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Created April 28, 2016 03:32
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This is a tiny example of using Free monads + improve.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, DeriveFunctor #-}
-- It's no secret - Allele Dev enjoys writing Haskell
-- This is a tiny example of using Free monads + improve.
module Control.Teletype where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Free
import qualified Control.Monad.Free.Church as C
import System.Exit hiding (ExitSuccess)
-- Define Your Free Type --
data Teletype x
= PutStrLn String x
| GetLine (String -> x)
| ExitSuccess
deriving Functor
type TeletypeF = Free Teletype
-- the MonadFree encoding here and below is crucial
-- A more specific type signature,
-- TeletypeF a -> m ()
-- Prevents us from leveraging improve later
-- MonadFree keeps the internal representation flexible up to the last minute.
putStrLn' :: MonadFree Teletype m => String -> m ()
putStrLn' s = liftF $ PutStrLn s ()
getLine' :: MonadFree Teletype m => m String
getLine' = liftF $ GetLine id
exitSuccess' :: MonadFree Teletype m => m ()
exitSuccess' = liftF ExitSuccess
-- Define Some Interpreters --
run :: TeletypeF a -> IO a
run = iterM go
where go (PutStrLn x1 x2) = putStrLn x1 >> x2
go (GetLine x) = getLine >>= x
go ExitSuccess = exitSuccess
runPure :: TeletypeF a -> [String] -> [String]
runPure (Pure _) _ = []
runPure (Free (PutStrLn y t)) xs = y : runPure t xs
runPure (Free (GetLine k)) (x:xs) = runPure (k x) xs
runPure (Free (GetLine _)) [] = []
runPure (Free ExitSuccess) _ = []
-- Write a Teletype Program --
-- (Or Ten. Write Your App's Core Logic in Terms of Free) --
echo :: MonadFree Teletype m => m ()
echo = do
c <- getLine'
when (c /= "") $ do
putStrLn' c
-- Hook Into Your Main Processing Sequence/Loop --
mkMain :: TeletypeF a -> IO ()
mkMain f = print $ runPure f (replicate 100000 "cat")
-- for this particular example, improve doesn't do much
-- > :set +s
-- > mainImproved
-- ...
-- (1.01 secs, 578,622,000 bytes)
-- > main'
-- ...
-- (1.00 secs, 555,225,208 bytes)
-- see this talk by raichoo for a case where improve makes a
-- *big* difference*
-- Link:
mainImproved :: IO ()
mainImproved = mkMain (C.improve echo)
main' :: IO ()
main' = mkMain echo
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