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Last active April 12, 2021 17:54
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esphome ifan02 cookbook info
#include "esphome.h"
using namespace esphome;
class IFan02Output : public Component, public FloatOutput {
void write_state(float state) override {
if (state < 0.3) {
// OFF
digitalWrite(5, LOW);
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
digitalWrite(15, LOW);
} else if (state < 0.6) {
// low speed
digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
digitalWrite(15, LOW);
} else if (state < 0.9) {
// medium speed
digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(15, LOW);
} else {
// high speed
digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
digitalWrite(15, HIGH);
name: ifan02
platform: ESP8266
board: esp8285
- ifan02.h
priority: 225
# turn off the light as early as possible
- light.turn_off: ifan02_light
ssid: <YOUR_SSID>
password: <YOUR_PASSWORD>
- platform: gpio
id: vbutton_light
number: GPIO0
inverted: True
- light.toggle: ifan02_light
- platform: gpio
id: vbutton_relay_1
number: GPIO9
inverted: True
- switch.toggle: fan_relay1
- switch.turn_on: update_fan_speed
- platform: gpio
id: vbutton_relay_2
number: GPIO10
inverted: True
- switch.toggle: fan_relay2
- switch.turn_on: update_fan_speed
- platform: gpio
id: vbutton_relay_3
number: GPIO14
inverted: True
- switch.toggle: fan_relay3
- switch.turn_on: update_fan_speed
- platform: custom
type: float
id: fanoutput
lambda: |-
auto ifan02_fan = new IFan02Output();
return {ifan02_fan};
- platform: gpio
pin: GPIO12
id: light_output
- platform: binary
name: "iFan02 Light"
output: light_output
id: ifan02_light
- platform: template
id: update_fan_speed
optimistic: True
- delay: 200ms
- if:
- switch.is_off: fan_relay1
- switch.is_off: fan_relay2
- switch.is_off: fan_relay3
- fan.turn_off: ifan02_fan
- if:
- switch.is_on: fan_relay1
- switch.is_off: fan_relay2
- switch.is_off: fan_relay3
- fan.turn_on:
id: ifan02_fan
speed: LOW
- if:
- switch.is_on: fan_relay1
- switch.is_on: fan_relay2
- switch.is_off: fan_relay3
- fan.turn_on:
id: ifan02_fan
speed: MEDIUM
- if:
- switch.is_on: fan_relay1
- switch.is_off: fan_relay2
- switch.is_on: fan_relay3
- fan.turn_on:
id: ifan02_fan
speed: HIGH
- switch.turn_off: update_fan_speed
- platform: gpio
pin: GPIO5
id: fan_relay1
- platform: gpio
pin: GPIO4
id: fan_relay2
- platform: gpio
pin: GPIO15
id: fan_relay3
- platform: speed
output: fanoutput
id: ifan02_fan
name: "iFan02 Fan"
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quazzie commented Nov 19, 2019

Yes my code turns off the light as soon as possible after a reboot. Ha state retain does not impact this. After reboot fan will be off.

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quazzie commented Nov 19, 2019

You might be able to do something within espho e on boot to return to last state but I have not tried that.

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@rishabmehta7, here's the thing. @quazzie's excellent yaml file is designed to use native HA API, which is great for 99% of people because it's fast and just works.

But in your case, you have many power failures and you need the fan to remember the last state. This is much more easily done using the old MQTT method of connecting to HA. This is because the MQTT broker stores the last state of everything, so when you recover from a power loss, restoring the last state is baked into the protocol - you don't need to think about how to achieve it.

I love ESPHome very much, but I do acknowledge that restoring the last state often doesn't work as well using HA API as it did using MQTT.

So for you, @rishabmehta7, I think MQTT will work best. If you don't already have an MQTT broker set up, it is very easy to do from HomeAssistant Integrations page - just select the big + to add new integration and select Mosquitto broker. You will need to google for tutorials to understand MQTT setup, it's beyond the scope of this post.

Once you have an MQTT broker in HA, you could modify @quazzie's YAML file to use MQTT connection instead of HA API (MQTT is still supported by ESPHome, it's just not included by default).

