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Forked from javan/emoji.m
Created August 16, 2012 15:48
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Campfire Emoji
sDictionary = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
// People
@":smile:", @"\ue415",
@":blush:", @"\ue056",
@":smiley:", @"\ue057",
@":relaxed:", @"\ue414",
@":smirk:", @"\ue402",
@":heart_eyes:", @"\ue106",
@":kissing_heart:", @"\ue418",
@":kissing_face:", @"\ue417",
@":flushed:", @"\ue40d",
@":relieved:", @"\ue401",
@":satisfied:", @"\ue40a",
@":grin:", @"\ue404",
@":wink:", @"\ue405",
@":wink2:", @"\ue105",
@":tongue:", @"\ue409",
@":unamused:", @"\ue40e",
@":sweat:", @"\ue108",
@":pensive:", @"\ue403",
@":disappointed:", @"\ue058",
@":confounded:", @"\ue407",
@":fearful:", @"\ue40b",
@":cold_sweat:", @"\ue40f",
@":persevere:", @"\ue406",
@":cry:", @"\ue413",
@":sob:", @"\ue411",
@":joy:", @"\ue412",
@":astonished:", @"\ue410",
@":scream:", @"\ue107",
@":angry:", @"\ue059",
@":rage:", @"\ue416",
@":sleepy:", @"\ue408",
@":mask:", @"\ue40c",
@":imp:", @"\ue11a",
@":alien:", @"\ue10c",
@":yellow_heart:", @"\ue32c",
@":blue_heart:", @"\ue32a",
@":purple_heart:", @"\ue32d",
@":heart:", @"\ue022",
@":green_heart:", @"\ue32b",
@":broken_heart:", @"\ue023",
@":heartbeat:", @"\ue327",
@":heartpulse:", @"\ue328",
@":cupid:", @"\ue329",
@":sparkles:", @"\ue32e",
@":star:", @"\ue335", // add star2
//@":star2:", @"", // can't find different star in iOS emoji keyboard
@":anger:", @"\ue334",
@":exclamation:", @"\ue337", // add grey_exclamation
@":question:", @"\ue336", // add grey_question
// @":grey_exclamation:", @"❕", // can't find in iOS emoji keyboard
// @":grey_question:", @"❔", can't find in iOS emoji keyboard
@":zzz:", @"\ue13c",
@":dash:", @"\ue330",
@":sweat_drops:", @"\ue331",
@":notes:", @"\ue326",
@":musical_note:", @"\ue03e",
@":fire:", @"\ue11d",
@":hankey:", @"\ue05a", // add poop, shit
// @":poop:", @"",
// @":shit:", @"",
@":+1:", @"\ue00e", // add thumbsup
// @":thumbsup:", @"",
@":-1:", @"\ue421", // add thumbsdown
// @":thumbsdown:", @"",
@":ok_hand:", @"\ue420",
@":punch:", @"\ue00d",
@":fist:", @"\ue010",
@":v:", @"\ue011",
@":wave:", @"\ue41e",
@":hand:", @"\ue012",
@":open_hands:", @"\ue422",
@":point_up:", @"\ue22e",
@":point_down:", @"\ue22f",
@":point_left:", @"\ue230",
@":point_right:", @"\ue231",
@":raised_hands:", @"\ue427",
@":pray:", @"\ue41d",
@":point_up_2:", @"\ue00f",
@":clap:", @"\ue41f",
@":muscle:", @"\ue14c",
//@":metal:", @"", // can't find in iOS emoji keyboard
@":walking:", @"\ue201",
@":runner:", @"\ue115",
@":couple:", @"\ue428",
@":dancer:", @"\ue51f",
@":dancers:", @"\ue429",
@":ok_woman:", @"\ue424",
