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Last active September 7, 2015 12:10
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Tar Stream.
from tarfile import TarInfo
from os import path
from io import BytesIO
class TarIO:
"""Stream Tar IO.
>>> from tempfile import gettempdir
>>> from tarfile import open as taropen
>>> from io import BytesIO
>>> tmpdir = gettempdir()
>>> open("{}/{}".format(tmpdir, "test1.txt"), 'w').write("one"*1024)
>>> open("{}/{}".format(tmpdir, "test2.txt"), 'w').write("two"*1024)
>>> tio = TarIO([
... "{}/{}".format(tmpdir, "test1.txt"),
... "{}/{}".format(tmpdir, "test2.txt")
... ])
>>> tardata = b""
>>> tmpdata =
>>> while tmpdata:
... tardata += tmpdata
... tmpdata =
>>> tarobj = taropen(fileobj=BytesIO(tardata))
>>> list(tarobj)[0].name
>>> list(tarobj)[1].name
>>> list(tarobj)[0].size
def __init__(self, locations):
self.tarlist = []
self.pos = 0
for location in locations:
tinfo = TarInfo(path.split(location)[-1])
file = open(location, 'rb'), 2)
fsize = file.tell()
tinfo.mtime = path.getmtime(location)
tinfo.size = fsize
tailsize = ((512 + fsize) // 512 + 1) * 512 - (512 + fsize)
self.tarlist.append((512, BytesIO(tinfo.tobuf())))
self.tarlist.append((fsize, open(location, 'rb')))
self.tarlist.append((tailsize, BytesIO(b"\00" * tailsize)))
def seek(self, pos, whence=0):
if whence == 0 or whence == None:
self.pos = pos
elif whence == 1:
self.pos += pos
elif whence == 2:
self.pos = sum(map((lambda t: t[0]), self.tarlist)) - pos
return self.pos
def tell(self):
return self.pos
def read(self, size=None):
_bytes = b""
if size is None:
for _, get_bytes in self.tarlist:
_bytes +=
pos_count = 0
for num, bio in self.tarlist:
if size <= 0:
pos_count += num
if pos_count < self.pos:
bpos = self.pos - (pos_count - num)
readsize = ((num - bpos) if size > (num - bpos) else size)
_bytes +=
self.pos += readsize
size -= readsize
return _bytes
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