Or else, you could flash the latest Tasmota binary firmware instead, which has an option for the iFan02, and is already set up for MQTT out of the box. I would point you to the excellent YouTube channel of Dr Zzs, he has many tutorials for configuring Sonoff devices with MQTT.

Best of luck!

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quazzie commented Nov 20, 2019

Great tip @DeeBeeKay

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Thanks @DeeBeeKay And @quazzie

I will try setting up MQTT and report my results here. Thanks for all the help.

I would prefer ESPHome over Tasmota just for the ease of OTA update.

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Hey @DeeBeeKay and @quazzie

I successfully flashed my iFan02 with a slightly modified form of the code here. I added 2 buttons on Rx and Tx pin for light (click to toggle) and one for fan (long press to turn off, 1 tap 2 tap or 3 tap for speed). It works amazingly. But I couldn't figure out the MQTT part, I just assumed, removing api and adding mqtt from yaml would make it work. But i guess thats not the case.
I think I will learn the mqtt side of things and set it up later.

Thanks for all the help

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Hi @rishabmehta7. I'm glad things are working out for you.

Unfortunately, MQTT is a little more complicated than simply swapping API for MQTT. Explaining the MQTT protocol is a little outside my paygrade; but there really are lots of very helpful videos on youtube by people more clever than I am.

But basically, here's how it works in a nutshell. With MQTT, devices don't talk directly to each other. Instead, they all talk to one central MQTT broker, a server component that manages these conversations in Topics - very much like threads here on github. Devices can post into topics, but they can also subscribe to topics, to be notified about changes.

So you need to be running a Broker, and there's one in the Integrations list of Home Assistant, called Mosquitto.

You can think of the broker like a bulletin board, and the devices are all posting into their own threads. So your fan might have a thread on the broker called house\lounge\fan1. When it turns on, it makes a post in the thread saying, "hey guys, I'm turning on now".

If you have a power failure, then when the power comes back on, everything that uses MQTT gets reset back to whatever the last post in each thread was.

Long story short, every device (like your fan) needs to be configured with its own Topic, and you will also need to define what messages, when posted to that topic, will be used to turn things on and off.

This is kind of why I suggested using Tasmota for this, not just because it already has iFan compatibility built in, but because it comes pre-configured with MQTT, so you just need to give the fan a topic name in the Tasmota settings window. After that, you enable discovery (HA discovery is not on by default in Tasmota), and HA will just pick it up after a few minutes.

Best of luck!

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CallMeAreks commented Apr 14, 2020

Sometimes when I have a power outage it takes a really long time for the fan to be available in home assistant and sadly I have to bear with the heat until it comes back which annoys the hell out of my girlfriend. How can I make it turn on in high at boot? That way after a power outage at least I have it working until it comes online again. @quazzie

I think I can add it like this :

    priority: 225
    # turn off the light as early as possible
      - light.turn_off: light_relay
      - switch.turn_on: fan_relay1
      - switch.turn_on: fan_relay3

But I'm unsure whether I need to do anything with update_fan_speed or not.


Ok I think I figured it out. For people that want to turn the fan on right after boot:

  name: bedroom_fan
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp8285
    - ifan02.h
    priority: 225
    # turn off the light as early as possible
      - light.turn_off: light_relay
      - switch.turn_on: fan_relay1
      - switch.turn_on: fan_relay3

The relevant parts are the relay1 and 3 being turned on at boot. That turns the fan at high speed but doesn't update home assistant.

From here there are two options. Either you add switch.turn_on: update_fan_speed at the bottomof the on_boot actions (which in my case it doesn't work because in case of a power outage HA isn't available yet due to the router being resetting), or find another place to make the update. I opted for the latter:

For that I added a binary sensor of platform status and made the on_state event check if the API is connected and then push the update to HA.

  - platform: status
    id: node_status
          - switch.turn_on: update_fan_speed

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'esp8266_restore_from_flash' option can help to restore settings after power failure and 'api.connected' condition can be used to prevent the early turning on of light component. Has anyone succeded in turing this code 'power failure resistant'?

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