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Last active July 31, 2020 15:23
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Various iterations inclunding benchmarks for getting the binary gap
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from time import time
def timeit(func):
"""Decorator to time execution of a function and print it out."""
def timed(*args, **kw):
start = time()
result = func(*args, **kw)
end = time()
duration = end - start
print(f"{func.__name__}() took {duration} seconds")
return result
return timed
def get_binary_gap0(N):
# write your code in Python 3.6
binary_integer_string = "{0:b}".format(N)
binary_gap = 0
max_binary_gap = 0
for char in binary_integer_string:
if char == "0":
binary_gap += 1
if binary_gap > max_binary_gap:
max_binary_gap = binary_gap
binary_gap = 0
return max_binary_gap
def get_binary_gap1(n: int) -> int:
binary_integer_string: str = "{0:b}".format(n)
binary_gap: int = 0
max_binary_gap: int = 0
length: int = len(binary_integer_string)
# skip first char as it's always a 1
for pos, char in enumerate(binary_integer_string[1:]):
if char == "0":
binary_gap += 1
if binary_gap > max_binary_gap:
max_binary_gap = binary_gap
# stop early if remaining length is not enough for new max
if binary_gap >= (length-pos-2):
return max_binary_gap
binary_gap = 0
return max_binary_gap
def get_binary_gap2(n: int) -> int:
# convert to binary, remove trailing 0, remove leading & trailing 1 (always there), split by 1
# 1612 -> 110010001100 -> 10010001
return len(max("{0:b}".format(n).rstrip("0")[1:-1].split("1")))
def get_binary_gap3(n: int) -> int:
# convert to binary, remove trailing 0, remove leading & trailing 1s (always there), split by 1
# 1612 -> 110010001100 -> 001000 -> [00, 000]
return len(max("{0:b}".format(n).rstrip("0").strip("1").split("1")))
def get_binary_gap4(n: int) -> int:
# convert to binary, remove trailing 0, remove leading & trailing 1s (always there), split by 1
# 1612 -> 110010001100 -> 001000 -> [00, 000]
return len(max(bin(n).rstrip("0").strip("1").split("1")))
def main0():
for i in range(1, 21474836): # 48
def main1():
for i in range(1, 21474836): # 48
def main2():
for i in range(1, 21474836): # 48
def main3():
for i in range(1, 21474836): # 48
def main4():
for i in range(1, 21474836): # 48
if __name__ == '__main__':
main1() # enumerate is bad, hmkay
tests = {
0: 0,
1: 0,
32: 0,
1041: 5,
2146483647: 4,
0b10: 0,
0b101: 1,
0b10100: 1,
0b101001: 2,
0b100101: 2,
for num, gap in tests.items():
assert gap == get_binary_gap2(num)
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