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Last active March 6, 2021 11:04
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A really simple Python code that allows you to play Rock-Paper-Scissors! Requires PySimpleGUI and random library
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import random
layout = [[sg.T('Rock - Paper - Scissors! \U0001F633')], [sg.T('Bot Chose :'), sg.T('Not started', size=(8,1), key='status')], [sg.Button('ROCK'), sg.Button('PAPER'), sg.Button('SCISSORS')], [sg.Button('EXIT')]]
window = sg.Window('Game', layout, margins=(10,10))
while True:
event, values =
if event in ('EXIT', sg.WIN_CLOSED):
if event in ('ROCK', 'PAPER', 'SCISSORS'):
e = random.choice(['ROCK','PAPER','SCISSORS'])
if e != meta[str(event)]:
e = random.choice(['ROCK','PAPER','SCISSORS'])
if e == meta[str(event)]:
status = False
elif event == meta[str(e)]:
status = True
status = None
if status == True:
sg.Popup('You Won!')
if status == False:
sg.Popup('You Lost!')
if status == None:
sg.Popup('No one Won!')
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