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Created August 14, 2016 12:44
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My implementation of SICKBAY: see for the reference implementation.
My implementation of
By Jeremy List
Public domain
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative hiding (Const)
import Data.Function (on)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP hiding (some,many,get,skipSpaces)
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Data.Char
import System.Random
import System.IO
import System.Environment (getArgs)
data IntExpr =
Var (IORef (M.Map Int Int)) IntExpr |
Const Int |
Rnd IntExpr |
Infix Char IntExpr IntExpr
{-# INLINE eval_IntExpr #-}
eval_IntExpr :: IntExpr -> IO Int
eval_IntExpr = go where
go :: IntExpr -> IO Int
go (Var a i') = do
i <- eval_IntExpr i'
fmap (maybe 0 id . M.lookup i) $ readIORef a
go (Const c) = return c
go (Rnd e) = go e >>= randomRIO . ((,) 0)
go (Infix o a b) = (`fmap` go b) . op =<< go a where
op = case o of
'+' -> (+)
'-' -> (-)
'*' -> (*)
'/' -> \a b -> if b == 0 then 0 else a `div` b
newtype QNode a = QNode (IORef (Maybe (QNode a), a, Maybe (QNode a)))
-- Not a real ring buffer: use a linked list queue instead
newtype RingBuffer a = RingBuffer (IORef (Maybe (QNode a, QNode a)))
newQNode :: a -> IO (QNode a)
newQNode = fmap QNode . newIORef . flip ((,,) Nothing) Nothing
newRingBuffer = fmap RingBuffer $ newIORef Nothing
pushEnd :: RingBuffer a -> a -> IO ()
pushEnd (RingBuffer r) a = readIORef r >>= \r' -> case r' of
Nothing -> do
n <- newQNode a
writeIORef r (Just (n,n))
Just (h,t@(QNode t0)) -> do
t1 <- fmap QNode $ newIORef (Just t, a, Nothing)
atomicModifyIORef t0 (\(p,b,_) -> ((p,b,Just t1),()))
writeIORef r (Just (h,t1))
pushBegin :: RingBuffer a -> a -> IO ()
pushBegin (RingBuffer r) a = readIORef r >>= \r' -> case r' of
Nothing -> do
n <- newQNode a
writeIORef r (Just (n,n))
Just (h@(QNode h0),t) -> do
h1 <- fmap QNode $ newIORef (Nothing, a, Just h)
atomicModifyIORef h0 (\(_,b,n) -> ((Just h1,b,n),()))
writeIORef r (Just (h1,t))
popEnd :: RingBuffer a -> IO (Maybe a)
popEnd (RingBuffer r) = readIORef r >>= \r' -> case r' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (h,(QNode t)) -> do
(t0,a,_) <- readIORef t
case t0 of
Nothing -> writeIORef r Nothing
Just (QNode t0') -> do
(t0p,b,_) <- readIORef t0'
writeIORef t0' (t0p,b,Nothing)
writeIORef r (Just (h, QNode t0'))
return (Just a)
popBegin :: RingBuffer a -> IO (Maybe a)
popBegin (RingBuffer r) = readIORef r >>= \r' -> case r' of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just ((QNode h),t) -> do
(_,a,h0) <- readIORef h
case h0 of
Nothing -> writeIORef r Nothing
Just (QNode h0') -> do
(_,b,h0n) <- readIORef h0'
writeIORef h0' (Nothing,b,h0n)
writeIORef r (Just (QNode h0', t))
return (Just a)
data Statement =
REM String |
LET (IORef (M.Map Int Int)) IntExpr IntExpr |
GOTO Int |
DIMRING | -- Ignore dim ring because we are not really using a ring buffer
PRINT PrintArg Bool |
INPUT (IORef (M.Map Int Int)) IntExpr Bool
data PrintArg =
StrConst String |
IntExpr IntExpr |
Char IntExpr
data RunEnv = RunEnv (RingBuffer Int) (IORef PC)
data PC =
ContinueFrom Int |
Goto Int |
Exit Bool
-- Returns False from control flow statements and True from other statements
execStatement _ (REM _) = return True
execStatement _ (LET var idx exp) = do
