-pattern-search-backward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:history-incremental-pattern-search-backward | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_history-incremental-pattern-search-backward() { builtin zle .history-incremental-pattern-search-backward -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N history-incremental-pattern-search-backward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-incremental-pattern-search-backward'
+(eval):1> zle -N history-incremental-pattern-search-backward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-incremental-pattern-search-backward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=history-incremental-pattern-search-forward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:history-incremental-pattern-search-forward | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_history-incremental-pattern-search-forward() { builtin zle .history-incremental-pattern-search-forward -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N history-incremental-pattern-search-forward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-incremental-pattern-search-forward'
+(eval):1> zle -N history-incremental-pattern-search-forward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-incremental-pattern-search-forward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=history-incremental-search-backward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:history-incremental-search-backward | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_history-incremental-search-backward() { builtin zle .history-incremental-search-backward -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N history-incremental-search-backward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-incremental-search-backward'
+(eval):1> zle -N history-incremental-search-backward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-incremental-search-backward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=history-incremental-search-forward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:history-incremental-search-forward | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_history-incremental-search-forward() { builtin zle .history-incremental-search-forward -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N history-incremental-search-forward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-incremental-search-forward'
+(eval):1> zle -N history-incremental-search-forward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-incremental-search-forward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=history-search-backward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:history-search-backward | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_history-search-backward() { builtin zle .history-search-backward -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N history-search-backward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-search-backward'
+(eval):1> zle -N history-search-backward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-search-backward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=history-search-forward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:history-search-forward | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_history-search-forward() { builtin zle .history-search-forward -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N history-search-forward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-search-forward'
+(eval):1> zle -N history-search-forward _zsh_highlight_widget_history-search-forward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=infer-next-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:infer-next-history | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_infer-next-history() { builtin zle .infer-next-history -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N infer-next-history _zsh_highlight_widget_infer-next-history'
+(eval):1> zle -N infer-next-history _zsh_highlight_widget_infer-next-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=insert-last-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:insert-last-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_insert-last-word() { builtin zle .insert-last-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N insert-last-word _zsh_highlight_widget_insert-last-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N insert-last-word _zsh_highlight_widget_insert-last-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=kill-buffer
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:kill-buffer | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_kill-buffer() { builtin zle .kill-buffer -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N kill-buffer _zsh_highlight_widget_kill-buffer'
+(eval):1> zle -N kill-buffer _zsh_highlight_widget_kill-buffer
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=kill-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:kill-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_kill-line() { builtin zle .kill-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N kill-line _zsh_highlight_widget_kill-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N kill-line _zsh_highlight_widget_kill-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=kill-region
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:kill-region | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_kill-region() { builtin zle .kill-region -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N kill-region _zsh_highlight_widget_kill-region'
+(eval):1> zle -N kill-region _zsh_highlight_widget_kill-region
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=kill-whole-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:kill-whole-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_kill-whole-line() { builtin zle .kill-whole-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N kill-whole-line _zsh_highlight_widget_kill-whole-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N kill-whole-line _zsh_highlight_widget_kill-whole-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=kill-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:kill-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_kill-word() { builtin zle .kill-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N kill-word _zsh_highlight_widget_kill-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N kill-word _zsh_highlight_widget_kill-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=list-choices
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.list-choices:_main_complete (user:list-choices | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.list-choices:_main_complete (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.list-choices:_main_complete (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:22> eval 'zle -C orig-list-choices .list-choices _main_complete; _zsh_highlight_widget_list-choices() { builtin zle orig-list-choices -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N list-choices _zsh_highlight_widget_list-choices'
+(eval):1> zle -C orig-list-choices .list-choices _main_complete
+(eval):1> zle -N list-choices _zsh_highlight_widget_list-choices
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=list-expand
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:list-expand | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_list-expand() { builtin zle .list-expand -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N list-expand _zsh_highlight_widget_list-expand'
+(eval):1> zle -N list-expand _zsh_highlight_widget_list-expand
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=magic-space
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:magic-space | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_magic-space() { builtin zle .magic-space -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N magic-space _zsh_highlight_widget_magic-space'
+(eval):1> zle -N magic-space _zsh_highlight_widget_magic-space
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=menu-complete
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case (user:menu-complete | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:22> eval 'zle -C orig-menu-complete .menu-complete _main_complete; _zsh_highlight_widget_menu-complete() { builtin zle orig-menu-complete -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N menu-complete _zsh_highlight_widget_menu-complete'
+(eval):1> zle -C orig-menu-complete .menu-complete _main_complete
+(eval):1> zle -N menu-complete _zsh_highlight_widget_menu-complete
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=menu-expand-or-complete
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case (user:menu-expand-or-complete | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:22> eval 'zle -C orig-menu-expand-or-complete .menu-expand-or-complete _main_complete; _zsh_highlight_widget_menu-expand-or-complete() { builtin zle orig-menu-expand-or-complete -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N menu-expand-or-complete _zsh_highlight_widget_menu-expand-or-complete'
+(eval):1> zle -C orig-menu-expand-or-complete .menu-expand-or-complete _main_complete
+(eval):1> zle -N menu-expand-or-complete _zsh_highlight_widget_menu-expand-or-complete
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=neg-argument
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:neg-argument | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_neg-argument() { builtin zle .neg-argument -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N neg-argument _zsh_highlight_widget_neg-argument'
+(eval):1> zle -N neg-argument _zsh_highlight_widget_neg-argument
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=overwrite-mode
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case user:overwrite-mode (user:overwrite-mode)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=pound-insert
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:pound-insert | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_pound-insert() { builtin zle .pound-insert -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N pound-insert _zsh_highlight_widget_pound-insert'
+(eval):1> zle -N pound-insert _zsh_highlight_widget_pound-insert
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=prepend-sudo
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case user:prepend-sudo (user:prepend-sudo)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=push-input
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:push-input | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_push-input() { builtin zle .push-input -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N push-input _zsh_highlight_widget_push-input'
+(eval):1> zle -N push-input _zsh_highlight_widget_push-input
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=push-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:push-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_push-line() { builtin zle .push-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N push-line _zsh_highlight_widget_push-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N push-line _zsh_highlight_widget_push-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=push-line-or-edit
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:push-line-or-edit | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_push-line-or-edit() { builtin zle .push-line-or-edit -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N push-line-or-edit _zsh_highlight_widget_push-line-or-edit'
+(eval):1> zle -N push-line-or-edit _zsh_highlight_widget_push-line-or-edit
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=put-replace-selection
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:put-replace-selection | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_put-replace-selection() { builtin zle .put-replace-selection -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N put-replace-selection _zsh_highlight_widget_put-replace-selection'
+(eval):1> zle -N put-replace-selection _zsh_highlight_widget_put-replace-selection
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=quote-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:quote-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_quote-line() { builtin zle .quote-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N quote-line _zsh_highlight_widget_quote-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N quote-line _zsh_highlight_widget_quote-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=quote-region
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:quote-region | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_quote-region() { builtin zle .quote-region -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N quote-region _zsh_highlight_widget_quote-region'
+(eval):1> zle -N quote-region _zsh_highlight_widget_quote-region
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=quoted-insert
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:quoted-insert | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_quoted-insert() { builtin zle .quoted-insert -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N quoted-insert _zsh_highlight_widget_quoted-insert'
+(eval):1> zle -N quoted-insert _zsh_highlight_widget_quoted-insert
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=read-command
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:read-command | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_read-command() { builtin zle .read-command -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N read-command _zsh_highlight_widget_read-command'
+(eval):1> zle -N read-command _zsh_highlight_widget_read-command
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=recursive-edit
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:recursive-edit | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_recursive-edit() { builtin zle .recursive-edit -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N recursive-edit _zsh_highlight_widget_recursive-edit'
+(eval):1> zle -N recursive-edit _zsh_highlight_widget_recursive-edit
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=redisplay
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:redisplay | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_redisplay() { builtin zle .redisplay -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N redisplay _zsh_highlight_widget_redisplay'
+(eval):1> zle -N redisplay _zsh_highlight_widget_redisplay
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=redo
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:redo | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_redo() { builtin zle .redo -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N redo _zsh_highlight_widget_redo'
+(eval):1> zle -N redo _zsh_highlight_widget_redo
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=reset-prompt
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:reset-prompt | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_reset-prompt() { builtin zle .reset-prompt -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N reset-prompt _zsh_highlight_widget_reset-prompt'
+(eval):1> zle -N reset-prompt _zsh_highlight_widget_reset-prompt
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=reverse-menu-complete
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.reverse-menu-complete:_main_complete (user:reverse-menu-complete | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.reverse-menu-complete:_main_complete (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case completion:.reverse-menu-complete:_main_complete (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:22> eval 'zle -C orig-reverse-menu-complete .reverse-menu-complete _main_complete; _zsh_highlight_widget_reverse-menu-complete() { builtin zle orig-reverse-menu-complete -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N reverse-menu-complete _zsh_highlight_widget_reverse-menu-complete'
+(eval):1> zle -C orig-reverse-menu-complete .reverse-menu-complete _main_complete
+(eval):1> zle -N reverse-menu-complete _zsh_highlight_widget_reverse-menu-complete
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=select-a-blank-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:select-a-blank-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_select-a-blank-word() { builtin zle .select-a-blank-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N select-a-blank-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-a-blank-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N select-a-blank-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-a-blank-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=select-a-shell-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:select-a-shell-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_select-a-shell-word() { builtin zle .select-a-shell-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N select-a-shell-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-a-shell-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N select-a-shell-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-a-shell-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=select-a-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:select-a-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_select-a-word() { builtin zle .select-a-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N select-a-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-a-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N select-a-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-a-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=select-in-blank-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:select-in-blank-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_select-in-blank-word() { builtin zle .select-in-blank-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N select-in-blank-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-in-blank-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N select-in-blank-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-in-blank-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=select-in-shell-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:select-in-shell-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_select-in-shell-word() { builtin zle .select-in-shell-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N select-in-shell-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-in-shell-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N select-in-shell-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-in-shell-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=select-in-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:select-in-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_select-in-word() { builtin zle .select-in-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N select-in-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-in-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N select-in-word _zsh_highlight_widget_select-in-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=self-insert
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case user:url-quote-magic (user:self-insert | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case user:url-quote-magic (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:17> eval 'zle -N orig-self-insert url-quote-magic; _zsh_highlight_widget_self-insert() { builtin zle orig-self-insert -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N self-insert _zsh_highlight_widget_self-insert'
+(eval):1> zle -N orig-self-insert url-quote-magic
+(eval):1> zle -N self-insert _zsh_highlight_widget_self-insert
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=self-insert-unmeta
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:self-insert-unmeta | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_self-insert-unmeta() { builtin zle .self-insert-unmeta -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N self-insert-unmeta _zsh_highlight_widget_self-insert-unmeta'
+(eval):1> zle -N self-insert-unmeta _zsh_highlight_widget_self-insert-unmeta
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=send-break
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:send-break | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_send-break() { builtin zle .send-break -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N send-break _zsh_highlight_widget_send-break'
+(eval):1> zle -N send-break _zsh_highlight_widget_send-break
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=set-local-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:set-local-history | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_set-local-history() { builtin zle .set-local-history -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N set-local-history _zsh_highlight_widget_set-local-history'
+(eval):1> zle -N set-local-history _zsh_highlight_widget_set-local-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=set-mark-command
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:set-mark-command | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_set-mark-command() { builtin zle .set-mark-command -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N set-mark-command _zsh_highlight_widget_set-mark-command'
+(eval):1> zle -N set-mark-command _zsh_highlight_widget_set-mark-command
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=spell-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:spell-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_spell-word() { builtin zle .spell-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N spell-word _zsh_highlight_widget_spell-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N spell-word _zsh_highlight_widget_spell-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=split-undo
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:split-undo | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_split-undo() { builtin zle .split-undo -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N split-undo _zsh_highlight_widget_split-undo'
+(eval):1> zle -N split-undo _zsh_highlight_widget_split-undo
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=transpose-chars
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:transpose-chars | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_transpose-chars() { builtin zle .transpose-chars -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N transpose-chars _zsh_highlight_widget_transpose-chars'
+(eval):1> zle -N transpose-chars _zsh_highlight_widget_transpose-chars
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=transpose-words
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:transpose-words | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_transpose-words() { builtin zle .transpose-words -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N transpose-words _zsh_highlight_widget_transpose-words'
+(eval):1> zle -N transpose-words _zsh_highlight_widget_transpose-words
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=undefined-key
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:undefined-key | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_undefined-key() { builtin zle .undefined-key -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N undefined-key _zsh_highlight_widget_undefined-key'
+(eval):1> zle -N undefined-key _zsh_highlight_widget_undefined-key
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=undo
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:undo | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_undo() { builtin zle .undo -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N undo _zsh_highlight_widget_undo'
+(eval):1> zle -N undo _zsh_highlight_widget_undo
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=universal-argument
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:universal-argument | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_universal-argument() { builtin zle .universal-argument -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N universal-argument _zsh_highlight_widget_universal-argument'
+(eval):1> zle -N universal-argument _zsh_highlight_widget_universal-argument
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=up-case-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:up-case-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_up-case-word() { builtin zle .up-case-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N up-case-word _zsh_highlight_widget_up-case-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N up-case-word _zsh_highlight_widget_up-case-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=up-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:up-history | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_up-history() { builtin zle .up-history -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N up-history _zsh_highlight_widget_up-history'
+(eval):1> zle -N up-history _zsh_highlight_widget_up-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=up-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:up-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_up-line() { builtin zle .up-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N up-line _zsh_highlight_widget_up-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N up-line _zsh_highlight_widget_up-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=up-line-or-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:up-line-or-history | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_up-line-or-history() { builtin zle .up-line-or-history -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N up-line-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_up-line-or-history'
+(eval):1> zle -N up-line-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_up-line-or-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=up-line-or-search
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:up-line-or-search | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_up-line-or-search() { builtin zle .up-line-or-search -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N up-line-or-search _zsh_highlight_widget_up-line-or-search'
+(eval):1> zle -N up-line-or-search _zsh_highlight_widget_up-line-or-search
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-add-eol
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-add-eol | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-add-eol() { builtin zle .vi-add-eol -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-add-eol _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-add-eol'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-add-eol _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-add-eol
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-add-next
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-add-next | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-add-next() { builtin zle .vi-add-next -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-add-next _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-add-next'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-add-next _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-add-next
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-backward-blank-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-backward-blank-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-blank-word() { builtin zle .vi-backward-blank-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-backward-blank-word _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-blank-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-backward-blank-word _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-blank-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-backward-blank-word-end
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-backward-blank-word-end | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-blank-word-end() { builtin zle .vi-backward-blank-word-end -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-backward-blank-word-end _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-blank-word-end'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-backward-blank-word-end _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-blank-word-end
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-backward-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-backward-char | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-char() { builtin zle .vi-backward-char -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-backward-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-char'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-backward-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-backward-delete-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-backward-delete-char | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-delete-char() { builtin zle .vi-backward-delete-char -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-backward-delete-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-delete-char'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-backward-delete-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-delete-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-backward-kill-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-backward-kill-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-kill-word() { builtin zle .vi-backward-kill-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-backward-kill-word _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-kill-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-backward-kill-word _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-kill-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-backward-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-backward-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-word() { builtin zle .vi-backward-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-backward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-backward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-backward-word-end
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-backward-word-end | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-word-end() { builtin zle .vi-backward-word-end -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-backward-word-end _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-word-end'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-backward-word-end _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-backward-word-end
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-beginning-of-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-beginning-of-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-beginning-of-line() { builtin zle .vi-beginning-of-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-beginning-of-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-beginning-of-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-beginning-of-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-beginning-of-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-caps-lock-panic
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-caps-lock-panic | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-caps-lock-panic() { builtin zle .vi-caps-lock-panic -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-caps-lock-panic _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-caps-lock-panic'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-caps-lock-panic _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-caps-lock-panic
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-change
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-change | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-change() { builtin zle .vi-change -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-change _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-change'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-change _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-change
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-change-eol
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-change-eol | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-change-eol() { builtin zle .vi-change-eol -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-change-eol _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-change-eol'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-change-eol _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-change-eol
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-change-whole-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-change-whole-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-change-whole-line() { builtin zle .vi-change-whole-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-change-whole-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-change-whole-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-change-whole-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-change-whole-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-cmd-mode
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-cmd-mode | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-cmd-mode() { builtin zle .vi-cmd-mode -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-cmd-mode _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-cmd-mode'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-cmd-mode _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-cmd-mode
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-delete
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-delete | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-delete() { builtin zle .vi-delete -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-delete _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-delete'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-delete _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-delete
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-delete-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-delete-char | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-delete-char() { builtin zle .vi-delete-char -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-delete-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-delete-char'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-delete-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-delete-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line() { builtin zle .vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-digit-or-beginning-of-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-down-line-or-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-down-line-or-history | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-down-line-or-history() { builtin zle .vi-down-line-or-history -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-down-line-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-down-line-or-history'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-down-line-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-down-line-or-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-end-of-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-end-of-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-end-of-line() { builtin zle .vi-end-of-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-end-of-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-end-of-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-end-of-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-end-of-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-fetch-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-fetch-history | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-fetch-history() { builtin zle .vi-fetch-history -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-fetch-history _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-fetch-history'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-fetch-history _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-fetch-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-find-next-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-find-next-char | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-find-next-char() { builtin zle .vi-find-next-char -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-find-next-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-find-next-char'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-find-next-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-find-next-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-find-next-char-skip
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-find-next-char-skip | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-find-next-char-skip() { builtin zle .vi-find-next-char-skip -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-find-next-char-skip _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-find-next-char-skip'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-find-next-char-skip _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-find-next-char-skip
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-find-prev-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-find-prev-char | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-find-prev-char() { builtin zle .vi-find-prev-char -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-find-prev-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-find-prev-char'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-find-prev-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-find-prev-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-find-prev-char-skip
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-find-prev-char-skip | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-find-prev-char-skip() { builtin zle .vi-find-prev-char-skip -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-find-prev-char-skip _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-find-prev-char-skip'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-find-prev-char-skip _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-find-prev-char-skip
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-first-non-blank
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-first-non-blank | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-first-non-blank() { builtin zle .vi-first-non-blank -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-first-non-blank _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-first-non-blank'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-first-non-blank _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-first-non-blank
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-forward-blank-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-forward-blank-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-blank-word() { builtin zle .vi-forward-blank-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-forward-blank-word _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-blank-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-forward-blank-word _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-blank-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-forward-blank-word-end
