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Last active August 3, 2024 18:13
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Markdown version of the overview of “Principles of Computer System Design: An Introduction”

Design principles of computer systems

Design principles applicable to many areas of computer systems

  • Adopt sweeping simplifications
    So you can see what you are doing.
  • Avoid excessive generality
    If it is good for everything, it is good for nothing.
  • Avoid rarely used components
    Deterioration and corruption accumulate unnoticed—until the next use.
  • Be explicit
    Get all of the assumptions out on the table.
  • Decouple modules with indirection
    Indirection supports replaceability.
  • Design for iteration
    You won't get it right the first time, so make it easy to change.
  • End-to-end argument
    The application knows best.
  • Escalating complexity principle
    Adding a feature increases complexity out of proportion.
  • Incommensurate scaling rule
    Changing a parameter by a factor of ten requires a new design.
  • Keep digging principle
    Complex systems fail for complex reasons.
  • Law of diminishing returns
    The more one improves some measure of goodness, the more effort the next improvement will require.
  • Open design principle
    Let anyone comment on the design; you need all the help you can get.
  • Principle of least astonishment
    People are part of the system. Choose interfaces that match the user’s experience, expectations, and mental models.
  • Robustness principle
    Be tolerant of inputs, strict on outputs.
  • Safety margin principle
    Keep track of the distance to the edge of the cliff or you may fall over the edge.
  • Unyielding foundations rule
    It is easier to change a module than to change the modularity.

Design principles applicable to specific areas of computer systems

  • Atomicity: Golden rule of atomicity
    Never modify the only copy!
  • Coordination: One-writer principle
    If each variable has only one writer, coordination is simpler.
  • Durability: The durability mantra
    Multiple copies, widely separated and independently administered.
  • Security: Minimize secrets
    Because they probably won’t remain secret for long.
  • Security: Complete mediation
    Check every operation for authenticity, integrity, and authorization.
  • Security: Fail-safe defaults
    Most users won’t change them, so set defaults to do something safe.
  • Security: Least privilege principle
    Don’t store lunch in the safe with the jewels.
  • Security: Economy of mechanism
    The less there is, the more likely you will get it right.
  • Security: Minimize common mechanism
    Shared mechanisms provide unwanted communication paths.

Design Hints (useful but not as compelling as design principles)

  • Exploit brute force
  • Instead of reducing latency, hide it
  • Optimize for the common case
  • Separate mechanism from policy
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