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C++ easy Graph BFS Traversal with shortest path finding for undirected graphs and shortest path retracing thorough parent nodes.
* Author: Asif Ahmed
* Site:
* Description: C++ easy Graph BFS Traversal with shortest path finding for undirected graphs
* and shortest path retracing thorough parent nodes.
using namespace std;
// I have used this value as Infinite since I assume a graph
// larger than this won't be tested on this code. Rather other
// standard libraries should be used.
#define INF 2 << 22
// Create the class for graph and define necessary properties and functions.
// adjList is stores the whole adjacency list structure as shown in the books.
// See my other post on graph for visual representation and other ways.
// addEdge function connects an edge u with another edge v.
class Graph{
int V;
vector< list<int> > adjList;
Graph(int const &V);
void addEdge(int const &u, int const &v);
void BFS(int const &s);
// Initialize the graph with node count and scale the adjacency list with node count.
Graph::Graph(int const &V){
this->V = V;
// Go to the (u) th vector position then add v to the linked list.
void Graph::addEdge(int const &u, int const &v){
adjList[u].push_back( v );
// Find path though the graph from a given node to another.
// If start and end node are same then nothing to do just print that node.
// Else
void findPath(int const &startNode, int const &endNode, int* &parent){
if( startNode == endNode || endNode == -1){
printf("%d\n", startNode);
findPath(startNode, parent[endNode], parent);
printf("%d\n", endNode);
// Performs BFS on given node, also prints distance array and parent array.
// Set distance array to infinite for all nodes and parent to -1. Set distance
// of parent node to zero and push to the queue. Take it out of queue and push
// all the reachable nodes from current node to queue.
// Also set the distance of the current node as the distance of its parent node
// plus one assuming all the distances are one instead of another same value.
// Set parent of current node to the node that was taken out of queue.
void Graph::BFS(int const &s){
int *dist = new int[V];
int *parent = new int[V];
for(int v = 0; v < V; ++v){
dist[v] = INF;
parent[v] = -1;
dist[s] = 0;
queue<int> Q;
Q.push( s );
while( !Q.empty() ){
int u = Q.front();
cout << u << " ";
list<int>::iterator it;
for(it = adjList[u].begin(); it != adjList[u].end(); ++it){
if( dist[*it] == INF ){
dist[*it] = dist[u] + 1;
parent[*it] = u;
// Print all the reachable nodes with distance from current nodes.
for(int v = 0; v < V; ++v){
if(dist[v] != INF){
printf("%d -> %d: %d\n", s, v, dist[v]);
printf("%d -> %d: No Path\n", s, v);
// Print the parent array.
for(int v = 0; v < V; ++v){
printf("parent of %d: %d\n", v, parent[v]);
// Try to find the shortest path from current node to another.
// This can be modified based on need. Return the vector or
// array from here to main in order to call function from there.
int node;
printf("Find shortest path from node %d to another:\n", s);
cin >> node;
if( dist[node] != INF )
findPath(s, node, parent);
printf("No paths available");
int main(){
printf("Enter node count:\n");
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
// Create a graph given in the above diagram
Graph *g = new Graph(n);
// For inputting undirected graph either uncomment below or,
// create Edges pointing from (u,v) and (v,u)
int u, v;
printf("Enter edges:\n");
while( scanf("%d%d", &u, &v) == 2 ){
// Run DFS on graph
cout << "Breadth First Search Traversal: \n";
int node;
cin >> node;
return 0;
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Pk13055 commented Oct 9, 2017

Typo in the comment on line 155

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Thank you. This code works really perfectly.

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