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-forward-blank-word-end | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-blank-word-end() { builtin zle .vi-forward-blank-word-end -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-forward-blank-word-end _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-blank-word-end'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-forward-blank-word-end _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-blank-word-end
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-forward-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-forward-char | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-char() { builtin zle .vi-forward-char -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-forward-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-char'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-forward-char _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-char
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-forward-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-forward-word | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-word() { builtin zle .vi-forward-word -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-forward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-word'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-forward-word _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-word
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-forward-word-end
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-forward-word-end | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-word-end() { builtin zle .vi-forward-word-end -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-forward-word-end _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-word-end'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-forward-word-end _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-forward-word-end
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-goto-column
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-goto-column | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-goto-column() { builtin zle .vi-goto-column -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-goto-column _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-goto-column'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-goto-column _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-goto-column
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-goto-mark
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-goto-mark | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-goto-mark() { builtin zle .vi-goto-mark -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-goto-mark _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-goto-mark'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-goto-mark _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-goto-mark
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-goto-mark-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-goto-mark-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-goto-mark-line() { builtin zle .vi-goto-mark-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-goto-mark-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-goto-mark-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-goto-mark-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-goto-mark-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-history-search-backward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-history-search-backward | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-history-search-backward() { builtin zle .vi-history-search-backward -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-history-search-backward _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-history-search-backward'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-history-search-backward _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-history-search-backward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-history-search-forward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-history-search-forward | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-history-search-forward() { builtin zle .vi-history-search-forward -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-history-search-forward _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-history-search-forward'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-history-search-forward _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-history-search-forward
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-indent
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-indent | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-indent() { builtin zle .vi-indent -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-indent _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-indent'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-indent _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-indent
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-insert
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case user:vi-insert (user:vi-insert)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-insert-bol
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case user:vi-insert-bol (user:vi-insert-bol)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-join
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-join | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-join() { builtin zle .vi-join -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-join _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-join'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-join _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-join
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-kill-eol
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-kill-eol | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-kill-eol() { builtin zle .vi-kill-eol -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-kill-eol _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-kill-eol'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-kill-eol _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-kill-eol
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-kill-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-kill-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-kill-line() { builtin zle .vi-kill-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-kill-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-kill-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-kill-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-kill-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-match-bracket
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-match-bracket | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-match-bracket() { builtin zle .vi-match-bracket -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-match-bracket _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-match-bracket'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-match-bracket _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-match-bracket
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-open-line-above
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-open-line-above | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-open-line-above() { builtin zle .vi-open-line-above -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-open-line-above _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-open-line-above'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-open-line-above _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-open-line-above
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-open-line-below
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-open-line-below | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-open-line-below() { builtin zle .vi-open-line-below -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-open-line-below _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-open-line-below'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-open-line-below _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-open-line-below
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-oper-swap-case
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-oper-swap-case | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-oper-swap-case() { builtin zle .vi-oper-swap-case -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-oper-swap-case _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-oper-swap-case'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-oper-swap-case _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-oper-swap-case
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-pound-insert
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-pound-insert | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-pound-insert() { builtin zle .vi-pound-insert -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-pound-insert _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-pound-insert'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-pound-insert _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-pound-insert
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-put-after
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-put-after | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-put-after() { builtin zle .vi-put-after -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-put-after _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-put-after'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-put-after _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-put-after
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-put-before
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-put-before | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-put-before() { builtin zle .vi-put-before -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-put-before _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-put-before'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-put-before _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-put-before
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-quoted-insert
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-quoted-insert | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-quoted-insert() { builtin zle .vi-quoted-insert -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-quoted-insert _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-quoted-insert'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-quoted-insert _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-quoted-insert
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-repeat-change
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-repeat-change | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-repeat-change() { builtin zle .vi-repeat-change -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-repeat-change _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-repeat-change'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-repeat-change _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-repeat-change
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-repeat-find
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-repeat-find | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-repeat-find() { builtin zle .vi-repeat-find -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-repeat-find _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-repeat-find'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-repeat-find _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-repeat-find
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-repeat-search
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-repeat-search | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-repeat-search() { builtin zle .vi-repeat-search -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-repeat-search _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-repeat-search'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-repeat-search _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-repeat-search
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-replace
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case user:vi-replace (user:vi-replace)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-replace-chars
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-replace-chars | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-replace-chars() { builtin zle .vi-replace-chars -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-replace-chars _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-replace-chars'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-replace-chars _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-replace-chars
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-rev-repeat-find
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-rev-repeat-find | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-rev-repeat-find() { builtin zle .vi-rev-repeat-find -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-rev-repeat-find _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-rev-repeat-find'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-rev-repeat-find _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-rev-repeat-find
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-rev-repeat-search
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-rev-repeat-search | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-rev-repeat-search() { builtin zle .vi-rev-repeat-search -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-rev-repeat-search _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-rev-repeat-search'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-rev-repeat-search _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-rev-repeat-search
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-set-buffer
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-set-buffer | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-set-buffer() { builtin zle .vi-set-buffer -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-set-buffer _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-set-buffer'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-set-buffer _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-set-buffer
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-set-mark
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-set-mark | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-set-mark() { builtin zle .vi-set-mark -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-set-mark _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-set-mark'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-set-mark _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-set-mark
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-substitute
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-substitute | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-substitute() { builtin zle .vi-substitute -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-substitute _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-substitute'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-substitute _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-substitute
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-swap-case
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-swap-case | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-swap-case() { builtin zle .vi-swap-case -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-swap-case _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-swap-case'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-swap-case _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-swap-case
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-undo-change
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-undo-change | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-undo-change() { builtin zle .vi-undo-change -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-undo-change _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-undo-change'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-undo-change _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-undo-change
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-unindent
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-unindent | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-unindent() { builtin zle .vi-unindent -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-unindent _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-unindent'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-unindent _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-unindent
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-up-line-or-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-up-line-or-history | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-up-line-or-history() { builtin zle .vi-up-line-or-history -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-up-line-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-up-line-or-history'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-up-line-or-history _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-up-line-or-history
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-yank
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-yank | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-yank() { builtin zle .vi-yank -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-yank _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-yank'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-yank _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-yank
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-yank-eol
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-yank-eol | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-yank-eol() { builtin zle .vi-yank-eol -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-yank-eol _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-yank-eol'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-yank-eol _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-yank-eol
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=vi-yank-whole-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:vi-yank-whole-line | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_vi-yank-whole-line() { builtin zle .vi-yank-whole-line -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N vi-yank-whole-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-yank-whole-line'
+(eval):1> zle -N vi-yank-whole-line _zsh_highlight_widget_vi-yank-whole-line
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=visual-line-mode
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:visual-line-mode | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_visual-line-mode() { builtin zle .visual-line-mode -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N visual-line-mode _zsh_highlight_widget_visual-line-mode'
+(eval):1> zle -N visual-line-mode _zsh_highlight_widget_visual-line-mode
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=visual-mode
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:visual-mode | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_visual-mode() { builtin zle .visual-mode -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N visual-mode _zsh_highlight_widget_visual-mode'
+(eval):1> zle -N visual-mode _zsh_highlight_widget_visual-mode
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=what-cursor-position
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:what-cursor-position | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_what-cursor-position() { builtin zle .what-cursor-position -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N what-cursor-position _zsh_highlight_widget_what-cursor-position'
+(eval):1> zle -N what-cursor-position _zsh_highlight_widget_what-cursor-position
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=where-is
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:where-is | user:_zsh_highlight_widget_*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (user:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (completion:*)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case builtin (builtin)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:27> eval '_zsh_highlight_widget_where-is() { builtin zle .where-is -- "$@" && _zsh_highlight }; zle -N where-is _zsh_highlight_widget_where-is'
+(eval):1> zle -N where-is _zsh_highlight_widget_where-is
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=zle-keymap-select
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case user:zle-keymap-select (user:zle-keymap-select)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=zle-line-finish
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case user:zle-line-finish (user:zle-line-finish)
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:10> cur_widget=zle-line-init
+_zsh_highlight_bind_widgets:11> case user:zle-line-init (user:zle-line-init)
# Resolve highlighters directory location.
_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters "${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS_DIR:-${${0:A}:h}/highlighters}" || {
echo 'zsh-syntax-highlighting: failed loading highlighters, exiting.' >&2
return 1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh:206> _zsh_highlight_load_highlighters /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:3> [[ -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters ]]
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:9> local highlighter highlighter_dir
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:10> highlighter_dir=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/brackets/
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:11> highlighter=brackets
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:12> [[ -f /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/brackets//brackets-highlighter.zsh ]]
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:13> . /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/brackets//brackets-highlighter.zsh
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
# provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
# and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
# conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
# with the distribution.
# * Neither the name of the zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors nor the names of its contributors
# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
# written permission.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -*- mode: zsh; sh-indentation: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 2; -*-
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define default styles.
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[bracket-error]:=fg=red,bold}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/brackets//brackets-highlighter.zsh:33> : 'fg=red,bold'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[bracket-level-1]:=fg=blue,bold}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/brackets//brackets-highlighter.zsh:34> : 'fg=blue,bold'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[bracket-level-2]:=fg=green,bold}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/brackets//brackets-highlighter.zsh:35> : 'fg=green,bold'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[bracket-level-3]:=fg=magenta,bold}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/brackets//brackets-highlighter.zsh:36> : 'fg=magenta,bold'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[bracket-level-4]:=fg=yellow,bold}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/brackets//brackets-highlighter.zsh:37> : 'fg=yellow,bold'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[bracket-level-5]:=fg=cyan,bold}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/brackets//brackets-highlighter.zsh:38> : 'fg=cyan,bold'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[cursor-matchingbracket]:=standout}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/brackets//brackets-highlighter.zsh:39> : standout
# Whether the brackets highlighter should be called or not.
_zsh_highlight_cursor_moved || _zsh_highlight_buffer_modified
# Brackets highlighting function.
local level=0 pos
local -A levelpos lastoflevel matching typepos
# Find all brackets and remember which one is matching
for (( pos = 0; $pos < ${#BUFFER}; pos++ )) ; do
local char="$BUFFER[pos+1]"
case $char in
_zsh_highlight_brackets_highlighter_brackettype "$char"
_zsh_highlight_brackets_highlighter_brackettype "$char"
# Skip everything inside quotes
local quotetype=$char
while (( $pos < ${#BUFFER} )) ; do
(( pos++ ))
[[ $BUFFER[$pos+1] == $quotetype ]] && break
# Now highlight all found brackets
for pos in ${(k)levelpos}; do
if [[ -n $matching[$pos] ]] && [[ $typepos[$pos] == $typepos[$matching[$pos]] ]]; then
local bracket_color_size=${#ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[(I)bracket-level-*]}
local bracket_color_level=bracket-level-$(( (levelpos[$pos] - 1) % bracket_color_size + 1 ))
local style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[$bracket_color_level]
region_highlight+=("$pos $((pos + 1)) $style")
local style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[bracket-error]
region_highlight+=("$pos $((pos + 1)) $style")
# If cursor is on a bracket, then highlight corresponding bracket, if any
if [[ -n $levelpos[$pos] ]] && [[ -n $matching[$pos] ]]; then
local otherpos=$matching[$pos]
local style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[cursor-matchingbracket]
region_highlight+=("$otherpos $((otherpos + 1)) $style")
# Helper function to differentiate type
case $1 in
["()"]) typepos[$pos]=round;;
["[]"]) typepos[$pos]=bracket;;
["{}"]) typepos[$pos]=curly;;
*) ;;
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:14> type -a _zsh_highlight_brackets_highlighter
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:15> type -a _zsh_highlight_brackets_highlighter_predicate
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:10> highlighter_dir=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/cursor/
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:11> highlighter=cursor
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:12> [[ -f /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/cursor//cursor-highlighter.zsh ]]
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:13> . /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/cursor//cursor-highlighter.zsh
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
# provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
# and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
# conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
# with the distribution.
# * Neither the name of the zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors nor the names of its contributors
# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
# written permission.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -*- mode: zsh; sh-indentation: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 2; -*-
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define default styles.
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[cursor]:=standout}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/cursor//cursor-highlighter.zsh:33> : standout
# Whether the cursor highlighter should be called or not.
# Cursor highlighting function.
region_highlight+=("$CURSOR $(( $CURSOR + 1 )) $ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[cursor]")
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:14> type -a _zsh_highlight_cursor_highlighter
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:15> type -a _zsh_highlight_cursor_highlighter_predicate
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:10> highlighter_dir=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/line/
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:11> highlighter=line
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:12> [[ -f /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/line//line-highlighter.zsh ]]
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:13> . /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/line//line-highlighter.zsh
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
# provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
# and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
# conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
# with the distribution.
# * Neither the name of the zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors nor the names of its contributors
# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
# written permission.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -*- mode: zsh; sh-indentation: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 2; -*-
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define default styles.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/line//line-highlighter.zsh:33> :
# Whether the root highlighter should be called or not.
# root highlighting function.
region_highlight+=("0 $#BUFFER $ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[line]")
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:14> type -a _zsh_highlight_line_highlighter
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:15> type -a _zsh_highlight_line_highlighter_predicate
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:10> highlighter_dir=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main/
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:11> highlighter=main
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:12> [[ -f /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh ]]
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:13> . /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
# provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
# and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
# conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
# with the distribution.
# * Neither the name of the zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors nor the names of its contributors
# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
# written permission.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -*- mode: zsh; sh-indentation: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 2; -*-
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define default styles.
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[default]:=none}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:33> : none
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[unknown-token]:=fg=red,bold}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:34> : 'fg=red,bold'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[reserved-word]:=fg=yellow}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:35> : 'fg=yellow'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[alias]:=fg=green}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:36> : 'fg=green'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[builtin]:=fg=green}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:37> : 'fg=green'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[function]:=fg=green}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:38> : 'fg=green'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[command]:=fg=green}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:39> : 'fg=green'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[precommand]:=fg=green,underline}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:40> : 'fg=green,underline'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[commandseparator]:=none}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:41> : none
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[hashed-command]:=fg=green}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:42> : 'fg=green'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[path]:=underline}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:43> : underline
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[path_prefix]:=underline}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:44> : underline
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[path_approx]:=fg=yellow,underline}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:45> : 'fg=yellow,underline'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[globbing]:=fg=blue}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:46> : 'fg=blue'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[history-expansion]:=fg=blue}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:47> : 'fg=blue'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[single-hyphen-option]:=none}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:48> : none
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[double-hyphen-option]:=none}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:49> : none
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[back-quoted-argument]:=none}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:50> : none
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[single-quoted-argument]:=fg=yellow}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:51> : 'fg=yellow'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[double-quoted-argument]:=fg=yellow}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:52> : 'fg=yellow'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[dollar-double-quoted-argument]:=fg=cyan}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:53> : 'fg=cyan'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[back-double-quoted-argument]:=fg=cyan}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:54> : 'fg=cyan'
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[assign]:=none}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/main//main-highlighter.zsh:55> : none
# Whether the highlighter should be called or not.
# Main syntax highlighting function.
emulate -L zsh
setopt localoptions extendedglob bareglobqual
local start_pos=0 end_pos highlight_glob=true new_expression=true arg style sudo=false sudo_arg=false
'|' '||' ';' '&' '&&'
'builtin' 'command' 'exec' 'nocorrect' 'noglob'
# Tokens that are always immediately followed by a command.
for arg in ${(z)BUFFER}; do
local substr_color=0
local style_override=""
[[ $start_pos -eq 0 && $arg = 'noglob' ]] && highlight_glob=false
# Parse the sudo command line
if $sudo; then
case "$arg" in
# Flag that requires an argument
'-'[Cgprtu]) sudo_arg=true;;
# This prevents misbehavior with sudo -u -otherargument
'-'*) sudo_arg=false;;
*) if $sudo_arg; then
if $new_expression; then
if [[ -n ${(M)ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_PRECOMMANDS:#"$arg"} ]]; then
elif [[ "$arg" = "sudo" ]]; then
res=$(LC_ALL=C builtin type -w $arg 2>/dev/null)
case $res in
*': reserved') style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[reserved-word];;
*': alias') style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[alias]
local aliased_command="${"$(alias -- $arg)"#*=}"
*': builtin') style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[builtin];;
*': function') style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[function];;
*': command') style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[command];;
*': hashed') style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[hashed-command];;
*) if _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_check_assign; then
elif _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_check_path; then
elif [[ $arg[0,1] == $histchars[0,1] || $arg[0,1] == $histchars[2,2] ]]; then
case $arg in
'--'*) style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[double-hyphen-option];;
'-'*) style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[single-hyphen-option];;
"'"*"'") style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[single-quoted-argument];;
'"'*'"') style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[double-quoted-argument]
region_highlight+=("$start_pos $end_pos $style")
'`'*'`') style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[back-quoted-argument];;
*"*"*) $highlight_glob && style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[globbing] || style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[default];;
*) if _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_check_path; then
elif [[ $arg[0,1] = $histchars[0,1] ]]; then
elif [[ -n ${(M)ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_COMMANDSEPARATOR:#"$arg"} ]]; then
# if a style_override was set (eg in _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_check_path), use it
[[ -n $style_override ]] && style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[$style_override]
[[ $substr_color = 0 ]] && region_highlight+=("$start_pos $end_pos $style")
[[ -n ${(M)ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS_FOLLOWED_BY_COMMANDS:#"$arg"} ]] && new_expression=true
# Check if the argument is variable assignment
setopt localoptions extended_glob
[[ $arg == [[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]#(|\[*\])=* ]]
# Check if the argument is a path.
setopt localoptions nonomatch
local expanded_path; : ${expanded_path:=${(Q)~arg}}
[[ -z $expanded_path ]] && return 1
[[ -e $expanded_path ]] && return 0
# Search the path in CDPATH
local cdpath_dir
for cdpath_dir in $cdpath ; do
[[ -e "$cdpath_dir/$expanded_path" ]] && return 0
[[ ! -e ${expanded_path:h} ]] && return 1
if [[ ${BUFFER[1]} != "-" && ${#BUFFER} == $end_pos ]]; then
local -a tmp
# got a path prefix?
tmp=( ${expanded_path}*(N) )
(( $#tmp > 0 )) && style_override=path_prefix && return 0
# or maybe an approximate path?
tmp=( (#a1)${expanded_path}*(N) )
(( $#tmp > 0 )) && style_override=path_approx && return 0
return 1
# Highlight special chars inside double-quoted strings
setopt localoptions noksharrays
local i j k style varflag
# Starting quote is at 1, so start parsing at offset 2 in the string.
for (( i = 2 ; i < end_pos - start_pos ; i += 1 )) ; do
(( j = i + start_pos - 1 ))
(( k = j + 1 ))
case "$arg[$i]" in
'$' ) style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[dollar-double-quoted-argument]
(( varflag = 1))
"\\") style=$ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[back-double-quoted-argument]
for (( c = i + 1 ; c < end_pos - start_pos ; c += 1 )); do
[[ "$arg[$c]" != ([0-9,xX,a-f,A-F]) ]] && break
# Matching for HEX and OCT values like \0xA6, \xA6 or \012
if [[ "$AA" =~ "^(0*(x|X)[0-9,a-f,A-F]{1,2})" || "$AA" =~ "^(0[0-7]{1,3})" ]];then
(( k += $#MATCH ))
(( i += $#MATCH ))
(( k += 1 )) # Color following char too.
