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Last active December 16, 2020 16:59
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
module Main where
import Data.List ((\\))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
main :: IO ()
main = print $ sum $ primeSieveAlsoBad 50000
-- |
-- This has a couple of "improvements":
-- 1. Only cross off multiples of odd numbers starting with 3 instead of 2.
-- 2. Only consider odd numbers up to \sqrt{n}, n being the limit. The reason
-- is that any composite number m has a prime factor <= \sqrt{m}, so would be crossed off
-- by an odd number in the range [3, \sqrt{n}]:
-- Pf. n composite implies n = ab, with 1 < a,b < n. Assume for contradiction that
-- a > \sqrt{n} and b > \sqrt{n}. Then ab > (\sqrt{n})^2 = n, contradiction.
primeSieveBad :: Int -> [Int]
primeSieveBad lim =
let lim' = ceiling $ sqrt $ fromIntegral lim
odds = [3, 5.. lim']
composites = do
m <- odds
n <- [m * m, m * m + 2 * m.. lim]
pure n
in (2 : [3, 5.. lim]) \\ composites
-- | A direct translation of a Python implementation.
-- This doesn't have improvements 1 and 2 above.
primeSieveAlsoBad :: Int -> [Int]
primeSieveAlsoBad lim = go 2 (V.replicate lim False) []
go n cs ps
| n == lim = ps
| cs V.! n = go (n + 1) cs ps
| otherwise = go (n + 1) (update n (2 * n) cs) (n:ps)
update n ix cs
| ix >= lim = cs
| otherwise = update n (ix + n) (cs V.// [(ix, True)])
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