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Created July 20, 2018 17:46
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import * as CSS from 'csstype'
type SingleOrArray<Properties, T extends keyof Properties> = {
[P in T]: Properties[P] | Array<Properties[P]>
type CSSPropertiesLoosePseudo = { [K in CSS.Pseudos]?: CSSPropertiesLoose }
type CSSPropertiesPseudo = { [K in CSS.Pseudos]?: CSSProperties }
type CSSPropertiesComplete = SingleOrArray<CSS.Properties, keyof CSS.Properties>
interface CSSPropertiesLossy {
[propertyName: string]:
| string
| number
| CSSPropertiesComplete
| undefined
| Array<CSSPropertiesComplete[keyof CSSPropertiesComplete]>
| CSSPropertiesLossy
interface CSSPropertiesLoose
extends CSSPropertiesComplete,
CSSPropertiesLossy {}
interface CSSProperties extends CSSPropertiesComplete, CSSPropertiesPseudo {}
type CSSFunction = (props: {}) => Style
type Style =
| CSSPropertiesComplete & CSSPropertiesPseudo
| CSSFunction
| StyleArray
interface StyleArray extends Array<Style | undefined> {}
type StyleLoose = CSSPropertiesLoose | CSSFunction | StyleLooseArray | boolean
interface StyleLooseArray extends Array<StyleLoose | undefined> {}
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