(( i += 1 )) # Skip parsing the escaped char.
(( varflag = 0 )) # End of variable
(( varflag = 0 )) # End of variable
*) [[ $varflag -eq 0 ]] && continue ;;
region_highlight+=("$j $k $style")
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:14> type -a _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:15> type -a _zsh_highlight_main_highlighter_predicate
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:10> highlighter_dir=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/pattern/
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:11> highlighter=pattern
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:12> [[ -f /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/pattern//pattern-highlighter.zsh ]]
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:13> . /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/pattern//pattern-highlighter.zsh
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
# provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
# and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
# conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
# with the distribution.
# * Neither the name of the zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors nor the names of its contributors
# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
# written permission.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -*- mode: zsh; sh-indentation: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 2; -*-
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# List of keyword and color pairs.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/pattern//pattern-highlighter.zsh:33> typeset -gA ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_PATTERNS
# Whether the pattern highlighter should be called or not.
# Pattern syntax highlighting function.
setopt localoptions extendedglob
local pattern
for pattern in ${(k)ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_PATTERNS}; do
_zsh_highlight_pattern_highlighter_loop "$BUFFER" "$pattern"
# This does *not* do its job syntactically, sorry.
local buf="$1" pat="$2"
local -a match mbegin mend
if [[ "$buf" == (#b)(*)(${~pat})* ]]; then
region_highlight+=("$((mbegin[2] - 1)) $mend[2] $ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_PATTERNS[$pat]")
"$0" "$match[1]" "$pat"; return $?
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:14> type -a _zsh_highlight_pattern_highlighter
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:15> type -a _zsh_highlight_pattern_highlighter_predicate
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:10> highlighter_dir=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/root/
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:11> highlighter=root
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:12> [[ -f /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/root//root-highlighter.zsh ]]
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:13> . /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/root//root-highlighter.zsh
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
# provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
# and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
# conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
# with the distribution.
# * Neither the name of the zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors nor the names of its contributors
# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
# written permission.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -*- mode: zsh; sh-indentation: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 2; -*-
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define default styles.
: ${ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[root]:=standout}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/highlighters/root//root-highlighter.zsh:33> : standout
# Whether the root highlighter should be called or not.
# root highlighting function.
if [[ $(command id -u) -eq 0 ]] { region_highlight+=("0 $#BUFFER $ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[root]") }
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:14> type -a _zsh_highlight_root_highlighter
+_zsh_highlight_load_highlighters:15> type -a _zsh_highlight_root_highlighter_predicate
# Reset scratch variables when commandline is done.
autoload -U add-zsh-hook
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh:217> autoload -U add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook preexec _zsh_highlight_preexec_hook 2>/dev/null || {
echo 'zsh-syntax-highlighting: failed loading add-zsh-hook.' >&2
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh:218> add-zsh-hook preexec _zsh_highlight_preexec_hook
# Initialize the array of active highlighters if needed.
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh:223> [[ 0 -eq 0 ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/external/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh:223> ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS=( main )
# Set highlighters.
zstyle -a ':prezto:module:syntax-highlighting' highlighters 'ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/init.zsh:17> zstyle -a :prezto:module:syntax-highlighting highlighters ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS
if (( ${#ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS[@]} == 0 )); then
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/init.zsh:18> (( 0 == 0 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/init.zsh:19> ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS=( main )
# Set highlighting styles.
typeset -A syntax_highlighting_styles
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/init.zsh:23> typeset -A syntax_highlighting_styles
zstyle -a ':prezto:module:syntax-highlighting' styles 'syntax_highlighting_styles'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/init.zsh:24> zstyle -a :prezto:module:syntax-highlighting styles syntax_highlighting_styles
for syntax_highlighting_style in "${(k)syntax_highlighting_styles[@]}"; do
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/init.zsh:25> syntax_highlighting_style=path
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/init.zsh:26> ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[$syntax_highlighting_style]=none
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/init.zsh:25> syntax_highlighting_style=precommand
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/init.zsh:26> ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[$syntax_highlighting_style]=none
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/init.zsh:25> syntax_highlighting_style=path_prefix
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/init.zsh:26> ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[$syntax_highlighting_style]=none
unset syntax_highlighting_style{s,}
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/syntax-highlighting/init.zsh:28> unset syntax_highlighting_styles syntax_highlighting_style
+pmodload:35> (( 0 == 0 ))
+pmodload:36> zstyle :prezto:module:syntax-highlighting loaded yes
+pmodload:24> pmodule=history-substring-search
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:history-substring-search loaded yes no
+pmodload:27> [[ ! -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search ]]
+pmodload:31> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh ]]
+pmodload:32> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh
# Integrates history-substring-search into Prezto.
# Authors:
# Suraj N. Kurapati <>
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Load dependencies.
pmodload 'editor'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:10> pmodload editor
+pmodload:1> local -a pmodules
+pmodload:2> local pmodule
+pmodload:3> local pfunction_glob='^([_.]*|prompt_*_setup|README*)(-.N:t)'
+pmodload:6> pmodules=( editor )
+pmodload:9> fpath=( /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions )
+pmodload:11> '(anon)'
+(anon):1> local pfunction
+pmodload:24> pmodule=editor
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:editor loaded yes no
+pmodload:26> continue
# Source module files.
source "${0:h}/external/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh" || return 1
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:13> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/external/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# Copyright (c) 2009 Peter Stephenson
# Copyright (c) 2011 Guido van Steen
# Copyright (c) 2011 Suraj N. Kurapati
# Copyright (c) 2011 Sorin Ionescu
# Copyright (c) 2011 Vincent Guerci
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
# disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
# with the distribution.
# * Neither the name of the FIZSH nor the names of its contributors
# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
# software without specific prior written permission.
# configuration variables
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/external/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh:44> HISTORY_SUBSTRING_SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT_FOUND='bg=magenta,fg=white,bold'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/external/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh:45> HISTORY_SUBSTRING_SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT_NOT_FOUND='bg=red,fg=white,bold'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/external/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh:46> HISTORY_SUBSTRING_SEARCH_GLOBBING_FLAGS=i
# the main ZLE widgets
function history-substring-search-up() {
_history-substring-search-up-history ||
_history-substring-search-up-buffer ||
function history-substring-search-down() {
_history-substring-search-down-history ||
_history-substring-search-down-buffer ||
zle -N history-substring-search-up
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/external/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh:72> zle -N history-substring-search-up
zle -N history-substring-search-down
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/external/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh:73> zle -N history-substring-search-down
# implementation details
zmodload -F zsh/parameter
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/external/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh:79> zmodload -F zsh/parameter
# We have to "override" some keys and widgets if the
# zsh-syntax-highlighting plugin has not been loaded:
if [[ $+functions[_zsh_highlight] -eq 0 ]]; then
# Dummy implementation of _zsh_highlight() that
# simply removes any existing highlights when the
# user inserts printable characters into $BUFFER.
function _zsh_highlight() {
if [[ $KEYS == [[:print:]] ]]; then
# The following snippet was taken from the zsh-syntax-highlighting project:
# Copyright (c) 2010-2011 zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
# met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# * Neither the name of the zsh-syntax-highlighting contributors nor the
# names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
# derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
# Rebind all ZLE widgets to make them invoke _zsh_highlights.
# Load ZSH module zsh/zleparameter, needed to override user defined widgets.
zmodload zsh/zleparameter 2>/dev/null || {
echo 'zsh-syntax-highlighting: failed loading zsh/zleparameter.' >&2
return 1
# Override ZLE widgets to make them invoke _zsh_highlight.
local cur_widget
for cur_widget in ${${(f)"$(builtin zle -la)"}:#(.*|_*|orig-*|run-help|which-command|beep|yank*)}; do
case $widgets[$cur_widget] in
# Already rebound event: do nothing.
# User defined widget: override and rebind old one with prefix "orig-".
user:*) eval "zle -N orig-$cur_widget ${widgets[$cur_widget]#*:}; \
_zsh_highlight_widget_$cur_widget() { builtin zle orig-$cur_widget -- \"\$@\" && _zsh_highlight }; \
zle -N $cur_widget _zsh_highlight_widget_$cur_widget";;
# Completion widget: override and rebind old one with prefix "orig-".
completion:*) eval "zle -C orig-$cur_widget ${${widgets[$cur_widget]#*:}/:/ }; \
_zsh_highlight_widget_$cur_widget() { builtin zle orig-$cur_widget -- \"\$@\" && _zsh_highlight }; \
zle -N $cur_widget _zsh_highlight_widget_$cur_widget";;
# Builtin widget: override and make it call the builtin ".widget".
builtin) eval "_zsh_highlight_widget_$cur_widget() { builtin zle .$cur_widget -- \"\$@\" && _zsh_highlight }; \
zle -N $cur_widget _zsh_highlight_widget_$cur_widget";;
# Default: unhandled case.
*) echo "zsh-syntax-highlighting: unhandled ZLE widget '$cur_widget'" >&2 ;;
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/external/zsh-history-substring-search.zsh:87> [[ 1 -eq 0 ]]
function _history-substring-search-begin() {
setopt localoptions extendedglob
# Continue using the previous $_history_substring_search_result by default,
# unless the current query was cleared or a new/different query was entered.
if [[ -z $BUFFER || $BUFFER != $_history_substring_search_result ]]; then
# For the purpose of highlighting we will also keep
# a version without doubly-escaped meta characters.
# $BUFFER contains the text that is in the command-line currently.
# we put an extra "\\" before meta characters such as "\(" and "\)",
# so that they become "\\\(" and "\\\)".
# Find all occurrences of the search query in the history file.
# (k) returns the "keys" (history index numbers) instead of the values
# (Oa) reverses the order, because (R) returns results reversed.
# Define the range of values that $_history_substring_search_match_index
# can take: [0, $_history_substring_search_matches_count_plus].
_history_substring_search_matches_count_plus=$(( _history_substring_search_matches_count + 1 ))
_history_substring_search_matches_count_sans=$(( _history_substring_search_matches_count - 1 ))
# If $_history_substring_search_match_index is equal to
# $_history_substring_search_matches_count_plus, this indicates that we
# are beyond the beginning of $_history_substring_search_matches.
# If $_history_substring_search_match_index is equal to 0, this indicates
# that we are beyond the end of $_history_substring_search_matches.
# If we have initially pressed "up" we have to initialize
# $_history_substring_search_match_index to
# $_history_substring_search_matches_count_plus so that it will be
# decreased to $_history_substring_search_matches_count.
# If we have initially pressed "down" we have to initialize
# $_history_substring_search_match_index to
# $_history_substring_search_matches_count so that it will be increased to
# $_history_substring_search_matches_count_plus.
if [[ $WIDGET == history-substring-search-down ]]; then
function _history-substring-search-end() {
setopt localoptions extendedglob
# the search was succesful so display the result properly by clearing away
# existing highlights and moving the cursor to the end of the result buffer
if [[ $_history_substring_search_refresh_display -eq 1 ]]; then
# highlight command line using zsh-syntax-highlighting
# highlight the search query inside the command line
if [[ -n $_history_substring_search_query_highlight && -n $_history_substring_search_query ]]; then
# The following expression yields a variable $MBEGIN, which
# indicates the begin position + 1 of the first occurrence
# of _history_substring_search_query_escaped in $BUFFER.
: ${(S)BUFFER##(#m$HISTORY_SUBSTRING_SEARCH_GLOBBING_FLAGS)($_history_substring_search_query##)}
local begin=$(( MBEGIN - 1 ))
local end=$(( begin + $#_history_substring_search_query ))
region_highlight+=("$begin $end $_history_substring_search_query_highlight")
# For debugging purposes:
# zle -R "mn: "$_history_substring_search_match_index" m#: "${#_history_substring_search_matches}
# read -k -t 200 && zle -U $REPLY
# Exit successfully from the history-substring-search-* widgets.
return 0
function _history-substring-search-up-buffer() {
# Check if the UP arrow was pressed to move the cursor within a multi-line
# buffer. This amounts to three tests:
# 1. $#buflines -gt 1.
# 2. $CURSOR -ne $#BUFFER.
# 3. Check if we are on the first line of the current multi-line buffer.
# If so, pressing UP would amount to leaving the multi-line buffer.
# We check this by adding an extra "x" to $LBUFFER, which makes
# sure that xlbuflines is always equal to the number of lines
# until $CURSOR (including the line with the cursor on it).
local buflines XLBUFFER xlbuflines
if [[ $#buflines -gt 1 && $CURSOR -ne $#BUFFER && $#xlbuflines -ne 1 ]]; then
zle up-line-or-history
return 0
return 1
function _history-substring-search-down-buffer() {
# Check if the DOWN arrow was pressed to move the cursor within a multi-line
# buffer. This amounts to three tests:
# 1. $#buflines -gt 1.
# 2. $CURSOR -ne $#BUFFER.
# 3. Check if we are on the last line of the current multi-line buffer.
# If so, pressing DOWN would amount to leaving the multi-line buffer.
# We check this by adding an extra "x" to $RBUFFER, which makes
# sure that xrbuflines is always equal to the number of lines
# from $CURSOR (including the line with the cursor on it).
local buflines XRBUFFER xrbuflines
if [[ $#buflines -gt 1 && $CURSOR -ne $#BUFFER && $#xrbuflines -ne 1 ]]; then
zle down-line-or-history
return 0
return 1
function _history-substring-search-up-history() {
# Behave like up in ZSH, except clear the $BUFFER
# when beginning of history is reached like in Fish.
if [[ -z $_history_substring_search_query ]]; then
# we have reached the absolute top of history
if [[ $HISTNO -eq 1 ]]; then
# going up from somewhere below the top of history
zle up-line-or-history
return 0
return 1
function _history-substring-search-down-history() {
# Behave like down-history in ZSH, except clear the
# $BUFFER when end of history is reached like in Fish.
if [[ -z $_history_substring_search_query ]]; then
# going down from the absolute top of history
if [[ $HISTNO -eq 1 && -z $BUFFER ]]; then
# going down from somewhere above the bottom of history
zle down-line-or-history
return 0
return 1
function _history-substring-search-not-found() {
# Nothing matched the search query, so put it back into the $BUFFER while
# highlighting it accordingly so the user can revise it and search again.
function _history-substring-search-up-search() {
# Highlight matches during history-substring-up-search:
# The following constants have been initialized in
# _history-substring-search-up/down-search():
# $_history_substring_search_matches is the current list of matches
# $_history_substring_search_matches_count is the current number of matches
# $_history_substring_search_matches_count_plus is the current number of matches + 1
# $_history_substring_search_matches_count_sans is the current number of matches - 1
# $_history_substring_search_match_index is the index of the current match
# The range of values that $_history_substring_search_match_index can take
# is: [0, $_history_substring_search_matches_count_plus]. A value of 0
# indicates that we are beyond the end of
# $_history_substring_search_matches. A value of
# $_history_substring_search_matches_count_plus indicates that we are beyond
# the beginning of $_history_substring_search_matches.
# In _history-substring-search-up-search() the initial value of
# $_history_substring_search_match_index is
# $_history_substring_search_matches_count_plus. This value is set in
# _history-substring-search-begin(). _history-substring-search-up-search()
# will initially decrease it to $_history_substring_search_matches_count.
if [[ $_history_substring_search_match_index -ge 2 ]]; then
# Highlight the next match:
# 1. Decrease the value of $_history_substring_search_match_index.
# to highlight the current buffer.
(( _history_substring_search_match_index-- ))
elif [[ $_history_substring_search_match_index -eq 1 ]]; then
# We will move beyond the end of $_history_substring_search_matches:
# 1. Decrease the value of $_history_substring_search_match_index.
# 2. Save the current buffer in $_history_substring_search_old_buffer,
# so that it can be retrieved by
# _history-substring-search-down-search() later.
# 3. Make $BUFFER equal to $_history_substring_search_query.
# to highlight the current buffer.
(( _history_substring_search_match_index-- ))
elif [[ $_history_substring_search_match_index -eq $_history_substring_search_matches_count_plus ]]; then
# We were beyond the beginning of $_history_substring_search_matches but
# UP makes us move back to $_history_substring_search_matches:
# 1. Decrease the value of $_history_substring_search_match_index.
# 2. Restore $BUFFER from $_history_substring_search_old_buffer.
# to highlight the current buffer.
(( _history_substring_search_match_index-- ))
# We are at the beginning of history and there are no further matches.
# When HIST_FIND_NO_DUPS is set, meaning that only unique command lines from
# history should be matched, make sure the new and old results are different.
# But when HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS is set, ZSH already ensures a unique history.
if [[ ! -o HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS && -o HIST_FIND_NO_DUPS && $BUFFER == $_history_substring_search_result ]]; then
# Repeat the current search so that a different (unique) match is found.
function _history-substring-search-down-search() {
# Highlight matches during history-substring-up-search:
# The following constants have been initialized in
# _history-substring-search-up/down-search():
# $_history_substring_search_matches is the current list of matches
# $_history_substring_search_matches_count is the current number of matches
# $_history_substring_search_matches_count_plus is the current number of matches + 1
# $_history_substring_search_matches_count_sans is the current number of matches - 1
# $_history_substring_search_match_index is the index of the current match
# The range of values that $_history_substring_search_match_index can take
# is: [0, $_history_substring_search_matches_count_plus]. A value of 0
# indicates that we are beyond the end of
# $_history_substring_search_matches. A value of
# $_history_substring_search_matches_count_plus indicates that we are beyond
# the beginning of $_history_substring_search_matches.
# In _history-substring-search-down-search() the initial value of
# $_history_substring_search_match_index is
# $_history_substring_search_matches_count. This value is set in
# _history-substring-search-begin().
# _history-substring-search-down-search() will initially increase it to
# $_history_substring_search_matches_count_plus.
if [[ $_history_substring_search_match_index -le $_history_substring_search_matches_count_sans ]]; then
# Highlight the next match:
# 1. Increase $_history_substring_search_match_index by 1.
# to highlight the current buffer.
(( _history_substring_search_match_index++ ))
elif [[ $_history_substring_search_match_index -eq $_history_substring_search_matches_count ]]; then
# We will move beyond the beginning of $_history_substring_search_matches:
# 1. Increase $_history_substring_search_match_index by 1.
# 2. Save the current buffer in $_history_substring_search_old_buffer, so
# that it can be retrieved by _history-substring-search-up-search()
# later.
# 3. Make $BUFFER equal to $_history_substring_search_query.
# to highlight the current buffer.
(( _history_substring_search_match_index++ ))
