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Created April 22, 2016 01:33
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Simple, context-rich logging module in Haskell
module API.Logging (
-- * Initialize
-- * Context, Types
-- * Logging
-- * Convenience
) where
import Prelude hiding (log)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Format
import Network.HostName
import System.Posix.Process (getProcessID)
import System.Log.FastLogger
type Log = LoggerSet
mkLog :: IO Log
mkLog = newStdoutLoggerSet defaultBufSize
data Context
= Players
| Runs
| Games
| Login
| Registration
| Database
| Redis
data Method
= Get
| Put
| Post
| Delete
instance Show Context where
show Players = "players"
show Runs = "runs"
show Games = "games"
show Login = "login"
show Registration = "registration"
show Database = "database"
show Redis = "redis"
instance Show Method where
show Get = "get"
show Put = "put"
show Post = "post"
show Delete = "delete"
contextStr :: Context -> Method -> LogStr
contextStr c m = toLogStr (show m) <> "-" <> toLogStr (show c)
log :: ToLogStr m => LogStr -> Log -> Context -> Method -> m -> IO ()
log lv l context' method' m = do
now <- getCurrentTime
hname <- fmap toLogStr getHostName
pid <- (toLogStr . show) <$> getProcessID
let locale = defaultTimeLocale
let tForm = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
let projectName = "tas-api"
let timestamp = toLogStr (formatTime locale tForm now)
let ctxt = contextStr context' method'
pushLogStrLn l $ lv
<> ":" <> timestamp
<> ":" <> hname
<> ":" <> projectName
<> ":" <> pid
<> ":" <> ctxt
<> ":" <> toLogStr m
fatal :: ToLogStr m => Log -> Context -> Method -> m -> IO ()
fatal = log "FATAL"
err :: ToLogStr m => Log -> Context -> Method -> m -> IO ()
err = log "ERROR"
warn :: ToLogStr m => Log -> Context -> Method -> m -> IO ()
warn = log "WARNING"
notice :: ToLogStr m => Log -> Context -> Method -> m -> IO ()
notice = log "NOITCE"
info :: ToLogStr m => Log -> Context -> Method -> m -> IO ()
info = log "INFO"
debug :: ToLogStr m => Log -> Context -> Method -> m -> IO ()
debug = log "DEBUG"
flush :: Log -> IO ()
flush = flushLogStr
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