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Last active January 18, 2018 17:32
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A little calculator
'use strict'
const debug = require('debug')('compile')
, debugCache = require('debug')('compile:cache')
, {List, Map, Record, fromJS} = require('immutable')
const reducers = {
'*': (acc, rhs) => acc * rhs,
'/': (acc, rhs) => acc / rhs,
'+': (acc, rhs) => acc + rhs,
'-': (acc, rhs) => acc - rhs,
'mod': (acc, rhs) => acc % rhs,
const mem = id => ['memory', id]
const evaluators = {
Identifier({identifier}) {
return (state=State()) => state.set('value', state.getIn(mem(identifier)))
Assignment({lhs: {identifier}, rhs}) {
const rhs_ = this.compile(rhs)
return (state=State()) => state.setIn(mem(identifier), rhs_(state).value)
Literal({sign, digits}) {
return (state=State()) => state.set('value',
{first, rest},
initial=this.compile(first),{operator, rhs}) => ({
rhs: this.compile(rhs)
) {
return (state=State()) => state.set('value',
operations.reduce((lhs, {operator, rhs}) =>
reducers[operator](lhs, rhs(state).value),
Program({lines}) {
const program = => this.compile(line))
return (state=State()) =>
program.reduce((state, reduce) => reduce(state), state)
Noop() { return state => state }
const State = Record({
memory: Map(),
value: undefined,
class Calculation {
constructor(cache=Map()) {
this.cache = cache
compile(ast) {
const {type} = ast
, key = fromJS(ast)
, hit = this.cache.get(key)
if (hit) {
debugCache('hit for key', key)
return hit
if (type in evaluators) {
debug('compiling %s node', type)
const calculation = evaluators[type].call(this, ast)
this.cache = this.cache.set(key, calculation)
debugCache('inserted key', key)
return calculation
debug('invalid type: %s', type)
return this
const compile = module.exports = (ast, calc=new Calculation()) => calc.compile(ast)
module.exports.Calculation = Calculation
'use strict'
// A simple calculator grammar.
const {
, Exactly
, CharIn
, Or
, Many
, OneOrMore
, ZeroOrMore
, Fail
, As
, Drop
, $
} = require('./parse')
const __ = Drop(ZeroOrMore(Or(Exactly(' '))))
, Optional = read => Many(read, {min: 0, max: 1})
, Identifier = Sequence(__
, As($(OneOrMore(CharIn('a', 'z'))), 'identifier')
, state => Object.assign({}, state, {
match: Object.assign({type: 'Identifier'}, state.match)
, Digit = CharIn('0', '9')
, Sign = Optional(Exactly('-'))
, Literal = Sequence(__
, As(Sign, 'sign')
, As($(Many(Digit)), 'digits')
, state => Object.assign({}, state, {
match: Object.assign({type: 'Literal'}, state.match)
, Parenthesized = Sequence(__
, Drop(Exactly('(')), __
, state => Expression(state), __
, Drop(Exactly(')')), __
, Primary = Or(Parenthesized, Identifier, Literal)
, InfixOperatorPrecedenceGroup =
(type, [...operators], NextPrecedenceGroup=Primary) =>
, As(NextPrecedenceGroup, 'first'), __
, As(
As(Or(, 'operator'), __
, As(NextPrecedenceGroup, 'rhs'), __
, state => Object.assign({}, state, {
match: Object.assign({type}, state.match)
, NextPrecedenceGroup)
, Multiplicative = InfixOperatorPrecedenceGroup('Aggregate', ['*', '/', 'mod'])
, Additive = InfixOperatorPrecedenceGroup('Aggregate', ['+', '-'], Multiplicative)
, Expression = Or(Additive, Multiplicative, Primary)
, Assignment = Sequence(__
, As(Identifier, 'lhs'), __
, Drop(Exactly('=')), __
, As(Expression, 'rhs'), __
, state => Object.assign({}, state, {
match: Object.assign({type: 'Assignment'}, state.match)
, Line = Or(Assignment, Expression)
, Newlines = Drop(ZeroOrMore(Exactly('\n')))
, Program = Sequence(
OneOrMore(Sequence(Newlines, Line, Newlines)),
state => Object.assign({}, state, {
match: { type: 'Program', lines: state.match }
if (module === require.main) {
const input = `
x = -2 * y
x * z + k
console.log(JSON.stringify(Program({input}), 0, 2))
module.exports = {Line, Program}
'use strict'
// A little calculator.
const readline = require('readline')
, debug = require('debug')
, trace = {
ast: debug('calc:ast'),
, fs = require('fs')
, compile = require('./compile')
, {Program, Line} = require('./grammar')
if (module === require.main) { main(process.argv) }
function main([_node, _self, file]) {
// If a file was given at the command line, run it.
if (file) {
return fs.readFile(file, (err, ok) => err
? console.error('%s: %s', file, err)
: runProgram(ok.toString()))
// Interactive mode.