@":no_good:", @"\ue423",
@":information_desk_person:", @"\ue253",
@":bow:", @"\ue426",
@":couplekiss:", @"\ue111",
@":couple_with_heart:", @"\ue425",
@":massage:", @"\ue31e",
@":haircut:", @"\ue31f",
@":nail_care:", @"\ue31d",
@":boy:", @"\ue001",
@":girl:", @"\ue002",
@":woman:", @"\ue005",
@":man:", @"\ue004",
@":baby:", @"\ue51a",
@":older_woman:", @"\ue519",
@":older_man:", @"\ue518",
@":person_with_blond_hair:", @"\ue515",
@":man_with_gua_pi_mao:", @"\ue516",
@":man_with_turban:", @"\ue517",
@":construction_worker:", @"\ue51b",
@":cop:", @"\ue152",
@":angel:", @"\ue04e",
@":princess:", @"\ue51c",
@":guardsman:", @"\ue51e",
@":skull:", @"\ue11c",
@":feet:", @"\ue536",
@":lips:", @"\ue41c",
@":kiss:", @"\ue003",
@":ear:", @"\ue41b",
@":eyes:", @"\ue419",
@":nose:", @"\ue41a",
// @":feelsgood:", @"", // can't find any of these in iOS emoji keyboard:
// @":finnadie:", @"",
// @":goberserk:", @"",
// @":godmode:", @"",
// @":hurtrealbad:", @"",
// @":rage1:", @"",
// @":rage2:", @"",
// @":rage3:", @"",
// @":rage4:", @"",
// @":suspect:", @"",
// Nature
@":sunny:", @"\ue04a",
@":umbrella:", @"\ue04b",
@":cloud:", @"\ue049",
@":snowman:", @"\ue048",
@":moon:", @"\ue04c",
@":zap:", @"\ue13d",
@":cyclone:", @"\ue443",
@":ocean:", @"\ue43e",
@":cat:", @"\ue04f",
@":dog:", @"\ue052",
@":mouse:", @"\ue053",
@":hamster:", @"\ue524",
@":rabbit:", @"\ue52c",
@":wolf:", @"\ue52a",
@":frog:", @"\ue531",
@":tiger:", @"\ue050",
@":koala:", @"\ue527",
@":bear:", @"\ue051",
@":pig:", @"\ue10b",
@":cow:", @"\ue52b",
@":boar:", @"\ue52f",
@":monkey_face:", @"\ue109",
@":monkey:", @"\ue528",
@":horse:", @"\ue01a",
@":racehorse:", @"\ue134",
@":camel:", @"\ue530",
@":sheep:", @"\ue529",
@":elephant:", @"\ue526",
@":snake:", @"\ue52d",
@":bird:", @"\ue521",
@":baby_chick:", @"\ue523",
@":chicken:", @"\ue52e",
@":penguin:", @"\ue055",
@":bug:", @"\ue525",
@":octopus:", @"\ue10a",
@":tropical_fish:", @"\ue522",
@":fish:", @"\ue019",
@":whale:", @"\ue054",
@":dolphin:", @"\ue520",
@":bouquet:", @"\ue306",
@":cherry_blossom:", @"\ue030",
@":tulip:", @"\ue304",
@":four_leaf_clover:", @"\ue110",
@":rose:", @"\ue032",
@":sunflower:", @"\ue305",
@":hibiscus:", @"\ue303",
@":maple_leaf:", @"\ue118",
@":leaves:", @"\ue447",
@":fallen_leaf:", @"\ue119",
@":palm_tree:", @"\ue307",
@":cactus:", @"\ue308",
@":ear_of_rice:", @"\ue444",
@":shell:", @"\ue441",
// @":octocat:", @"", // not found either of these in iOS emoji keyboard
// @":squirrel:", @"",
// Objects
@":bamboo:", @"\ue436",
@":gift_heart:", @"\ue437",
@":dolls:", @"\ue438",
@":school_satchel:", @"\ue43a",
@":mortar_board:", @"\ue439",
@":flags:", @"\ue43b",
@":fireworks:", @"\ue117",