exp' <- eval_IntExpr exp
idx' <- eval_IntExpr idx
if exp' /= 0
then atomicModifyIORef var (flip (,) () . M.insert idx' exp')
else atomicModifyIORef var (flip (,) () . M.delete idx')
return True
execStatement (RunEnv _ pc0) (GOTO pc') = writeIORef pc0 (Goto pc') >>
return False
execStatement (RunEnv rq pc0) (GOSUB pc') = do
pc0' <- readIORef pc0
case pc0' of
ContinueFrom pc0'' -> do
pushEnd rq pc0''
writeIORef pc0 (Goto pc')
_ -> writeIORef pc0 (Exit True)
return False
execStatement (RunEnv rq pc0) RETURN = do
pc <- popEnd rq
case pc of
Nothing -> writeIORef pc0 (Exit True) >> return False
Just pc' -> writeIORef pc0 (Goto pc') >> return False
execStatement (RunEnv rq pc0) END = writeIORef pc0 (Exit False) >>
return False
execStatement (RunEnv rq pc0) (PROLONG p) = pushBegin rq p >> return True
execStatement (RunEnv rq pc0) CUTSHORT = popBegin rq >> return True
execStatement _ DIMRING = return True
execStatement _ (PRINT a n) = let
pf = if n then putStr else putStrLn
s = case a of
StrConst s -> return s
IntExpr e -> fmap show $ eval_IntExpr e
Char c -> fmap ((:[]) . toEnum) $ eval_IntExpr c
in s >>= pf >> return True
execStatement _ (INPUT v i True) = do
c <- fmap fromEnum getChar
idx <- eval_IntExpr i
atomicModifyIORef v (flip (,) True . case c of
0 -> M.delete idx
_ -> M.insert idx c
execStatement (RunEnv rq pc0) (INPUT v i False) = do
eatWhitespace = do
c <- getChar
case () of
_ | isSpace c -> eatWhitespace
| isDigit c -> go True $ digitToInt c
| c == '-' -> go False 0
| otherwise -> writeIORef pc0 (Exit True) >> return False
go s n = do
c <- getChar
case () of
_ | isSpace c -> do
idx <- eval_IntExpr i
atomicModifyIORef v (flip (,) True . case n of
0 -> M.delete idx
_ -> M.insert idx (if s then n else (- n))
return True
| isDigit c -> let
n' = n * 10 + digitToInt c
in n' `seq` go s n'
| otherwise -> writeIORef pc0 (Exit True) >> return False
execLine env = go where
go [] = return True
go (s1:r) = do
cl <- execStatement env s1
if cl then go r else return False
data Line = Line IntExpr [Statement]
-- I'm a bit surprised this isn't anywhere in the base package
findM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m (Maybe a)
findM p = go where
go [] = return Nothing
go (a:r) = do
s <- p a
if s then return (Just a) else go r
getLine (RunEnv _ pc0) lns = do
pc <- readIORef pc0
case pc of
ContinueFrom ln -> do
lns' <- fmap (sortBy (compare `on` fst) . filter ((> ln) . fst)) $
forM lns $
\(Line e s) -> eval_IntExpr e >>= \e' -> return (e',s)
case lns' of
[] -> return $ Left False
((pc1,s):_) -> writeIORef pc0 (ContinueFrom pc1) >> return (Right s)
Goto ln -> do
a <- findM (\(Line i _) -> fmap (== ln) $ eval_IntExpr i) lns
case a of
Nothing -> return $ Left True
Just (Line _ s) -> writeIORef pc0 (ContinueFrom ln) >>
return (Right s)
Exit s -> return (Left s)
runProgram p = do
rq <- newRingBuffer
pc <- newIORef (ContinueFrom minBound)
re = RunEnv rq pc
go = do
l <- Main.getLine re p
case l of
Left False -> return ()
Left True -> hPutStrLn stderr "Sickbay program exited with error"
Right ln -> execLine re ln >> go
-- Redefine this function to avoid consuming newlines
skipSpaces = munch (\c -> isSpace c && c /= '\n')
int_p = go 0 where
go acc = do
d <- satisfy isDigit
let acc' = acc * 10 + digitToInt d
acc' `seq` (go acc' +++ return acc')
varname_p = do
c1 <- fmap toUpper $ satisfy isAlpha
r <- fmap (map toUpper) $ munch (\c -> isAlpha c || isDigit c)
