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Created April 18, 2020 06:51
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Homework 5 CS 340
import java.util.*;
public class SymbolTable <T>{
private int primeIndex, tableSize, numItems;
private static final double LOAD_FACTOR = .75; // Added const to change as needed.
private Node<T>[] table;
private final int[] primes = {7, 23, 59, 131, 271, 563, 1171, 2083, 4441, 8839, 16319, 32467, 65701, 131413};
public SymbolTable(int s){
primeIndex = 0;
tableSize = nextPrime(s);
table = new Node[tableSize];
numItems = 0;
private static class Node<T>{
private final String key;
private final T data;
private Node<T> next;
private Node(String key, T data, Node<T> next){
this.key = key; = data; = next;
private int nextPrime(int p){
while(primes[primeIndex] <= p) primeIndex++;
return primes[primeIndex];
private int hash(String k){
// return the hash function value for k
return Math.abs(k.hashCode()) % tableSize;
private void resize(){
tableSize = nextPrime(tableSize*2);
var oldTable = table;
table = new Node[tableSize];
for (Node<T> tNode : oldTable) {
var node = tNode;
if (node != null) {
while ( != null) {
node =;
public boolean insert(String k, T d){
Node<T> node = table[hash(k)]; // Look at the linked list in the loc the key hashes to.
if(node == null){
table[hash(k)] = new Node<>(k, d, null);
return true;
if(node.key.equals(k)) return false; // If the key is already in there skip it
while( != null){ // While there is more to look at.
node =; // Look at the next node.
if(node.key.equals(k)) return false; // Check to see if it is equivalent.
} = new Node<T>(k, d, null); // Insert the new unique node at the end of the list.
numItems ++; // Increment the counter.
if(numItems/(double)tableSize > LOAD_FACTOR) resize(); // If there are too many entries we need to resize.
return true;
public T find(String k){
Node<T> node = table[hash(k)]; // Look at the linked list in the loc the key hashes to.
if(node == null) return null;
if(node.key.equals(k)) return; // If the key matches return the
while( != null){ // While there is more to look at.
node =; // Look at the next node.
if(node.key.equals(k)) return; // Check to see if it is equivalent.
return null;
public boolean remove(String k){
int loc = hash(k);
Node<T> prev, node = table[loc]; // Look at the linked list in the loc the key hashes to.
// If the key matches, remove it and then return true.
table[loc] =;
return true;
while( != null){ // While there is more to look at.
prev = node;
node =; // Look at the next node.
if(node.key.equals(k)) {
// If the key matches, remove it and then return true. =;
return true;
return false;
public class STIterator implements Iterator<String>{
private int tableIndex = 0;
private Node<T> node = table[tableIndex];
public boolean hasNext() {
// Iterate to the next non null node in the array.
while(node == null && tableIndex < tableSize-1) {
node = table[tableIndex];
return node != null;
public String next() {
// Iterate to the next non null node in the array.
while(node == null && tableIndex < tableSize) {
node = table[tableIndex];
// If the node isn't null set it to the next node in the list and return its key.
if(node != null){
var out = node.key;
node =;
return out;
return null;
public Iterator<String> iterator(){
return new STIterator();
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