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Created October 10, 2017 03:16
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Pure julia float parsing
const EXPONENTS = [
1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9,
1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19,
1e20, 1e21, 1e22, 1e23, 1e24, 1e25, 1e26, 1e27, 1e28, 1e29,
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1e60, 1e61, 1e62, 1e63, 1e64, 1e65, 1e66, 1e67, 1e68, 1e69,
1e70, 1e71, 1e72, 1e73, 1e74, 1e75, 1e76, 1e77, 1e78, 1e79,
1e80, 1e81, 1e82, 1e83, 1e84, 1e85, 1e86, 1e87, 1e88, 1e89,
1e90, 1e91, 1e92, 1e93, 1e94, 1e95, 1e96, 1e97, 1e98, 1e99,
1e100, 1e101, 1e102, 1e103, 1e104, 1e105, 1e106, 1e107, 1e108, 1e109,
1e110, 1e111, 1e112, 1e113, 1e114, 1e115, 1e116, 1e117, 1e118, 1e119,
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1e150, 1e151, 1e152, 1e153, 1e154, 1e155, 1e156, 1e157, 1e158, 1e159,
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pow10(exp) = (@inbounds v = EXPONENTS[exp+1]; return v)
maxexponent(::Type{Int16}) = 4
maxexponent(::Type{Int32}) = 38
maxexponent(::Type{Int64}) = 308
minexponent(::Type{Int16}) = -5
minexponent(::Type{Int32}) = -38
minexponent(::Type{Int64}) = -308
inttype(::Type{Float16}) = Int16
inttype(::Type{Float32}) = Int32
inttype(::Type{Float64}) = Int64
const BIGN = UInt8('N')
const LITTLEN = UInt8('n')
const BIGA = UInt8('A')
const LITTLEA = UInt8('a')
const BIGI = UInt8('I')
const LITTLEI = UInt8('i')
const BIGF = UInt8('F')
const LITTLEF = UInt8('f')
const BIGT = UInt8('T')
const LITTLET = UInt8('t')
const BIGY = UInt8('Y')
const LITTLEY = UInt8('y')
const BIGE = UInt8('E')
const LITTLEE = UInt8('e')
ParsingException(::Type{<:AbstractFloat}, exp::Signed, row, col) = ParsingException("error parsing a `$T` value on column $col, row $row; exponent out of range: $exp")
function scale(exp, v::T, frac, row, col) where T
if exp >= 0
max_exp = maxexponent(T)
exp > max_exp && throw(ParsingException(T, exp, row, col))
return Float64(Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}(v) * Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}(pow10(exp)))
min_exp = minexponent(T)
if exp < min_exp
-exp + min_exp > -min_exp && throw(ParsingException(T, exp, row, col))
return Float64(Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}(v) / Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}(pow10(-exp + min_exp)))
return Float64(Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}(v) / Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}(pow10(-exp)))
@inline function parsefield(io::IO, ::Type{T}, opt::CSV.Options, row, col, state, ifnull::Function) where {T <: Union{Float16, Float32, Float64}}
negative = false
if b == MINUS # check for leading '-' or '+'
c = peekbyte(io)
if (NEG_ONE < c < TEN) || c == opt.decimal
negative = true
b = readbyte(io)
elseif b == PLUS
c = peekbyte(io)
if (NEG_ONE < c < TEN) || c == opt.decimal
b = readbyte(io)
# float digit parsing
iT = inttype(T)
v = zero(iT)
parseddigits = false
while NEG_ONE < b < TEN
parseddigits = true
# process digits
v *= iT(10)
v += iT(b - ZERO)
eof(io) && (state[] = EOF; result = T(v); @goto done)
b = readbyte(io)
# if we didn't get any digits, check for NaN/Inf or leading dot
if !parseddigits
if b == LITTLEN || b == BIGN
eof(io) && @goto checknullend
b = readbyte(io)
(!(b == LITTLEA || b == BIGA) || eof(io)) && (reset(io); b = readbyte(io); @goto checknullend)
b = readbyte(io)
!(b == LITTLEN || b == BIGN) && (reset(io); b = readbyte(io); @goto checknullend)
result = T(NaN)
eof(io) && (state[] = EOF; @goto done)
b = readbyte(io)
@goto checkdone
elseif b == LITTLEI || b == BIGI
eof(io) && @goto checknullend
b = readbyte(io)
(!(b == LITTLEN || b == BIGN) || eof(io)) && (reset(io); b = readbyte(io); @goto checknullend)
b = readbyte(io)
!(b == LITTLEF || b == BIGF) && (reset(io); b = readbyte(io); @goto checknullend)
result = T(Inf)
eof(io) && (state[] = EOF; @goto done)
b = readbyte(io)
if b == LITTLEI || b == BIGI
# read the rest of INFINITY
eof(io) && (state[] = EOF; @goto done)
b = readbyte(io)
