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Last active May 31, 2018 19:49
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  • Save quintesse/5c7505847491493dd2bfe4d5a5ba0e72 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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With "X-App=osio"
"boosters": [
"metadata": {
"app": {
"osio": {
"enabled": true
"mission": "health-check",
"name": "WildFly Swarm - Health Checks",
"description": "Demonstrates Health Checks in Wildfly Swarm",
"runtime": "wildfly-swarm",
"source": {
"git": {
"url": "",
"ref": "master"
"version": "community"
"mission": "configmap",
"name": "Vert.x - HTTP & Config Map",
"description": "Simple HTTP endpoint where the Vert.x application uses OpenShift ConfigMap to get the application parameters.",
"runtime": "vert.x",
"source": {
"git": {
"url": "",
"ref": "master"
"version": "redhat"
"metadata": {
"app": {
"osio": {
"enabled": true
"mission": "rest-http",
"name": "WildFly Swarm - HTTP",
"description": "Runs a WildFly Swarm HTTP application",
"runtime": "wildfly-swarm",
"source": {
"git": {
"url": "",
"ref": "master"
"version": "community"
"mission": "health-check",
"name": "Vert.x Health Check Example",
"description": "Demonstrate health check and recovery mechanism",
"runtime": "vert.x",
"source": {
"git": {
"url": "",
"ref": "master"
"version": "redhat"
"metadata": {
"app": {
"launcher": {
"enabled": false
"mission": "configmap",
"name": "Spring Boot - ConfigMap Example",
"description": "Booster to expose an HTTP Greeting endpoint using Spring Boot where the message is defined as a Kubernetes ConfigMap property.",
"runtime": "spring-boot",
"source": {
"git": {
"url": "",
"ref": "1.5.12-1-osio"
"version": "current-osio"
"mission": "rest-http",
"name": "Vert.x HTTP Booster",
"description": "Runs a Vert.x HTTP application",
"runtime": "vert.x",
"source": {
"git": {
"url": "",
"ref": "master"
"version": "redhat"
"metadata": {
"app": {
"launcher": {
"runsOn": "none"
"mission": "rest-http-secured",
"name": "Secured Vertx - Rest & Red Hat SSO",
"description": "Quickstart to expose a REST Greeting endpoint using Eclipse Vert.x & Secured by Red Hat SSO",
"runtime": "vert.x",
"source": {
"git": {
"url": "",
"ref": "master"
"version": "redhat"
"runtimes": [
"id": "vert.x",
"name": "Eclipse Vert.x",
"icon": "data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 640 280'%3E%3Cpath fill='%23022B37' d='M107 170.8L67.7 72H46.9L100 204h13.9L167 72h-20.4zm64 33.2h80v-20h-61v-37h60v-19h-60V91h61V72h-80zm180.1-90.7c0-21-14.4-42.3-43.1-42.3h-48v133h19V91h29.1c16.1 0 24 11.1 24 22.4 0 11.5-7.9 22.6-24 22.6H286v9.6l48 58.4h24.7L317 154c22.6-4 34.1-22 34.1-40.7m56.4 90.7v-1c0-6 1.7-11.7 4.5-16.6V91h39V71h-99v20h41v113h14.5z'/%3E%3Cpath fill='%23623C94' d='M458 203c0-9.9-8.1-18-18-18s-18 8.1-18 18 8.1 18 18 18 18-8.1 18-18M577.4 72h-23.2l-27.5 37.8L499.1 72h-40.4c12.1 16 33.6 46.8 47.8 66.3l-37 50.9c2 4.2 3.1 8.9 3.1 13.8v1H499l95.2-132h-16.8zm-19.7 81.5l-20.1 27.9 16.5 22.6h40.2c-9.6-13.7-24-33.3-36.6-50.5z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E",
"description": "A tool-kit for building reactive applications on the JVM.",
"metadata": {
"pipelinePlatform": "maven"
"versions": [
"id": "redhat",
"name": "3.5.1.redhat-003 (RHOAR)"
"id": "spring-boot",
"name": "Spring Boot",
