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Created April 14, 2015 07:53
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A Filter algebra based on semirings with a pure evaluator
module Filter where
-- | F(ilter) a, the Filter algebra
-- Literal := in | eq | lt | gt | false | true
-- Term t := Literal | And t t | Or t t | Not t
data F a
-- Expression literals
= InF [a]
| EqF a
| GtF a
| LtF a
| FFalse
| FTrue
-- Expression trees
| AndF (F a) (F a)
| OrF (F a) (F a)
| NotF (F a)
deriving Show
instance Functor F where
fmap f (InF xs) = InF (fmap f xs)
fmap f (EqF x) = EqF (f x)
fmap f (GtF x) = GtF (f x)
fmap f (LtF x) = LtF (f x)
fmap _ FFalse = FFalse
fmap _ FTrue = FTrue
fmap f (AndF x1 x2) = AndF (fmap f x1) (fmap f x2)
fmap f (OrF x1 x2) = OrF (fmap f x1) (fmap f x2)
fmap f (NotF x) = NotF (fmap f x)
-- | Laws
-- 1. (<||>, 0) form a Monoid
-- 2. (<&&>) forms a Semigroup
-- 3. (x <&&> y) <&&> z = x <&&> (y <&&> z) , associative <&&>
-- 4. (x <|> y) <&&> z = (x <&&> z) <||> (y <&&> z) , <||> distributes over <&&>
-- 5. zero <&&> x = zero
class Semiring a where
zero :: a -- zero, 0
one :: a -- one, 1
(<||>) :: a -> a -> a -- sum, (+)
(<&&>) :: a -> a -> a -- product, (*)
instance Semiring (F a) where
zero = FFalse
one = FTrue
(<||>) = OrF
(<&&>) = AndF
-- |
-- pure evaluator for Filter language
-- could `compile` filters to other languages,
-- e.g., SQL filters in WHERE clause
eval :: (Ord a, Eq a) => F a -> (a -> Bool)
eval (InF x) = (`elem` x)
eval (EqF x) = (== x)
eval (GtF x) = (> x)
eval (LtF x) = (< x)
eval FFalse = const False
eval FTrue = const True
eval (NotF x) = not . eval x
eval (AndF l r) = \x -> eval l x && eval r x
eval (OrF l r) = \x -> eval l x || eval r x
-- this compiles; give it a try!
test :: IO ()
test = print . filter (eval cond) $ xs
where cond = (InF [30..40] <||> InF [1..10] <||> zero)
<&&> fmap (+1) (GtF 33)
<&&> LtF 38
<&&> NotF (EqF 35)
<&&> one
xs = [1..100] :: [Int]
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