b == LITTLEN || b == BIGN || @goto checkdone
eof(io) && (state[] = EOF; @goto done)
b = readbyte(io)
b == LITTLEI || b == BIGI || @goto checkdone
eof(io) && (state[] = EOF; @goto done)
b = readbyte(io)
b == LITTLET || b == BIGT || @goto checkdone
eof(io) && (state[] = EOF; @goto done)
b = readbyte(io)
b == LITTLEY || b == BIGY || @goto checkdone
eof(io) && (state[] = EOF; @goto done)
b = readbyte(io)
@goto checkdone
elseif b == opt.decimal
# keep parsing fractional part below
@goto checknullend
# parse fractional part
frac = 0
result = T(v)
if b == opt.decimal
eof(io) && (state[] = EOF; parseddigits ? @goto(done) : @goto(error))
b = readbyte(io)
elseif b == LITTLEE || b == BIGE
@goto parseexp
@goto checkdone
while NEG_ONE < b < TEN
frac += 1
# process digits
v *= iT(10)
v += iT(b - ZERO)
eof(io) && (state[] = EOF; result = scale(-frac, v, 0, row, col); @goto done)
b = readbyte(io)
# parse potential exp
if b == LITTLEE || b == BIGE
@label parseexp
eof(io) && (state[] = EOF; result = scale(-frac, v, 0, row, col); @goto done)
b = readbyte(io)
exp = zero(iT)
negativeexp = false
if b == MINUS
negativeexp = true
b = readbyte(io)
elseif b == PLUS
b = readbyte(io)
parseddigits = false
while NEG_ONE < b < TEN
parseddigits = true
# process digits
exp *= iT(10)
exp += iT(b - ZERO)
eof(io) && (state[] = EOF; result = scale(ifelse(negativeexp, -exp, exp) - frac, v, frac, row, col); @goto done)
b = readbyte(io)
result = parseddigits ? scale(ifelse(negativeexp, -exp, exp) - frac, v, frac, row, col) : scale(-frac, v, 0, row, col)
result = scale(-frac, v, 0, row, col)
@label checkdone
@goto checknullend
@label checknullend
@goto error
@label done
return T(ifelse(negative, -result, result))
@label null
return ifnull(row, col)
@label error
throw(ParsingException(T, b, row, col))
# (-73.99378204345703, -73.99378204345702)
# (-73.95227813720703, -73.95227813720702)
# (-73.98616027832031, -73.98616027832033)
# (-74.00163269042969, -74.00163269042967)
# (-73.96940612792969, -73.9694061279297)
# (-73.96797943115234, -73.96797943115236)
# (-73.95426940917969, -73.95426940917967)
# (-73.97286224365234, -73.97286224365236)
# (-73.99149322509766, -73.99149322509767)
# (-73.97639465332031, -73.97639465332033)
# (-73.97297668457031, -73.97297668457033)
# (-73.98991394042969, -73.98991394042967)
# (-73.98424530029297, -73.98424530029298)
# (-73.97872161865234, -73.97872161865236)
# (-73.99348449707031, -73.99348449707033)
# (-73.96598815917969, -73.96598815917967)
# (-73.98743438720703, -73.98743438720702)
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quinnj commented Oct 10, 2017

@timholy, @simonbyrne,

Sorry to bug you two fine gents, but I had a quick question I'd appreciate your input on if you have 5-10 minutes. Shashi and I have been working on writing a pure-julia strtod function for parsing floats, and we've gotten pretty far, but we're now dealing w/ the ever-tricky corner cases where the roundoff demons live.

The code above is actually totally accurate (as far as we've tested), but it's slow, particularly here where we're using the excellent Base.TwicePrecision functionality to indeed account for potential roundoff errors. As far as I can tell, there are relatively few cases where we need the full TwicePrecision, and could instead just use plain Float64 for speed.

My main question is: is there a performant check we could do on the v (integer value of the float digits) and exp (parsed exponent) arguments to tell if we needed the full TwicePrecision or not? I've tried to dig through the floatrange code in Base and follow discussions here and there, but I worry there are others (you two in particular!) who are much more expert on the intricacies of float precision operations. I'm mainly trying to make this code more performant in the majority of cases and only use TwicePrecision in cases where there aren't enough significant bits to handle potential roundoff errors in the * and / operations

Thanks for any help/direction you can provide!

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