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Last active September 17, 2023 07:18
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Deep Space O'Brien is a game for the IBM Quantum Experience. To play, first set up a free account here, then go to the Jupyter notebook dashboard here and create a new notebook. Once that's all done, you just need to dump the following code in a cell and run it!

from import QiskitGameEngine

import numpy as np
import random
import networkx as nx


# The following section is QuantumBlur (copyright IBM 2020)
# Parts that aren't needed have been removed
# See the link below for the full version

import math
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, quantum_info
simple_python = False

def _kron(vec0,vec1):
    new_vec = []
    for amp0 in vec0:
        for amp1 in vec1:
    return new_vec

def _get_size(height):
    Lx = 0
    Ly = 0
    for (x,y) in height:
        Lx = max(x+1,Lx)
        Ly = max(y+1,Ly)
    return Lx,Ly

def _circuit2probs(qc):
    if simple_python:
        probs = simulate(qc,get='probabilities_dict')
        # separate circuit and initialization
        new_qc = qc.copy() = []
        initial_ket = [1]
        for gate in
            if gate[0].name=='initialize':
                initial_ket = _kron(initial_ket,gate[0].params)
        # then run it
        ket = quantum_info.Statevector(initial_ket)
        ket = ket.evolve(new_qc)
        probs = ket.probabilities_dict()
    return probs

def _image2heights(image):
    Lx,Ly = image.size
    heights = [{} for j in range(3)]
    for x in range(Lx):
        for y in range(Ly):
            rgb = image.getpixel((x,y))
            for j in range(3):
                heights[j][x,y] = rgb[j]

    return heights

def _heights2image(heights):
    Lx,Ly = _get_size(heights[0])
    h_max = [max(height.values()) for height in heights]

    image = newimage('RGB',(Lx,Ly))
    for x in range(Lx):
        for y in range(Ly):
            rgb = []
            for j,height in enumerate(heights):
                if (x,y) in height:
                    h = float(height[x,y])/h_max[j]
                    h = 0
                rgb.append( int(255*h) )
            image.putpixel((x,y), tuple(rgb) )

    return image

def make_line ( length ):
    # number of bits required
    n = int(math.ceil(math.log(length)/math.log(2)))
    # iteratively build list
    line = ['0','1']
    for j in range(n-1):
        # first append a reverse-ordered version of the current list
        line = line + line[::-1]
        # then add a '0' onto the end of all bit strings in the first half
        for j in range(int(float(len(line))/2)):
            line[j] += '0'
        # and a '1' for the second half
        for j in range(int(float(len(line))/2),int(len(line))):
            line[j] += '1'
    return line

def normalize(ket):

    N = 0
    for amp in ket:
        N += amp*amp.conjugate()
    for j,amp in enumerate(ket):
        ket[j] = float(amp)/math.sqrt(N)
    return ket

def make_grid(Lx,Ly=None):

    # set Ly if not supplied
    if not Ly:
        Ly = Lx
    # make the lines
    line_x = make_line( Lx )
    line_y = make_line( Ly )
    # make the grid
    grid = {}
    for x in range(Lx):
        for y in range(Ly):
            grid[ line_x[x]+line_y[y] ] = (x,y)
    # determine length of the bit strings
    n = len(line_x[0]+line_y[0])
    return grid, n

def height2circuit(height, log=False, eps=1e-2):