@":sparkler:", @"\ue440",
@":wind_chime:", @"\ue442",
@":rice_scene:", @"\ue446",
@":jack_o_lantern:", @"\ue445",
@":ghost:", @"\ue11b",
@":santa:", @"\ue448",
@":christmas_tree:", @"\ue033",
@":gift:", @"\ue112",
@":bell:", @"\ue325",
@":tada:", @"\ue312",
@":balloon:", @"\ue310",
@":cd:", @"\ue126",
@":dvd:", @"\ue127",
@":camera:", @"\ue008",
@":movie_camera:", @"\ue03d",
@":computer:", @"\ue00c",
@":tv:", @"\ue12a",
@":iphone:", @"\ue00a",
@":fax:", @"\ue00b",
@":phone:", @"\ue009", // add telephone
// @":telephone:", @"☎",
@":minidisc:", @"\ue316",
@":vhs:", @"\ue129",
@":speaker:", @"\ue141",
@":loudspeaker:", @"\ue142",
@":mega:", @"\ue317",
@":radio:", @"\ue128",
@":satellite:", @"\ue14b",
@":loop:", @"\ue211",
@":mag:", @"\ue114",
@":unlock:", @"\ue145",
@":lock:", @"\ue144",
@":key:", @"\ue03f",
@":scissors:", @"\ue313",
@":hammer:", @"\ue116",
@":bulb:", @"\ue10f",
@":calling:", @"\ue104",
@":email:", @"\ue103",
@":mailbox:", @"\ue101",
@":postbox:", @"\ue102",
@":bath:", @"\ue13f",
@":toilet:", @"\ue140",
@":seat:", @"\ue11f",
@":moneybag:", @"\ue12f",
@":trident:", @"\ue031",
@":smoking:", @"\ue30e",
@":bomb:", @"\ue311",
@":gun:", @"\ue113",
@":pill:", @"\ue30f",
@":syringe:", @"\ue13b",
@":football:", @"\ue42b",
@":basketball:", @"\ue42a",
@":soccer:", @"\ue018",
@":baseball:", @"\ue016",
@":tennis:", @"\ue015",
@":golf:", @"\ue014",
@":8ball:", @"\ue42c",
@":swimmer:", @"\ue42d",
@":surfer:", @"\ue017",
@":ski:", @"\ue013",
@":spades:", @"\ue20e",
@":hearts:", @"\ue20c",
@":clubs:", @"\ue20f",
@":diamonds:", @"\ue20d",
@":gem:", @"\ue035",
@":ring:", @"\ue034",
@":trophy:", @"\ue131",
@":space_invader:", @"\ue12b",
@":dart:", @"\ue130",
@":mahjong:", @"\ue12d",
@":clapper:", @"\ue324",
@":memo:", @"\ue301", // add pencil
// @":pencil:", @"",
@":book:", @"\ue148",
@":art:", @"\ue502",
@":microphone:", @"\ue03c",
@":headphones:", @"\ue30a",
@":trumpet:", @"\ue042",
@":saxophone:", @"\ue040",
@":guitar:", @"\ue041",
@":part_alternation_mark:", @"\ue12c",
@":shoe:", @"\ue007",
@":sandal:", @"\ue31a",
@":high_heel:", @"\ue13e",
@":lipstick:", @"\ue31c",
@":boot:", @"\ue31b",
@":shirt:", @"\ue006", // add tshirt
// @":tshirt:", @"",
@":necktie:", @"\ue302",
@":dress:", @"\ue319",
@":kimono:", @"\ue321",
@":bikini:", @"\ue322",
@":ribbon:", @"\ue314",
@":tophat:", @"\ue503",
@":crown:", @"\ue10e",
@":womans_hat:", @"\ue318",
@":closed_umbrella:", @"\ue43c",
@":briefcase:", @"\ue11e",
@":handbag:", @"\ue323",
@":beer:", @"\ue047",
@":beers:", @"\ue30c",
@":cocktail:", @"\ue044",
@":sake:", @"\ue30b",
@":fork_and_knife:", @"\ue043",
@":hamburger:", @"\ue120",
@":fries:", @"\ue33b",
@":spaghetti:", @"\ue33f",
