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Created August 10, 2012 01:36
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EX examples
#Implementation of
escape_xml = *.replace(
('<', '&lt;'),
('>', '&gt;'),
('&', '&amp;'),
('"', '&quot;'),
("'", '&apos;'),
character_remarks (chars : List(Str), remarks : List(Str)) = <<"END"
zip(chars, remarks).map({
"<Character name=\"{escape_xml(@char)}\">{escape_xml(@remark)}</Character>\n"
# Implementation of
find_matching (dir : Dir, pat : Regex, base : Str = '') = do {
for dir { # Gives filename objects that can coerce to strings
if @_.is_directory {
find_matching(@_, pat, "{base}{@_}/");
else if @_ ~~ pat {
#Implementation of
tpk_default_f (x : float) = abs(x)**0.5 + 5 * x**3
tpk (f : Func(float, float) = tpk_default_f, max : float = 400) = do {
$input = prompt("Please enter 11 numbers: ").words;
if input.length > 11 {
say("Too many numbers.");
if input.length < 11 {
say("Too few numbers.");
for input {
$result = f(@_);
if result > max {
say "{@_}: too large";
else {
say "{@_}: {result}";
# Simply find all the factors
factors (x : int) = (1..x).grep(x %% *);
# Reduce to prime factors
factor (x : int) = {
f = (1..(x div 2)).map(* * 2).first(x %% *);
.^ = if defined(f) { [f] ~ factor(x div f) }
else { [] }
#Implementation of
rectangle_cuts (w : int, h : int) where (w %% 2 or h %% 2) {
Pt (.x : int, .y : int) {
.opposite = Pt(w-x, h-y);
.neighbors = [
Pt(x+1, y),
Pt(x-1, y),
Pt(x, y+1),
Pt(x, y-1),
cutter (visited : List(Pt), at : Pt) : int = {
done = at.x == 0|w
or at.y == 0|h;
overlap = visited.any({@_ == at || @_ == at.opposite});
.^ = if overlap { 0 }
else if done { 1 }
else {{cutter([at] ~ visited, @_)}).reduce(* + *) }
middle = Pt(w div 2, h div 2);
.^ = if w %% 2 and h %% 2 {
cutter([middle], middle.neighbors[0])
+ cutter([middle], middle.neighbors[2])
else {
cutter([], middle)
### Some examples of game entities
# An interface for actors
Actor (
.act : Action,
.react : Action,
) { }
# Trait for decision making
AI (
.interval : Action(int) = do { return 30 },
.decision : Action,
.phase : int
) {
.act = do {
phase -= 1;
if (phase == 0) {
phase = interval;
# An entity that uses the above
Rat (
.pos : Vec,
.vel : Vec = Vec(0, 0),
.ai = AI(
interval = do { return ceil(rand*rand*100) },
decision = do {
vel.x = (-2, 2).pick
phase : int
) {
.^ = Actor(
act = ai.act;
react = do {
s = loudest_sound;
if (s.volume > 10) {
vel.x = 2 * (pos - s.pos).sign;
# Example of usage
rat1 = Rat(pos=Vec(4, 12), ai.phase=2);
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