char '%'
return (c1:r)
getVariable :: String -> StateT
(M.Map String (IORef (M.Map Int Int)))
IO (IORef (M.Map Int Int))
getVariable v = do
m <- get
case M.lookup v m of
Nothing -> do
r' <- lift $ newIORef M.empty
modify (M.insert v r')
return r'
Just r' -> return r'
-- The complexity of this type is because creating IORefs must be done in IO
intExpr_p :: ReadP
(StateT (M.Map String (IORef (M.Map Int Int))) IO IntExpr)
intExpr_p = intvar +++ intconst +++ rnd +++ ifix where
intvar = do
v <- varname_p
i <- return (return $ Const 0) +++ do
char '('
i' <- intExpr_p
char ')'
return i'
return $ do
r <- getVariable v
i' <- i
return (Var r i')
intconst = fmap (return . Const) int_p
rnd = do
string "RND%"
char '('
m <- intExpr_p
char ')'
return $ fmap Rnd m
ifix = do
char '('
l <- intExpr_p
o <- satisfy (`elem` "+-*/")
r <- intExpr_p
char ')'
return $ do
l' <- l
r' <- r
return $ Infix o l' r'
statement_p :: ReadP
(StateT (M.Map String (IORef (M.Map Int Int))) IO Statement)
statement_p =
rem_p +++
let_p +++
goto_p +++
gosub_p +++
return_p +++
end_p +++
prolong_p +++
cutshort_p +++
dimring_p +++
print_p +++
rem_p = do
string "REM "
b <- munch (/= '\n')
return $ return $ REM b
let_p = do
string "LET "
v <- varname_p
i <- return (return $ Const 0) +++ do
char '('
i' <- intExpr_p
char ')'
return i'
char '='
r <- intExpr_p
return $ LET <$> getVariable v <*> i <*> r
goto_p = do
string "GOTO "
ln <- int_p
return $ return $ GOTO ln
gosub_p = do
string "GOSUB "
ln <- int_p
return $ return $ GOSUB ln
return_p = string "RETURN" >> return (return RETURN)
end_p = string "END" >> return (return END)
prolong_p = do
string "PROLONG "
ln <- int_p
return $ return $ GOSUB ln
cutshort_p = string "CUTSHORT" >> return (return CUTSHORT)
dimring_p = do
string "DIM "
string "RING "
char '('
char ')'
return $ return $ DIMRING
print_p = do
string "PRINT "
o <- printarg_p
n <- return False +++ (char ';' >> return True)
return $ PRINT <$> o <*> pure n
printarg_p = strlit +++ (fmap . fmap) IntExpr intExpr_p +++ printarg_char
strlit = do
char '\"'
l <- munch (/= '\"')
char '\"'
return $ return $ StrConst l
printarg_char = do
string "CHR$"
v <- intExpr_p
return $ fmap IntExpr v
input_p = do
string "INPUT "
c <- return False +++ (string "CHR$" >> skipSpaces >> return True)
v <- varname_p
e <- intExpr_p
return $ INPUT <$> getVariable v <*> e <*> pure c
line_p = do
ln <- intExpr_p
char ' '
stmts <- fmap sequence $ sepBy statement_p
(skipSpaces >> char ':' >> skipSpaces)
return $ Line <$> ln <*> stmts
program_p = fmap (flip evalStateT M.empty . sequence) $
sepBy line_p (skipSpaces >> char '\n')
readProgram = fmap fst . find (null . snd) . readP_to_S
((munch isSpace >>) . return =<< program_p)
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[fn] -> do
src <- readFile fn
case readProgram src of
Just p -> p >>= runProgram
Nothing -> hPutStrLn stderr "Could not parse the program"
_ -> hPutStrLn stderr "Please use program filename as argument"
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I haven't found any bugs so far. Assuming there are a few: they're probably in the parser (the grammar in the spec isn't clear in all places about where whitespace is tolerated, not tolerated, and required; and I haven't had a decent look at the reference implementation yet)

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