elif [[ $_history_substring_search_match_index -eq 0 ]]; then
# We were beyond the end of $_history_substring_search_matches but DOWN
# makes us move back to the $_history_substring_search_matches:
# 1. Increase $_history_substring_search_match_index by 1.
# 2. Restore $BUFFER from $_history_substring_search_old_buffer.
# to highlight the current buffer.
(( _history_substring_search_match_index++ ))
# We are at the end of history and there are no further matches.
# When HIST_FIND_NO_DUPS is set, meaning that only unique command lines from
# history should be matched, make sure the new and old results are different.
# But when HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS is set, ZSH already ensures a unique history.
if [[ ! -o HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS && -o HIST_FIND_NO_DUPS && $BUFFER == $_history_substring_search_result ]]; then
# Repeat the current search so that a different (unique) match is found.
# -*- mode: zsh; sh-indentation: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; sh-basic-offset: 2; -*-
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et
# Search
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:history-substring-search:color' found \
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:19> zstyle -s :prezto:module:history-substring-search:color found HISTORY_SUBSTRING_SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT_FOUND
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:21> HISTORY_SUBSTRING_SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT_FOUND='bg=magenta,fg=white,bold'
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:history-substring-search:color' not-found \
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:23> zstyle -s :prezto:module:history-substring-search:color not-found HISTORY_SUBSTRING_SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT_NOT_FOUND
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:25> HISTORY_SUBSTRING_SEARCH_HIGHLIGHT_NOT_FOUND='bg=red,fg=white,bold'
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:history-substring-search' globbing-flags \
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:27> zstyle -s :prezto:module:history-substring-search globbing-flags HISTORY_SUBSTRING_SEARCH_GLOBBING_FLAGS
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:29> HISTORY_SUBSTRING_SEARCH_GLOBBING_FLAGS=i
if zstyle -t ':prezto:module:history-substring-search' case-sensitive; then
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:31> zstyle -t :prezto:module:history-substring-search case-sensitive
if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:module:history-substring-search' color; then
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:35> zstyle -t :prezto:module:history-substring-search color
# Key Bindings
if [[ -n "$key_info" ]]; then
# Emacs
bindkey -M emacs "$key_info[Control]P" history-substring-search-up
bindkey -M emacs "$key_info[Control]N" history-substring-search-down
# Vi
bindkey -M vicmd "k" history-substring-search-up
bindkey -M vicmd "j" history-substring-search-down
# Emacs and Vi
for keymap in 'emacs' 'viins'; do
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Up]" history-substring-search-up
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Down]" history-substring-search-down
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:43> [[ -n 'OB [15~ ^? [21~ [17~ [23~ [18~ [24~ [19~ [20~ OD \M- \C- OC [6~ OF [5~ [2~  OA ^[[3~ \e[1;5D \e[5D \e\e[D \eOd OP OH OQ OR OS \e \e[1;5C \e[5C \e\e[C \eOc' ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:45> bindkey -M emacs '\C-P' history-substring-search-up
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:46> bindkey -M emacs '\C-N' history-substring-search-down
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:49> bindkey -M vicmd k history-substring-search-up
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:50> bindkey -M vicmd j history-substring-search-down
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:53> keymap=emacs
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:54> bindkey -M emacs OA history-substring-search-up
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:55> bindkey -M emacs OB history-substring-search-down
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:53> keymap=viins
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:54> bindkey -M viins OA history-substring-search-up
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/history-substring-search/init.zsh:55> bindkey -M viins OB history-substring-search-down
+pmodload:35> (( 0 == 0 ))
+pmodload:36> zstyle :prezto:module:history-substring-search loaded yes
+pmodload:24> pmodule=prompt
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:prompt loaded yes no
+pmodload:27> [[ ! -d /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt ]]
+pmodload:31> [[ -s /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/init.zsh ]]
+pmodload:32> source /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/init.zsh
# Loads prompt themes.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <>
# Load and execute the prompt theming system.
autoload -Uz promptinit && promptinit
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/init.zsh:9> autoload -Uz promptinit
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/init.zsh:9> promptinit
+promptinit:9> typeset -gaU prompt_themes
+promptinit:10> typeset -ga prompt_theme
+promptinit:11> typeset -g prompt_newline
+promptinit:12> prompt_themes=( )
+promptinit:201> [[ -o kshautoload ]]
+promptinit:201> promptinit
+promptinit:1> emulate -L zsh
+promptinit:2> setopt extendedglob
+promptinit:3> local ppath='' name theme
+promptinit:4> local -a match mbegin mend
+promptinit:7> theme=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_agnoster_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_agnoster_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=agnoster
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_agnoster_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_agnoster_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_cloud_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_cloud_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=cloud
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_cloud_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_cloud_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_damoekri_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_damoekri_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=damoekri
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_damoekri_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_damoekri_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_giddie_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_giddie_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=giddie
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_giddie_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_giddie_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_kylewest_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_kylewest_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=kylewest
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_kylewest_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_kylewest_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_minimal_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_minimal_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=minimal
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_minimal_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_minimal_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_nicoulaj_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_nicoulaj_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=nicoulaj
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_nicoulaj_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_nicoulaj_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_paradox_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_paradox_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=paradox
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_paradox_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_paradox_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_peepcode_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_peepcode_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=peepcode
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_peepcode_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_peepcode_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_powerline_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_powerline_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=powerline
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_powerline_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_powerline_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_pure_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_pure_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=pure
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_pure_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_pure_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_skwp_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_skwp_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=skwp
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_skwp_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_skwp_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_smiley_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_smiley_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=smiley
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_smiley_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_smiley_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_sorin_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_sorin_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=sorin
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_sorin_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_sorin_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_steeef_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_steeef_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=steeef
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/prompt_steeef_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_steeef_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_adam1_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_adam1_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=adam1
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_adam1_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef adam1 )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_adam1_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_adam2_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_adam2_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=adam2
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_adam2_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef adam1 adam2 )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_adam2_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_bart_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_bart_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=bart
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_bart_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef adam1 adam2 bart )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_bart_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_bigfade_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_bigfade_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=bigfade
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_bigfade_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef adam1 adam2 bart bigfade )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_bigfade_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_clint_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_clint_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=clint
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_clint_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef adam1 adam2 bart bigfade clint )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_clint_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_elite2_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_elite2_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=elite2
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_elite2_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef adam1 adam2 bart bigfade clint elite2 )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_elite2_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_elite_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_elite_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=elite
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_elite_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef adam1 adam2 bart bigfade clint elite2 elite )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_elite_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_fade_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_fade_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=fade
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_fade_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef adam1 adam2 bart bigfade clint elite2 elite fade )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_fade_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_fire_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_fire_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=fire
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_fire_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef adam1 adam2 bart bigfade clint elite2 elite fade fire )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_fire_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_off_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_off_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=off
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_off_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef adam1 adam2 bart bigfade clint elite2 elite fade fire off )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_off_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_oliver_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_oliver_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=oliver
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_oliver_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef adam1 adam2 bart bigfade clint elite2 elite fade fire off oliver )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_oliver_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_pws_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_pws_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=pws
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_pws_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef adam1 adam2 bart bigfade clint elite2 elite fade fire off oliver pws )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_pws_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_redhat_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_redhat_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=redhat
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_redhat_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef adam1 adam2 bart bigfade clint elite2 elite fade fire off oliver pws redhat )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_redhat_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_suse_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_suse_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=suse
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_suse_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef adam1 adam2 bart bigfade clint elite2 elite fade fire off oliver pws redhat suse )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_suse_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_walters_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_walters_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=walters
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_walters_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef adam1 adam2 bart bigfade clint elite2 elite fade fire off oliver pws redhat suse walters )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_walters_setup
+promptinit:7> theme=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_zefram_setup
+promptinit:8> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_zefram_setup == */prompt_(#b)(*)_setup ]]
+promptinit:9> name=zefram
+promptinit:10> [[ -r /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/prompt_zefram_setup ]]
+promptinit:11> prompt_themes=( agnoster cloud damoekri giddie kylewest minimal nicoulaj paradox peepcode powerline pure skwp smiley sorin steeef adam1 adam2 bart bigfade clint elite2 elite fade fire off oliver pws redhat suse walters zefram )
+promptinit:12> autoload -Uz prompt_zefram_setup
+promptinit:22> autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
+promptinit:25> prompt_newline='
%{ %}'
# Load the prompt theme.
zstyle -a ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'prompt_argv'
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/init.zsh:12> zstyle -a :prezto:module:prompt theme prompt_argv
if [[ "$TERM" == (dumb|linux|*bsd*) ]] || (( $#prompt_argv < 1 )); then
prompt 'off'
prompt "$prompt_argv[@]"
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/init.zsh:13> [[ xterm-256color == (dumb|linux|*bsd*) ]]
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/init.zsh:13> (( 1 < 1 ))
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/init.zsh:16> prompt sorin
+prompt:1> local prompt_opts
+prompt:3> set_prompt sorin
+set_prompt:1> emulate -L zsh
+set_prompt:2> local opt preview theme usage old_theme
+set_prompt:4> usage='Usage: prompt <options>
-c Show currently selected theme and parameters
-l List currently available prompt themes
-p [<themes>] Preview given themes (defaults to all)
-h [<theme>] Display help (for given theme)
-s <theme> Set and save theme
<theme> Switch to new theme immediately (changes not saved)
Use prompt -h <theme> for help on specific themes.'
+set_prompt:15> getopts chlps: opt
+set_prompt:16> case (h|p)
+set_prompt:29> case (c)
+set_prompt:29> case (h)
+set_prompt:29> case (l)
+set_prompt:29> case (p)
+set_prompt:29> case (s)
+set_prompt:29> case (*)
+set_prompt:77> [[ sorin == random ]]
+set_prompt:87> [[ -z sorin || -z sorin ]]
+set_prompt:93> local hook
+set_prompt:94> hook=chpwd
+set_prompt:95> add-zsh-hook -D chpwd 'prompt_*_chpwd'
+add-zsh-hook:15> emulate -L zsh
+add-zsh-hook:17> local -a hooktypes
+add-zsh-hook:18> hooktypes=( chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name )
+add-zsh-hook:22> local usage='Usage: add-zsh-hook hook function\nValid hooks are:\n chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name'
+add-zsh-hook:24> local opt
+add-zsh-hook:25> local -a autoopts
+add-zsh-hook:26> integer del list help
+add-zsh-hook:28> getopts dDhLUzk opt
+add-zsh-hook:29> case D (d)
+add-zsh-hook:29> case D (D)
+add-zsh-hook:35> del=2
+add-zsh-hook:28> getopts dDhLUzk opt
+add-zsh-hook:55> shift 1
+add-zsh-hook:57> (( list ))
+add-zsh-hook:60> (( help || 2 != 2 || 1 == 0 ))
+add-zsh-hook:65> local hook=chpwd_functions
+add-zsh-hook:66> local fn='prompt_*_chpwd'
+add-zsh-hook:68> (( del ))
+add-zsh-hook:70> (( 0 ))
+set_prompt:94> hook=precmd
+set_prompt:95> add-zsh-hook -D precmd 'prompt_*_precmd'
+add-zsh-hook:15> emulate -L zsh
+add-zsh-hook:17> local -a hooktypes
+add-zsh-hook:18> hooktypes=( chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name )
+add-zsh-hook:22> local usage='Usage: add-zsh-hook hook function\nValid hooks are:\n chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name'
+add-zsh-hook:24> local opt
+add-zsh-hook:25> local -a autoopts
+add-zsh-hook:26> integer del list help
+add-zsh-hook:28> getopts dDhLUzk opt
+add-zsh-hook:29> case D (d)
+add-zsh-hook:29> case D (D)
+add-zsh-hook:35> del=2
+add-zsh-hook:28> getopts dDhLUzk opt
+add-zsh-hook:55> shift 1
+add-zsh-hook:57> (( list ))
+add-zsh-hook:60> (( help || 2 != 2 || 2 == 0 ))
+add-zsh-hook:65> local hook=precmd_functions
+add-zsh-hook:66> local fn='prompt_*_precmd'
+add-zsh-hook:68> (( del ))
+add-zsh-hook:70> (( 1 ))
+add-zsh-hook:71> (( del == 2 ))
+add-zsh-hook:72> set -A precmd_functions _direnv_hook math_precmd _z_precmd _terminal-set-titles-with-path
+add-zsh-hook:78> (( ! 4 ))
+set_prompt:94> hook=preexec
+set_prompt:95> add-zsh-hook -D preexec 'prompt_*_preexec'
+add-zsh-hook:15> emulate -L zsh
+add-zsh-hook:17> local -a hooktypes
+add-zsh-hook:18> hooktypes=( chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name )
+add-zsh-hook:22> local usage='Usage: add-zsh-hook hook function\nValid hooks are:\n chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name'
+add-zsh-hook:24> local opt
+add-zsh-hook:25> local -a autoopts
+add-zsh-hook:26> integer del list help
+add-zsh-hook:28> getopts dDhLUzk opt
+add-zsh-hook:29> case D (d)
+add-zsh-hook:29> case D (D)
+add-zsh-hook:35> del=2
+add-zsh-hook:28> getopts dDhLUzk opt
+add-zsh-hook:55> shift 1
+add-zsh-hook:57> (( list ))
+add-zsh-hook:60> (( help || 2 != 2 || 3 == 0 ))
+add-zsh-hook:65> local hook=preexec_functions
+add-zsh-hook:66> local fn='prompt_*_preexec'
+add-zsh-hook:68> (( del ))
+add-zsh-hook:70> (( 1 ))
+add-zsh-hook:71> (( del == 2 ))
+add-zsh-hook:72> set -A preexec_functions math_preexec _terminal-set-titles-with-command _zsh_highlight_preexec_hook
+add-zsh-hook:78> (( ! 3 ))
+set_prompt:94> hook=periodic
+set_prompt:95> add-zsh-hook -D periodic 'prompt_*_periodic'
+add-zsh-hook:15> emulate -L zsh
+add-zsh-hook:17> local -a hooktypes
+add-zsh-hook:18> hooktypes=( chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name )
+add-zsh-hook:22> local usage='Usage: add-zsh-hook hook function\nValid hooks are:\n chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name'
+add-zsh-hook:24> local opt
+add-zsh-hook:25> local -a autoopts
+add-zsh-hook:26> integer del list help
+add-zsh-hook:28> getopts dDhLUzk opt
+add-zsh-hook:29> case D (d)
+add-zsh-hook:29> case D (D)
+add-zsh-hook:35> del=2
+add-zsh-hook:28> getopts dDhLUzk opt
+add-zsh-hook:55> shift 1
+add-zsh-hook:57> (( list ))
+add-zsh-hook:60> (( help || 2 != 2 || 4 == 0 ))
+add-zsh-hook:65> local hook=periodic_functions
+add-zsh-hook:66> local fn='prompt_*_periodic'
+add-zsh-hook:68> (( del ))
+add-zsh-hook:70> (( 0 ))
+set_prompt:94> hook=zshaddhistory
+set_prompt:95> add-zsh-hook -D zshaddhistory 'prompt_*_zshaddhistory'
+add-zsh-hook:15> emulate -L zsh
+add-zsh-hook:17> local -a hooktypes
+add-zsh-hook:18> hooktypes=( chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name )
+add-zsh-hook:22> local usage='Usage: add-zsh-hook hook function\nValid hooks are:\n chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name'
+add-zsh-hook:24> local opt
+add-zsh-hook:25> local -a autoopts
+add-zsh-hook:26> integer del list help
+add-zsh-hook:28> getopts dDhLUzk opt
+add-zsh-hook:29> case D (d)
+add-zsh-hook:29> case D (D)
+add-zsh-hook:35> del=2
+add-zsh-hook:28> getopts dDhLUzk opt
+add-zsh-hook:55> shift 1
+add-zsh-hook:57> (( list ))
+add-zsh-hook:60> (( help || 2 != 2 || 5 == 0 ))
+add-zsh-hook:65> local hook=zshaddhistory_functions
+add-zsh-hook:66> local fn='prompt_*_zshaddhistory'
+add-zsh-hook:68> (( del ))
+add-zsh-hook:70> (( 0 ))
+set_prompt:94> hook=zshexit
+set_prompt:95> add-zsh-hook -D zshexit 'prompt_*_zshexit'
+add-zsh-hook:15> emulate -L zsh
+add-zsh-hook:17> local -a hooktypes
+add-zsh-hook:18> hooktypes=( chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name )
+add-zsh-hook:22> local usage='Usage: add-zsh-hook hook function\nValid hooks are:\n chpwd precmd preexec periodic zshaddhistory zshexit zsh_directory_name'
+add-zsh-hook:24> local opt
+add-zsh-hook:25> local -a autoopts
+add-zsh-hook:26> integer del list help
+add-zsh-hook:28> getopts dDhLUzk opt
+add-zsh-hook:29> case D (d)
+add-zsh-hook:29> case D (D)
+add-zsh-hook:35> del=2
+add-zsh-hook:28> getopts dDhLUzk opt
+add-zsh-hook:55> shift 1
+add-zsh-hook:57> (( list ))
+add-zsh-hook:60> (( help || 2 != 2 || 6 == 0 ))
+add-zsh-hook:65> local hook=zshexit_functions
+add-zsh-hook:66> local fn='prompt_*_zshexit'
+add-zsh-hook:68> (( del ))
+add-zsh-hook:70> (( 0 ))
+set_prompt:97> typeset -ga zle_highlight=( )
+set_prompt:98> (( 0 ))
+set_prompt:98> unset zle_highlight
+set_prompt:100> prompt_sorin_setup
+prompt_sorin_setup:33> pmodload helper
+pmodload:1> local -a pmodules
+pmodload:2> local pmodule
+pmodload:3> local pfunction_glob='^([_.]*|prompt_*_setup|README*)(-.N:t)'
+pmodload:6> pmodules=( helper )
+pmodload:9> fpath=( /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions )
+pmodload:11> '(anon)'
+(anon):1> local pfunction
+(anon):7> pfunction=add-zsh-trap
+(anon):8> autoload -Uz add-zsh-trap
+pmodload:24> pmodule=helper
+pmodload:25> zstyle -t :prezto:module:helper loaded yes no
+pmodload:26> continue
+prompt_sorin_setup:148> prompt_sorin_setup
+prompt_sorin_setup:1> setopt LOCAL_OPTIONS
+prompt_sorin_setup:2> unsetopt XTRACE KSH_ARRAYS
+set_prompt:100> prompt_theme=( sorin )
+prompt:5> (( 3 ))
+prompt:6> setopt nopromptbang nopromptcr nopromptpercent nopromptsubst promptcr promptpercent promptsubst
+prompt:8> true
unset prompt_argv
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/init.zsh:18> unset prompt_argv
+pmodload:35> (( 0 == 0 ))
+pmodload:36> zstyle :prezto:module:prompt loaded yes
unset pmodules
+/Users/quanta/.zprezto/init.zsh:113> unset pmodules
unsetopt histverify
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:21> unsetopt histverify
unsetopt share_history
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:22> unsetopt share_history
# Customize to your needs...
alias s="sudo salt-call state.sls -l debug $1 --return=sentry_common"
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:25> alias 's=sudo salt-call state.sls -l debug --return=sentry_common'
alias vim="/usr/local/bin/mvim -v"
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:26> alias 'vim=/usr/local/bin/mvim -v'
alias vu="vagrant up $1"
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:27> alias 'vu=vagrant up '
alias vs="vagrant ssh $1"
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:28> alias 'vs=vagrant ssh '
alias vh="vagrant halt $1"
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:29> alias 'vh=vagrant halt '
alias vr="vagrant reload $1"
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:30> alias 'vr=vagrant reload '
alias dr="docker run -d --privileged --cap-add=ALL -P -m 2g -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules -v /root/salt/states:/root/salt/states -v /root/salt/pillar:/root/salt/pillar $1"
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:31> alias 'dr=docker run -d --privileged --cap-add=ALL -P -m 2g -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules -v /root/salt/states:/root/salt/states -v /root/salt/pillar:/root/salt/pillar '
alias de="docker exec -it $1 /bin/bash"
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:32> alias 'de=docker exec -it /bin/bash'
source /Users/quanta/.iterm2_shell_integration.zsh
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:34> source /Users/quanta/.iterm2_shell_integration.zsh
if [[ -o login ]]; then
if [ x"$TERM" != "xscreen" ]; then
# Indicates start of command output. Runs just before command executes.
iterm2_before_cmd_executes() {
printf "\033]133;C\007"
iterm2_set_user_var() {
printf "\033]1337;SetUserVar=%s=%s\007" "$1" $(printf "%s" "$2" | base64)
