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Last active April 10, 2016 16:08
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  • Save quartorz/bfba02795b8ed62fe3852b9ed2dc532b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Visual C++ 2015でのkvのコンパイルエラーを修正するやつ
If($args.Length -lt 1){
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms;
$dialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog;
$dialog.Description = "Select kv header directory";
$dialog.ShowNewFolderButton = $false;
$dialog.SelectedPath = Get-Location;
If($dialog.ShowDialog() -ne "OK"){
Exit 1;
$kv = $dialog.SelectedPath;
$kv = (Get-Item $args[0]).FullName;
if((Get-Item $kv) -isnot [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]){
Echo "$kv is not a directory";
Exit 1;
Echo "Selected directory: $kv";
if((Get-Item $kv).BaseName -ne "kv"){
Echo "$kv is not kv header directory";
Exit 1;
# size_tに対する単項-演算子がVisual C++ 2015プロジェクトの
# デフォルトの設定ではエラーになるのでintにキャストする。
$regex = [regex]"-\s*(\w+\s*\.\s*size\s*\(\s*\))";
Get-ChildItem $kv -Filter *.hpp |
$path = $_;
$content = Get-Content $path.FullName;
$matches = $regex.Matches($content);
If($matches.Count -ne 0){
Echo "Rewrite $path";
$newcontent = $content -replace $regex, '- static_cast<int>($1)';
Set-Content $path.FullName $newcontent;
# &&の代わりにandが使われている箇所があるので修正する。
# 修正する代わりにciso646をincludeしても良い。
$regex = [regex]"-1 and mode";
Get-ChildItem $kv -Filter *.hpp |
$path = $_;
$content = Get-Content $path.FullName;
$matches = $regex.Matches($content);
If($matches.Count -ne 0){
Echo "Rewrite $path";
$newcontent = $content -replace $regex, '-1 && mode';
Set-Content $path.FullName $newcontent;
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