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Created October 3, 2022 20:52
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import streamlit as st
import os
import pandas
import requests.exceptions
import logging
from thoughtspot import ThoughtSpot
# fetch from .env file
username = st.secrets["thoughtspot"]["ts_username"]
password = st.secrets["thoughtspot"]["ts_password"]
server = st.secrets["thoughtspot"]["ts_server"]
# Auth with ThoughtSpot
ts: ThoughtSpot = ThoughtSpot(server_url=server)
ts.login(username=username, password=password)"logged into thoughtspot. Hello "+username)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
# search ThoughtSpot
def fetchdata():
data = ts.tsrest.searchdata(query_string="[sales] [region]", data_source_guid="cd252e5c-b552-49a8-821d-3eadaa049cca")
dframe = pandas.DataFrame(columns=data['columnNames'],data=data['data'])
dframe = pandas.to_numeric(dframe['Total sales'])
st.bar_chart(data=dframe, width=500, height=500, use_container_width=True)
#The page
st.title('ThoughtSpot + Streamlit: ')
st.button(label="Search ThoughtSpot", on_click=fetchdata)
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