# Users can write their own version of this method. It should call
# iterm2_set_user_var but not produce any other output.
# e.g., iterm2_set_user_var currentDirectory $PWD
# Accessible in iTerm2 (in a badge now, elsewhere in the future) as
# \(user.currentDirectory).
iterm2_print_user_vars() {
iterm2_print_state_data() {
printf "\033]1337;RemoteHost=$USER@$iterm2_hostname\007"
printf "\033]1337;CurrentDir=$PWD\007"
# Report return code of command; runs after command finishes but before prompt
iterm2_after_cmd_executes() {
printf "\033]133;D;$?\007"
# Mark start of prompt
iterm2_prompt_start() {
printf "\033]133;A\007"
# Mark end of prompt
iterm2_prompt_end() {
printf "\033]133;B\007"
iterm2_precmd() {
# The user or another precmd may have changed PS1 (e.g., powerline-shell).
# Ensure that our escape sequences are added back in.
iterm2_preexec() {
# If hostname -f is slow on your system, set iterm2_hostname prior to sourcing this script.
[[ -z "$iterm2_hostname" ]] && iterm2_hostname=`hostname -f`
[[ -z $precmd_functions ]] && precmd_functions=()
precmd_functions=($precmd_functions iterm2_precmd)
[[ -z $preexec_functions ]] && preexec_functions=()
preexec_functions=($preexec_functions iterm2_preexec)
printf "\033]1337;ShellIntegrationVersion=1\007"
+/Users/quanta/.iterm2_shell_integration.zsh:1> [[ -o login ]]
fpath=(/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions $fpath)
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:35> fpath=( /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions )
autoload -Uz compinit && compinit -i
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:36> autoload -Uz compinit
+/Users/quanta/.zshrc:36> compinit -i
+compinit:70> emulate -L zsh
+compinit:71> setopt extendedglob
+compinit:73> typeset _i_dumpfile _i_files _i_line _i_done _i_dir _i_autodump=1
+compinit:74> typeset _i_tag _i_file _i_addfiles _i_fail=ask _i_check=yes _i_name
+compinit:76> [[ 1 -gt 0 && -i == -[dDiuC] ]]
+compinit:77> case -i (-d)
+compinit:77> case -i (-D)
+compinit:77> case -i (-i)
+compinit:91> _i_fail=ign
+compinit:92> shift
+compinit:76> [[ 0 -gt 0 ]]
+compinit:108> typeset -gHA _comps _services _patcomps _postpatcomps
+compinit:113> typeset -gHA _compautos
+compinit:118> typeset -gHA _lastcomp
+compinit:121> [[ -n '' ]]
+compinit:125> typeset -g _comp_dumpfile=/Users/quanta/.zcompdump
+compinit:130> typeset -gHa _comp_options
+compinit:131> _comp_options=( bareglobqual extendedglob glob multibyte multifuncdef nullglob rcexpandparam unset NO_allexport NO_aliases NO_cshnullglob NO_cshjunkiequotes NO_errexit NO_globassign NO_globsubst NO_histsubstpattern NO_ignorebraces NO_ignoreclosebraces NO_kshglob NO_ksharrays NO_kshtypeset NO_markdirs NO_octalzeroes NO_posixbuiltins NO_shwordsplit NO_shglob NO_warncreateglobal )
+compinit:167> typeset -gH _comp_setup='local -A _comp_caller_options;
setopt localoptions localtraps localpatterns ${_comp_options[@]};
local IFS=$'\'' \t\r\n\0'\''
enable -p \| \~ \( \? \* \[ \< \^ \#
exec </dev/null;
trap - ZERR
local -a reply
local REPLY'
+compinit:180> typeset -ga compprefuncs comppostfuncs
+compinit:181> compprefuncs=( )
+compinit:182> comppostfuncs=( )
+compinit:186> : compinit /Users/quanta/.zshrc
+compinit:435> typeset _i_wdirs _i_wfiles
+compinit:437> _i_wdirs=( )
+compinit:438> _i_wfiles=( )
+compinit:440> autoload -Uz compaudit
+compinit:441> [[ -n yes ]]
+compinit:442> typeset _i_q
+compinit:443> eval compaudit
+(eval):1> compaudit
+compaudit:174> compaudit
+compaudit:13> emulate -L zsh
+compaudit:14> setopt extendedglob
+compaudit:16> [[ -x /usr/bin/getent ]]
+compaudit:25> (( 0 ))
+compaudit:27> (( 12 == 0 ))
+compaudit:31> set -- /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions
+compaudit:38> (( 1 ))
+compaudit:44> fpath=( /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/site-functions /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions )
+compaudit:49> (( 0 ))
+compaudit:50> local _compdir=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions
+compaudit:51> [[ -z /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions ]]
+compaudit:55> _i_wdirs=( )
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/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_x_extension /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_x_font /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_x_geometry /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_x_keysym /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_x_locale /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_x_modifier /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_x_name /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_x_resource /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_x_selection_timeout /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_x_title /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_x_utils /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_x_visual /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_x_window /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xargs /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xauth /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xautolock /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xclip /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xdvi /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xfig /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xft_fonts /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xloadimage /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xmlsoft /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xmms2 /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xmodmap /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xournal /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xpdf /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xrandr /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xscreensaver /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xset /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xt_arguments /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xt_session_id /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xterm /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xv /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xwit /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xxd /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_xz /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_yafc /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_yast /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_yodl /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_yp /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_yum /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zargs /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zattr /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zcalc /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zcalc_line /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zcat /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zcompile /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zdump /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zed /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zfs /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zfs_dataset /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zfs_keysource_props /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zfs_pool /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zftp /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zip /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zle /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zlogin /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zmodload /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zmv /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zoneadm /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zones /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zpool /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zpty /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zsh /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zsh-mime-handler /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zsocket /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zstyle /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_ztodo /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_zypper )
+compaudit:59> [[ -n /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions ]]
+compaudit:60> [[ 906 -lt 20 || /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions == */Base || -d /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/Base ]]
+compaudit:82> [[ ign == use ]]
+compaudit:86> local _i_owners=u0u501
+compaudit:89> local -a _i_exes
+compaudit:90> _i_exes=( /proc/87452/exe /proc/87452/object/a.out )
+compaudit:94> local _i_exe
+compaudit:99> _i_exe=/proc/87452/exe
+compaudit:100> [[ -e /proc/87452/exe ]]
+compaudit:99> _i_exe=/proc/87452/object/a.out
+compaudit:100> [[ -e /proc/87452/object/a.out ]]
+compaudit:121> _i_wdirs=( )
+compaudit:130> (( 0 ))
+compaudit:144> [[ -f /etc/debian_version ]]
+compaudit:151> _i_wdirs=( )
+compaudit:152> _i_wfiles=( )
+compaudit:154> case 0:0 (0:0)
+compaudit:155> _i_q=''
+compaudit:161> [[ -n '' ]]
+compaudit:168> return 0
+compinit:468> autoload -Uz compdump compinstall
+compinit:472> _i_done=''
+compinit:474> [[ -f /Users/quanta/.zcompdump ]]
+compinit:475> [[ -n yes ]]
+compinit:476> IFS=' ' +compinit:476> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:477> [[ _i_autodump -eq 1 && 895 -eq 906 ]]
+compinit:488> [[ -z '' ]]
+compinit:489> typeset -A _i_test
+compinit:491> _i_dir=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions
+compinit:492> [[ /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions == . ]]
+compinit:493> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_brew
+compinit:495> _i_name=_brew
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ brew == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _brew brew
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _brew == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_brew
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _brew
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ brew == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ brew == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ brew == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ brew == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=brew
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _brew ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_brew_cask
+compinit:495> _i_name=_brew_cask
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ brew-cask == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _brew_cask brew-cask
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _brew_cask == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_brew_cask
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _brew_cask
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ brew-cask == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ brew-cask == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ brew-cask == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ brew-cask == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=brew-cask
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _brew_cask ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_docker
+compinit:495> _i_name=_docker
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ docker == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _docker docker
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _docker == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_docker
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _docker
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ docker == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ docker == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ docker == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ docker == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=docker
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _docker ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_docker-compose
+compinit:495> _i_name=_docker-compose
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ docker-compose == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _docker-compose docker-compose
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _docker-compose == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_docker-compose
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _docker-compose
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ docker-compose == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ docker-compose == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ docker-compose == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ docker-compose == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=docker-compose
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _docker-compose ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_git
+compinit:495> _i_name=_git
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ git == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _git git gitk
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _git == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_git
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _git
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _git ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gitk == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gitk == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gitk == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gitk == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gitk
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _git ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_hg
+compinit:495> _i_name=_hg
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ hg == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _hg hg
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _hg == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_hg
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _hg
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ hg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ hg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ hg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ hg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=hg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _hg ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_hub
+compinit:495> _i_name=_hub
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ hub == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _hub hub
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _hub == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_hub
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _hub
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ hub == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ hub == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ hub == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ hub == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=hub
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _hub ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_j
+compinit:495> _i_name=_j
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ j == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _j j
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _j == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_j
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _j
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ j == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ j == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ j == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ j == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=j
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _j ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_opam
+compinit:495> _i_name=_opam
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='_opam_add()'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case _opam_add() (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case _opam_add() (\#autoload)
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_pass
+compinit:495> _i_name=_pass
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ pass == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _pass pass
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pass == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pass
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pass
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pass == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pass == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pass == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pass == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pass
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _pass ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_youtube-dl
+compinit:495> _i_name=_youtube-dl
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ youtube-dl == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _youtube-dl youtube-dl
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _youtube-dl == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_youtube-dl
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _youtube-dl
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ youtube-dl == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ youtube-dl == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ youtube-dl == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ youtube-dl == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=youtube-dl
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _youtube-dl ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:491> _i_dir=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions
+compinit:492> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions == . ]]
+compinit:493> (( 0 ))
+compinit:491> _i_dir=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions
+compinit:492> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions == . ]]
+compinit:493> (( 0 ))
+compinit:491> _i_dir=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src
+compinit:492> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src == . ]]
+compinit:493> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_ack
+compinit:495> _i_name=_ack
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ ack == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _ack ack ack-grep
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ack == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ack
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ack
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ack == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ack == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ack == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ack == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ack
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _ack ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ack-grep == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ack-grep == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ack-grep == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ack-grep == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ack-grep
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _ack ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_adb
+compinit:495> _i_name=_adb
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ adb == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _adb adb
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _adb == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_adb
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _adb
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ adb == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ adb == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ adb == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ adb == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=adb
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _adb ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_ag
+compinit:495> _i_name=_ag
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ ag == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _ag ag
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ag == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ag
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ag
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ag == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ag == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ag == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ag == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ag
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _ag ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_android
+compinit:495> _i_name=_android
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ android == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _android android
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _android == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_android
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _android
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ android == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ android == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ android == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ android == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=android
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _android ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_artisan
+compinit:495> _i_name=_artisan
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ artisan == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _artisan artisan
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _artisan == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_artisan
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _artisan
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ artisan == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ artisan == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ artisan == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ artisan == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=artisan
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _artisan ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_atach
+compinit:495> _i_name=_atach
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ atach == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _atach atach
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _atach == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_atach
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _atach
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ atach == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ atach == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ atach == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ atach == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=atach
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _atach ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_boot2docker
+compinit:495> _i_name=_boot2docker
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ boot2docker == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _boot2docker boot2docker
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _boot2docker == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_boot2docker
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _boot2docker
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ boot2docker == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ boot2docker == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ boot2docker == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ boot2docker == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=boot2docker
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _boot2docker ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_bower
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bower
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ bower == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _bower bower
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bower == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bower
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bower
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bower == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bower == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bower == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bower == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bower
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bower ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_bpython
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bpython
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ bpython == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _bpython bpython bpython2
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bpython == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bpython
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bpython
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bpython == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bpython == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bpython == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bpython == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bpython
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bpython ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bpython2 == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bpython2 == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bpython2 == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bpython2 == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bpython2
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bpython ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_brew
+compinit:495> _i_name=_brew
+compinit:496> (( 1 + 0 ))
+compinit:496> continue
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_bundle
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bundle
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ bundle == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _bundle bundle
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bundle == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bundle
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bundle
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bundle == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bundle == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bundle == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bundle == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bundle
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bundle ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_cabal
+compinit:495> _i_name=_cabal
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ cabal == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _cabal cabal
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cabal == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cabal
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cabal
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cabal == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cabal == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cabal == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cabal == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cabal
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _cabal ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_cap
+compinit:495> _i_name=_cap
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ cap == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _cap cap
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cap == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cap
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cap
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cap == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cap == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cap == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cap == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cap
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _cap ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_cask
+compinit:495> _i_name=_cask
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ cask == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _cask cask
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cask == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cask
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cask
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cask == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cask == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cask == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cask == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cask
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _cask ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_celery
+compinit:495> _i_name=_celery
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ celery == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _celery celery
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _celery == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_celery
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _celery
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ celery == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ celery == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ celery == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ celery == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=celery
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _celery ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_choc
+compinit:495> _i_name=_choc
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ choc == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _choc choc
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _choc == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_choc
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _choc
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ choc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ choc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ choc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ choc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=choc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _choc ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_cmake
+compinit:495> _i_name=_cmake
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ cmake == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _cmake cmake
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cmake == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cmake
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cmake
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cmake == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cmake == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cmake == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cmake == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cmake
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _cmake ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_coffee
+compinit:495> _i_name=_coffee
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ coffee == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _coffee coffee
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _coffee == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_coffee
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _coffee
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ coffee == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ coffee == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ coffee == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ coffee == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=coffee
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _coffee ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_composer
+compinit:495> _i_name=_composer
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ composer == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _composer composer
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _composer == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_composer
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _composer
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ composer == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ composer == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ composer == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ composer == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=composer
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _composer ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_console
+compinit:495> _i_name=_console
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ console == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _console console
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _console == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_console
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _console
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ console == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ console == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ console == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ console == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=console
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _console ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_cpanm
+compinit:495> _i_name=_cpanm
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ cpanm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _cpanm cpanm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cpanm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cpanm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cpanm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cpanm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cpanm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cpanm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cpanm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cpanm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _cpanm ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_debuild
+compinit:495> _i_name=_debuild
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ debuild == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _debuild debuild
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _debuild == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_debuild
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _debuild
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ debuild == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ debuild == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ debuild == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ debuild == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=debuild
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _debuild ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_dget
+compinit:495> _i_name=_dget
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ dget == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _dget dget
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dget == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dget
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dget
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dget == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dget == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dget == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dget == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dget
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _dget ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_dhcpcd
+compinit:495> _i_name=_dhcpcd
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ dhcpcd == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _dhcpcd dhcpcd
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dhcpcd == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dhcpcd
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dhcpcd
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dhcpcd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dhcpcd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dhcpcd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dhcpcd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dhcpcd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _dhcpcd ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_ditz
+compinit:495> _i_name=_ditz
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ ditz == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _ditz ditz
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ditz == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ditz
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ditz
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ditz == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ditz == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ditz == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ditz == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ditz
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _ditz ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_docker-machine
+compinit:495> _i_name=_docker-machine
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ docker-machine == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _docker-machine docker-machine
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _docker-machine == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_docker-machine
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _docker-machine
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ docker-machine == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ docker-machine == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ docker-machine == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ docker-machine == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=docker-machine
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _docker-machine ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_docpad
+compinit:495> _i_name=_docpad
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ docpad == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _docpad docpad
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _docpad == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_docpad
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _docpad
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ docpad == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ docpad == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ docpad == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ docpad == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=docpad
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _docpad ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_drush
+compinit:495> _i_name=_drush
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ drush == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _drush drush
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _drush == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_drush
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _drush
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ drush == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ drush == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ drush == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ drush == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=drush
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _drush ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_dzen2
+compinit:495> _i_name=_dzen2
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ dzen2 == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _dzen2 dzen2
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dzen2 == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dzen2
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dzen2
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dzen2 == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dzen2 == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dzen2 == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dzen2 == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dzen2
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _dzen2 ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_emulator
+compinit:495> _i_name=_emulator
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ emulator == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _emulator emulator
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _emulator == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_emulator
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _emulator
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ emulator == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ emulator == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ emulator == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ emulator == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=emulator
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _emulator ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_exportfs
+compinit:495> _i_name=_exportfs
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ exportfs == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _exportfs exportfs
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _exportfs == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_exportfs
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _exportfs
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ exportfs == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ exportfs == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ exportfs == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ exportfs == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=exportfs
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _exportfs ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_fab
+compinit:495> _i_name=_fab
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ fab == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _fab fab
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _fab == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_fab
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _fab
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ fab == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ fab == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ fab == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ fab == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=fab
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _fab ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_gas
+compinit:495> _i_name=_gas
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ gas == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _gas gas
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gas == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gas
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gas
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gas == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gas == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gas == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gas == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gas
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _gas ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_geany
+compinit:495> _i_name=_geany
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ geany == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _geany geany
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _geany == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_geany
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _geany
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ geany == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ geany == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ geany == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ geany == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=geany
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _geany ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_gem
+compinit:495> _i_name=_gem
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ gem == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _gem gem gem1.9 macgem
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gem == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gem
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gem
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gem == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gem == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gem == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gem == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gem
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _gem ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gem1.9 == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gem1.9 == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gem1.9 == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gem1.9 == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gem1.9
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _gem ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ macgem == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ macgem == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ macgem == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ macgem == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=macgem
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _gem ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_ghc
+compinit:495> _i_name=_ghc
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ ghc == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _ghc ghc ghci ghc-pkg
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ghc == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ghc
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ghc
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ghc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ghc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ghc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ghc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ghc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _ghc ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ghci == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ghci == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ghci == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ghci == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ghci
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _ghc ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ghc-pkg == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ghc-pkg == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ghc-pkg == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ghc-pkg == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ghc-pkg
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _ghc ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_gist
+compinit:495> _i_name=_gist
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ gist == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _gist gist
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gist == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gist
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gist
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gist == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gist == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gist == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gist == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gist
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _gist ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_git-flow
+compinit:495> _i_name=_git-flow
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ git-flow == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _git-flow git-flow
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _git-flow == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_git-flow
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _git-flow
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git-flow == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git-flow == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git-flow == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git-flow == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git-flow
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _git-flow ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_git-pulls
+compinit:495> _i_name=_git-pulls
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ git-pulls == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _git-pulls git-pulls
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _git-pulls == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_git-pulls
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _git-pulls
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git-pulls == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git-pulls == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git-pulls == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git-pulls == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git-pulls