@":curry:", @"\ue341",
@":bento:", @"\ue34c",
@":sushi:", @"\ue344",
@":rice_ball:", @"\ue342",
@":rice_cracker:", @"\ue33d",
@":rice:", @"\ue33e",
@":ramen:", @"\ue340",
@":stew:", @"\ue34d",
@":bread:", @"\ue339",
@":egg:", @"\ue147",
@":oden:", @"\ue343",
@":dango:", @"\ue33c",
@":icecream:", @"\ue33a",
@":shaved_ice:", @"\ue43f",
@":birthday:", @"\ue34b",
@":cake:", @"\ue046",
@":apple:", @"\ue345",
@":tangerine:", @"\ue346",
@":watermelon:", @"\ue348",
@":strawberry:", @"\ue347",
@":eggplant:", @"\ue34a",
@":tomato:", @"\ue349",
@":coffee:", @"\ue045",
@":tea:", @"\ue338",
// Places
@":109:", @"\ue50a", // symbol appears only on iOS 4 emoji keyboard (not 5+)
@":house:", @"\ue036",
@":school:", @"\ue157",
@":office:", @"\ue038",
@":post_office:", @"\ue153",
@":hospital:", @"\ue155",
@":bank:", @"\ue14d",
@":convenience_store:", @"\ue156",
@":love_hotel:", @"\ue501",
@":hotel:", @"\ue158",
@":wedding:", @"\ue43d",
@":church:", @"\ue037",
@":department_store:", @"\ue504",
@":city_sunrise:", @"\ue44a",
@":city_sunset:", @"\ue146",
@":japanese_castle:", @"\ue505",
@":european_castle:", @"\ue506",
@":tent:", @"\ue122",
@":factory:", @"\ue508",
@":tokyo_tower:", @"\ue509",
@":mount_fuji:", @"\ue03b",
@":sunrise_over_mountains:", @"\ue04d",
@":sunrise:", @"\ue449",
@":stars:", @"\ue44b",
@":statue_of_liberty:", @"\ue51d",
@":rainbow:", @"\ue44c",
@":ferris_wheel:", @"\ue124",
@":fountain:", @"\ue121",
@":roller_coaster:", @"\ue433",
@":ship:", @"\ue202",
@":speedboat:", @"\ue135",
@":boat:", @"\ue01c", // add sailboat
// @":sailboat:", @"⛵",
@":airplane:", @"\ue01d",
@":rocket:", @"\ue10d",
@":bike:", @"\ue136",
@":blue_car:", @"\ue42e",
@":car:", @"\ue01b", // add red_car
// @":red_car:", @"",
@":taxi:", @"\ue15a",
@":bus:", @"\ue159",
@":police_car:", @"\ue432",
@":fire_engine:", @"\ue430",
@":ambulance:", @"\ue431",
@":truck:", @"\ue42f",
@":train:", @"\ue01e",
@":station:", @"\ue039",
@":bullettrain_front:", @"\ue01f",
@":bullettrain_side:", @"\ue435",
@":ticket:", @"\ue125",
@":fuelpump:", @"\ue03a",
@":traffic_light:", @"\ue14e",
@":warning:", @"\ue252",
@":construction:", @"\ue137",
@":beginner:", @"\ue209",
@":atm:", @"\ue154",
@":slot_machine:", @"\ue133",
@":busstop:", @"\ue150",
@":barber:", @"\ue320",
@":hotsprings:", @"\ue123",
@":checkered_flag:", @"\ue132",
@":crossed_flags:", @"\ue143",
@":jp:", @"\ue50b",
@":kr:", @"\ue514",
@":cn:", @"\ue513",
@":us:", @"\ue50c",
@":fr:", @"\ue50d",
@":es:", @"\ue511",
@":it:", @"\ue50f",
@":ru:", @"\ue512",
@":gb:", @"\ue510",
@":de:", @"\ue50e",
// Symbols
@":1:", @"\ue21c",
@":2:", @"\ue21d",
@":3:", @"\ue21e",
@":4:", @"\ue21f",
@":5:", @"\ue220",
@":6:", @"\ue221",
