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Last active December 27, 2015 17:29
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Save quchen/7362643 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a mock-up of an extended "spawn" method for Pipes.Concurrent that keeps track of metadata of the buffers. It should be fully compatible with the existing API.
-- | Store the metadata of a buffer.
data BufferMeta = BufferMeta { currentSize :: Int
, maxSize :: Maybe Int
-- | Like spawn', but also keeps track of metadata associated with the buffer.
spawn'' :: Buffer a
-> IO (Output a, Input a, STM (), STM BufferMeta)
spawn'' buffer = do
(read, write, meta) <- case buffer of
-- Keep track of current size, and store the max size.
Bounded n -> do
q <- S.newTBQueueIO n
c <- newTVarIO (0 :: Int)
let read = modifyTVar' c (subtract 1) >> S.readTBQueue q
write = modifyTVar' c (+1) >> S.writeTBQueue q
size = readTVar c
maxSize = return (Just n)
meta = bufferMeta <$> readTVar c <*> pure (Just n)
return (read, write, meta)
-- Like Bounded, but without a max size.
Unbounded -> do
q <- S.newTQueueIO
c <- newTVarIO (0 :: Int)
let read = modifyTVar' c (subtract 1) >> S.readTQueue q
write = modifyTVar' c (+1) >> S.writeTQueue q
meta = BufferMeta <$> readTVar c <*> pure Nothing
return (read, write, meta)
-- A TMVar has a constant size of 1. To reduce the bookkeeping overhead
-- isEmptyTMVar is used, instead of updating the filling status each
-- time something is written/read.
Single -> do
m <- S.newEmptyTMVarIO
let read = S.takeTMVar m
write = S.putTMVar m
meta = BufferMeta
<$> (bool <$> isEmptyTMVar m)
<*> pure (Just 1)
bool p = if p then 0 else 1
return (S.takeTMVar m, S.putTMVar m, meta)
-- Latest has a max size of 1 and is always full.
Latest a -> do
t <- S.newTVarIO a
return (S.readTVar t, S.writeTVar t, return (BufferMeta 1 1))
-- (Below is the rest of the procedure to take care of GC etc.)
return (read, write, seal, meta)
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