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import re
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import chain
from io import BytesIO
from tika import parser
from joblib import Memory
location = './cachedir'
memory = Memory(location, verbose=0)
def normalise_url(url):
if not url.startswith("http"):
return "" + url
return url
def _get_content(url, as_bs=False):
response = requests.get(normalise_url(url))
if as_bs:
return BeautifulSoup(response.content, features="html.parser")
return response.content
def get_pdf_content(url):
pdf_content = _get_content(url)
raw = parser.from_buffer(BytesIO(pdf_content))
return raw
def _sanitise_name(consulate_name):
pattern = re.compile("consular fees", re.IGNORECASE)
consulate_name = pattern.sub("", consulate_name)
pattern = re.compile("consular fee", re.IGNORECASE)
consulate_name = pattern.sub("", consulate_name)
consulate_name = consulate_name.replace(":", "")
consulate_name = consulate_name.replace("–", "")
consulate_name = consulate_name.replace("-", "")
consulate_name = consulate_name.replace("2019", "")
return consulate_name.strip()
def get_fees_from_content(raw):
prev = 0
for line in raw['content'].split():
if len(line) > 0 and (
line[0].isdigit() or re.match('^\(i+\)', line.strip())
chunks = line.split(" ")
if '.' in chunks[0] or ',' in chunks[0] or '/' in chunks[0]:
if re.match('^\(i+\)', line.strip()):
yield "{} {}".format(prev, line.strip())
i = int(chunks[0])
if i < 25 and i > prev:
prev = i
except ValueError:
yield prev
def ordinal_fee_type(fee_type):
fee_type_num = float(fee_type.split(' ')[0])
if 'iii' in fee_type:
return fee_type_num + 0.3
if 'ii' in fee_type:
return fee_type_num + 0.2
if 'i' in fee_type:
return fee_type_num + 0.1
return fee_type_num
page = _get_content("/government/collections/consular-fees", as_bs=True)
all_fees = OrderedDict()
for link in'[data-track-category=navDocumentCollectionLinkClicked]'):
page_url = "" + link['href']
page_with_pdf_link = _get_content(page_url, as_bs=True)
pdf_link = page_with_pdf_link.select_one('.attachment-details a')
raw = get_pdf_content(pdf_link['href'])
fees = list(get_fees_from_content(raw))
filtered_fees = list(filter(
lambda x: '{} (i)'.format(x) not in fees,
deduped_fees = OrderedDict.fromkeys(filtered_fees)
] = list(map(str, deduped_fees))
all_possible_fees = OrderedDict.fromkeys(chain.from_iterable(all_fees.values()))
all_possible_fees = sorted(all_possible_fees, key=ordinal_fee_type)
print('|'.join(['country'] + all_possible_fees))
for country, country_fees in all_fees.items():
country, pdf_link = country
print('=HYPERLINK("{}", "{}")|{}'.format(pdf_link, country, '|'.join([
'y' if fee in country_fees else 'n' for fee in all_possible_fees
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