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _git-pulls ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_git-wtf
+compinit:495> _i_name=_git-wtf
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ git-wtf == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _git-wtf git-wtf
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _git-wtf == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_git-wtf
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _git-wtf
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git-wtf == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git-wtf == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git-wtf == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git-wtf == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git-wtf
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _git-wtf ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_github
+compinit:495> _i_name=_github
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ github == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _github github gh
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _github == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_github
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _github
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ github == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ github == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ github == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ github == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=github
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _github ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gh == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gh == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gh == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gh == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gh
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _github ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_glances
+compinit:495> _i_name=_glances
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ glances == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _glances glances
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _glances == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_glances
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _glances
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ glances == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ glances == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ glances == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ glances == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=glances
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _glances ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_google
+compinit:495> _i_name=_google
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ google == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _google google
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _google == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_google
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _google
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ google == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ google == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ google == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ google == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=google
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _google ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_gradle
+compinit:495> _i_name=_gradle
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ gradle == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _gradle gradle gradlew
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _gradle == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_gradle
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _gradle
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gradle == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gradle == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gradle == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gradle == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gradle
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _gradle ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ gradlew == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ gradlew == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ gradlew == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ gradlew == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=gradlew
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _gradle ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_heroku
+compinit:495> _i_name=_heroku
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ heroku == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _heroku heroku
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _heroku == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_heroku
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _heroku
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ heroku == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ heroku == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ heroku == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ heroku == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=heroku
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _heroku ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_hledger
+compinit:495> _i_name=_hledger
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ hledger == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _hledger hledger
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _hledger == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_hledger
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _hledger
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ hledger == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ hledger == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ hledger == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ hledger == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=hledger
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _hledger ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_httpie
+compinit:495> _i_name=_httpie
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ http == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _httpie http
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _httpie == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_httpie
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _httpie
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ http == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ http == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ http == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ http == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=http
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _httpie ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_id3
+compinit:495> _i_name=_id3
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ id3 == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _id3 id3
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _id3 == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_id3
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _id3
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ id3 == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ id3 == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ id3 == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ id3 == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=id3
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _id3 ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_id3v2
+compinit:495> _i_name=_id3v2
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ id3v2 == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _id3v2 id3v2
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _id3v2 == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_id3v2
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _id3v2
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ id3v2 == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ id3v2 == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ id3v2 == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ id3v2 == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=id3v2
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _id3v2 ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_iw
+compinit:495> _i_name=_iw
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ iw == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _iw iw
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _iw == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_iw
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _iw
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ iw == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ iw == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ iw == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ iw == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=iw
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _iw ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_jekyll
+compinit:495> _i_name=_jekyll
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ jekyll == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _jekyll jekyll
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _jekyll == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_jekyll
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _jekyll
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ jekyll == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ jekyll == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ jekyll == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ jekyll == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=jekyll
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _jekyll ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_jmeter
+compinit:495> _i_name=_jmeter
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ jmeter == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _jmeter jmeter
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _jmeter == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_jmeter
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _jmeter
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ jmeter == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ jmeter == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ jmeter == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ jmeter == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=jmeter
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _jmeter ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_jmeter-plugins
+compinit:495> _i_name=_jmeter-plugins
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ jmeter-plugins == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _jmeter-plugins jmeter-plugins
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _jmeter-plugins == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_jmeter-plugins
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _jmeter-plugins
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ jmeter-plugins == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ jmeter-plugins == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ jmeter-plugins == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ jmeter-plugins == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=jmeter-plugins
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _jmeter-plugins ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_jonas
+compinit:495> _i_name=_jonas
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ jonas == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _jonas jonas
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _jonas == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_jonas
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _jonas
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ jonas == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ jonas == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ jonas == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ jonas == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=jonas
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _jonas ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_jq
+compinit:495> _i_name=_jq
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ jq == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _jq jq
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _jq == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_jq
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _jq
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ jq == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ jq == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ jq == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ jq == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=jq
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _jq ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_kitchen
+compinit:495> _i_name=_kitchen
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ kitchen == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _kitchen kitchen
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _kitchen == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_kitchen
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _kitchen
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ kitchen == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ kitchen == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ kitchen == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ kitchen == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=kitchen
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _kitchen ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_knife
+compinit:495> _i_name=_knife
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ knife == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _knife knife
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _knife == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_knife
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _knife
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ knife == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ knife == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ knife == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ knife == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=knife
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _knife ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_language_codes
+compinit:495> _i_name=_language_codes
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:510> autoload -Uz _language_codes
+compinit:511> [[ '' != \ # ]]
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_lein
+compinit:495> _i_name=_lein
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ lein == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _lein lein
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _lein == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_lein
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _lein
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lein == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lein == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lein == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lein == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lein
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _lein ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_logger
+compinit:495> _i_name=_logger
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ logger == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _logger logger
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _logger == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_logger
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _logger
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ logger == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ logger == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ logger == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ logger == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=logger
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _logger ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_lunar
+compinit:495> _i_name=_lunar
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ lunar == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _lunar lunar lin lrm lvu
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _lunar == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_lunar
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _lunar
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lunar == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lunar == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lunar == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lunar == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lunar
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _lunar ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lin == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lin == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lin == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lin == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lin
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _lunar ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lrm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lrm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lrm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lrm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lrm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _lunar ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lvu == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lvu == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lvu == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lvu == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lvu
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _lunar ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_lunchy
+compinit:495> _i_name=_lunchy
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ lunchy == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _lunchy lunchy
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _lunchy == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_lunchy
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _lunchy
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ lunchy == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ lunchy == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ lunchy == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ lunchy == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=lunchy
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _lunchy ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ == *=* ]]
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ == *=* ]]
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ == *=* ]]
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_middleman
+compinit:495> _i_name=_middleman
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ middleman == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _middleman middleman
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _middleman == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_middleman
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _middleman
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ middleman == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ middleman == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ middleman == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ middleman == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=middleman
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _middleman ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_mina
+compinit:495> _i_name=_mina
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ mina == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _mina mina
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mina == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mina
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mina
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mina == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mina == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mina == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mina == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mina
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _mina ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_mosh
+compinit:495> _i_name=_mosh
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ mosh == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _mosh mosh
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mosh == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mosh
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mosh
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mosh == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mosh == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mosh == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mosh == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mosh
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _mosh ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_mussh
+compinit:495> _i_name=_mussh
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ mussh == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _mussh mussh
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mussh == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mussh
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mussh
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mussh == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mussh == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mussh == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mussh == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mussh
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _mussh ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_mvn
+compinit:495> _i_name=_mvn
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ mvn == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _mvn mvn mvnDebug
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mvn == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mvn
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mvn
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mvn == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mvn == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mvn == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mvn == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mvn
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _mvn ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mvnDebug == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mvnDebug == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mvnDebug == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mvnDebug == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mvnDebug
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _mvn ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_nl
+compinit:495> _i_name=_nl
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ nl == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _nl nl
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _nl == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_nl
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _nl
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ nl == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ nl == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ nl == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ nl == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=nl
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _nl ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_node
+compinit:495> _i_name=_node
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ node == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _node node
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _node == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_node
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _node
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ node == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ node == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ node == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ node == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=node
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _node ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_nvm
+compinit:495> _i_name=_nvm
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ nvm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _nvm nvm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _nvm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_nvm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _nvm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ nvm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ nvm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ nvm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ nvm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=nvm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _nvm ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_optirun
+compinit:495> _i_name=_optirun
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ optirun == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _optirun optirun
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _optirun == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_optirun
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _optirun
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ optirun == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ optirun == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ optirun == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ optirun == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=optirun
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _optirun ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_pactree
+compinit:495> _i_name=_pactree
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ pactree == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _pactree pactree
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pactree == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pactree
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pactree
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pactree == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pactree == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pactree == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pactree == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pactree
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _pactree ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_pear
+compinit:495> _i_name=_pear
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ pear == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _pear pear
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pear == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pear
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pear
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pear == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pear == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pear == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pear == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pear
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _pear ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_perf
+compinit:495> _i_name=_perf
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ perf == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _perf perf
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _perf == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_perf
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _perf
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ perf == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ perf == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ perf == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ perf == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=perf
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _perf ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_periscope
+compinit:495> _i_name=_periscope
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ periscope == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _periscope periscope
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _periscope == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_periscope
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _periscope
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ periscope == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ periscope == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ periscope == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ periscope == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=periscope
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _periscope ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_pgsql_utils
+compinit:495> _i_name=_pgsql_utils
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ psql == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _pgsql_utils psql pg_dump pg_dumpall createdb dropdb vacuumdb createuser dropuser initdb
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 11 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 10 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pgsql_utils == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pgsql_utils
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pgsql_utils
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 9 ))
+compdef:132> [[ psql == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ psql == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ psql == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ psql == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=psql
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _pgsql_utils ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pg_dump == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pg_dump == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pg_dump == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pg_dump == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pg_dump
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _pgsql_utils ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pg_dumpall == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pg_dumpall == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pg_dumpall == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pg_dumpall == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pg_dumpall
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _pgsql_utils ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ createdb == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ createdb == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ createdb == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ createdb == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=createdb
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _pgsql_utils ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dropdb == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dropdb == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dropdb == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dropdb == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dropdb
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _pgsql_utils ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ vacuumdb == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ vacuumdb == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ vacuumdb == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ vacuumdb == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=vacuumdb
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _pgsql_utils ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ createuser == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ createuser == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ createuser == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ createuser == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=createuser
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _pgsql_utils ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dropuser == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dropuser == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dropuser == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dropuser == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dropuser
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _pgsql_utils ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ initdb == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ initdb == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ initdb == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ initdb == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=initdb
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _pgsql_utils ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_phing
+compinit:495> _i_name=_phing
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ phing == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _phing phing
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _phing == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_phing
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _phing
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ phing == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ phing == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ phing == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ phing == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=phing
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _phing ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_pkcon
+compinit:495> _i_name=_pkcon
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ pkcon == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _pkcon pkcon
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pkcon == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pkcon
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pkcon
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pkcon == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pkcon == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pkcon == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pkcon == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pkcon
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _pkcon ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_play
+compinit:495> _i_name=_play
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ play == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _play play
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _play == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_play
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _play
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ play == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ play == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ play == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ play == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=play
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _play ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_port
+compinit:495> _i_name=_port
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ port == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _port port
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _port == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_port
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _port
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ port == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ port == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ port == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ port == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=port
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _port ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_primus
+compinit:495> _i_name=_primus
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case # (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case # (\#autoload)
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_ps
+compinit:495> _i_name=_ps
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ ps == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _ps ps
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ps == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ps
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ps
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ps == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ps == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ps == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ps == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ps
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _ps ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_pygmentize
+compinit:495> _i_name=_pygmentize
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ pygmentize == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _pygmentize pygmentize
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _pygmentize == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_pygmentize
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _pygmentize
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pygmentize == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pygmentize == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pygmentize == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pygmentize == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pygmentize
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _pygmentize ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_rails
+compinit:495> _i_name=_rails
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ rails == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _rails rails
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _rails == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_rails
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _rails
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rails == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rails == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rails == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rails == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rails
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _rails ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_ralio
+compinit:495> _i_name=_ralio
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ ralio == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _ralio ralio
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ralio == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ralio
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ralio
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ralio == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ralio == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ralio == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ralio == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ralio
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _ralio ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_redis-cli
+compinit:495> _i_name=_redis-cli
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ redis-cli == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _redis-cli redis-cli rec
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _redis-cli == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_redis-cli
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _redis-cli
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ redis-cli == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ redis-cli == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ redis-cli == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ redis-cli == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=redis-cli
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _redis-cli ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rec == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rec == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rec == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rec == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rec
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _redis-cli ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_rfkill
+compinit:495> _i_name=_rfkill
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ rfkill == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _rfkill rfkill
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _rfkill == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_rfkill
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _rfkill
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rfkill == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rfkill == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rfkill == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rfkill == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rfkill
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _rfkill ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_rspec
+compinit:495> _i_name=_rspec
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ rspec == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _rspec rspec
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _rspec == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_rspec
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _rspec
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rspec == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rspec == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rspec == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rspec == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rspec
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _rspec ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_rubocop
+compinit:495> _i_name=_rubocop
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ rubocop == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _rubocop rubocop
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _rubocop == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_rubocop
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _rubocop
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rubocop == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rubocop == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rubocop == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rubocop == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rubocop
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _rubocop ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_rvm
+compinit:495> _i_name=_rvm
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ rvm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _rvm rvm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _rvm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_rvm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _rvm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ rvm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ rvm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ rvm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ rvm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=rvm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _rvm ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_salt
+compinit:495> _i_name=_salt
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ salt == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _salt salt
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _salt == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_salt
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _salt
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ salt == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ salt == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ salt == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ salt == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=salt
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _salt ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_sbt
+compinit:495> _i_name=_sbt
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ sbt == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _sbt sbt
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _sbt == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_sbt
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _sbt
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ sbt == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ sbt == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ sbt == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ sbt == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=sbt
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _sbt ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_scala
+compinit:495> _i_name=_scala
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ scala == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _scala scala scalac
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _scala == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_scala
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _scala
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ scala == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ scala == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ scala == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ scala == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=scala
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _scala ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ scalac == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ scalac == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ scalac == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ scalac == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=scalac
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _scala ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_sdd
+compinit:495> _i_name=_sdd
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ sdd == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _sdd sdd
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _sdd == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_sdd
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _sdd
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ sdd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ sdd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ sdd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ sdd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=sdd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _sdd ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ == *=* ]]
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ == *=* ]]
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_showoff
+compinit:495> _i_name=_showoff
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ showoff == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _showoff showoff
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _showoff == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_showoff
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _showoff
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ showoff == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ showoff == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ showoff == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ showoff == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=showoff
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _showoff ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_shutdown
+compinit:495> _i_name=_shutdown
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ shutdown == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _shutdown shutdown
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _shutdown == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_shutdown
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _shutdown
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ shutdown == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ shutdown == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ shutdown == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ shutdown == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=shutdown
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _shutdown ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_smartmontools
+compinit:495> _i_name=_smartmontools
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ smartctl == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _smartmontools smartctl smartd
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _smartmontools == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_smartmontools
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _smartmontools
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ smartctl == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ smartctl == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ smartctl == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ smartctl == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=smartctl
