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Created May 13, 2020 17:25
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CS340 Final Project 2
import java.util.*;
public class DirectedGraph {
private class VertexNode {
private String name; //the name of the vertex. Vertex names are unique
private VertexNode nextV; //reference to the next vertex in the vertex list
private EdgeNode edges; //the head of the list of edges coming out of the vertex
private VertexNode(String n, VertexNode v) {
name = n;
nextV = v;
edges = null;
private class EdgeNode {
private VertexNode vertex1; //references the vertex node of the first vertex of the edge
private VertexNode vertex2; //references the vertex node of the second vertex of the edge
private EdgeNode nextE; //the next edge in the edge list
private EdgeNode(VertexNode v1, VertexNode v2, EdgeNode e) {
vertex1 = v1;
vertex2 = v2;
nextE = e;
private VertexNode vertices; //head of the list of vertices
private int numVertices;
public DirectedGraph() {
vertices = null;
numVertices = 0;
public void addVertex(String s) {
//insert a new vertex into the vertex list
//the vertex list is kept sorted in ascending order (base on the name)
VertexNode temp = vertices, prev = null;
while (temp != null && < 0) {
prev = temp;
temp = temp.nextV;
if (prev == null) {
vertices = new VertexNode(s, null);
prev.nextV = new VertexNode(s, null);
public void addEdge(String n1, String n2) {
//n1 and n2 are names of vertices that form the edge e.g. (A,B)
//PRE: the vertices with names n1 and n2 have already be added
var temp = vertices;
while (! temp = temp.nextV;
var temp2 = vertices;
while (! temp2 = temp2.nextV;
EdgeNode edge = temp.edges;
if (edge == null) {
temp.edges = new EdgeNode(temp, temp2, null);
while (edge.nextE != null) edge = edge.nextE;
edge.nextE = new EdgeNode(temp, temp2, null);
public void printGraph() {
//Print the graph with the format shown on the next slide
var temp = vertices;
while(temp != null){
var edge = temp.edges;
while(edge != null){
System.out.print(" " +;
edge = edge.nextE;
temp = temp.nextV;
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
//The main method can be used to test your implementation
BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(args[0]));
DirectedGraph g = new DirectedGraph();
String line = b.readLine();
Scanner scan = new Scanner(line);
while (scan.hasNext()) {
line = b.readLine();
while (line != null) {
scan = new Scanner(line);
line = b.readLine();
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