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Last active September 13, 2018 22:14
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  • Save quinncomendant/1209964b9124c2053be7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save quinncomendant/1209964b9124c2053be7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is an OS X command-line script that downloads the latest DSCOVR:EPIC <> image and sets it as your desktop picture. Prerequisites: requires installing Homebrew <> and then the jshon tool (`brew install jshon`). Then you can run the command manually, or add it to your crontab.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl -s "$apiurl" | jshon -a -e image -u | while read image; do
mkdir -p "$download_directory";
if [[ -n "$image" && ! -f "$destfile" ]]; then
echo "New 🌍 ! $image.jpg";
curl -so "$destfile" "$image.jpg";
ln -sf "$destfile" "$download_directory/latest.jpg";
latestfile=$(readlink -f "$download_directory/latest.jpg");
if [[ -e "$latestfile" && $(stat -c '%Y' "$latestfile") -gt $(($(date +'%s') - 60)) ]]; then
# If latest file exists, and it's last modification time less than than 1 minute, set it to desktop.
osascript -e "tell application \"Finder\" to set desktop picture to POSIX file \"$latestfile\"";
killall Dock;
# EPIC Daily “Blue Marble” API documentation:
# The API URL is:
# This gets you a list of the latest day’s images & metadata.
# OR
# The second form’s optional parameters allow you to focus in to
# geographical regions that were in view (technically, longitudinal
# bounding points) on a given date.
# For instance: Using North America’s boundaries of east =
# -53.034, and west = -170.859 and choosing August 24, 2015, the URL
# would look like this:
# The date parameter is unpadded(e.g. 2015-9-1, vs. 2015-09-01 for
# September 1, 2015), and optional. Leaving the date off will default to
# the latest image set.
# Leaving out the coordinates gets you every image for whatever date is
# returned.
# Adding either longitudinal parameter returns all images for the given
# date, for which the supplied longitude is in view of the camera.
# The JSON data looks like this:
# ImageData object:
# {
# "image": "epic_1b_20150826231708_00", // image name sans extension.
# "caption": "About an image", // Will contain a caption
# "coords": “{}", // Contains a JSON string representing a
# Coordinates object.
# "date": "2015-08-26 23:17:08" // The date the capture sequence for the
# data was initiated
# }
# ImageData notes:
# For the image field to be useful, it has to be added to a URL. Image
# URLs differ depending upon purpose.
# Given an image name of “epic_1b_20150901205648_00” (taken
# Sept 1, 2015, with the camera aimed
# at 3 storms in the pacific (my favorite)), we have URLs as follows:
# For compressed JPG thumbnails, the URL would be:
# For full-size, compressed JPG previews, the URL would be:
# For full-size original PNG images with full metadata in the comments,
# the URL would be:
# Coordinates object
# {
# "centroid_coordinates": { // Geographical coordinates that the
# satellite is looking at
# "lat": 4.076132,
# "lon": -169.648562
# },
# "dscovr_j2000_position": { // Position of the satellite in space
# "x": -1439710.750000,
# "y": 659227.437500,
# "z": 113316.414062
# },
# "lunar_j2000_position": { // Position of the moon in space
# "x": 153199.062500,
# "y": -319797.531250,
# "z": -104905.093750
# },
# "sun_j2000_position": { // Position of the sun in space
# "x": -134918656.000000,
# "y": 62555808.000000,
# "z": 27119770.000000
# },
# "attitude_quaternions": { // Satellite attitude
# "q0": 0.976360,
# "q1": -0.212080,
# "q2": -0.039540,
# "q3": 0.013750
# }
# }
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