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Created February 5, 2016 18:17
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Save queertypes/150caafa1c2f51fa41dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
name: haskell-effects
synopsis: Effects, yes
-- description:
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
author: Allele Dev
-- copyright:
category: Data
build-type: Simple
-- extra-source-files:
cabal-version: >=1.10
exposed-modules: Data.Effects.FreeVL
-- other-modules:
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base >=4.8 && <4.9
, wreq
, lens
, bytestring
, http-client
, http-types
, random
hs-source-dirs: src
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-type-defaults
default-language: Haskell2010
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- Findings: almost everything could be inferred
-- Changes:
-- * Modified random effect to use randomRIO form
-- - `(flip mod 10) getRand` was forcing an `Integral (FreeVL effs Int` Constraint up the stack
module Data.Effects.FreeVL where
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (catch)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Network.Wreq (get, post, Response)
import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpException(StatusCodeException))
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as S
import System.Random (randomRIO, Random)
-- Free VL: Round 1, 1 Effect, No Composition --
type Url = String
type RequestBody = ByteString
data Logging1 m = Logging1 { infoLogger :: String -> m ()
, debugLogger :: String -> m ()
newtype FreeVL1 effect a =
FreeVL1 { runFreeVL1 :: forall m. Monad m => effect m -> m a }
data NewHttp m =
NewHttp { getNewHttp :: Url -> m (Response ByteString)
, postNewHttp :: Url -> RequestBody -> m (Response ByteString)
newHttpIO :: NewHttp IO
newHttpIO = NewHttp { getNewHttp = get, postNewHttp = post }
freeVL1IOInterpreter :: FreeVL1 NewHttp a -> IO a
freeVL1IOInterpreter prog = runFreeVL1 prog newHttpIO
newGet :: Url -> FreeVL1 NewHttp (Response ByteString)
newGet url = FreeVL1 (`getNewHttp` url)
-- Free VL Round 2 - Effect Stacks --
data EffectStack a (m :: * -> *) where
EmptyEffect :: EffectStack '[] m
ConsEffect :: eff m -> EffectStack effs m -> EffectStack (eff ': effs) m
newtype FreeVL effs a =
FreeVL { runFreeVL :: forall m. Monad m => EffectStack effs m -> m a }
instance Functor (FreeVL effs) where
fmap f (FreeVL run) = FreeVL (fmap f . run)
instance Applicative (FreeVL effs) where
pure a = FreeVL (const (pure a))
(FreeVL fab) <*> (FreeVL a) =
FreeVL $ uncurry (<*>) . (fab &&& a)
instance Monad (FreeVL effs) where
(FreeVL run) >>= f =
FreeVL $ \effs -> run effs >>= \a -> runFreeVL (f a) effs
interpret :: Monad m => EffectStack effs m -> FreeVL effs a -> m a
interpret interpreter prog = runFreeVL prog interpreter
class HasEffect (effs :: [((* -> *) -> *)]) (eff :: ((* -> *) -> *)) where
getEff :: EffectStack effs m -> eff m
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
HasEffect effects effect => HasEffect (x ': effects) effect where
getEff (ConsEffect _ effs) = getEff effs
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
HasEffect (effect ': effects) effect where
getEff (ConsEffect eff _) = eff
-- not inferrable
liftVL :: HasEffect effs eff
=> (forall m. eff m -> m a)
-> FreeVL effs a
liftVL getOp = FreeVL (getOp . getEff)
data Http m =
Http { getHttpEff :: Url -> m (Either Int (Response ByteString))
, postHttpEff :: Url -> RequestBody -> m (Either Int (Response ByteString))
data Logging m = Logging { logEff :: String -> m () }
data RandomR m = RandomR { getRandomEff :: forall a. Random a => (a,a) -> m a }
data Suspend m = Suspend { suspendEff :: Int -> m () }
getHttp' :: HasEffect effs Http
=> Url -> FreeVL effs (Either Int (Response ByteString))
getHttp' url = liftVL (`getHttpEff` url)
postHttp' :: HasEffect effs Http
=> Url -> RequestBody -> FreeVL effs (Either Int (Response ByteString))
postHttp' url body = liftVL (\eff -> postHttpEff eff url body)
logMsg' :: HasEffect effs Logging
=> String -> FreeVL effs ()
logMsg' msg = liftVL (`logEff` msg)
-- not inferable in original (0 arguments, ambiguous types), inferable here
getRand' :: (Random a, HasEffect effs RandomR) => a -> a -> FreeVL effs a
getRand' lower upper = liftVL (\eff -> getRandomEff eff (lower,upper))
suspend' :: HasEffect effs Suspend => Int -> FreeVL effs ()
suspend' i = liftVL (`suspendEff` i)
-- Worked Example: 4-Effect IO Intepreter Using VL --
-- inferred:
repeatReq :: forall (effs :: [(* -> *) -> *]).
( HasEffect effs Http,
, HasEffect effs Suspend
, HasEffect effs Random)
=> Url -> FreeVL effs (Either Int (Response ByteString))
repeatReq :: ( HasEffect effs Http
, HasEffect effs Suspend
, HasEffect effs RandomR
) => Url -> FreeVL effs (Either Int (Response ByteString))
repeatReq url = do
numRetries <- getRand' (0 :: Int) 10
eResponse <- getHttp' url
go numRetries eResponse
go 0 r = return r
go i _ = do
eResponse <- getHttp' url
case eResponse of
r@(Right _) -> return r
(Left _) -> suspend' 100 >> go (i-1) eResponse
withLog :: HasEffect effs Logging
=> String -> String -> FreeVL effs b -> FreeVL effs b
withLog preMsg postMsg prog = do
logMsg' preMsg
a <- prog
logMsg' postMsg
return a
program :: ( HasEffect effs Logging
, HasEffect effs RandomR
, HasEffect effs Suspend
, HasEffect effs Http
) => FreeVL effs (Either Int (Response ByteString))
program = withLog "running" "done" (repeatReq "")
(.:.) :: eff m -> EffectStack effs m -> EffectStack (eff ': effs) m
eff .:. effs = ConsEffect eff effs
infixr 4 .:.
handleException :: HttpException -> Either Int a
handleException (StatusCodeException status _ _) = Left (S.statusCode status)
handleException _ = error "unhandled"
httpIO :: Http IO
httpIO =
let handler = return . handleException
in Http { getHttpEff =
\req -> (Right <$> get req) `catch` handler
, postHttpEff =
\req body -> (Right <$> post req body) `catch` handler
logIO :: Logging IO
logIO = Logging { logEff = putStrLn }
randIO :: RandomR IO
randIO = RandomR { getRandomEff = randomRIO }
suspendIO :: Suspend IO
suspendIO = Suspend { suspendEff = threadDelay }
-- minor change: type list syntax sugar
type MyEffects = '[Http, Logging, RandomR, Suspend]
ioIntepreter :: EffectStack MyEffects IO
ioIntepreter = httpIO .:. logIO .:. randIO .:. suspendIO .:. EmptyEffect
main :: IO ()
main = interpret ioIntepreter program >> putStrLn "precious"
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