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _smartmontools ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ smartd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ smartd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ smartd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ smartd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=smartd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _smartmontools ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_socat
+compinit:495> _i_name=_socat
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ socat == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _socat socat
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _socat == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_socat
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _socat
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ socat == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ socat == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ socat == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ socat == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=socat
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _socat ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_srm
+compinit:495> _i_name=_srm
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ srm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _srm srm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _srm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_srm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _srm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ srm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ srm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ srm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ srm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=srm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _srm ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_ssh-copy-id
+compinit:495> _i_name=_ssh-copy-id
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ ssh-copy-id == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _ssh-copy-id ssh-copy-id
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ssh-copy-id == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ssh-copy-id
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ssh-copy-id
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ssh-copy-id == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ssh-copy-id == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ssh-copy-id == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ssh-copy-id == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ssh-copy-id
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _ssh-copy-id ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_subliminal
+compinit:495> _i_name=_subliminal
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ subliminal == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _subliminal subliminal
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _subliminal == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_subliminal
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _subliminal
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ subliminal == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ subliminal == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ subliminal == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ subliminal == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=subliminal
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _subliminal ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_svm
+compinit:495> _i_name=_svm
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ svm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _svm svm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _svm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_svm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _svm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ svm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ svm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ svm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ svm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=svm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _svm ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_symfony
+compinit:495> _i_name=_symfony
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ symfony == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _symfony symfony
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _symfony == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_symfony
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _symfony
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ symfony == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ symfony == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ symfony == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ symfony == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=symfony
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _symfony ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_teamocil
+compinit:495> _i_name=_teamocil
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ teamocil == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _teamocil teamocil
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _teamocil == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_teamocil
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _teamocil
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ teamocil == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ teamocil == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ teamocil == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ teamocil == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=teamocil
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _teamocil ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_thor
+compinit:495> _i_name=_thor
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ thor == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _thor thor
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _thor == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_thor
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _thor
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ thor == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ thor == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ thor == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ thor == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=thor
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _thor ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_tmuxinator
+compinit:495> _i_name=_tmuxinator
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ tmuxinator == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _tmuxinator tmuxinator mux
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _tmuxinator == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_tmuxinator
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _tmuxinator
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ tmuxinator == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ tmuxinator == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ tmuxinator == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ tmuxinator == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=tmuxinator
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _tmuxinator ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mux == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mux == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mux == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mux == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mux
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _tmuxinator ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_vagrant
+compinit:495> _i_name=_vagrant
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ vagrant == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _vagrant vagrant
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _vagrant == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_vagrant
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _vagrant
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ vagrant == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ vagrant == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ vagrant == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ vagrant == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=vagrant
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _vagrant ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_veewee
+compinit:495> _i_name=_veewee
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ veewee == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _veewee veewee ''
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _veewee == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_veewee
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _veewee
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ veewee == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ veewee == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ veewee == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ veewee == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=veewee
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _veewee ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '' == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=''
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_veewee
+compdef:164> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_virsh
+compinit:495> _i_name=_virsh
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ virsh == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _virsh virsh
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _virsh == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_virsh
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _virsh
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ virsh == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ virsh == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ virsh == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ virsh == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=virsh
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _virsh ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_virtualbox
+compinit:495> _i_name=_virtualbox
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ 'VBoxManage=vboxmanage' == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _virtualbox 'VBoxManage=vboxmanage' 'VBoxHeadless=vboxheadless'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _virtualbox == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_virtualbox
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _virtualbox
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 'VBoxManage=vboxmanage' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 'VBoxManage=vboxmanage' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 'VBoxManage=vboxmanage' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 'VBoxManage=vboxmanage' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd=VBoxManage
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_virtualbox
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=vboxmanage
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 'VBoxHeadless=vboxheadless' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 'VBoxHeadless=vboxheadless' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 'VBoxHeadless=vboxheadless' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 'VBoxHeadless=vboxheadless' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd=VBoxHeadless
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_virtualbox
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=vboxheadless
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_vnstat
+compinit:495> _i_name=_vnstat
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ vnstat == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _vnstat vnstat
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _vnstat == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_vnstat
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _vnstat
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ vnstat == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ vnstat == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ vnstat == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ vnstat == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=vnstat
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _vnstat ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_vpnc
+compinit:495> _i_name=_vpnc
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ vpnc == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _vpnc vpnc vpnc-connect vpnc-disconnect
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _vpnc == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_vpnc
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _vpnc
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ vpnc == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ vpnc == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ vpnc == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ vpnc == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=vpnc
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _vpnc ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ vpnc-connect == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ vpnc-connect == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ vpnc-connect == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ vpnc-connect == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=vpnc-connect
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _vpnc ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ vpnc-disconnect == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ vpnc-disconnect == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ vpnc-disconnect == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ vpnc-disconnect == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=vpnc-disconnect
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _vpnc ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_watch
+compinit:495> _i_name=_watch
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ watch == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _watch watch
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _watch == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_watch
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _watch
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ watch == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ watch == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ watch == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ watch == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=watch
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _watch ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_wemux
+compinit:495> _i_name=_wemux
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ wemux == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _wemux wemux
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _wemux == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_wemux
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _wemux
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ wemux == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ wemux == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ wemux == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ wemux == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=wemux
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _wemux ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_xinput
+compinit:495> _i_name=_xinput
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ xinput == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _xinput xinput
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _xinput == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_xinput
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _xinput
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ xinput == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ xinput == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ xinput == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ xinput == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=xinput
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _xinput ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_yaourt
+compinit:495> _i_name=_yaourt
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ yaourt == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _yaourt yaourt 'yaourt.static=yaourt'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _yaourt == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_yaourt
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _yaourt
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ yaourt == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ yaourt == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ yaourt == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ yaourt == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=yaourt
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _yaourt ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 'yaourt.static=yaourt' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 'yaourt.static=yaourt' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 'yaourt.static=yaourt' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 'yaourt.static=yaourt' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd=yaourt.static
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_yaourt
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=yaourt
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/completion/external/src/_zfs
+compinit:495> _i_name=_zfs
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ zfs == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _zfs zfs
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _zfs == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_zfs
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _zfs
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ zfs == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ zfs == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ zfs == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ zfs == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=zfs
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _zfs ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:491> _i_dir=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions
+compinit:492> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/helper/functions == . ]]
+compinit:493> (( 0 ))
+compinit:491> _i_dir=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions
+compinit:492> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions == . ]]
+compinit:493> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions/_cdls_popdls_pushdls
+compinit:495> _i_name=_cdls_popdls_pushdls
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ cdls == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _cdls_popdls_pushdls cdls popdls pushdls
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cdls_popdls_pushdls == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cdls_popdls_pushdls
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cdls_popdls_pushdls
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cdls == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cdls == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cdls == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cdls == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cdls
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _cdls_popdls_pushdls ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ popdls == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ popdls == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ popdls == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ popdls == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=popdls
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _cdls_popdls_pushdls ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pushdls == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pushdls == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pushdls == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pushdls == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pushdls
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _cdls_popdls_pushdls ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions/_dut
+compinit:495> _i_name=_dut
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ dut == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _dut dut
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _dut == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_dut
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _dut
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ dut == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ dut == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ dut == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ dut == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=dut
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _dut ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions/_mkdcd
+compinit:495> _i_name=_mkdcd
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ mkdcd == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _mkdcd mkdcd
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _mkdcd == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_mkdcd
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _mkdcd
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mkdcd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mkdcd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mkdcd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mkdcd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mkdcd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _mkdcd ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions/_prep
+compinit:495> _i_name=_prep
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ prep == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _prep prep
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _prep == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_prep
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _prep
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ prep == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ prep == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ prep == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ prep == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=prep
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _prep ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/utility/functions/_psub
+compinit:495> _i_name=_psub
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ psub == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _psub psub
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _psub == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_psub
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _psub
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ psub == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ psub == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ psub == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ psub == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=psub
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _psub ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:491> _i_dir=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/functions
+compinit:492> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/functions == . ]]
+compinit:493> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/osx/functions/_manb_mand_manp
+compinit:495> _i_name=_manb_mand_manp
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ mand == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _manb_mand_manp mand manp
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _manb_mand_manp == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_manb_mand_manp
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _manb_mand_manp
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ mand == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ mand == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ mand == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ mand == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=mand
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _manb_mand_manp ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ manp == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ manp == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ manp == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ manp == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=manp
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _manb_mand_manp ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:491> _i_dir=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions
+compinit:492> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions == . ]]
+compinit:493> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions/_git-hub-browse
+compinit:495> _i_name=_git-hub-browse
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ git-hub-browse == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _git-hub-browse git-hub-browse
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _git-hub-browse == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_git-hub-browse
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _git-hub-browse
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git-hub-browse == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git-hub-browse == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git-hub-browse == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git-hub-browse == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git-hub-browse
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _git-hub-browse ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions/_git-hub-shorten-url
+compinit:495> _i_name=_git-hub-shorten-url
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ git-hub-shorten-url == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _git-hub-shorten-url git-hub-shorten-url
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _git-hub-shorten-url == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_git-hub-shorten-url
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _git-hub-shorten-url
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git-hub-shorten-url == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git-hub-shorten-url == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git-hub-shorten-url == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git-hub-shorten-url == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git-hub-shorten-url
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _git-hub-shorten-url ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions/_git-info
+compinit:495> _i_name=_git-info
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ git-info == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _git-info git-info
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _git-info == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_git-info
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _git-info
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git-info == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git-info == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git-info == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git-info == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git-info
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _git-info ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions/_git-submodule-move
+compinit:495> _i_name=_git-submodule-move
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ git-submodule-move == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _git-submodule-move git-submodule-move
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _git-submodule-move == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_git-submodule-move
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _git-submodule-move
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git-submodule-move == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git-submodule-move == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git-submodule-move == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git-submodule-move == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git-submodule-move
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _git-submodule-move ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/git/functions/_git-submodule-remove
+compinit:495> _i_name=_git-submodule-remove
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ git-submodule-remove == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _git-submodule-remove git-submodule-remove
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _git-submodule-remove == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_git-submodule-remove
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _git-submodule-remove
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ git-submodule-remove == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ git-submodule-remove == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ git-submodule-remove == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ git-submodule-remove == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=git-submodule-remove
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _git-submodule-remove ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:491> _i_dir=/Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions
+compinit:492> [[ /Users/quanta/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions == . ]]
+compinit:493> (( 0 ))
+compinit:491> _i_dir=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions
+compinit:492> [[ /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions == . ]]
+compinit:493> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_brew
+compinit:495> _i_name=_brew
+compinit:496> (( 1 + 0 ))
+compinit:496> continue
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_brew_cask
+compinit:495> _i_name=_brew_cask
+compinit:496> (( 1 + 0 ))
+compinit:496> continue
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_docker
+compinit:495> _i_name=_docker
+compinit:496> (( 1 + 0 ))
+compinit:496> continue
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_docker-compose
+compinit:495> _i_name=_docker-compose
+compinit:496> (( 1 + 0 ))
+compinit:496> continue
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_git
+compinit:495> _i_name=_git
+compinit:496> (( 1 + 0 ))
+compinit:496> continue
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_hg
+compinit:495> _i_name=_hg
+compinit:496> (( 1 + 0 ))
+compinit:496> continue
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_hub
+compinit:495> _i_name=_hub
+compinit:496> (( 1 + 0 ))
+compinit:496> continue
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_j
+compinit:495> _i_name=_j
+compinit:496> (( 1 + 0 ))
+compinit:496> continue
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_opam
+compinit:495> _i_name=_opam
+compinit:496> (( 1 + 0 ))
+compinit:496> continue
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_pass
+compinit:495> _i_name=_pass
+compinit:496> (( 1 + 0 ))
+compinit:496> continue
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_youtube-dl
+compinit:495> _i_name=_youtube-dl
+compinit:496> (( 1 + 0 ))
+compinit:496> continue
+compinit:491> _i_dir=/usr/share/zsh/site-functions
+compinit:492> [[ /usr/share/zsh/site-functions == . ]]
+compinit:493> (( 0 ))
+compinit:491> _i_dir=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions
+compinit:492> [[ /usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions == . ]]
+compinit:493> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_SUSEconfig
+compinit:495> _i_name=_SUSEconfig
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ SuSEconfig == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _SUSEconfig SuSEconfig
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _SUSEconfig == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_SUSEconfig
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _SUSEconfig
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ SuSEconfig == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ SuSEconfig == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ SuSEconfig == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ SuSEconfig == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=SuSEconfig
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _SUSEconfig ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_a2ps
+compinit:495> _i_name=_a2ps
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ a2ps == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _a2ps a2ps
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _a2ps == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_a2ps
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _a2ps
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ a2ps == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ a2ps == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ a2ps == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ a2ps == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=a2ps
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _a2ps ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_a2utils
+compinit:495> _i_name=_a2utils
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ a2ensite == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _a2utils a2ensite a2dissite a2enmod a2dismod
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _a2utils == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_a2utils
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _a2utils
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ a2ensite == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ a2ensite == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ a2ensite == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ a2ensite == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=a2ensite
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _a2utils ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ a2dissite == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ a2dissite == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ a2dissite == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ a2dissite == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=a2dissite
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _a2utils ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ a2enmod == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ a2enmod == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ a2enmod == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ a2enmod == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=a2enmod
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _a2utils ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ a2dismod == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ a2dismod == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ a2dismod == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ a2dismod == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=a2dismod
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _a2utils ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_aap
+compinit:495> _i_name=_aap
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ aap == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _aap aap
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _aap == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_aap
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _aap
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ aap == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ aap == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ aap == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ aap == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=aap
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _aap ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_acpi
+compinit:495> _i_name=_acpi
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ acpi == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _acpi acpi
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _acpi == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_acpi
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _acpi
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ acpi == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ acpi == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ acpi == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ acpi == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=acpi
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _acpi ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_acpitool
+compinit:495> _i_name=_acpitool
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ acpitool == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _acpitool acpitool
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _acpitool == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_acpitool
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _acpitool
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ acpitool == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ acpitool == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ acpitool == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ acpitool == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=acpitool
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _acpitool ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_acroread
+compinit:495> _i_name=_acroread
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ acroread == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _acroread acroread
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _acroread == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_acroread
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _acroread
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ acroread == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ acroread == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ acroread == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ acroread == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=acroread
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _acroread ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_adb
+compinit:495> _i_name=_adb
+compinit:496> (( 1 + 0 ))
+compinit:496> continue
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_add-zsh-hook
+compinit:495> _i_name=_add-zsh-hook
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ add-zsh-hook == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _add-zsh-hook add-zsh-hook
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _add-zsh-hook == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_add-zsh-hook
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _add-zsh-hook
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ add-zsh-hook == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ add-zsh-hook == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ add-zsh-hook == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ add-zsh-hook == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=add-zsh-hook
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _add-zsh-hook ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_alias
+compinit:495> _i_name=_alias
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ alias == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _alias alias
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _alias == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_alias
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _alias
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ alias == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ alias == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ alias == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ alias == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=alias
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _alias ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_aliases
+compinit:495> _i_name=_aliases
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ unalias == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _aliases unalias
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _aliases == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_aliases
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _aliases
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ unalias == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ unalias == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ unalias == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ unalias == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=unalias
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _aliases ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_all_labels
+compinit:495> _i_name=_all_labels
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:510> autoload -Uz _all_labels
+compinit:511> [[ '' != \ # ]]
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_all_matches
+compinit:495> _i_name=_all_matches
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:510> autoload -Uz _all_matches
+compinit:511> [[ '' != \ # ]]
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_alternative
+compinit:495> _i_name=_alternative
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:510> autoload -Uz _alternative
+compinit:511> [[ '' != \ # ]]
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_analyseplugin
+compinit:495> _i_name=_analyseplugin
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ analyseplugin == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _analyseplugin analyseplugin
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _analyseplugin == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_analyseplugin
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _analyseplugin
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ analyseplugin == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ analyseplugin == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ analyseplugin == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ analyseplugin == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=analyseplugin
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _analyseplugin ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_ant
+compinit:495> _i_name=_ant
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ ant == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _ant ant -value-,ANT_ARGS,-default-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ant == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ant
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ant
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ant == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ant == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ant == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ant == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ant
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _ant ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -value-,ANT_ARGS,-default- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -value-,ANT_ARGS,-default- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -value-,ANT_ARGS,-default- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -value-,ANT_ARGS,-default- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-value-,ANT_ARGS,-default-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _ant ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_antiword
+compinit:495> _i_name=_antiword
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ antiword == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _antiword antiword
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _antiword == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_antiword
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _antiword
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ antiword == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ antiword == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ antiword == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ antiword == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=antiword
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _antiword ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_apachectl
+compinit:495> _i_name=_apachectl
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ apachectl == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _apachectl apachectl apache2ctl
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _apachectl == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_apachectl
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _apachectl
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apachectl == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apachectl == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apachectl == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apachectl == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apachectl
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _apachectl ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apache2ctl == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apache2ctl == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apache2ctl == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apache2ctl == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apache2ctl
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _apachectl ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_apm
+compinit:495> _i_name=_apm
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ apm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _apm apm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _apm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_apm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _apm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _apm ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_approximate
+compinit:495> _i_name=_approximate
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:510> autoload -Uz _approximate
+compinit:511> [[ '' != \ # ]]
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_apt
+compinit:495> _i_name=_apt
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ apt == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _apt apt apt-get apt-cache apt-cdrom apt-config apt-mark
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 8 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 7 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _apt == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_apt
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _apt
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apt == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apt == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apt == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apt == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apt
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _apt ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apt-get == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apt-get == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apt-get == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apt-get == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apt-get
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _apt ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apt-cache == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apt-cache == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apt-cache == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apt-cache == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apt-cache
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _apt ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apt-cdrom == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apt-cdrom == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apt-cdrom == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apt-cdrom == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apt-cdrom
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _apt ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apt-config == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apt-config == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apt-config == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apt-config == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apt-config
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _apt ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apt-mark == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apt-mark == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apt-mark == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apt-mark == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apt-mark
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _apt ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_apt-file
+compinit:495> _i_name=_apt-file
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ apt-file == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _apt-file apt-file
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _apt-file == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_apt-file
