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Created November 2, 2016 20:06
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Set run directory to E:\Stuff\game\MC\Lawnchair
Native Launcher Version: 729-stage
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium
Application Hash: caa1d7d4865195b916f2b5d2df3ae804637894bc
Application Data directory: C:\Users\New User\AppData\Roaming/.minecraft
Executable Path: Minecraft_staging.exe
App Directory dir: E:\Stuff\game\MC\Lawnchair
Start dir: C:/Users/New User/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft
Launcher dir: E:/Stuff/game/MC/Lawnchair/game
TmpDir dir: E:/Stuff/game/MC/Lawnchair/tmp
Java Version:
x64: 1
LauncherConfiguration from:
Downloaded config
Native launcher is current
Native launcher is current
We need to update the java runtime!
Java version: "1.8.0_51"
Current Java version: ""
Update Java Version
Runtime outdated!
Runtime version should be should be 1.8.0_51
We need to extract the launcher library, it doesn't exist!
Game launcher outdated!
Check to see if we can run the launcher
Native launcher is current
Installing java
Unpack E:/Stuff/game/MC/Lawnchair/tmp//_tmpJava.lzma to E:/Stuff/game/MC/Lawnchair/tmp//
Unpack successful
Unpack E:/Stuff/game/MC/Lawnchair/tmp// to ./runtime/jre-x64/1.8.0_51_tmp
Unpack successful
Java bin dir: ./runtime/jre-x64/1.8.0_51/bin
Installing java launcher
Unpacking launcher
Unpack E:/Stuff/game/MC/Lawnchair/tmp/ to E:/Stuff/game/MC/Lawnchair/tmp/
Unpack successful
Unpack E:/Stuff/game/MC/Lawnchair/tmp/ to E:/Stuff/game/MC/Lawnchair/tmp/launcher_extracted
Unpack successful
Couldn't remove old launcher:
Starting launcher.dll with E:\Stuff\game\MC\Lawnchair\runtime\jre-x64\1.8.0_51\bin\javaw.exe
Set run directory to E:\Stuff\game\MC\Lawnchair\game
Running launcher!
Launcher ended with 0
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