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Created August 5, 2010 11:11
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// =============================================
// ---------------------------------------------
// By Chris Hill-Scott 2009-10
// Code is public domain, reuse as desired
// Requires jQuery
// ---------------------------------------------
// TODO: Prevent re-looking up $(window)
// ---------------------------------------------
// USAGE: $("img").imageScale();
// =============================================
// Use self-executing anonymous function to create namespace
var qImageScale = (function() {
return {
// Object to hold our cache of jQuery objects and option objects
selectors: {},
// Wrapper for the image scaling function which scales
// cached object collections, rather than do a re-lookup,
// useful when the container resizes, for example
cached: function() {
function() {
// Apply image scaling to a jQuery collection
live: function(options) {
var defaults = {
scale: 0.9, // controls the ammount of matte around the image, "1" will completely fill the screen
attr: {
x: "data-width",
y: "data-height"
container: $(window),
speed: 100,
updateCache: true
options = $.extend({}, defaults, options),
max = {
x: parseInt(options.container.width() * options.scale), // parseInt() makes things look better in FF
y: parseInt(options.container.height() * options.scale)
$self = $(this);
// Only do costly re-selection when we need to (and cache objects when we don't)
if (options.updateCache) {
options.updateCache = false;
qImageScale.selectors[$self.selector] = {
$collection: $self,
options: options
// Behave nicely, return a jQuery object
return this.each(
function() {
var $img = $(this),
nat = {
x: $img.attr(options.attr.x),
y: $img.attr(options.attr.y)
newHeight = max.x/(nat.x/nat.y),
// Determine if image needs resizing in some way
if ((nat.x > max.x) || (nat.y > max.y)) {
dimensions = {
"width": (newHeight > max.y) ? "auto" : max.x, // This switch determines if we're resizing
"height": (newHeight > max.y) ? max.y : "auto" // based on excess height or width
} else { // Image is naturaly smaller than viewport
dimensions = {
"width": "auto", // Give size control back to the browser
"height": "auto"
// Hook our function into jQuery
jQuery.fn.imageScale =;
// Hook our function into the window resize event, avoiding conflicts
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