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Last active August 1, 2018 14:41
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How to integrate the prototype kit with GOV.UK Notify
// Add this code to the top of routes.js
// process.env.NOTIFYAPIKEY is a special kind of variable that Node
// pulls from the environment your prototype is running in
// To set it locally, run this command in your Terminal, in the root
// folder of your prototype:
// echo NOTIFYAPIKEY=xxxxxxx >> .env
// (where xxxxxxx is a key you’ve created in Notify)
// To set it on Heroku, go to the settings page on your app, click
// ‘reveal config vars’ and enter NOTIFYAPIKEY and the value of the key
// in the two boxes.
var NotifyClient = require('notifications-node-client').NotifyClient,
notify = new NotifyClient(process.env.NOTIFYAPIKEY),
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add these bits at the bottom of routes.js
// The URL here should be the same as the form where someone enters
// their email address/phone number
// That page needs a textbox called 'email', to match
// below, eg <input type='text' name='email' />
//'/page-with-contact-details-form', function (req, res) {
// this long string is the template ID, get it from Notify
// This URL should be the page you want to send people to after the
// email message has been sent
res.redirect('/journey/dvla-change-address/' + + '/confirm-email');
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