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
rl.setPrompt('>>> ')
rl.on('line', repl(rl))
function repl(rl, state=undefined, calculation=new compile.Calculation()) {
return input => {
try {
const {input: noise, match, error} = Line({input})
if (noise) console.error('Warning: ignoring noise at end of line: "%s"', noise)
if (error) return console.error(error)
trace.ast(JSON.stringify(match, 0, 2))
const run = calculation.compile(match)
state = run(state)
print(state, calculation)
} finally {
function runProgram(input, filename='__inputfile__') {
const {error, match} = Program({input})
if (error) {
return console.error('%s: %s', filename, error)
const calculation = new compile.Calculation()
, program = calculation.compile(match)
print(program(), calculation)
function print(state, calculation) {
console.log('value:', state.get('value'), '\tmem:', state.get('memory').toJS())
if (calculation) console.log('(%s entries in cache)', calculation.cache.size)
"name": "calc",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"debug": "^2.6.6",
"immutable": "^3.8.1"
'use strict'
// Functional composition tools for building a parser.
const willExport = () => ({
OneOrMore: Many,
ZeroOrMore: read => Many(read, {min: 0}),
// Fail(state, message) => (state => state)
// Return parser state object representing failure with the input
// denoted by state.
const Fail = (state, message) => Object.assign({}, state, {
error: new Error(message)
// Exactly(match: String) => (state => state)
// Exactly match the specified string.
const Exactly = match => state =>
{input: state.input.slice(match.length), match}
: Fail(state, `expected ${match}`)
// CharIn(min: Char, max: Char) => (state => state)
// Match one character in the open range [min, max].
const CharIn = (min, max) => {
const minCh = min.charCodeAt(0)
, maxCh = max.charCodeAt(0)
return state => {
const match = state.input[0]
if (!match) return Fail(state, `Unexpected end of input`)
const inCh = match.charCodeAt(0)
if (inCh >= minCh && inCh <= maxCh) {
return {
input: state.input.slice(1),
return Fail(state, `${match}: expected ${min} to ${max}`)
// Sequence(...readers: state => state) => (state => state)
// Takes a sequence of readers and reduces over them, starting
// from an undefined match at the current position.
const Sequence = (...readers) => state => {
state = Object.assign({}, state, {match: undefined})
for (const read of readers) {
state = read(state)
if (state.error) return state
return state
// Or(...alternatives: state => state) => (state => state)
// Takes a sequence of alternatives and attempts each of them in
// turn. Returns the first match state to succeed, or the last failure.
const Or = (...alternatives) => state => {
let error
for (const attempt of alternatives) {
const next = attempt(state)
if (!next.error) return next
error = next.error
return {error}
// Many(reader: state => state,
// options: {min, max, reduce, initial}) => (state => state)
// Run reader multiple times. By default, min is 1 and max is Infinity,
// so this is equivalent to OneOrMore of the specified reader. Returns
// a state with an array of matches in match, though this can be changed
// by setting the initial and reduce options.
const Many = (
reduce=(all, one) => [...all, one],
initial=() => []
) => state => {
let match = initial()
, count = 0
, next
while (!state.error && count < max) {
next = read(state)
if (next.error) break
match = reduce(match, next.match)
state = next
if (count < min) {
return next
return Object.assign({}, state, {match})
// As(read: state => state, name: String|Symbol) => (state => state)
// Match the specified reader. If it fails, return the error. If
// it succeeds, return a state whose match contains the current
// match, along with a new key of `name` and a value of the match.
// Best used with Sequence.
const As = (read, name) => state => {
const next = read(state)
if (next.error) return next
return {
input: next.input,
match: Object.assign({}, state.match, {
[name]: next.match
// Drop(read: state => state) => (state => state)
// Run a reader and drop the result. On a successful match, only the parser's
// positon is changed.
const Drop = read => state => {
const next = read(state)
if (next.error) return next
return {
input: next.input,
match: state.match,
// $(read: state => state) => (state => state)
// Run a reader and convert the resulting match to a string.
const $ = read => state => {
const next = read(state)
if (next.error) return next
return {
input: next.input,
match: next.match && next.match.join('')
module.exports = willExport()
x = 2
y = 10
x + 2
x * y
# yarn lockfile v1
version "2.6.6"
resolved ""
ms "0.7.3"
version "3.8.1"
resolved ""
version "0.7.3"
resolved ""
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