    # get bit strings for the grid
    Lx,Ly = _get_size(height)
    grid, n = make_grid(Lx,Ly)
    # create required state vector
    state = [0]*(2**n)
    if log:
        # normalize heights
        max_h = max(height.values())
        height = {pos:float(height[pos])/max_h for pos in height}
        # find minimum (not too small) normalized height
        min_h = min([height[pos] for pos in height if height[pos] > eps])
        # this minimum value defines the base
        base = 1.0/min_h
    for bitstring in grid:
        (x,y) = grid[bitstring]
        if (x,y) in height:
            h = height[x,y]
            if log:
                state[ int(bitstring,2) ] = math.sqrt(base**(float(h)/min_h))
                state[ int(bitstring,2) ] = math.sqrt( h )
    state = normalize(state)
    # define and initialize quantum circuit            
    qc = QuantumCircuit(n)
    if simple_python:
        # microqiskit style
        qc.initialize(state,range(n)) = '('+str(Lx)+','+str(Ly)+')'

    return qc

def probs2height(probs, size=None, log=False):
    # get grid info
    if size:
        (Lx,Ly) = size
        Lx = int(2**(len(list(probs.keys())[0])/2))
        Ly = Lx
    grid,_ = make_grid(Lx,Ly)
    # set height to probs value, rescaled such that the maximum is 1
    max_h = max( probs.values() )   
    height = {(x,y):0.0 for x in range(Lx) for y in range(Ly)}
    for bitstring in probs:
        if bitstring in grid:
            height[grid[bitstring]] = float(probs[bitstring])/max_h
    # take logs if required
    if log:
        min_h = min([height[pos] for pos in height if height[pos] !=0])
        alt_min_h = min([height[pos] for pos in height])
        base = 1/min_h
        for pos in height:
            if height[pos]>0:
                height[pos] = max(math.log(height[pos]/min_h)/math.log(base),0)
                height[pos] = 0.0
    return height

def circuit2height(qc, log=False):
    probs = _circuit2probs(qc)
    return probs2height(probs, size=eval(, log=log)


def create_maze(L,threshold,fraction):

    # create a heightmap with L random points
    height = {}
    for x in range(L):
        for y in range(L):
            height[x,y] = 0   
    for _ in range(L):
        x = random.choice(range(L))
        y = random.choice(range(L))
        height[x,y] = random.random()      

    # apply a blur effect
    qc = height2circuit(height)
    for j in range(qc.num_qubits):
    height = circuit2height(qc,log=True)

    # determine what is wall and path (and make a wall around it all)
    maze = {}
    for x in range(L):
        for y in range(L):
            if x in [0,L-1] or y in [0,L-1]:
                maze[x,y] = 1
                maze[x,y] = int(height[x,y]>threshold)
    # get the graph corresponding to the total maze
    G = nx.Graph()
    for x in range(L):
        for y in range(L):
            if maze[x,y]==0:
                for (xx,yy) in [(x+1,y),(x-1,y),(x,y+1),(x,y-1)]:
                    if (xx,yy) in maze:
                        if maze[xx,yy]==0:

    # find subgraph that forms the largest connected component                       
    g = G.subgraph(max(nx.connected_components(G), key=len)).copy()

    # find start and end: a pair of vertices with maximum distance
    e = nx.eccentricity(g)
    d = nx.diameter(g,e)
    ext = []
    for v in e:
        if e[v]==d:
    start = ext[0]
    for v in ext[1:]:
        if nx.shortest_path_length(g,start,v)==d:
            end = v

