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Last active September 25, 2022 17:43
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  • Save quentinms/643c3cab164cb8a90cf2cceb89707d1e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save quentinms/643c3cab164cb8a90cf2cceb89707d1e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. code for an widget. 100% written from my phone so indentation is all over the place and barely any error checks.
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: blue; icon-glyph: bolt;
async function getForecast() {
const url = ""
const webview = new WebView()
await webview.loadURL(url)
const getData = `
function getData(){
const results = {}
const allForecasts = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("forecast-block"))
const nextHours = allForecasts.slice(0,6)
results.soon = []
for(s of nextHours){
const h = getHour(s)
const l = getLegend(s)
const res = {
hour: h,
legend: l,
const nextConfortable = document.getElementsByClassName("forecast-block-confortable")[0]
if (nextConfortable) {
const hConf = getHour(nextConfortable)
const dConf = getParentDate(nextConfortable)
results.nextLow = {
hour: hConf,
date: dConf,
const nextVeryConfortable = document.getElementsByClassName("forecast-block-veryconfortable")[0]
if (nextVeryConfortable) {
const hVConf = getHour(nextVeryConfortable)
const dVConf = getParentDate(nextVeryConfortable)
results.nextLowest = {
hour: hVConf,
date: dVConf,
return results
function getHour(element) {
const hour = element?.getElementsByClassName("hour")[0]
const h = hour?.innerHTML.trim()
return h
function getLegend(element) {
const legend = element?.getElementsByClassName("legend")[0]
const l = legend?.textContent.trim()
return l
function getParentDate(element) {
return element?.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("h2")[0].innerHTML.trim()
const response = await webview.evaluateJavaScript(getData, false)
return response
function createWidget(forecast) {
const widget = new ListWidget()
const global = widget.addStack()
//horizontal layout so we have two columns
const hours = global.addStack()
const stitle=hours.addText("Prochaines heures")
stitle.font = Font.semiboldSystemFont(16)
for (f of forecast.soon) {
const stack = hours.addStack()
const text = stack.addText(`${f.hour}${f.legend.replace("Électricité ", "⚡️")}`)
text.font = Font.lightSystemFont(14)
const next = global.addStack()
const low = next.addStack()
const stitle2=low.addText("⚡️peu carbonée")
stitle2.font = Font.semiboldSystemFont(16)
const cleanStack = low.addStack()
if (!forecast.nextLow) {
} else {
const cleanText = cleanStack.addText(`${} à ${forecast.nextLow.hour}`)
cleanText.font = Font.lightSystemFont(14)
const lowest = next.addStack()
const stitle3=lowest.addText("⚡️très peu carbonée")
stitle3.font = Font.semiboldSystemFont(16)
const lowestStack = lowest.addStack()
if (!forecast.nextLowest) {
} else {
const lowestText = lowestStack.addText(`${} à ${forecast.nextLowest.hour}`)
lowestText.font = Font.lightSystemFont(14)
return widget
const colours = {
startColour: "ffffff",
endColour: "ffffff",
textColour: "1f1f1f",
darkStartColour: "0050ca",
darkEndColour: "000000",
darkTextColour: "6de46d",
const startColour = Color.dynamic(new Color(colours.startColour), new Color(colours.darkStartColour))
const endColour = Color.dynamic(new Color(colours.endColour), new Color(colours.darkEndColour))
function setColours(widget) {
const gradient = new LinearGradient()
gradient.colors = [startColour, endColour];
gradient.locations = [0, 1];
widget.backgroundGradient = gradient
const forecast = await getForecast()
const widget = createWidget(forecast)
if (config.runsInWidget) {
} else {
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