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Created November 10, 2017 03:50
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Customize sphinx for projects using mongoengine ORM.
If you try to generate documentations using sphinx's autodoc with models extending mongoengine's Document You are going to have a bad time
1. The code will call Document.objects and list all the entries in your doc!!!
2. Your model's fields will inherit the default docstr from Field class if you don't have any comment. The documentation generated is very long and difficult to read
This snippet helps to solve these 2 problems. Insert them into file.
import re
from mongoengine.base.fields import ObjectIdField
from mongoengine.queryset.queryset import QuerySet
default_docstr_patterns = ['A(n?) .+ field', '32-bit integer field',
'Datetime field', 'A reference to a document']
ignore_pattern = '^' + '|'.join(['(%s)' % p for p in default_docstr_patterns])
def autodoc_process_docstring(app, what, name, obj, options, lines):
Remove default docstr for IntField, DatetimeField, ReferenceField etc.
if lines:
if re.match(ignore_pattern, lines[0]):
for i in range(0, len(lines)):
lines[i] = ''
def autodoc_skip_member(app, what, name, obj, skip, options):
Exclude objects and id from Mongoengine models
exclude = isinstance(obj, QuerySet) or (name == 'id' and isinstance(obj, ObjectIdField))
return skip or exclude
def setup(app):
app.connect('autodoc-skip-member', autodoc_skip_member)
app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', autodoc_process_docstring)
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