    return maze, start, end, d

L = 32
threshold = 0.5
fraction = 0.125

def start(engine):
        engine.lastpath = [pos for pos in engine.path]
        engine.maze, engine.startpoint, engine.endpoint, engine.max_steps = create_maze(L,threshold,fraction)
        engine.max_steps += 2
        engine.lastpath = []
        print('== Deep Space O\Brien: Season 5, Episode 18 ==')
        print('Captain\'s log, stardate 98358.97.\\n')
        print('We are in orbit around a planet whose surface seems to be interfering with our transporters.')
        print('A shuttle is being sent down to investigate, and I\'ve decided to lead the away team myself.')
        print('I haven\'t had to deal with any transporter issues since becoming captain, and I\'m starting to miss them.')
        print('Captain\'s log, supplemental.\\n')
        print('It seems that the transporters aren\'t the only system to be affected by this planet.')
        print('Time appears to be looping here, repeating the same few minutes over and over.')
        print('One of these loops restarted on our way down, disrupting the shuttle\'s engines.')
        print('It won\'t be taking off again.')
        print('Our best chance of escape is to find one of the few stable points where we can attempt a beam out.')
        print('Hopefully we can reach one before the loop restarts.\\n')
        print('How to play:\\n')
        print('* You control the red pixel with the arrow buttons.')
        print('* Try to find the blue pixel in as few steps as possible.')
        print('* When you run out of steps, you\'ll start at the beginning again.')
        print('* The text below the screen tells you how many steps are left. ')
        print('* You can walk off the current screen where indicated by the arrows.')
        print('* The path you took during the last loop will be highlighted.\\n')
    engine.step = 0
    engine.path = []
    engine.X = engine.startpoint[0]
    engine.Y = engine.startpoint[1]
    engine.success = False
    for button in ['up','down','left','right','A']:
        engine.controller[button].value = False

def next_frame(engine):
    if not engine.success:
        dX,dY = 0,0
        if engine.controller['up'].value:
            dY = -1
        if engine.controller['down'].value:
            dY = +1
        if engine.controller['left'].value:
            dX = -1
        if engine.controller['right'].value:
            dX = +1
        if engine.maze[engine.X+dX,engine.Y+dY]!=1:
            engine.X += dX
            engine.Y += dY
            if (dX,dY)!=(0,0):
                engine.step += 1
        engine.screen.pixel['text'].set_text('Find a good beam out location in '+str(engine.max_steps-engine.step)+' steps or the time loop will restart.')

        for x in range(engine.L):
            for y in range(engine.L):
                X = int(np.floor(engine.X/engine.L)*engine.L+x)
                Y = int(np.floor(engine.Y/engine.L)*engine.L+y)
                if (X,Y) in engine.maze:
                    if engine.maze[X,Y]==1:
                    elif engine.maze[X,Y]==0:
                    if (X,Y)==engine.endpoint:
                if (X,Y) in engine.lastpath:
        for x in range(engine.L):
            X = int(np.floor(engine.X/engine.L)*engine.L+x)
            Y0 = int(np.floor(engine.Y/engine.L)*engine.L)
            if (X,Y0-1) in engine.maze:
                if engine.maze[X,Y0]==0 and engine.maze[X,Y0-1]==0:
            if (X,Y0+engine.L) in engine.maze:
                if engine.maze[X,Y0+engine.L-1]==0 and engine.maze[X,Y0+engine.L]==0:
        for y in range(engine.L):
            X0 = int(np.floor(engine.X/engine.L)*engine.L)
            Y = int(np.floor(engine.Y/engine.L)*engine.L+y)
            if (X0-1,Y) in engine.maze:
                if engine.maze[X0,Y]==0 and engine.maze[X0-1,Y]==0:
                    engine.screen.pixel[0,y]._button.description += '←'
            if (X0+engine.L,Y) in engine.maze:
                if engine.maze[X0+engine.L-1,Y]==0 and engine.maze[X0+engine.L,Y]==0:
                    engine.screen.pixel[engine.L-1,y]._button.description += '→'


        if (engine.X,engine.Y)==engine.endpoint:
            engine.success = True
            if engine.step==engine.max_steps or engine.controller['A'].value:
                for x in range(engine.L):
                    for y in range(engine.L):
        smile = [
        officer = [
        image = officer
        for x in range(engine.L):
            for y in range(engine.L):
                if image[y][x] in ['d','D']:
                if image[y][x] in ['r','R']:
                if image[y][x] in ['g','G']:
                if image[y][x] in ['b','B']:
                if image[y][x] in ['o','O']:
        engine.screen.pixel['text'].set_text('Captain O\'Brien and the team made it out! Press A for another go!')
        if engine.controller['A'].value:
            engine.path = None

engine = QiskitGameEngine(start,next_frame,L=8)
This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
that they have been altered from the originals.
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