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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Defining a session from Redshift events table
-- First add a column to tracks table with the timestamp of
-- previous event (using lag window function). Note, that
-- lag() will return null if it is first event.
linked_tracks as (
lag(sent_at, 1) over
(partition by user_id order by sent_at) as last_event_at
from web.tracks
-- Now add another integer column with 1 if it is first event in
-- session, and 0 if it is not. Session break is determined by
-- the interval between event sent_at and last_event_at.
new_session_tracks as (
sent_at - last_event_at >= '60 minutes'::interval
last_event_at is null
end as is_new_session
from linked_tracks
-- Finally, compute the rolling sum of is_new_session in sent_at order:
--- * The global rolling sum, gives globally unique session id.
--- * Resetting sum for each user, gives user specific unique session id.
-- * user_session_id is also a sequential number of users session, which is convenient for some queries.
sum(is_new_session) over
( order by user_id, sent_at
rows between unbounded preceding and current row ) as global_session_id,
sum(is_new_session) over
( partition by user_id
order by sent_at
rows between unbounded preceding and current row ) as user_session_id
from new_session_tracks
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