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Created December 11, 2014 09:49
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Drupal: Download and install drupal in a specific language
# download latest drupal core
drush dl drupal
mv drupal-7.xx mysitedirectory
# download appropriate language files from and place them in mysitedirectory/profiles/standard/translations
# install in French
drush si --db-url=mysql://dbusername:dbpassword@localhost/dbname --db-su=name --db-su-pw=password --site-name="Your New Site" --locale=fr --account-name=siteadm1 --account-pass=siteadm1password
# Add French and make default
drush dl drush_language l10n_update -y && drush en locale -y && drush language-add fr -y && drush language-enable fr -y && drush language-default fr -y
# Enable language management modules and update language
drush en drush_language l10n_update -y && l10n-update-refresh -y && drush l10n-update -y
# Final step
drush cron && drush cc all -y && drush st
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