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Created May 23, 2018 01:05
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/* This is the basic component. */
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("Page");
type attr = ..;
type attr +=
| Str (string);
type attr +=
| Int (int)
| Float (float);
type bungo = { wee: string};
type bazzer = { bar: int, baz: int, hi: bungo, wow: attr};
let dong = Str("I am string");
let foo = { bar: 123, baz: 444, hi: {wee: "ok"}, wow: dong};
/* Your familiar handleClick from ReactJS. This mandatorily takes the payload,
then the `self` record, which contains state (none here), `handle`, `reduce`
and other utilities */
let handleClick = (_event, _self) => {Js.log("clicked!"); Js.log(foo)};
/* `make` is the function that mandatorily takes `children` (if you want to use
`JSX). `message` is a named argument, which simulates ReactJS props. Usage:
`<Page message="hello" />`
Which desugars to
`ReasonReact.element(Page.make(~message="hello", [||]))` */
let make = (~message, _children) => {
render: self =>
<div onClick=(self.handle(handleClick))>
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