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _apt-file
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apt-file == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apt-file == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apt-file == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apt-file == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apt-file
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _apt-file ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_apt-move
+compinit:495> _i_name=_apt-move
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ apt-move == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _apt-move apt-move
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _apt-move == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_apt-move
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _apt-move
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apt-move == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apt-move == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apt-move == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apt-move == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apt-move
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _apt-move ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_apt-show-versions
+compinit:495> _i_name=_apt-show-versions
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ apt-show-versions == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _apt-show-versions apt-show-versions
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _apt-show-versions == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_apt-show-versions
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _apt-show-versions
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ apt-show-versions == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ apt-show-versions == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ apt-show-versions == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ apt-show-versions == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=apt-show-versions
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _apt-show-versions ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_aptitude
+compinit:495> _i_name=_aptitude
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ aptitude == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _aptitude aptitude
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _aptitude == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_aptitude
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _aptitude
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ aptitude == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ aptitude == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ aptitude == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ aptitude == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=aptitude
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _aptitude ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_arch_archives
+compinit:495> _i_name=_arch_archives
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:510> autoload -Uz _arch_archives
+compinit:511> [[ '' != \ # ]]
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_arch_namespace
+compinit:495> _i_name=_arch_namespace
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:510> autoload -Uz _arch_namespace
+compinit:511> [[ '' != \ # ]]
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_arg_compile
+compinit:495> _i_name=_arg_compile
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:510> autoload -Uz _arg_compile
+compinit:511> [[ '' != \ # ]]
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_arguments
+compinit:495> _i_name=_arguments
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:510> autoload -Uz _arguments
+compinit:511> [[ '' != \ # ]]
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_arp
+compinit:495> _i_name=_arp
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ arp == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _arp arp
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _arp == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_arp
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _arp
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ arp == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ arp == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ arp == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ arp == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=arp
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _arp ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_arping
+compinit:495> _i_name=_arping
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ arping == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _arping arping
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _arping == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_arping
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _arping
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ arping == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ arping == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ arping == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ arping == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=arping
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _arping ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_arrays
+compinit:495> _i_name=_arrays
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ shift == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _arrays shift
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _arrays == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_arrays
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _arrays
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ shift == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ shift == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ shift == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ shift == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=shift
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _arrays ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_assign
+compinit:495> _i_name=_assign
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ -assign-parameter- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _assign -assign-parameter-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _assign == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_assign
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _assign
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -assign-parameter- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -assign-parameter- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -assign-parameter- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -assign-parameter- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-assign-parameter-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _assign ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_at
+compinit:495> _i_name=_at
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ atrm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _at atrm atq at batch
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _at == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_at
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _at
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ atrm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ atrm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ atrm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ atrm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=atrm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _at ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ atq == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ atq == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ atq == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ atq == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=atq
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _at ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ at == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ at == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ at == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ at == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=at
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _at ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ batch == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ batch == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ batch == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ batch == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=batch
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _at ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_attr
+compinit:495> _i_name=_attr
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ attr == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _attr attr getfattr setfattr
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _attr == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_attr
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _attr
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ attr == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ attr == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ attr == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ attr == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=attr
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _attr ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ getfattr == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ getfattr == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ getfattr == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ getfattr == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=getfattr
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _attr ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ setfattr == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ setfattr == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ setfattr == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ setfattr == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=setfattr
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _attr ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_augeas
+compinit:495> _i_name=_augeas
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ augtool == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _augeas augtool
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _augeas == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_augeas
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _augeas
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ augtool == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ augtool == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ augtool == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ augtool == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=augtool
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _augeas ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_auto-apt
+compinit:495> _i_name=_auto-apt
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ auto-apt == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _auto-apt auto-apt
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _auto-apt == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_auto-apt
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _auto-apt
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ auto-apt == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ auto-apt == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ auto-apt == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ auto-apt == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=auto-apt
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _auto-apt ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_autocd
+compinit:495> _i_name=_autocd
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ -command- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _autocd -command-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _autocd == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_autocd
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _autocd
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -command- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -command- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -command- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -command- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-command-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _autocd ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_awk
+compinit:495> _i_name=_awk
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ awk == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _awk awk
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _awk == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_awk
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _awk
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ awk == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ awk == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ awk == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ awk == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=awk
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _awk ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_axi-cache
+compinit:495> _i_name=_axi-cache
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ axi-cache == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _axi-cache axi-cache
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _axi-cache == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_axi-cache
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _axi-cache
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ axi-cache == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ axi-cache == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ axi-cache == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ axi-cache == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=axi-cache
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _axi-cache ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_bash_completions
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bash_completions
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ -K == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:504> compdef -Kna _bash_completions _bash_complete-word complete-word '\e~' _bash_list-choices list-choices '^X~'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 8 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case K (a)
+compdef:15> case K (n)
+compdef:15> case K ([pPkK])
+compdef:18> [[ -n '' ]]
+compdef:24> [[ K == p ]]
+compdef:26> [[ K == P ]]
+compdef:28> [[ K == K ]]
+compdef:29> type=widgetkey
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 7 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bash_completions == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bash_completions
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bash_completions
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case widgetkey (widgetkey)
+compdef:85> [[ -n _bash_complete-word ]]
+compdef:86> [[ 6 -lt 3 ]]
+compdef:90> [[ _bash_complete-word == _* ]]
+compdef:91> [[ complete-word == .* ]]
+compdef:91> 2=.complete-word
+compdef:92> [[ .complete-word == .menu-select ]]
+compdef:93> zle -C _bash_complete-word .complete-word _bash_completions
+compdef:94> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:95> IFS=' ' +compdef:95> read -A opt
+compdef:95> bindkey '\e~'
+compdef:96> [[ _bash_complete-word == undefined-key ]]
+compdef:100> shift 3
+compdef:85> [[ -n _bash_list-choices ]]
+compdef:86> [[ 3 -lt 3 ]]
+compdef:90> [[ _bash_list-choices == _* ]]
+compdef:91> [[ list-choices == .* ]]
+compdef:91> 2=.list-choices
+compdef:92> [[ .list-choices == .menu-select ]]
+compdef:93> zle -C _bash_list-choices .list-choices _bash_completions
+compdef:94> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:95> bindkey '^X~'
+compdef:95> IFS=' ' +compdef:95> read -A opt
+compdef:96> [[ _bash_list-choices == undefined-key ]]
+compdef:100> shift 3
+compdef:85> [[ -n '' ]]
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_baz
+compinit:495> _i_name=_baz
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ baz == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _baz baz
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _baz == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_baz
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _baz
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ baz == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ baz == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ baz == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ baz == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=baz
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _baz ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_be_name
+compinit:495> _i_name=_be_name
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:510> autoload -Uz _be_name
+compinit:511> [[ '' != \ # ]]
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_beadm
+compinit:495> _i_name=_beadm
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ beadm == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _beadm beadm
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _beadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_beadm
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _beadm
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ beadm == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ beadm == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ beadm == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ beadm == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=beadm
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _beadm ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_beep
+compinit:495> _i_name=_beep
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ beep == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _beep beep
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _beep == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_beep
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _beep
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ beep == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ beep == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ beep == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ beep == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=beep
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _beep ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_bind_addresses
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bind_addresses
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:510> autoload -Uz _bind_addresses
+compinit:511> [[ '' != \ # ]]
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_bindkey
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bindkey
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ bindkey == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _bindkey bindkey
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bindkey == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bindkey
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bindkey
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bindkey == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bindkey == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bindkey == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bindkey == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bindkey
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bindkey ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_bison
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bison
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ bison == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _bison bison
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bison == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bison
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bison
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bison == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bison == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bison == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bison == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bison
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bison ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_bittorrent
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bittorrent
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ btdownloadcurses == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _bittorrent btdownloadcurses btdownloadheadless btdownloadgui btlaunchmany btlaunchmanycurses bttrack btshowmetainfo btreannounce btmakemetafile btrename
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 12 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 11 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bittorrent == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bittorrent
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bittorrent
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 10 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btdownloadcurses == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btdownloadcurses == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btdownloadcurses == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btdownloadcurses == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btdownloadcurses
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bittorrent ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 9 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btdownloadheadless == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btdownloadheadless == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btdownloadheadless == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btdownloadheadless == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btdownloadheadless
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bittorrent ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 8 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btdownloadgui == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btdownloadgui == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btdownloadgui == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btdownloadgui == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btdownloadgui
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bittorrent ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btlaunchmany == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btlaunchmany == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btlaunchmany == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btlaunchmany == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btlaunchmany
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bittorrent ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btlaunchmanycurses == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btlaunchmanycurses == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btlaunchmanycurses == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btlaunchmanycurses == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btlaunchmanycurses
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bittorrent ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bttrack == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bttrack == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bttrack == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bttrack == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bttrack
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bittorrent ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btshowmetainfo == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btshowmetainfo == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btshowmetainfo == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btshowmetainfo == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btshowmetainfo
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bittorrent ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btreannounce == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btreannounce == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btreannounce == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btreannounce == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btreannounce
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bittorrent ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btmakemetafile == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btmakemetafile == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btmakemetafile == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btmakemetafile == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btmakemetafile
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bittorrent ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btrename == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btrename == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btrename == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btrename == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btrename
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bittorrent ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_bogofilter
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bogofilter
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ bogoutil == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _bogofilter bogoutil bogotune bogofilter
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bogofilter == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bogofilter
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bogofilter
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bogoutil == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bogoutil == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bogoutil == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bogoutil == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bogoutil
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bogofilter ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bogotune == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bogotune == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bogotune == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bogotune == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bogotune
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bogofilter ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bogofilter == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bogofilter == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bogofilter == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bogofilter == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bogofilter
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bogofilter ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_bpython
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bpython
+compinit:496> (( 1 + 0 ))
+compinit:496> continue
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_brace_parameter
+compinit:495> _i_name=_brace_parameter
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ -brace-parameter- == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _brace_parameter -brace-parameter-
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _brace_parameter == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_brace_parameter
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _brace_parameter
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ -brace-parameter- == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ -brace-parameter- == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ -brace-parameter- == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ -brace-parameter- == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=-brace-parameter-
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _brace_parameter ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_brctl
+compinit:495> _i_name=_brctl
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ brctl == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _brctl brctl
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _brctl == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_brctl
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _brctl
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ brctl == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ brctl == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ brctl == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ brctl == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=brctl
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _brctl ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_bsd_pkg
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bsd_pkg
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ pkg_add == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _bsd_pkg pkg_add pkg_create pkg_delete pkg_info
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 6 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bsd_pkg == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bsd_pkg
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bsd_pkg
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pkg_add == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pkg_add == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pkg_add == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pkg_add == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pkg_add
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bsd_pkg ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pkg_create == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pkg_create == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pkg_create == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pkg_create == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pkg_create
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bsd_pkg ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pkg_delete == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pkg_delete == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pkg_delete == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pkg_delete == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pkg_delete
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bsd_pkg ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pkg_info == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pkg_info == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pkg_info == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pkg_info == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pkg_info
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bsd_pkg ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_bsdconfig
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bsdconfig
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ bsdconfig == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _bsdconfig bsdconfig
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bsdconfig == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bsdconfig
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bsdconfig
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bsdconfig == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bsdconfig == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bsdconfig == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bsdconfig == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bsdconfig
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bsdconfig ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_bsdinstall
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bsdinstall
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ bsdinstall == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _bsdinstall bsdinstall
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bsdinstall == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bsdinstall
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bsdinstall
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bsdinstall == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bsdinstall == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bsdinstall == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bsdinstall == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bsdinstall
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bsdinstall ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_btrfs
+compinit:495> _i_name=_btrfs
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ btrfs == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _btrfs btrfs
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _btrfs == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_btrfs
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _btrfs
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ btrfs == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ btrfs == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ btrfs == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ btrfs == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=btrfs
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _btrfs ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_bts
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bts
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ bts == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _bts bts
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bts == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bts
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bts
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bts == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bts == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bts == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bts == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bts
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bts ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_bug
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bug
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ bug == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _bug bug reportbug querybts
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bug == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bug
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bug
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bug == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bug == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bug == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bug == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bug
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bug ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ reportbug == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ reportbug == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ reportbug == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ reportbug == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=reportbug
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bug ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ querybts == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ querybts == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ querybts == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ querybts == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=querybts
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bug ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_builtin
+compinit:495> _i_name=_builtin
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ builtin == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _builtin builtin
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _builtin == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_builtin
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _builtin
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ builtin == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ builtin == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ builtin == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ builtin == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=builtin
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _builtin ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_bzip2
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bzip2
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ bzip2 == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _bzip2 bzip2 bunzip2 'bzcat=bunzip2' bzip2recover '-redirect-,<,bunzip2=bunzip2' '-redirect-,>,bzip2=bunzip2' '-redirect-,<,bzip2=bzip2'
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 9 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 8 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bzip2 == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bzip2
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bzip2
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 7 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bzip2 == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bzip2 == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bzip2 == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bzip2 == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bzip2
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bzip2 ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 6 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bunzip2 == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bunzip2 == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bunzip2 == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bunzip2 == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bunzip2
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bzip2 ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 5 ))
+compdef:132> [[ 'bzcat=bunzip2' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ 'bzcat=bunzip2' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ 'bzcat=bunzip2' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ 'bzcat=bunzip2' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd=bzcat
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bzip2
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=bunzip2
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 4 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bzip2recover == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bzip2recover == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bzip2recover == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bzip2recover == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bzip2recover
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bzip2 ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '-redirect-,<,bunzip2=bunzip2' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '-redirect-,<,bunzip2=bunzip2' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '-redirect-,<,bunzip2=bunzip2' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '-redirect-,<,bunzip2=bunzip2' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd='-redirect-,<,bunzip2'
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bzip2
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=bunzip2
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '-redirect-,>,bzip2=bunzip2' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '-redirect-,>,bzip2=bunzip2' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '-redirect-,>,bzip2=bunzip2' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '-redirect-,>,bzip2=bunzip2' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd='-redirect-,>,bzip2'
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bzip2
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=bunzip2
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ '-redirect-,<,bzip2=bzip2' == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ '-redirect-,<,bzip2=bzip2' == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ '-redirect-,<,bzip2=bzip2' == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ '-redirect-,<,bzip2=bzip2' == *=* ]]
+compdef:156> cmd='-redirect-,<,bzip2'
+compdef:157> svc=yes
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z '' ]]
+compdef:163> _comps[$cmd]=_bzip2
+compdef:164> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:164> _services[$cmd]=bzip2
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_bzr
+compinit:495> _i_name=_bzr
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ bzr == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _bzr bzr
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _bzr == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_bzr
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _bzr
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ bzr == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ bzr == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ bzr == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ bzr == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=bzr
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _bzr ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_cabal
+compinit:495> _i_name=_cabal
+compinit:496> (( 1 + 0 ))
+compinit:496> continue
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_cache_invalid
+compinit:495> _i_name=_cache_invalid
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:510> autoload -Uz _cache_invalid
+compinit:511> [[ '' != \ # ]]
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_cal
+compinit:495> _i_name=_cal
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ cal == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _cal cal ncal
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cal == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cal
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cal
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cal == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cal == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cal == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cal == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cal
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _cal ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ncal == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ncal == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ncal == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ncal == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ncal
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _cal ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_calendar
+compinit:495> _i_name=_calendar
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ calendar == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _calendar calendar
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _calendar == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_calendar
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _calendar
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ calendar == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ calendar == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ calendar == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ calendar == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=calendar
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _calendar ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_call_function
+compinit:495> _i_name=_call_function
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:510> autoload -Uz _call_function
+compinit:511> [[ '' != \ # ]]
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_call_program
+compinit:495> _i_name=_call_program
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:510> autoload -Uz +X _call_program
+compinit:511> [[ +X != \ # ]]
+compinit:511> _compautos[${_i_name}]=+X
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_canonical_paths
+compinit:495> _i_name=_canonical_paths
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#autoload'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#compdef)
+compinit:501> case #autoload (\#autoload)
+compinit:510> autoload -Uz _canonical_paths
+compinit:511> [[ '' != \ # ]]
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_cat
+compinit:495> _i_name=_cat
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ cat == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _cat cat
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cat == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cat
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cat
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cat == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cat == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cat == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cat == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cat
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _cat ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_ccal
+compinit:495> _i_name=_ccal
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ ccal == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _ccal ccal
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _ccal == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_ccal
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _ccal
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ ccal == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ ccal == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ ccal == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ ccal == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=ccal
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _ccal ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_cd
+compinit:495> _i_name=_cd
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ cd == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _cd cd chdir pushd
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 5 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 4 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cd == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cd
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cd
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 3 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _cd ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 2 ))
+compdef:132> [[ chdir == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ chdir == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ chdir == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ chdir == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=chdir
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _cd ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ pushd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ pushd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ pushd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ pushd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=pushd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _cd ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_cdbs-edit-patch
+compinit:495> _i_name=_cdbs-edit-patch
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ cdbs-edit-patch == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _cdbs-edit-patch cdbs-edit-patch
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cdbs-edit-patch == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cdbs-edit-patch
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cdbs-edit-patch
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cdbs-edit-patch == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cdbs-edit-patch == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cdbs-edit-patch == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cdbs-edit-patch == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cdbs-edit-patch
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _cdbs-edit-patch ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_cdcd
+compinit:495> _i_name=_cdcd
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ cdcd == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _cdcd cdcd
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ -z '' ]]
+compdef:49> [[ _cdcd == *=* ]]
+compdef:79> func=_cdcd
+compdef:80> [[ -n yes ]]
+compdef:80> autoload -Uz _cdcd
+compdef:81> shift
+compdef:83> case (widgetkey)
+compdef:83> case (key)
+compdef:83> case (*)
+compdef:131> (( 1 ))
+compdef:132> [[ cdcd == -N ]]
+compdef:134> [[ cdcd == -p ]]
+compdef:136> [[ cdcd == -P ]]
+compdef:139> case (pattern)
+compdef:139> case (postpattern)
+compdef:139> case (*)
+compdef:155> [[ cdcd == *=* ]]
+compdef:159> cmd=cdcd
+compdef:160> svc=''
+compdef:162> [[ -z yes || -z _cdcd ]]
+compdef:169> shift
+compdef:131> (( 0 ))
+compinit:494> _i_file=/usr/share/zsh/5.2/functions/_cdr
+compinit:495> _i_name=_cdr
+compinit:496> (( 0 + 0 ))
+compinit:497> _i_test[$_i_name]=yes
+compinit:498> IFS=' ' +compinit:498> read -rA _i_line
+compinit:499> _i_tag='#compdef'
+compinit:500> shift _i_line
+compinit:501> case #compdef (\#compdef)
+compinit:503> [[ cdr == -[pPkK](n|) ]]
+compinit:506> compdef -na _cdr cdr
+compdef:1> local opt autol type func delete eval new i ret=0 cmd svc
+compdef:2> local -a match mbegin mend
+compdef:4> emulate -L zsh
+compdef:5> setopt extendedglob
+compdef:9> (( ! 3 ))
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case n (a)
+compdef:15> case n (n)
+compdef:17> new=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:15> case a (a)
+compdef:16> autol=yes
+compdef:14> getopts anpPkKde opt
+compdef:38> shift OPTIND-1
+compdef:40> (( ! 2 ))
+compdef:45> [[ -z '' ]]
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