@":7:", @"\ue222",
@":8:", @"\ue223",
@":9:", @"\ue224",
@":0:", @"\ue225",
@":hash:", @"\ue210",
@":arrow_backward:", @"\ue23b",
@":arrow_down:", @"\ue233",
@":arrow_forward:", @"\ue23a",
@":arrow_left:", @"\ue235",
@":arrow_lower_left:", @"\ue239",
@":arrow_lower_right:", @"\ue238",
@":arrow_right:", @"\ue234",
@":arrow_up:", @"\ue232",
@":arrow_upper_left:", @"\ue237",
@":arrow_upper_right:", @"\ue236",
@":rewind:", @"\ue23d",
@":fast_forward:", @"\ue23c",
@":ok:", @"\ue24d",
@":new:", @"\ue212",
@":top:", @"\ue24c",
@":up:", @"\ue213",
@":cool:", @"\ue214",
@":cinema:", @"\ue507",
@":koko:", @"\ue203",
@":signal_strength:", @"\ue20b",
@":u5272:", @"\ue227",
@":u55b6:", @"\ue22d",
@":u6307:", @"\ue22c",
@":u6708:", @"\ue217",
@":u6709:", @"\ue215",
@":u6e80:", @"\ue22a",
@":u7121:", @"\ue216",
@":u7533:", @"\ue218",
@":u7a7a:", @"\ue22b",
@":sa:", @"\ue228",
@":restroom:", @"\ue151",
@":mens:", @"\ue138",
@":womens:", @"\ue139",
@":baby_symbol:", @"\ue13a",
@":no_smoking:", @"\ue208",
@":parking:", @"\ue14f",
@":wheelchair:", @"\ue20a",
@":metro:", @"\ue434",
@":wc:", @"\ue309",
@":secret:", @"\ue315",
@":congratulations:", @"\ue30d",
@":ideograph_advantage:", @"\ue226", // looks slightly different but kanji is the same
@":underage:", @"\ue207",
@":id:", @"\ue229",
@":eight_spoked_asterisk:", @"\ue206",
@":eight_pointed_black_star:", @"\ue205",
@":heart_decoration:", @"\ue204",
@":vs:", @"\ue12e",
@":vibration_mode:", @"\ue250",
@":mobile_phone_off:", @"\ue251",
@":chart:", @"\ue14a",
@":currency_exchange:", @"\ue149",
@":aries:", @"\ue23f",
@":taurus:", @"\ue240",
@":gemini:", @"\ue241",
@":cancer:", @"\ue242",
@":leo:", @"\ue243",
@":virgo:", @"\ue244",
@":libra:", @"\ue245",
@":scorpius:", @"\ue246",
@":sagittarius:", @"\ue247",
@":capricorn:", @"\ue248",
@":aquarius:", @"\ue249",
@":pisces:", @"\ue24a",
@":ophiuchus:", @"\ue24b",
@":six_pointed_star:", @"\ue23e",
@":a:", @"\ue532",
@":b:", @"\ue533",
@":ab:", @"\ue534",
@":o2:", @"\ue535",
@":red_circle:", @"\ue219",
// @":black_square:", @"", // these show as green
// @":white_square:", @"", // and purple circles on iOS 4 so leaving to come through as text
@":clock1:", @"\ue024",
@":clock10:", @"\ue02d",
@":clock11:", @"\ue02e",
@":clock12:", @"\ue02f",
@":clock2:", @"\ue025",
@":clock3:", @"\ue026",
@":clock4:", @"\ue027",
@":clock5:", @"\ue028",
@":clock6:", @"\ue029",
@":clock7:", @"\ue02a",
@":clock8:", @"\ue02b",
@":clock9:", @"\ue02c",
@":o:", @"\ue332",
@":x:", @"\ue333",
@":copyright:", @"\u00a9",
@":registered:", @"\u00ae",
@":tm:", @"\u2122",
// @":shipit:", @"", // can't find in iOS emoji keyboard
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