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Last active March 4, 2020 22:16
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Creates a sorted linked list in a file.
import java.util.*;
public class ListInFile {
Implements a sorted (ascending) list of ints (the keys) and fixed length character
string fields stored in a random access file.
Duplicates keys are not allowed. There will be at least 1 character string field
private RandomAccessFile f;
private long head; //the address of the head node in the file
private long free; //the address in the file of the first node in the free list
private int numFields; //the number of fixed length character fields
private int[] fieldLengths; //the length of each field
private class Node {
private int key;
private char[][] fields;
private long next;
private Node(int k, char[][] fields, long n) {
//constructor for a new node
this.key = k;
this.fields = fields; = n;
private Node(long addr) throws IOException {
//constructor for a node that exists and is stored in the file;
this.key = f.readInt();
this.fields = new char[numFields][];
for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
fields[i] = new char[fieldLengths[i]];
for (int x = 0; x < fieldLengths[i]; x++) this.fields[i][x] = f.readChar();
} = f.readLong();
private void writeNode(long addr) throws IOException {
//writes the node to the file at location addr;
for (char[] field : fields) for (char c : field) f.writeChar(c);
public ListInFile(String fname, int[] fieldLengths) throws IOException {
//creates a new empty list stored in the file fname
//the number of character string fields is fieldLengths.length
f = new RandomAccessFile(fname, "rw");
this.fieldLengths = fieldLengths;
numFields = fieldLengths.length;
// First time setup.
f.writeLong(0); // init head to null (0)
f.writeLong(0); // init free to null (0)
f.writeInt(numFields); // write number of fields
for (int fieldLength : fieldLengths) f.writeInt(fieldLength); // write in how many chars these arrays can hold
public ListInFile(String fname) throws IOException {
File file = new File(fname);
if (!file.exists()) {
System.out.println("Wrong constructor used.");
//reuse an existing list store in the file fname
System.out.print("Reopening file " + fname);
f = new RandomAccessFile(fname, "rw");
head = f.readLong();
free = f.readLong();
fieldLengths = new int[numFields = f.readInt()];
for (int i = 0; i < fieldLengths.length; i++) fieldLengths[i] = f.readInt();
System.out.print(". Ready.\n");
public void insert(int k, char[][] fds) throws IOException {
//PRE: the lengths of rows in fds matches the expects length and
// the rows are padded with null characters as needed
//if k is not in the list insert a new item into the list with key k
//and character fields fds
//if k is in the list the method does nothing
long newAddr = f.length(), newNext = 0, prevAddr = head, prevNext, currentAddr;
if (head == 0) { // Check to see if the list is empty
if(free != 0) newAddr = getFree(); // There is room on the free list that we should use.
head = newAddr;
new Node(k, fds, 0).writeNode(newAddr);
Node temp = new Node(head);
if(k < temp.key){
// Create a new head node.
if(free != 0) newAddr = getFree();
new Node(k, fds, head).writeNode(newAddr);
head = newAddr;
} else if(k == temp.key){
} else if( == 0){
if(free != 0) newAddr = getFree();
new Node(k, fds, 0).writeNode(newAddr); = newAddr;
// We are dealing with a list with at least one thing and
// we won't be inserting the node at the head of the list.
while (true){
currentAddr =;
temp = new Node(currentAddr);
if(k <= temp.key || == 0) break;
prevAddr = currentAddr;
if(k < temp.key){
if(free != 0) newAddr = getFree();
temp = new Node(prevAddr);
prevNext =; = newAddr;
new Node(k, fds, prevNext).writeNode(newAddr);
}else if(k == temp.key) return;
else if( == 0){
if(free != 0) newAddr = getFree(); = newAddr;
new Node(k, fds, 0).writeNode(newAddr);
private void addFree(long addr) throws IOException {;
free = addr;
public long getFree() throws IOException {
// returns the first free list value and updates the reference.
long addr = free;
// find the free space and grab the next free spot.;
free = f.readLong();
return addr;
public void print() throws IOException {
//Print the contents of the items in the list is ascending order of the key
//print one item (key and character fields) per line
long addr = head;
if (head == 0) System.out.println("The list is blank.");
while (addr != 0) {
System.out.print(addr + " ");;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) {
sb.append(" ");
for (int x = 0; x < fieldLengths[i]; x++) sb.append(f.readChar());
addr = f.readLong();
System.out.println(" n" + addr);
public String[] findByKey(int k) throws IOException {
//if k is in the list return an array of strings (the fields) associated with k
//otherwise return null
Node temp = new Node(head);
while( != 0 && temp.key != k)
temp = new Node(;
if(temp.key == k){
String[] arr = new String[temp.fields.length];
for(int i=0; i<temp.fields.length; i++){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int x=0; x<temp.fields[i].length; x++) sb.append(temp.fields[i][x]);
arr[i] = sb.toString();
return arr;
return null;
public LinkedList<LinkedList<String>> findByString(String s, int i) throws IOException {
//PRE: i >= 0 and I < the number of character fields
/*for each list item where the ith field matches s a list of
the data in the node (key and character fields) is added to the list
return by the method
if no node has a match for s in the ith field return an empty list
LinkedList<LinkedList<String>> temp = new LinkedList<>();
long addr = head;
Node tempNode;
String key;
while(addr != 0){
tempNode = new Node(addr);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int x=0; x<tempNode.fields[i].length; x++){
if(tempNode.fields[i][x] != '\0'){
key = sb.toString();
// Create LinkedList of String type that will
// store the key and values in that node.
LinkedList<String> nodeVals = new LinkedList<>();
nodeVals.add(tempNode.key + "");
for(int x=0; x<tempNode.fields.length; x++) nodeVals.add(new String(tempNode.fields[x]));
// Add it to the list of those lists.
addr =;
return temp;
public void remove(int k) throws IOException {
//if k is in the list removed the items with key k from the list
//otherwise do nothing
// Find k in the list (start with the head)
long prevAddr = head, currentAddr = head, next;
if(head == 0)return;
Node temp = new Node(currentAddr);
if(temp.key == k){
// node to be removed is at the head.
head =;
while( != 0){
currentAddr =;
temp = new Node(currentAddr);
if(temp.key == k) break;
prevAddr = currentAddr;
// the loop can break because we ran out of list or we have found the key in the list
if(temp.key == k){
next =;
temp = new Node(prevAddr); = next;
public void close() throws IOException {
//update head and free in the file (if necessary)
//close the random access file;
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