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Created December 11, 2020 16:23
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Delete a folder from a GitHub repository using the REST API
* This file shows how to delete a folder from a GitHub repository using the REST v3 API
* Because it is not trivial...
* It was last tested to work on 2020/12/11
* The script is supposed to be called like this: node commit.js quilicicf Depotware myBranch
* Where the arguments are in order: the owner of the repository, the name of the repository and
* the name of the branch where the commit will be done.
* It assumes there is a valid GitHub personal access token available as environment variable: GITHUB_TOKEN
* Make sure you keep those tokens short-lived, revoke it when you are done!
* It uses as HTTP client, run `npm install axios` in the same
* folder before running it (contribution to remove this dependency welcome).
* Fiddle with the object FOLDER_TO_DELETE to see how the script behaves.
const axios = require('axios');
const { GITHUB_TOKEN } = process.env; // Generate yours: (must have repo scope)
const [ REPOSITORY_OWNER, REPOSITORY_NAME, BRANCH_NAME ] = process.argv.slice(2);
const TYPE = { BLOB: 'blob', TREE: 'tree' };
const FOLDER_TO_DELETE = 'apis';
// See:
// See:
// See:
const headers = {
Accept: 'application/vnd.github.v3+json',
Authorization: `Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}`,
const main = async () => {
// Get the sha of the last commit on BRANCH_NAME
const { data: { object: { sha: currentCommitSha } } } = await axios({ url: REF_URL, headers });
// Get the sha of the root tree on the commit retrieved previously
const COMMIT_URL = `${COMMITS_URL}/${currentCommitSha}`;
const { data: { tree: { sha: treeSha } } } = await axios({ url: COMMIT_URL, headers });
// Get the tree corresponding to the folder that must be deleted.
// Uses the recursive query parameter to retrieve all files whatever the depth.
// The result might come back truncated if the number of hits is big.
// This truncated output case is NOT handled.
const { data: { tree: oldTree } } = await axios({
params: { recursive: true },
// Create a tree to edit the content of the repository, basically select all files
// in the previous tree and mark them with sha=null to delete them.
// The folder only exists in git if it has a file in its offspring.
const newTree = oldTree
.filter(({ type }) => type === TYPE.BLOB)
.map(({ path, mode, type }) => (
{ path: `${FOLDER_TO_DELETE}/${path}`, sha: null, mode, type } // If sha is null => the file gets deleted
// Create a new tree with the file offspring of the target folder removed
const { data: { sha: newTreeSha } } = await axios({
method: 'POST',
data: {
base_tree: treeSha,
tree: newTree,
// Create a commit that uses the tree created above
const { data: { sha: newCommitSha } } = await axios({
method: 'POST',
data: {
message: 'Committing with GitHub\'s API :fire:',
tree: newTreeSha,
parents: [ currentCommitSha ],
// Make BRANCH_NAME point to the created commit
await axios({
url: REF_URL,
method: 'POST',
data: { sha: newCommitSha },
.catch((error) => console.log(;
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I love how github officially actually uses octokit for js, but honestly using axios + rest API is just more convenient and literally all the stuff I've seen on the github API in js use axios instead of octokit

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