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Last active August 2, 2016 03:36
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import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Char
newtype P a = P {probabilities :: [(Rational,a)] }
instance Functor P where
fmap f (P a) = P ((fmap . fmap) f a)
instance Applicative P where
pure = P . (:[]) . ((,) 1)
P f <*> P a = P (filter ((/= 0) . fst) (do
(pf,f') <- f
(pa,a') <- pf `seq` a
let pr = pf * pa in pr `seq` return (pr, f' a')
instance Monad P where
return = pure
P a >>= f = P (filter ((/= 0) . fst) (do
(pa,a') <- a
(pb,b') <- pa `seq` probabilities (f a')
let pr = pa * pb in pr `seq` return (pr, b')
uniform l = let
s = 1 % genericLength l
in P $ map ((,) s) l
distributed :: (Real f) => [(f,a)] -> P a
distributed l = let
s = 1 / sum (map (toRational . fst) l)
in P (map (\(r,a) -> (toRational r * s,a)) l)
collate :: (Eq a) => P a -> P a
collate = P . go . probabilities where
go :: Eq a => [(Rational,a)] -> [(Rational,a)]
go [] = []
go ((pa,a):r) = let
(m,n) = partition ((== a) . snd) r
in (pa + sum (map fst m), a) : go n
collate' :: (Ord a) => P a -> P a
collate' = P .
map (\((pa,a):r) -> (pa + sum (map fst r), a)) .
groupBy ((==) `on` snd) .
sortBy (compare `on` snd) .
select :: [a] -> [(a,[a])]
select = go id where
go _ [] = []
go acc (a:r) = (a, acc r) : go (acc . (a :)) r
oneCard :: [(Integer,Integer,Integer)] -> P [(Integer,Integer,Integer)]
oneCard l = collate' $ do
((h,s,n),r) <- distributed $
map (\v@((_,s,n),_) -> (s * n, v)) $
select l
return $ sort $ case n of
1 -> (h + 1, s - 1, 1) : r
_ -> (h + 1, s - 1, 1) : (h, s, n - 1) : r
oneHand :: [(Integer,Integer)] -> P (Integer,[(Integer,Integer)])
oneHand l' = collate' $ do
let l = map (\(s,n) -> (0,s,n)) l'
l2 <- foldl' (\a _ -> collate $ a >>= oneCard) (return l) (replicate 5 ())
ri = if (sort $ filter (/= 0) $ map (\(a,_,_) -> a) l2) == [2,3]
then 1
else 0
rl = map (\((s,n):r) -> (s,n + sum (map snd r))) $
groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $
sortBy (compare `on` fst) $
filter (/= (0,0)) $
map (\(_,s,n) -> (s,n)) l2
return (ri,rl)
hands :: Integer -> [(Integer,Integer)] -> P Integer
hands n = collate' . fmap fst . go . return . ((,) 0) where
go = flip (foldl' (\s _ -> collate' $ s >>= \(f,d) -> do
(i,r) <- oneHand d
return (i + f, r)
)) [1 .. n]
distribution :: [(Integer,Integer)] -> [P Integer]
distribution d = let
mp = (sum $ map (uncurry (*)) d) `div` 5
in genericTake mp $
tail $
map (collate' . fmap fst) $
iterate (\e -> collate' $
e >>= \(f,d) -> do
(i,r) <- oneHand d
return (i + f, r)
) $
return (0,d)
show3sf :: Rational -> String
show3sf r = let
w = floor r :: Integer
m = r - toRational w
sw = show w
s0 = if w == 0 then 3 else max 1 (3 - length sw)
go1 0 = "0"
go1 m' = case floor m' of
0 -> '0' : go1 (m' * 10)
d -> intToDigit d :
go2 (s0 - 2) ((m' - toRational d) * 10)
go2 _ 0 = "0"
go2 0 m' = [intToDigit $ round m']
go2 rd m' = let
d = floor m'
in intToDigit d : go2 (rd - 1) ((m' - toRational d) * 10)
fixRounding = reverse . fr False . reverse where
fr False [] = []
fr True [] = "1"
fr c ('.':r) = '.' : fr c r
fr _ ('a':r) = '0' : fr True r
fr False r = r
fr True ('9':r) = '0' : fr True r
fr True (n:r) = succ n : r
in fixRounding $ sw ++ "." ++ case w of
0 -> go1 (m * 10)
_ -> go2 (s0 - 1) (m * 10)
main = forM_ (zip [1..] $ distribution [(4,13)]) $ \(p,d) -> do
putStrLn $ "Probability distribution for full houses: " ++ show p ++ " hands"
forM_ (probabilities d) $ \(f,c) ->
putStrLn $ show c ++ ": " ++ show3sf (f * 100) ++ "%"
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Calculates the probability that of different numbers of players being dealt full houses when playing 5 card poker.

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