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Created September 6, 2016 06:36
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CSS/JS needed for Dropdown menus in Admin Bar
/* All dropdown list items */
#admin-bar .dropdown li {
background-image: none;
float: left; /* LTR */
height: 100%;
list-style-image: none;
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0 !important;
padding: 0;
[dir="rtl"] #admin-bar .dropdown li {
float: right;
/* First level items */
#admin-bar .dropdown li li {
width: 160px; /* Required for Opera */
#admin-bar .dropdown li li li {
filter: Alpha(opacity=100);
opacity: 1;
/* Second-level lists */
/* Note: We must hide sub-lists or scrollbars might appear (display: none is not read by screen readers). */
#admin-bar .dropdown li ul {
display: none;
left: -999em; /* LTR */
line-height: 1.2em;
margin: 0;
position: absolute;
width: 160px;
[dir="rtl"] #admin-bar .dropdown li ul {
left: auto;
right: -999em;
/* Third-and-above-level lists */
#admin-bar .dropdown li li.expandable ul {
margin: -32px 0 0 160px; /* LTR */
[dir="rtl"] #admin-bar .dropdown li li.expandable ul {
margin-left: 160px;
margin-right: 0;
/* Lists nested under hovered list items */
#admin-bar .dropdown ul.expanded {
display: block;
left: auto; /* LTR */
[dir="rtl"] #admin-bar .dropdown ul.expanded {
right: auto;
/* Second-and-more-level hovering */
#admin-bar .dropdown li li.expandable > a {
background: #45454A url(../images/arrow.png) no-repeat 145px center; /* LTR */
[dir="rtl"] #admin-bar .dropdown li li.expandable > a {
background-image: url(../images/arrow-rtl.png);
background-position: 5px center;
#admin-bar .dropdown li li a.expanded-trail {
background-color: #111;
border-color: #444;
color: #EEE;
* Apply JavaScript-based hovering behaviors.
* @todo This has to run last. If another script registers additional behaviors
* it will not run last.
Backdrop.adminBar.behaviors.hover = function (context, settings, $adminBar) {
// Bind events for opening and closing menus on hover/click/touch.
$adminBar.on('mouseenter', 'li.expandable', expandChild);
$adminBar.on('mouseleave', 'li.expandable', closeChild);
// On touch devices, the first click on an expandable link should not go to
// that page, but a second click will. Use touch start/end events to target
// these devices.
var touchElement;
var needsExpanding;
$adminBar.on('touchstart touchend click', 'li.expandable > a, li.expandable > span', function(e) {
// The touchstart event fires before all other events, including mouseenter,
// allowing us to check the expanded state consistently across devices.
if (e.type === 'touchstart') {
touchElement =;
needsExpanding = $(this).siblings('ul').length > 0 && !$(this).siblings('ul').hasClass('expanded');
// If clicking on a not-yet-expanded item, expand it and suppress the click.
if ((e.type === 'click' || e.type === 'touchend') && touchElement) {
if (touchElement === {
if (needsExpanding) {
expandChild.apply($(this).parent()[0], [e]);
else if ($(this).is('span')) {
closeChild.apply($(this).parent()[0], [e]);
// If the touch ended on a different element than it started, suppress it.
else if (touchElement !== {
// Close all menus if clicking outside the menu.
$(document).bind('click', function (e) {
if ($($adminBar).length === 0) {
function expandChild(e) {
// Stop the timer.
// Display child lists.
var $childList = $(this).children('ul');
// Add classes for the expanded trail of links.
.siblings('a, span').addClass('expanded-trail');
// Immediately hide nephew lists.
function closeChild(e) {
// Start the timer.
var $uls = $(this).find('> ul');
var $link = $(this).find('> a, > span');
this.sfTimer = setTimeout(function () {
}, 400);
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