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Last active October 26, 2016 16:09
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# iv - a bash image viewer that uses w3mimgdisplay
# Usage: iv [filename]
# Licence: GPL -
# Inspired by -
# Saitoha sensei... Gomen nasai. Ore wa boke desu.
# Works best with xterm
printf '' "$(
fsize=(14 7)
# get number of cols / lines
read -a tsize <<< $(stty size)
# get terminal size in pixels
ssize=($((${fsize[0]} * (${tsize[0]} - 1))) $((${fsize[1]} * ${tsize[1]})))
# get image dimensions
read -a isize <<< $(identify -format '%h %w' $1)
# find ratios
sratio=$((${ssize[0]} * 100 / ${ssize[1]}))
iratio=$((${isize[0]} * 100 / ${isize[1]}))
# decide how the image will spread
if [[ "$sratio" -gt "$iratio" ]]; then
# fit horizontally, spread vertically
[[ "${ssize[1]}" -gt "${isize[1]}" ]] && tw=${isize[1]} || tw=${ssize[1]}
dsize=($(($tw * $iratio / 100)) $tw)
# fit vertically, spread horizontally
echo fit vertically > /dev/tty
[[ "${ssize[0]}" -gt "${isize[0]}" ]] && th=${isize[0]} || th=${ssize[0]}
dsize=($th $(($th * 100 / $iratio)))
# from Dennis Williamson's answer on
get_current_line() {
exec < /dev/tty
oldstty=$(stty -g)
stty raw -echo min 0
echo -en "\033[6n" > /dev/tty
IFS=';' read -r -d R -a pos
stty $oldstty
echo ${pos[0]:2}
# get number of lines that the image will occupy
b=$((${dsize[0]} / ${fsize[0]}))
# get starting line
sl=$((`get_current_line` - 1))
# get number of available lines
al="$((${tsize[0]} - 1 - $sl))"
[[ "$al" -ge "$b" ]] && al=$b
# move down visible lines
printf "\033["$(($b + 1))"B" > /dev/tty
# find lines which need to be added
il=$(($b - $al))
# print them
for i in `seq $il`; do printf "\n" > /dev/tty; done
printf "0;1;0;$((($sl - $il) * ${fsize[0]}));${dsize[1]};${dsize[0]};;;${isize[1]};${isize[0]};$1\\n4;\n3;" | /usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay
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