"icon": "data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='205.3' height='184.28'%3E%3Cpath fill='%2368bd45' d='M202.66 81.08l-40.43-70C158.72 5 150.1 0 143.08 0H62.22c-7 0-15.64 5-19.15 11.06l-40.43 70c-3.52 6.08-3.52 16 0 22.12l40.43 70c3.51 6.08 12.13 11.06 19.15 11.06h80.86c7 0 15.63-5 19.15-11.06l40.43-70c3.52-6.07 3.52-16.01 0-22.1zM93.91 38.72a8.34 8.34 0 1 1 16.67 0v49.81a8.34 8.34 0 1 1-16.67 0zM102.25 145A56.51 56.51 0 0 1 68.54 43.17a7.41 7.41 0 1 1 8.85 11.89 41.69 41.69 0 1 0 66.54 33.47A41.89 41.89 0 0 0 127 55a7.41 7.41 0 0 1 8.76-12 56.52 56.52 0 0 1-33.51 102z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E",
"description": "Create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can \"just run\".",
"metadata": {
"pipelinePlatform": "maven"
"versions": [
"id": "current-osio",
"name": "1.5.12.RELEASE (OSIO)"
"id": "wildfly-swarm",
"name": "WildFly Swarm",
"icon": "data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg xmlns='' id='Layer_1' version='1' viewBox='0 0 128 128'%3E%3Cstyle%3E.st1{fill:%23f7931e}.st2{fill:%23585858}%3C/style%3E%3Cpath fill='%23333' d='M112.4 127.9H15.7c-8.6 0-15.6-7-15.6-15.6V15.6C.1 7 7.1 0 15.7 0h96.7C121 0 128 7 128 15.6v96.7c0 8.7-7 15.6-15.6 15.6z'/%3E%3Cpath d='M103.3 71.5L70.5 57.7c-.5-.2-.3-.9.2-.8l35.1 6.4c.3 0 . 7.5c-.1.2-.3.3-.6.2z' class='st1'/%3E%3Cpath d='M120.6 53.6L72 53.5c-.5 0-.6-.7-.1-.8L118.5 39c.3-. 13.7c.1.2-.1.5-.3.5z' class='st2'/%3E%3Cpath d='M24.8 71.2l32.8-13.8c.5-.2.3-.9-.2-.8L22.3 63c-.3 0-.4.3-.3.5l2.2 7.5c.' class='st1'/%3E%3Cpath d='M7.6 53.6l48.6-.1c.5 0 .6-.7.1-.8L9.6 39c-.3-.1-.5.1-.5.4l-2 13.7c0 .' class='st2'/%3E%3Cpath d='M64.3 78.1l2.1-1.1-1.9 11.6c-.1.5-.8.5-.8 0L61.8 77l2.1 1.1c. 0z' class='st1'/%3E%3Cpath d='M60.6 68.8l-.1.1-.1-.2zm7.1-.1v.2l-.1-.1z'/%3E%3Cpath d='M63.9 44.9l-6.5 3.4c-.2.1-.2.5 0 .6l6.5 3.4c. 0l6.5-3.4c.2-.1.2-.5 0-.6l-6.5-3.4c-.1-.1-.2-.1-.3 0zm5 16.2c0 .1 0 .1 0 0l-.1.8-.2 1.5-.6 3.5-2 1-1.6.8-.1.1c-.1.1-.3.1-.4 0l-.1-.1-1.6-.7-2-1-.6-3.5-.2-1.5-.1-.7v-.1l.8.4 1.6.8 2.3 1.2c. 0l2.3-1.2 1.6-.8.6-.5z' class='st1'/%3E%3Cpath d='M67.7 68.9l-.2 1.5-.8 4.8-2.4 1.2c-.1.1-.3.1-.4 0l-2.4-1.2-.8-4.8-.2-1.5.1-.1 1.6.8 1.7.9c. 0l1.7-.9 1.6-.8.1.1z' class='st2'/%3E%3C/svg%3E",
"description": "An innovative approach to packaging and running Java EE applications, packaging them with just enough of the server runtime to \"java -jar\" your application.",
"metadata": {
"pipelinePlatform": "maven"
"versions": [
"id": "community",
"name": "2018.5.0 (Community)"
"missions": [
"id": "configmap",
"name": "Externalized Configuration",
"description": "Use a ConfigMap to externalize configuration. ConfigMap is an object used by OpenShift to inject configuration data as simple key and value pairs into one or more Linux containers while keeping the containers independent of OpenShift",
"metadata": {
"level": "foundational"
"id": "health-check",
"name": "Health Check",
"description": "Monitor an application's ability to service requests",
"metadata": {
"level": "foundational"
"id": "rest-http",
"name": "REST API Level 0",
"description": "Map business operations to a remote procedure call endpoint over HTTP using a REST framework",
"metadata": {
"level": "foundational"
"id": "rest-http-secured",
"name": "Secured",
"description": "Expands on REST API Level 0 to secure the REST endpoint using Red Hat SSO which adds security to your applications while centralizing the security configuration",
"metadata": {
"level": "advanced"
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