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- Debug log output from `PACKER_LOG=1 packer build template.json`.
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 ESXi listening on address, port 443 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 ESXi listening on address :::443, port 443 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 ESXi listening on address, port 80 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 ESXi listening on address :::80, port 80 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 ESXi listening on address :::22, port 22 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 ESXi listening on address, port 22 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 ESXi listening on address :::8000, port 8000 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 ESXi listening on address ::1:2233, port 2233 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 ESXi listening on address, port 750 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 ESXi listening on address :::8100, port 8100 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 ESXi listening on address :::902, port 902 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 ESXi listening on address, port 902 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 Trying address:
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 Timeout connecting to: (check firewall rules)
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 Trying address:
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 Timeout connecting to: (check firewall rules)
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 Trying address:
### SNIP
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 Timeout connecting to: (check firewall rules)
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 Port 5989 in use
### SNIP
2017/06/27 12:34:47 packer: 2017/06/27 12:34:47 Timeout connecting to: (check firewall rules)
2017/06/27 12:34:47 ui error: ==> vmware-iso: Unable to find available VNC port between 5900 and 6000
2017/06/27 13:05:14 [INFO] (telemetry) ending vmware-iso
2017/06/27 13:05:14 [INFO] (telemetry) found error: Unable to find available VNC port between 5900 and 6000
2017/06/27 13:05:14 ui error: Build 'vmware-iso' errored: Unable to find available VNC port between 5900 and 6000
2017/06/27 13:05:14 Builds completed. Waiting on interrupt barrier...
2017/06/27 13:05:14 machine readable: error-count []string{"1"}
2017/06/27 13:05:14 ui error:
==> Some builds didn't complete successfully and had errors:
2017/06/27 13:05:14 machine readable: vmware-iso,error []string{"Unable to find available VNC port between 5900 and 6000"}
2017/06/27 13:05:14 ui error: --> vmware-iso: Unable to find available VNC port between 5900 and 6000
2017/06/27 13:05:14 ui:
==> Builds finished but no artifacts were created.
Note that this works just fine with packer version 0.12.3:
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 ESXi listening on address, port 443 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 ESXi listening on address :::443, port 443 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 ESXi listening on address, port 80 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 ESXi listening on address :::80, port 80 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 ESXi listening on address :::22, port 22 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 ESXi listening on address, port 22 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 ESXi listening on address :::8000, port 8000 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 ESXi listening on address ::1:2233, port 2233 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 ESXi listening on address, port 750 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 ESXi listening on address :::8100, port 8100 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 ESXi listening on address :::902, port 902 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 ESXi listening on address, port 902 unavailable for VNC
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 Trying address:
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 Found available VNC port: 5988
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 Writing VMX to: /tmp/packer-vmx950105157/broken-build.vmx
2017/06/27 13:16:01 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Registering remote VM...
==> vmware-iso: Registering remote VM...
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 opening new ssh session
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 Starting remote scp process: scp -vt /vmfs/volumes/vm_nfs_packer/broken-build
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 Started SCP session, beginning transfers...
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 Copying input data into temporary file so we can read the length
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 [DEBUG] scp: Uploading broken-build.vmx: perms=C0644 size=2517
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 SCP session complete, closing stdin pipe.
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 Waiting for SSH session to complete.
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 scp stderr (length 34): Sink: C0644 2517 broken-build.vmx
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 opening new ssh session
2017/06/27 13:16:01 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:01 starting remote command: vim-cmd solo/registervm /vmfs/volumes/vm_nfs_packer/broken-build/broken-build.vmx
2017/06/27 13:16:02 ui: ==> vmware-iso: Starting virtual machine...
==> vmware-iso: Starting virtual machine...
2017/06/27 13:16:02 ui: vmware-iso: The VM will be run headless, without a GUI. If you want to
vmware-iso: view the screen of the VM, connect via VNC with the password "zKo4apMY" to
vmware-iso: vnc://
vmware-iso: The VM will be run headless, without a GUI. If you want to
2017/06/27 13:16:02 packer: 2017/06/27 13:16:02 opening new ssh session
vmware-iso: view the screen of the VM, connect via VNC with the password "zKo4apMY" to
vmware-iso: vnc://
- The _simplest example template
"builders": [
"type": "vmware-iso",
"vm_name": "broken-build",
"guest_os_type": "centos-64",
"iso_checksum_type": "none",
"iso_url": "",
"ssh_password": "password",
"ssh_username": "root",
"ssh_wait_timeout": "50000s",
"headless": "true",
"boot_command": [
"<tab> text ks=<enter>"
"shutdown_command": "shutdown -h 0",
"remote_type": "esx5",
"remote_host": "",
"remote_datastore": "vm_nfs_packer",
"remote_cache_datastore": "/vm_nfs_packer",
"remote_cache_directory": "packer_cache",
"remote_username": "root",
"remote_password": "password",
"keep_registered": true,
"disk_size": "124000",
"boot_wait": "20s",
"format": "ova",
"vmx_data": {
"ethernet0.virtualdev": "vmxnet3",
"ethernet0.networkName": "VLANPacker",
"memsize": "2048",
"numvcpus": "2",
"ethernet0.present": "true",
"ethernet0.virtualDev": "vmxnet3",
"ethernet0.startConnected": "true",
"ethernet0.connectdAtPowerOn": "true",
"ethernet0.addressType": "generated"
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